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the right religion

I don't believe there is "one right path". I believe we each have to find our own paths, as each of us has different ways of understanding and relating to life, humanity, divinity, etc. We all have different perceptions, world views, etc. One path isn't going to work for everyone. We need to find the one that works best for us personally, the one that allows us to best cultivate our spirituality and humanity, our relationships with our fellow man and, if believed in, God.


Well-Known Member
But its still supposition that your God sent a Human being with a divine message....


Divine Messengers are a completely different category which is higher than that of humanity. These individuals were not ordinary humans!

Please see Some Answered Questions at http:www/bahai-library.org for the details (click "Writings").

Peace, :)



Active Member

Divine Messengers are a completely different category which is higher than that of humanity. These individuals were not ordinary humans!

Please see Some Answered Questions at http:www/bahai-library.org for the details (click "Writings").

Peace, :)


Does the book of Mormon, the holy piby of the Rastafarian faith, and scriptures from the east fall within your faiths canon of literature?

ie what books are accepted as true, or is it all.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member

Divine Messengers are a completely different category which is higher than that of humanity. These individuals were not ordinary humans!

Please see Some Answered Questions at http:www/bahai-library.org for the details (click "Writings").

Peace, :)


Tere are many Humans who have done some spectacular things against all odds without claiming divine inspiration so thats doesn't really prove anything,personally i can only go by what i know.


Revelation all the time
I'm all the way back on p.2.

Actually, I made it up to p.7 then decided to come back to p.2 and respond to this:

let me tell you something, christians say that the Jesus is the god, so they worship the jesus while Muslims and jews said that he's not a god, and we don't worship him, so if the jesus is a god really that means that both muslims and jews are wrong and so islam and judhism and if not that means christianity is a false a religion, so religion really are different ways of seeking a god but only one of them which will guide you to the real god who is the creator of that universe, do u get my point

First point, perhaps trivial, is some Christians do not believe Jesus is to be worshipped. Personally, I think it is blasphemous.

Secondly, and related to that, is I think we do a disservice to faith in general to pigeon-hole (or contain) believers into belief systems that are either easily stereotyped or are, for whatever reason, not allowed to progress. When we remain rigid like this, we can, rather easily, put the religion before the experience of God. It is not only religions that do this sort of thing, but I'll stick to that for this forum.

Also if we remain rigid, we can get caught up in ultimatums or beliefs that appear to set up God or 'path to God' as contradictory, where there is none.

Like say we desire to go to Paris, France. That is the destination. I am coming from U.S., another from Norway, and yet another from Egypt. The "true" destination is Paris. So, we might then ask, what is the "right" way to get there? For me, it could be "head east." For the Norwegian, it may be "head south." And for the Egpytian, it may be "head north." But then the rigid thinking Norwegian gets word of the Egyptian's plan for arriving at the "true" place and says, you are going the wrong way. The instructions given to us say "head south." You think "head north" and you are wrong. For, it would be argued, it can't be both north and south, as that is opposite. They cannot both be right.

When in fact, they can be. For one could go in opposite direction of where they are heading, and still find Paris. Might take longer, but it is important to realize (I think) there is another way.

Like the Paris example, the "path to God," assumes, for some, that God is not anywhere near the path.

I say God is within. Unable to be missed or lost (truly). Plausible that God could be denied. Of made to seem like God is hidden. For sure in my night dreams, I seem very adept at hiding God from my (inner) sight. While convinced I am still in a physical body and, for most part, physical laws do apply.

As long as the path to God is perceived as outward and that outward changes must occur to be "righteous on the path," the reality of God's closeness will be denied. Likewise, when perceiving brothers and sisters as distinct and separate, the perceived outer path will appear to have contradictions, as if there is no way around that.

