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The Revealed Revelations of God


Well-Known Member
Absolutely wrong. You are forgetting all about Paul who took Christianity to Rome and within 300 years the pagan Roman Empire was converted to Paul's Christianity. Try another go at ignoring the historical facts. Maybe you can get Muslims to believe you but not this Christian.

Christians are only killing Christians in Ireland at this point in time and not many at that. But every day Muslims are killing Muslims and yet you won't respond to this fact and seek divert this ugly behavior pattern by attempting make all Christians into bad guys. And who here is slandering Jesus if not you yourself trying to make Jesus look like a violent bad guy. And I told you which you've apparently ignored that we Gnostic Christians do not, repeat, do not hold either the Old Testament or the New Testament as the final authoritative word of God. So I can and do find fault with the Bible at many places on both historical accuracy and moral grounds. And besides, Jesus taught that we Christians, unlike you Muslims, can criticize even Jesus and be forgiven because he knew what the most important part of following God is--"Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come". Mt. 12:32. God is a Spirit and those who worship God worship God as the Great Spirit animating the lives and actions of good men and women who help their neighbors in need and do not kill them for their sins like those following the reasoning of men.

Response: So according to you, Paul created a version of christianity. For the sake of argument, let's say that's true. But then you say that within 300 years, the Pagan Roman Empire converted to Paul's christianity. Then by your own words,....the challenge was never met!!!! I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive! So thank you for once again demonstrating the fact that there is no proof against the qur'an and the proof that the qur'an is the word of Allah is still valid.

Secondly, since you've just acknowledged that the bible has fault, then defending the bible at the same time is absurd. How do you know if the sories in the bible concerning Jesus are true if the bible has fault? Because it says so? That's completely illogical, especially since the bible is not the word of God.
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Admiral Obvious
Response: So according to you, Paul created a version of christianity. For the sake of argument, let's say that's true. But then you say that within 300 years, the Pagan Roman Empire converted to Paul's christianity. Then by your own words,....the challenge was never met!!!! I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive! So thank you for once again demonstrating the fact that there is no proof against the qur'an and the proof that the qur'an is the word of Allah is still valid.

Secondly, since you've just acknowledged that the bible has fault, then defending the bible at the same time is absurd. How do you know if the sories in the bible concerning Jesus are true if the bible has fault? Because it says so? That's completely illogical, especially since the bible is not the word of God.
Still with the denial I see


Fatihah;1832030]Response: So according to you, Paul created a version of christianity. For the sake of argument, let's say that's true. But then you say that within 300 years, the Pagan Roman Empire converted to Paul's christianity. Then by your own words,....the challenge was never met!!!! I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive! So thank you for once again demonstrating the fact that there is no proof against the qur'an and the proof that the qur'an is the word of Allah is still valid.

Read Paul's letters and then read what bible scholars think Paul was doing. You are so dead set to smear Christianity that you seem unable to read anything Christians or Western scholars write about these issues. By a consensus of bible scholars that I have yet to see discredited Paul is considered the one who made Christianity palatable to Romans. Read his letter to the Romans for a change! His leadership of the early Christian communities and especially his doctrine, contrary to Jesus', of having Christians obey their established (Roman) rulers is what finally got Christians accepted by Constantin and the Roman Empire.

Morally, yours and the Muslim idea that a religious leader conquering a nation equals God's approval is so corrupted by the old animal pattern seen in the territorial conquest and control agendas of alpha males that it really makes me wonder if peace with Muslim believers is ever possible.

To Westerners Islam's claim to be a religion of peace is like this:

"Peace will reign over Mankind when every non-believer in Muslim theology is killed and every nation converted to Islam."

Sorry, but we've seen this sort of fascist totalitarian ideology too many times to accept it again from Muslims who have yet to learn the lessons of history that Westerners have.

Secondly, since you've just acknowledged that the bible has fault, then defending the bible at the same time is absurd. How do you know if the sories in the bible concerning Jesus are true if the bible has fault? Because it says so? That's completely illogical, especially since the bible is not the word of God.

