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the right religion


Active Member
there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)
no i haven't done any research about that, as i think that there'sno life on other planets :rolleyes:
so without comprehensive research you have made up your mind that islam is the right religion?
is it the islamic way to just assume islam is the right religion?


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
how worshippin a cow makes sense with me? could you make it sensible to me?
how does worshiping an invisible man in the sky make sense to a Hindu? I am just pointing out that you don't seem to have done your research. You made up your mind before you saw all the evidence objectively in favor of other religions.
also you are offending me that i don't read about all the other religion, did you read one chapter from the quran?
Why are you offended if I conclude, based on your answers, that you have not read about or studied in depth, other religions? Have I read one chapter from the quran? Yes, as a matter of fact. But I don't need to. I am not the one making the claim that any one particular religion is the true one, you are.


Jehovah our God is One
you don't understand me, but any way i agree about your suggesstion to start another thread, what's your opinion to make it's title "is the bible the word of the right god"

but let's first agreed on the basis of the debate

1- don't tell me the copy of bible is wrongand the right in the hebrew copy is........ as i don't know how to read hebrew, i think the people who translate the bible knows hebrew well and so that they translate it
2- what will you do if i prove the errors to you? will you leave your religion "i'm not talking to be a muslim" just to leave your religion and look for another better one?
what's your opinion

You could name it 'Is the bible Authentic' - put it in biblical debates forum... or if you want a one on one I think there is a forum especially for one on one debates.

And if you want to make a list of the 'errors', I will discuss those errors individually with you.

I already know all the errors you are going to bring up, so I am not concerned that I will be needing to change my religion any time soon. But even if you find an error that I cannot refute, well, I only know one God and I will not leave him over one error I cannot refute... i will have to trust him to reveal things at a future time.

But I look forward to defending the bible over these things that you believe are errors.


Agnostic Pantheist
So abduallah, cows aside. are you going to take on my question?
in light of recent events in Egypt, and other North African countries. what attractive qualities do you have to discuss about Islamic societies.
real qualities of discussion which involve the urgent confrontations and concerns of today?
bringing in the afterlife, the perfection of your religion are not going to cut it, when the rest of us are focused on the social and political issues we view on the television screens.


there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)

There r not many, there are only two faiths in the whole world, from which only one leads to the compleate libration or god.:)

Namely they are:
  • Mindfaith
  • Teacherfaith
Mindfaith: Path choosed with the help of our own mind and intelligence, does'nt matter weather we are choosing christanity, or islam, or hinduism, or sikhism, or any religion etc..

Teacherfaith: Path choosed with the help of person, further who has attained compleate libration, or compleate peace, or joy, or enlightenment, or finally said god, does'nt matter the person is of which religion.

Now the question arrises here that, how can we address/ know a person, further who have attained compleate libration, or compleate peace, or joy, or enlightenment, or god ?:(

The answer is: One should pray O god! you are residing within me, you know everything about me, you know how crazy i am for you, so please listen to my prayer and please address me any person, further who have attained you, so that he/she can show me the right path which leades towards you.

Result: Such supreame power "God" is everywhere, if the prayer is truely from heart, than surely he will listen to the prayer and will introduce a person, in such a manner, that we cannot say him/her a false teacher.

But until or unless one gets the right teacher, there is no right path, no right religion, and one should not follow anybody blindly, but this also true that the way to libration or god is impossible without the help of perfect teacher.

So.. Only heartly cries and prayers work here... nothing else:(



Active Member
There r not many, there are only two faiths in the whole world, from which only one leads to the compleate libration or god.:)

Namely they are:
  • Mindfaith
  • Teacherfaith
Mindfaith: Path choosed with the help of our own mind and intelligence, does'nt matter weather we are choosing christanity, or islam, or hinduism, or sikhism, or any religion etc..

Teacherfaith: Path choosed with the help of person, further who has attained compleate libration, or compleate peace, or joy, or enlightenment, or finally said god, does'nt matter the person is of which religion.

Now the question arrises here that, how can we address/ know a person, further who have attained compleate libration, or compleate peace, or joy, or enlightenment, or god ?:(

The answer is: One should pray O god! you are residing within me, you know everything about me, you know how crazy i am for you, so please listen to my prayer and please address me any person, further who have attained you, so that he/she can show me the right path which leades towards you.

