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the right religion

islam abduallah

Active Member
It is always possible that no religion is right, they could all be wrong, every single one.

Maybe the true religion will be started after we dies, as the rest of the religions we have are only a few thousand years old or less, everbody before that time would have had no right religion to follow, perhaps we are still waiting.

I just feel that if God or Gods did send one right religion, there would be no debate, every human who is inclined to faith would know it when they seen it.

Ive seen such devoted followers of all faiths, if there is one right path, God is not very good at communicating it to the World.

unfortunately there will be no chance after death, the test will be ended by our death,
thegodhas only one religion, the god had sent prophets to teach the people the right path, after certain period, the people distort the books, and mix their words by the words of the god, so that thegod sent another prophet, till he sent moses to israellians, then they distort the torah so he sent the jesus to recorrect theirfaith, then the gospel is also distorted and the people begin to worship the jesus himself, so that the god sent mohamed, so it'sone religion but the people distort all except one


ThrUU the Looking Glass
unfortunately there will be no chance after death, the test will be ended by our death,
thegodhas only one religion, the god had sent prophets to teach the people the right path, after certain period, the people distort the books, and mix their words by the words of the god, so that thegod sent another prophet, till he sent moses to israellians, then they distort the torah so he sent the jesus to recorrect theirfaith, then the gospel is also distorted and the people begin to worship the jesus himself, so that the god sent mohamed, so it'sone religion but the people distort all except one
You're getting very close to breaking rule 8, sweetie.

ETA: That doesn't mean you've done so, so don't delete the post, but I don't want to see you get in trouble.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
:no:, there is only one religion beneficial to it's followers, it's islam, surly you will reply how, look to the muslims community how it's in the tail of nations? i'm totally agreed with you about that, but let's see deeply are really muslims acting as right muslims like our prophet and his first followers? far away we are, this is the reason that we left the islam's teaching behind our backs and take others teachingto make it as our guidance, this is the reasion, if we return back to our religion we will back the ideal community in every field as we were

Which Islam though,all the way back to the companions,Salafi or the visions of Al Banna,Qutb,Rida or others like Mawdudi, seems like a system that worked 1400 years ago isn't going to be very popular especially when one considers the different sects and more liberal Muslims.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
so, i was mistaken
Yes. And RF is an absolutely wonderful place to clear up such misunderstandings.

If something seems silly, or illogical, or whatever... don't just say so. Go into a DIR and ask actual followers what it means. Usually, it makes sense from the inside.

Once you're educated, THEN you can argue. :)


Active Member
unfortunately there will be no chance after death, the test will be ended by our death,
thegodhas only one religion, the god had sent prophets to teach the people the right path, after certain period, the people distort the books, and mix their words by the words of the god, so that thegod sent another prophet, till he sent moses to israellians, then they distort the torah so he sent the jesus to recorrect theirfaith, then the gospel is also distorted and the people begin to worship the jesus himself, so that the god sent mohamed, so it'sone religion but the people distort all except one

That is only one God, over 200,000 known Gods worshipped today and in history, no way to know you have even picked the right God.

That requires putting your trust in the prophet in question that he is not a fake, the people in the WACO compound Texas thought they were on to a sure thing, and they died under that assumption.

Do you speak to God via a book?

If not then why is a book needed for him to speak to us, it makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
Does the book of Mormon, the holy piby of the Rastafarian faith, and scriptures from the east fall within your faiths canon of literature?

ie what books are accepted as true, or is it all?

While the scriptures of a number of very old religions are recognized as scriptural, they are no longer considered accurate or reliable enough to provide serious guidance because they've been so altered and changed over the millenia.

The Jewish scriptures are about the oldest we still recognize as useful, but even the Christian scripture, while very useful, have been tampered with at least a bit (as demonstrated by the fact that many if not most Christian churches now reject and omit the end of the Book of Mark as spurious).

The Qur'an and the Baha'i scriptures are fully accurate, the Baha'i scriptures in particular as we have the original manuscript--vetted and/or signed by its author--for all 200 volumes of our scripture!

The Book of Mormon and the others you mention aren't scripture, nor do we use them (or even refer to them) as our own scriptures are quite explicit in stating no other present-day work is legitimate (nor can anything valid appear for centuries to come).



England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
While the scriptures of a number of very old religions are recognized as scriptural, they are no longer considered accurate or reliable enough to provide serious guidance because they've been so altered and changed over the millenia.

The Jewish scriptures are about the oldest we still recognize as useful, but even the Christian scripture, while very useful, have been tampered with at least a bit (as demonstrated by the fact that many if not most Christian churches now reject and omit the end of the Book of Mark as spurious).

The Qur'an and the Baha'i scriptures are fully accurate, the Baha'i scriptures in particular as we have the original manuscript--vetted and/or signed by its author--for all 200 volumes of our scripture!

The Book of Mormon and the others you mention aren't scripture, nor do we use them (or even refer to them) as our own scriptures are quite explicit in stating no other present-day work is legitimate (nor can anything valid appear for centuries to come).