You haven't been paying attention to what I post. All my statements about being a Gnostic Christian haven't registered in your brain yet. My faith in Jesus Christ does not rest on the words of men in the Bible. It rests on direct spiritual communion with God and the Spirit of Christ. The Bible to me is a reference guidebook, nothing more, nothing less. The Gospel stories of Jesus Christ are just that, stories, yet they are full of spiritual wisdom, more so than any other set of religious texts on earth in my Christian belief. I am not a Bible idolator but you, my friend, as a Muslim have been taught to think every believer in God must also treat men's Word(s) of God as if they were idols. This is why intellectual believers in God in the West and East have moved beyond word idolatry. You can't think straight if your God is confined to a Book.
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Well-Known Member
Fatihah;1832030]Response: So according to you, Paul created a version of christianity. For the sake of argument, let's say that's true. But then you say that within 300 years, the Pagan Roman Empire converted to Paul's christianity. Then by your own words,....the challenge was never met!!!! I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive! So thank you for once again demonstrating the fact that there is no proof against the qur'an and the proof that the qur'an is the word of Allah is still valid.

Read Paul's letters and then read what bible scholars think Paul was doing. You are so dead set to smear Christianity that you seem unable to read anything Christians or Western scholars write about these issues. By a consensus of bible scholars that I have yet to see discredited Paul is considered the one who made Christianity palatable to Romans. Read his letter to the Romans for a change! His leadership of the early Christian communities and especially his doctrine, contrary to Jesus', of having Christians obey their established (Roman) rulers is what finally got Christians accepted by Constantin and the Roman Empire.

Morally, yours and the Muslim idea that a religious leader conquering a nation equals God's approval is so corrupted by the old animal pattern seen in the territorial conquest and control agendas of alpha males that it really makes me wonder if peace with Muslim believers is ever possible.

To Westerners Islam's claim to be a religion of peace is like this:

"Peace will reign over Mankind when every non-believer in Muslim theology is killed and every nation converted to Islam."

Sorry, but we've seen this sort of fascist totalitarian ideology too many times to accept it again from Muslims who have yet to learn the lessons of history that Westerners have.

Secondly, since you've just acknowledged that the bible has fault, then defending the bible at the same time is absurd. How do you know if the sories in the bible concerning Jesus are true if the bible has fault? Because it says so? That's completely illogical, especially since the bible is not the word of God.

You haven't been paying attention to what I post. All my statements about being a Gnostic Christian haven't registered in your brain yet. My faith in Jesus Christ does not rest on the words of men in the Bible. It rests on direct spiritual communion with God and the Spirit of Christ. The Bible to me is a reference guidebook, nothing more, nothing less. The Gospel stories of Jesus Christ are just that, stories, yet they are full of spiritual wisdom, more so than any other set of religious texts on earth in my Christian belief. I am not a Bible idolator but you, my friend, as a Muslim have been taught to think every believer in God must also treat men's Word(s) of God as if they were idols. This is why intellectual believers in God in the West and East have moved beyond word idolatry. You can't think straight if your God is confined to a Book.

Response: There's not a single letter of Paul, nor any writing from any historian which you can provide which says that when the Pagan Roman Empire was conquered, is was done so because Paul told them so. Not one. Thus your so-called evidence is not worthless.

And since you have no proof of your direct spiritual communion with God and the Spirit of Christ, nor have you any proof that the evidence that the qur'an is true is invalid, then we can conclude that you are in serious denial that the qur'an is the true word of Allah. For the qur'an can be proven so, while your beliefs can't.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The OP title is redundant. Revelations are by their very nature revealed.

This would be like saying "The exposed expose of Anna Nicole Simpson!"


Fatihah: Response: There's not a single letter of Paul, nor any writing from any historian which you can provide which says that when the Pagan Roman Empire was conquered, is was done so because Paul told them so. Not one. Thus your so-called evidence is not worthless.