Result: Such supreame power "God" is everywhere, if the prayer is truely from heart, than surely he will listen to the prayer and will introduce a person, in such a manner, that we cannot say him/her a false teacher.

But until or unless one gets the right teacher, there is no right path, no right religion, and one should not follow anybody blindly, but this also true that the way to libration or god is impossible without the help of perfect teacher.

So.. Only heartly cries and prayers work here... nothing else:(

are extra terrestrials perfect teachers?

islam abduallah

Active Member
So abduallah, cows aside. are you going to take on my question?
in light of recent events in Egypt, and other North African countries. what attractive qualities do you have to discuss about Islamic societies.
real qualities of discussion which involve the urgent confrontations and concerns of today?
bringing in the afterlife, the perfection of your religion are not going to cut it, when the rest of us are focused on the social and political issues we view on the television screens.

my name is Islam not abduallah, abduallah is a description for me "means the servant of allah" :)
i'd like to say that the middle east doesn't represent the islam, the population of the Arab muslims to the whole muslim population is 1:6 only, what about malaysia, indonesia (the biggest muslim population country) and turkey, are not they Muslims??, why you don't talk about them, why you don't talk about the Muslims in europe, in UK, in USA, they are also too much,
and what the mistakes Muslims do in Egypt or syria, libya, is asking for freedom a mistake ? i think Europe also pass by that period before. isn't it?

islam abduallah

Active Member
There r not many, there are only two faiths in the whole world, from which only one leads to the compleate libration or god.:)

Namely they are:
  • Mindfaith
  • Teacherfaith
Mindfaith: Path choosed with the help of our own mind and intelligence, does'nt matter weather we are choosing christanity, or islam, or hinduism, or sikhism, or any religion etc..

Teacherfaith: Path choosed with the help of person, further who has attained compleate libration, or compleate peace, or joy, or enlightenment, or finally said god, does'nt matter the person is of which religion.

Now the question arrises here that, how can we address/ know a person, further who have attained compleate libration, or compleate peace, or joy, or enlightenment, or god ?:(

The answer is: One should pray O god! you are residing within me, you know everything about me, you know how crazy i am for you, so please listen to my prayer and please address me any person, further who have attained you, so that he/she can show me the right path which leades towards you.

Result: Such supreame power "God" is everywhere, if the prayer is truely from heart, than surely he will listen to the prayer and will introduce a person, in such a manner, that we cannot say him/her a false teacher.

But until or unless one gets the right teacher, there is no right path, no right religion, and one should not follow anybody blindly, but this also true that the way to libration or god is impossible without the help of perfect teacher.

So.. Only heartly cries and prayers work here... nothing else:(


well, so what's the problem if we nominate that perfect teacher as Moses or Jesus, or Mohamed peace upon all?, it would gather the2 faiths in only one faith :)

islam abduallah

Active Member
You could name it 'Is the bible Authentic' - put it in biblical debates forum... or if you want a one on one I think there is a forum especially for one on one debates.

And if you want to make a list of the 'errors', I will discuss those errors individually with you.

I already know all the errors you are going to bring up, so I am not concerned that I will be needing to change my religion any time soon. But even if you find an error that I cannot refute, well, I only know one God and I will not leave him over one error I cannot refute... i will have to trust him to reveal things at a future time.

But I look forward to defending the bible over these things that you believe are errors.

if you don't have the possibility to change "if yuo are wrong", so what's the porpose of the conversation? you end it before it starts :) am i wrong?


Agnostic Pantheist
my name is Islam not abduallah, abduallah is a description for me "means the servant of allah" :)
Yes I know that.
i'd like to say that the middle east doesn't represent the islam, the population of the Arab muslims to the whole muslim population is 1:6 only, what about malaysia, indonesia (the biggest muslim population country) and turkey, are not they Muslims??, why you don't talk about them,
Sure, do you find any of these societies to be ideal as to what Westerners are aiming for?
why you don't talk about the Muslims in europe, in UK, in USA, they are also too much,
So when is a time in which a majority of Muslim members actually confront the questions posed to them?
you are pointing anywhere else, but your own social challenges. is Islam, helpful or not to your social concerns?
and what the mistakes Muslims do in Egypt or syria, libya, is asking for freedom a mistake ? i think Europe also pass by that period before. isn't it?
You are not looking at it the same way most of us do. this is not about authentic freedom. revolutions is not something we have not heard of before in the last decades, taking place in either Egypt or Syria. what we see is political turmoil, the fact that you are brainwashed enough to talk about freedom is sad. citizens in your country are dying. there wont be any big changes with the outset of Mubarak. Egypt, your country is still going to be poor. neither Islam nor political movements are going to save you from tyranny. a solid secular middle class is unfortunately for you, the only option for a long term success.
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Well-Known Member
The problem for me with scriptures is they were written by Humans....