I guess the only good thing is the Author signed your book,i find the part highlighted in red an incredible unprovable claim IMO


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
unfortunately there will be no chance after death, the test will be ended by our death,
Are you sure about that?
thegodhas only one religion,
Hmmm... I look around and see lots of religions...
the god had sent prophets to teach the people the right path, after certain period, the people distort the books, and mix their words by the words of the god, so that thegod sent another prophet, till he sent moses to israellians, then they distort the torah so he sent the jesus to recorrect theirfaith, then the gospel is also distorted and the people begin to worship the jesus himself, so that the god sent mohamed, so it'sone religion but the people distort all except one
What about Buddha? What about Hinduism? You forgot to mention those...


Revelation all the time
thegodhas only one religion, the god had sent prophets to teach the people the right path, after certain period, the people distort the books, and mix their words by the words of the god, so that thegod sent another prophet, till he sent moses to israellians, then they distort the torah so he sent the jesus to recorrect theirfaith, then the gospel is also distorted and the people begin to worship the jesus himself, so that the god sent mohamed, so it'sone religion but the people distort all except one

First, I believe the books have tendency to distort the message. Not to the point of, there is nothing there from which we can learn, but more so in the way that written word is not as direct or accurate as Inner Word. Temptation runs high to add to it or take something away from Inner Word. This doesn't make it bad or wrong, but just something to be aware of.

Second, I don't believe God advocates for a singular theology. And evidence we have of diverse theologies would for sure seem to suggest otherwise. Furthermore, there are faiths, like Bahai, which would uphold Islam. Thus, plausible to say both Islam and Bahai are theologies that advocate proper worship of God. Moreover, I do believe God, via divine revelation (messages) advocates for universal experience which can be shared without human preconditions or relying on external means. I think this is critical to understanding revelation, but is side point to this discussion.

Third, and main reason I wanted to write this post, are you suggesting that all religions except Islam are distorted by humans? If so, of the many questions I might ask, I am curious why there are (at least) 3 primary sects within Muslim world, if there is no distortion occurring?

Peace be with you.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
i know that but i'm not convinced to have a symbol for the god, anyway i'll remove it

The cow isn't even a symbol for God. The cow represents selflessness. She does not ask for anything, yet gives so much. Even without eating cows, the Vedic people found many uses for cows back in the day. Even their urine and dung was put to good use.

Not only that, but not all Hindu paths use symbols for God. Advaita Vedanta, for example, doesn't usually use symbols or murthis, and I'm pretty sure there's a few schools which outright deny them.

islam abduallah

Active Member
Friend islam,
Repeating the post once more as unless you are responding to this it is clear about your intention.

Have no idea as to where the seed of the idea that there is only ONE right religion came fro but do understand that the object is to reach to a place and one may take any path as long as the path is reached. There is no race that one gets the prize and others do not as ETERNITY or TIMELESS has to time to measure/compare such aspects.
Kindly remember that the objective is to reach the place and so every way is right and most this way or that way everyone reaches.

Love & rgds

thanks for calling me friend :)
but the problem isn't how to reach the place, the problem where is the place? do you get me?

islam abduallah

Active Member
its just that i have had these discussions before and I have heard it all

I've never found one contradiction or error that is legitimate in disproving the bible is the authentic word of God. Never.

If i asked you the same question, how would you answer? Im pretty sure you would not give up Islam If I could prove the bible is authentic.

hmm, if you asked me the same question, if you proved to me that islam iswrong and there is another religion better than it, i'll follow it honestly, i don't like to deceive myself, or to follow something wrong

islam abduallah

Active Member
Are you sure about that?

Hmmm... I look around and see lots of religions...

What about Buddha? What about Hinduism? You forgot to mention those...

yes, i'm sure about that, i don'tconsider those as a religion, buddha isn't a god or a creator he's a person like me and you,

islam abduallah

Active Member
First, I believe the books have tendency to distort the message. Not to the point of, there is nothing there from which we can learn, but more so in the way that written word is not as direct or accurate as Inner Word. Temptation runs high to add to it or take something away from Inner Word. This doesn't make it bad or wrong, but just something to be aware of.

Second, I don't believe God advocates for a singular theology. And evidence we have of diverse theologies would for sure seem to suggest otherwise. Furthermore, there are faiths, like Bahai, which would uphold Islam. Thus, plausible to say both Islam and Bahai are theologies that advocate proper worship of God. Moreover, I do believe God, via divine revelation (messages) advocates for universal experience which can be shared without human preconditions or relying on external means. I think this is critical to understanding revelation, but is side point to this discussion.

Third, and main reason I wanted to write this post, are you suggesting that all religions except Islam are distorted by humans? If so, of the many questions I might ask, I am curious why there are (at least) 3 primary sects within Muslim world, if there is no distortion occurring?