Historians of the Roman Empire would tell you that Christianity would never have flown in pagan Rome without Paul's theology of uniting the Jewish Messiah expectation with the pagan Mystery Religion's dying/resurrection god-man theologies. These Mystery Religions, especially Mithraism in which Mithra has much in common with the elements of Christ, enjoyed immense popularity throughout the Roman Empire before early Christian churchmen, following Paul's theology to create a Christian Church that was not threatening to Roman rulers, were accepted by Constantin (and his mother who also played a major role in Romans making Christianity the state religion). "Thus your so-called evidence is not worthless." Thank you for acknowledging this even if by Freudian slip..;)

You have this rather narrow-minded idea that the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator of that religion in his lifetime, something that the historic spread of Islam itself refutes as nonsense. The spiritual power of Jesus Christ to overpower pagan Rome took 300 years to happen yet Christianity became and still is the world's most powerful universal religion as well as having the most adherents.

Fatihah: And since you have no proof of your direct spiritual communion with God and the Spirit of Christ, nor have you any proof that the evidence that the qur'an is true is invalid, then we can conclude that you are in serious denial that the qur'an is the true word of Allah. For the qur'an can be proven so, while your beliefs can't.

Oh, but I do have proof of my direct spiritual communion with God. Lot's of proof. I've got a BOOK, remember? And it's loaded with new spiritual information, unlike Mushammad's book, the Quran, which is basically an Arabic recasting of the Mosaic stories and theology to conform to Muhammad's belief system. And also, over 500 Israeli Arab Christians in Nazareth, Israel honored me and the Sign of the Messiah I brought them at Easter in the year 2003. Muslims in Nazareth also honored me and Saif Al Salam, showering me with flower petals and candies from balconies above the Easter parade route through old Nazareth.

Muhammad and his reliance on Jewish myths of origin such as the story of Abraham and Moses and the Exodus are already toast, already being relegated to the status of ancient mythology. Israeli archeologists themselves after searching for any signs of the passage of over a million Hebrews wandering around the desert for 40 years and finding none now admit the Exodus likely never happened. And Abraham? He's Brahma recast as a Hebrew progenitor while Brahma's wife, Sarasvati, was recast as Sarah. Sarasvati, the Vedic goddess of wisdom named after the Sarasvati river, has her handmaiden, Hagar, in the Hebrew myth, while the Sarasvati river had as its main tributary, the Ghaggar-Hakra river. Abraham=Brahma. Sarah=Sarasvati, Hagar=Ghaggar-Hakra. With more additions to the borrowing such as the Vedic prince with magical powers, Malik-Sadaksina becoming Melchizedek in the Hebrew makeover.

I'm surprised you haven't yet discovered that Muslims posting their praises of their Quran and Muhammad's theology on these Internet religious forums are finding themselves in a position similar to Nazis trying to explain why they did what they did. Islam is a religion of proven violence that just doesn't seem to stop. 40 more Muslims blown to pieces today by fellow Muslims. How can anyone praise the source of this kind of violence done in the name of God?


Another 75 more Muslims blown to pieces by fellow Muslims today and another one arrested on his way to murdering a Danish cartoonist. This is a "religion of peace"?

God really has a sense of humor because this prophet was a cartoonist for his high school newspaper and college humor magazine. Afterward I developed my cartoon style into art paintings. I can hardly wait to satirize myself standing on a pedestal with all my billions of followers averting their eyes lest they gaze upon the Great Oz and be turned to stone.



Well-Known Member
Fatihah: Response: There's not a single letter of Paul, nor any writing from any historian which you can provide which says that when the Pagan Roman Empire was conquered, is was done so because Paul told them so. Not one. Thus your so-called evidence is not worthless.

Historians of the Roman Empire would tell you that Christianity would never have flown in pagan Rome without Paul's theology of uniting the Jewish Messiah expectation with the pagan Mystery Religion's dying/resurrection god-man theologies. These Mystery Religions, especially Mithraism in which Mithra has much in common with the elements of Christ, enjoyed immense popularity throughout the Roman Empire before early Christian churchmen, following Paul's theology to create a Christian Church that was not threatening to Roman rulers, were accepted by Constantin (and his mother who also played a major role in Romans making Christianity the state religion). "Thus your so-called evidence is not worthless." Thank you for acknowledging this even if by Freudian slip..;)

You have this rather narrow-minded idea that the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator of that religion in his lifetime, something that the historic spread of Islam itself refutes as nonsense. The spiritual power of Jesus Christ to overpower pagan Rome took 300 years to happen yet Christianity became and still is the world's most powerful universal religion as well as having the most adherents.