In your opinion, no doubt.

But IOV at least some of them were written by God-sent Divine Messengers and are therefore beyond reproach!

The more so because we have the original manuscript of EVERY ONE of our 200 volumes of scripture!

Peace, :)



Twig pentagram

High Priest
islam isn't mystical, we are not ordered to do worship the god only and leave the life,
i'mjust asking you for an example
That was an example. Here's another one, there's no proof of Allahs' existence. Here's another one, Adam and Eve is a myth. Here's another one Moses is more than likely a myth and Yeshua could be a myth too. I have at least twenty more reasons for my lack of faith in the Abrahamic religions. Oh yea, mystical; 1- Spiritual or symbolic 2- of or relating to an intimate knowledge of or direct communion with the supernatural. I think Islam is mystical.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
In your opinion, no doubt.

But IOV at least some of them were written by God-sent Divine Messengers and are therefore beyond reproach!

The more so because we have the original manuscript of EVERY ONE of our 200 volumes of scripture!

Peace, :)


But its still supposition that your God sent a Human being with a divine message and thats why religion is a faith and not a fact,when weighing up the available evidence or rather lack of evidence that say Jesus walked on water,moses parted the Red Sea,the Exodus,Noahs Ark or Muhammeds night flight on a winged Mule with a Womans face (Buraq) what should one deduce from reason,thats exactly why its a faith because these scriptures are not facts.

All just my opinion though Bruce,theres obviously a few billion people who would disagree with me and accept all thats written in their holy books.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
buddhism isn't a religion, it's philosiphical way, and buddhists do wrong when they are worshipping man like them, who can't do anything for them,

Not all Buddhists worship Buddha. Besides, he did everything for them, by standing up to blind ritualism, which was prevalent at the time, and declaring Dharma.

Hinduism really i can't worship a cow or rate or something like that, all of that doesn't make sense with me at all
I'm Hindu, but I don't worship cows or rats. I worship God.
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Its only a Label
Friend islam,
Repeating the post once more as unless you are responding to this it is clear about your intention.
the right religion
there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path?

Have no idea as to where the seed of the idea that there is only ONE right religion came fro but do understand that the object is to reach to a place and one may take any path as long as the path is reached. There is no race that one gets the prize and others do not as ETERNITY or TIMELESS has to time to measure/compare such aspects.
Kindly remember that the objective is to reach the place and so every way is right and most this way or that way everyone reaches.

Love & rgds


are extra terrestrials perfect teachers?
Firstly: Ask your god he is within you. :)

Anyhow, as do what chinu understand is --- That in the entire history, the famous kings of spirituality like jesus, muhammed, nanak etc.. all were terrestrials, they never escaped in the jungles.

Like the bird who cannot fly with one feather, so.. it's compulsory to have two feathers to fly, similarly, wordly duties and as well as devotion, both are important in life.

Its like keeping hands or body in work (Reasonable-wordly-duties), and mind towards god, its like living like submarine, as the envoirment of the sea doesn't effect its inner envoirment. such kind of person lives in the world, but stay away from the world, truely such kind of people can be said as true terrestrials.

Truely terrestrials are those, who stay away from world on the level of mind, not body.



Jehovah our God is One
if you don't have the possibility to change "if yuo are wrong", so what's the porpose of the conversation? you end it before it starts :) am i wrong?

its just that i have had these discussions before and I have heard it all

I've never found one contradiction or error that is legitimate in disproving the bible is the authentic word of God. Never.

If i asked you the same question, how would you answer? Im pretty sure you would not give up Islam If I could prove the bible is authentic.


well, so what's the problem if we nominate that perfect teacher as Moses or Jesus, or Mohamed peace upon all?, it would gather the2 faiths in only one faith :)

The problem is not in gathering two faiths or all faiths in the whole world, Chinu respect this funda of gathering very heartly, but the problem is, how can dead docter's treat patient ? :)