Peace be with you.
why do you say that you can't learn something from the holy books?, do you read them all? how about if there are some others who learns from them?

yes, all the religion are distorted except islam (i hope that i don't break rule 8, i'm just answering a question), and indeed there are more than 3 sects in islam but what is reallyfamous is sunni and shieet, but they are more, and our prophet peace to be up on him had told us that Muslims will be divided in many sectors, but why that happenes?, it's refering to the misunderstanding of the people, their evil minds lead them to that, and what proves my words that quran isn't distorted, does anyof those sectors present another copy of the quran?, no it's the same copy of the quran in sunni's hand like in the shieet's hand like at all other sectors copy, so it's one message but some people misunderstand it
peace with you friend :)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
yes, i'm sure about that, i don'tconsider those as a religion, buddha isn't a god or a creator he's a person like me and you,

Exactly. He himself has stated, I believe, that anyone could achieve what he achieved. He never claimed to be a god, and in fact, there are passages in Buddhist scripture where he declares outright atheism. But it's very much a religion. It's a set of practices backed up by a mythology. That's essentially what a religion is.

islam abduallah

Active Member
The cow isn't even a symbol for God. The cow represents selflessness. She does not ask for anything, yet gives so much. Even without eating cows, the Vedic people found many uses for cows back in the day. Even their urine and dung was put to good use.

Not only that, but not all Hindu paths use symbols for God. Advaita Vedanta, for example, doesn't usually use symbols or murthis, and I'm pretty sure there's a few schools which outright deny them.

indeed i spoke before to 2 hindus who said that they consider the cow as a god, so that they respect it too much, and don't eat it, now you said that it's not even a symbol of the god,
i'm totally agree with you about the benefits of cows, but also we can find the same at sheep,
i just want to know what attract you in hindu? really i feel curious to know


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
indeed i spoke before to 2 hindus who said that they consider the cow as a god, so that they respect it too much, and don't eat it, now you said that it's not even a symbol of the god,

Hinduism is as diverse as humanity itself. Unlike the Abrahamic religions, Hinduism cannot easily be defined. In fact, there's a lot of debate as to what it even defines.

i'm totally agree with you about the benefits of cows, but also we can find the same at sheep,

Perhaps, but I don't think sheep existed on the Indian subcontinent during Vedic times, so those people wouldn't have known that. :p

I actually don't have any special reverence for the cow, but that's just me.

i just want to know what attract you in hindu? really i feel curious to know

I read the Upanishads, and found in them a philosophy and religion that I had essentially already believed and found on my own. The philosophies are astounding, even now when I reread them, and the wisdom that the Sages have taught is just incredible. Sure, there are factual errors here and there, but that's to be expected. Essentially, I consider the Upanishads to be the bedrock of modern Hinduism, from which all subsequent literature comes from. (They are part of the Vedas.)

The religion is also so vast that I find something new every time I look for something. It's an ongoing journey rather than just living out the same daily routine and hoping it pays off in the afterlife. I'm actually on an active search for God, whom the Sages have declared is One referred to by many names, and imagined with many forms.

I can also be specific in my beliefs in terms of which Sages I predominantly follow. Sri Ramakrishna, Paramahamsa Yogananda, and Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. All three of these Sages teach different schools, and lived in different times. Ramakrishna lived in the 19th century; Yogananda lived in both the 19th and 20th centuries (he left his physical body in the 1950s, I believe); Subramuniyaswami lived in the 20th century, and died a few years ago. If you want to know more about my beliefs, I direct you to them. I don't agree with everything they teach, but for the most part, these Sages have been the most influential thus far.

islam abduallah

Active Member
Hinduism is as diverse as humanity itself. Unlike the Abrahamic religions, Hinduism cannot easily be defined. In fact, there's a lot of debate as to what it even defines.

Perhaps, but I don't think sheep existed on the Indian subcontinent during Vedic times, so those people wouldn't have known that. :p

I actually don't have any special reverence for the cow, but that's just me.

I read the Upanishads, and found in them a philosophy and religion that I had essentially already believed and found on my own. The philosophies are astounding, even now when I reread them, and the wisdom that the Sages have taught is just incredible. Sure, there are factual errors here and there, but that's to be expected. Essentially, I consider the Upanishads to be the bedrock of modern Hinduism, from which all subsequent literature comes from. (They are part of the Vedas.)

The religion is also so vast that I find something new every time I look for something. It's an ongoing journey rather than just living out the same daily routine and hoping it pays off in the afterlife. I'm actually on an active search for God, whom the Sages have declared is One referred to by many names, and imagined with many forms.

I can also be specific in my beliefs in terms of which Sages I predominantly follow. Sri Ramakrishna, Paramahamsa Yogananda, and Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. All three of these Sages teach different schools, and lived in different times. Ramakrishna lived in the 19th century; Yogananda lived in both the 19th and 20th centuries (he left his physical body in the 1950s, I believe); Subramuniyaswami lived in the 20th century, and died a few years ago. If you want to know more about my beliefs, I direct you to them. I don't agree with everything they teach, but for the most part, these Sages have been the most influential thus far.

if it's useful, i'll like to be taught about them, but do you try to learn about the torah, gospel or the quran?