Fatihah: And since you have no proof of your direct spiritual communion with God and the Spirit of Christ, nor have you any proof that the evidence that the qur'an is true is invalid, then we can conclude that you are in serious denial that the qur'an is the true word of Allah. For the qur'an can be proven so, while your beliefs can't.

Oh, but I do have proof of my direct spiritual communion with God. Lot's of proof. I've got a BOOK, remember? And it's loaded with new spiritual information, unlike Mushammad's book, the Quran, which is basically an Arabic recasting of the Mosaic stories and theology to conform to Muhammad's belief system. And also, over 500 Israeli Arab Christians in Nazareth, Israel honored me and the Sign of the Messiah I brought them at Easter in the year 2003. Muslims in Nazareth also honored me and Saif Al Salam, showering me with flower petals and candies from balconies above the Easter parade route through old Nazareth.

Muhammad and his reliance on Jewish myths of origin such as the story of Abraham and Moses and the Exodus are already toast, already being relegated to the status of ancient mythology. Israeli archeologists themselves after searching for any signs of the passage of over a million Hebrews wandering around the desert for 40 years and finding none now admit the Exodus likely never happened. And Abraham? He's Brahma recast as a Hebrew progenitor while Brahma's wife, Sarasvati, was recast as Sarah. Sarasvati, the Vedic goddess of wisdom named after the Sarasvati river, has her handmaiden, Hagar, in the Hebrew myth, while the Sarasvati river had as its main tributary, the Ghaggar-Hakra river. Abraham=Brahma. Sarah=Sarasvati, Hagar=Ghaggar-Hakra. With more additions to the borrowing such as the Vedic prince with magical powers, Malik-Sadaksina becoming Melchizedek in the Hebrew makeover.

I'm surprised you haven't yet discovered that Muslims posting their praises of their Quran and Muhammad's theology on these Internet religious forums are finding themselves in a position similar to Nazis trying to explain why they did what they did. Islam is a religion of proven violence that just doesn't seem to stop. 40 more Muslims blown to pieces today by fellow Muslims. How can anyone praise the source of this kind of violence done in the name of God?


(Quote biomystic)
"You have this rather narrow-minded idea that the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator of that religion in his lifetime,..."(end quote).

To the contrary, you possess an inability to comprehend, because at no time did I make such a claim, nor can you qoute me saying so. Once again you've demonstrated another pointless argument.

(Quote biomystic)
Oh, but I do have proof of my direct spiritual communion with God. Lot's of proof. I've got a BOOK, remember? (End quote).

There's the statement. Where's the proof? With every post, you've demonstrated that you have none. Fortunately, we muslims don't have that problem. The proof that the qur'an is from Allah has been proven to you, yet you have absolutely no proof that your beliefs are from God, yet you accept them anyway. Thus you are putting your beliefs over the will of God and you have the nerve to claim that you follow God? How sad it is.
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(Quote biomystic)
"You have this rather narrow-minded idea that the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator of that religion in his lifetime,..."(end quote).

To the contrary, you possess an inability to comprehend, because at no time did I make such a claim, nor can you qoute me saying so. Once again you've demonstrated another pointless argument.

So you are saying you didn't really post this:

Fatihah: "I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive!"

Fatihah, if you are denying that you post what you post what are we to think of your responses which more and more seem robotic refutations, but you're just posting mere empty words that show nothing is really registering in your head about these contrary things in Islamic claims you don't want to face. Such as believing that God's blessing of a religious prophet is tied to the number of nations conquered in that prophet's name.

(Quote biomystic)
Oh, but I do have proof of my direct spiritual communion with God. Lot's of proof. I've got a BOOK, remember? (End quote).

There's the statement. Where's the proof? With every post, you've demonstrated that you have none. Fortunately, we muslims don't have that problem.

You do have a problem of not looking, though. My book is here online, Fatihah, and it's far more complex and filled with far more religious visions and revelations and far more spiritual insight than Muhammad ever dreamed of because God is with me as real man of peace and intellectual honesty and not a phony claiming to start a religion of peace by using the sword of war and instilling fear in people's mind.

The proof that the qur'an is from Allah has been proven to you, yet you have absolutely no proof that your beliefs are from God, yet you accept them anyway.

What proof do I or anyone have that the Quran is from God? If the Quran is the best your Allah can provide, then who needs it? What person or society in their right minds needs this sort of religious instruction that seems to guide Muslims into some of the worst criminal acts going on on earth, blowing fellow Muslims up daily and doing utterly stupid acts like attacking cartoonists?

Thus you are putting your beliefs over the will of God and you have the nerve to claim that you follow God? How sad it is.

You keep failing to provide any proof whatsoever the Quran is from God. Is killing fellow Muslims everyday proof of God's guidance? Heaven help the poor deluded Muslim who has had their minds so warped that they think evil is good and good is evil. God is a God of goodness, not evil and it's past time to realize you've been suckered into believing a bogus theology that claims to be of God yet inspires Muslims to commit satanic acts of evil against others. Open your eyes. No non-Muslim is ever going to be convinced of Islam's claim to be a religion of peace when Muslims act out violence the world witnesses happening in Muslim lands everyday of the week. Actions always speak louder than words, Fatihah. If Islam is your religion you could consider abandoning religious hypocrisy by joining the Ahmadiyyah Muslims who really are non-violent and prove it by their actions.
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Well-Known Member

(Quote biomystic)
"You have this rather narrow-minded idea that the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator of that religion in his lifetime,..."(end quote).

To the contrary, you possess an inability to comprehend, because at no time did I make such a claim, nor can you qoute me saying so. Once again you've demonstrated another pointless argument.

So you are saying you didn't really post this:

Fatihah: "I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive!"

Fatihah, if you are denying that you post what you post what are we to think of your responses which more and more seem robotic refutations, but you're just posting mere empty words that show nothing is really registering in your head about these contrary things in Islamic claims you don't want to face. Such as believing that God's blessing of a religious prophet is tied to the number of nations conquered in that prophet's name.

(Quote biomystic)
Oh, but I do have proof of my direct spiritual communion with God. Lot's of proof. I've got a BOOK, remember? (End quote).

There's the statement. Where's the proof? With every post, you've demonstrated that you have none. Fortunately, we muslims don't have that problem.

You do have a problem of not looking, though. My book is here online, Fatihah, and it's far more complex and filled with far more religious visions and revelations and far more spiritual insight than Muhammad ever dreamed of because God is with me as real man of peace and intellectual honesty and not a phony claiming to start a religion of peace by using the sword of war and instilling fear in people's mind.

The proof that the qur'an is from Allah has been proven to you, yet you have absolutely no proof that your beliefs are from God, yet you accept them anyway.

What proof do I or anyone have that the Quran is from God? If the Quran is the best your Allah can provide, then who needs it? What person or society in their right minds needs this sort of religious instruction that seems to guide Muslims into some of the worst criminal acts going on on earth, blowing fellow Muslims up daily and doing utterly stupid acts like attacking cartoonists?

Thus you are putting your beliefs over the will of God and you have the nerve to claim that you follow God? How sad it is.

You keep failing to provide any proof whatsoever the Quran is from God. Is killing fellow Muslims everyday proof of God's guidance? Heaven help the poor deluded Muslim who has had their minds so warped that they think evil is good and good is evil. God is a God of goodness, not evil and it's past time to realize you've been suckered into believing a bogus theology that claims to be of God yet inspires Muslims to commit satanic acts of evil against others. Open your eyes. No non-Muslim is ever going to be convinced of Islam's claim to be a religion of peace when Muslims act out violence the world witnesses happening in Muslim lands everyday of the week. Actions always speak louder than words, Fatihah. If Islam is your religion you could consider abandoning religious hypocrisy by joining the Ahmadiyyah Muslims who really are non-violent and prove it by their actions.

(Quote biomystic)
"You have this rather narrow-minded idea that the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator of that religion in his lifetime,..."(end quote).

To the contrary, you possess an inability to comprehend, because at no time did I make such a claim, nor can you qoute me saying so. Once again you've demonstrated another pointless argument.

So you are saying you didn't really post this:

Fatihah: "I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive!"

Fatihah, if you are denying that you post what you post what are we to think of your responses which more and more seem robotic refutations, but you're just posting mere empty words that show nothing is really registering in your head about these contrary things in Islamic claims you don't want to face. Such as believing that God's blessing of a religious prophet is tied to the number of nations conquered in that prophet's name.(end quote).

Response: O.k. I see what's going on. Unfortunately, you've reduced your arguments to the strawman approach. Bringing up arguments which were never stated and disputing them instead of the actual argument, in an effort to disguise your denial to the simple fact that the proof of the qur'an being the word of Allah is in fact valid. No worries. I know how to deal with your kind. The following will show just that.

You just stated (We'll call this example one):

So you are saying you didn't really post this:

Fatihah: "I said that the one who created the religion can not use their religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. So when the Pagan empire converted to christianity 300 years later, where was Paul? Dead!! Therefore, Paul did not use christianity to inspire any followers to follow him into conquering the Pagan Roman Empire because Paul died long, long before the empire was conquered. The people who conquered the Roman Empire did not do so because Paul inspired them to do so. Paul never told them to conquer the Pagan Roman empire. Paul wasn't even alive!"

Fatihah, if you are denying that you post what you post what are we to think of your responses which more and more seem robotic refutations, but you're just posting mere empty words that show nothing is really registering in your head about these contrary things in Islamic claims you don't want to face. Such as believing that God's blessing of a religious prophet is tied to the number of nations conquered in that prophet's name.(end quote).

When did I say that I never said the above quote? I didn't. I said I never said this (We'll call this example 2):

"the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator of that religion in his lifetime,..."

Those are two different quotes. In example 2, we see the words, "the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator.."

Now are those words present in the first example? No! Is there any sentence in example 1 that means "the propagation of a new religion can only come from the originator.."? No! That means that they are 2 different quotes. Therefore we are faced with a problem. Either you can't understand simple english, or this was another attempt to play with words in an effort to cover your denial to the fact that the proof that the qur'an is from Allah is valid. So tell us, which one is it? The reason is very obvious. You are clearly in denial. Otherwise, you would not have to play with words.
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Resident Liberal Hippie
Response: Yes. The challenge is for one to show in fact that it is possible to create a religion and their made up religion to inspire enough followers to conquer a nation. You haven't met that challenge. No one has.

Is it your intention to imply that the challenge has been met by Islam?


Fatihah, let's make this simple:

Muslims claim Muhammad's Islam is a religion of peace. Please prove how Islam is a religion of peace.

Muslims claim Muhammad's Quran is without any errors. Muhammad claims he is in line with the prophets recorded in the Old Testament. He uses Moses and the Exodus story as a reference. Please show us historical proof of Moses' existence and the Exodus event when archeologists have been unable to find a single trace of this event.


Well-Known Member
Fatihah, let's make this simple:

Muslims claim Muhammad's Islam is a religion of peace. Please prove how Islam is a religion of peace.

Muslims claim Muhammad's Quran is without any errors. Muhammad claims he is in line with the prophets recorded in the Old Testament. He uses Moses and the Exodus story as a reference. Please show us historical proof of Moses' existence and the Exodus event when archeologists have been unable to find a single trace of this event.

Response: We know islam is a religion of peace because every teaching in islam is to create peace. As for proof of Moses' existance, the test presented in post 65 proves that the qur'an is in fact the true word of Allah. That being the case, since the qur'an is proven to be true, then it's mentioning that Moses existed is true as well.

By the way, Muhammad has never used the exodus story as a reference. However, if you have proof otherwise, then kindly present it forward.