And yet, there is still (another) way.

islam abduallah

Active Member
I don't believe there is "one right path". I believe we each have to find our own paths, as each of us has different ways of understanding and relating to life, humanity, divinity, etc. We all have different perceptions, world views, etc. One path isn't going to work for everyone. We need to find the one that works best for us personally, the one that allows us to best cultivate our spirituality and humanity, our relationships with our fellow man and, if believed in, God.

but how there's not only one right path? i'm not talking about what we feel that it's right and happy with it, sometimes people get happy and satisified by bad things,
i'm talking about the god, the right path which the god will bless who follow it?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
i don't mock any body here, how do you feel that in my words?
I wasn't sure about the mockery, but that was definitely critical. Also, saying Hindus worship cows and rats revealed that you don't know the first thing about their religion(s).

The cow is symbolic, it isn't God.

I think your heart is in the right place, but opining from ignorance is never a good idea.

islam abduallah

Active Member
I'm all the way back on p.2.

Actually, I made it up to p.7 then decided to come back to p.2 and respond to this:

First point, perhaps trivial, is some Christians do not believe Jesus is to be worshipped. Personally, I think it is blasphemous.

Secondly, and related to that, is I think we do a disservice to faith in general to pigeon-hole (or contain) believers into belief systems that are either easily stereotyped or are, for whatever reason, not allowed to progress. When we remain rigid like this, we can, rather easily, put the religion before the experience of God. It is not only religions that do this sort of thing, but I'll stick to that for this forum.

Also if we remain rigid, we can get caught up in ultimatums or beliefs that appear to set up God or 'path to God' as contradictory, where there is none.

Like say we desire to go to Paris, France. That is the destination. I am coming from U.S., another from Norway, and yet another from Egypt. The "true" destination is Paris. So, we might then ask, what is the "right" way to get there? For me, it could be "head east." For the Norwegian, it may be "head south." And for the Egpytian, it may be "head north." But then the rigid thinking Norwegian gets word of the Egyptian's plan for arriving at the "true" place and says, you are going the wrong way. The instructions given to us say "head south." You think "head north" and you are wrong. For, it would be argued, it can't be both north and south, as that is opposite. They cannot both be right.

When in fact, they can be. For one could go in opposite direction of where they are heading, and still find Paris. Might take longer, but it is important to realize (I think) there is another way.

Like the Paris example, the "path to God," assumes, for some, that God is not anywhere near the path.

I say God is within. Unable to be missed or lost (truly). Plausible that God could be denied. Of made to seem like God is hidden. For sure in my night dreams, I seem very adept at hiding God from my (inner) sight. While convinced I am still in a physical body and, for most part, physical laws do apply.

As long as the path to God is perceived as outward and that outward changes must occur to be "righteous on the path," the reality of God's closeness will be denied. Likewise, when perceiving brothers and sisters as distinct and separate, the perceived outer path will appear to have contradictions, as if there is no way around that.

And yet, there is still (another) way.
:clap i like the example of paris very much, but can we apply that on beliefs?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
but how there's not only one right path? i'm not talking about what we feel that it's right and happy with it, sometimes people get happy and satisified by bad things,
i'm talking about the god, the right path which the god will bless who follow it?

Well if we take a look around the worlds religions,which one stands out as being beneficial to its followers?,really there isn't a single one,indeed some of the most desperate places on Earth are populated by followers of the major religions of the world,doesn't seem that many,if any get blessed.

islam abduallah

Active Member
I wasn't sure about the mockery, but that was definitely critical. Also, saying Hindus worship cows and rats revealed that you don't know the first thing about their religion(s).

The cow is symbolic, it isn't God.

I think your heart is in the right place, but opining from ignorance is never a good idea.

i know that but i'm not convinced to have a symbol for the god, anyway i'll remove it

islam abduallah

Active Member
You don't have to do that.

Nobody's asking YOU to have a symbol you don't want. Why look down on other believers for cultural differences?

excuse me. i did already, i don't like anybody to think that i mock him, it would be harteful
what do you mean by looking down? do you mean i'm despising them?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
excuse me. i did already, i don't like anybody to think that i mock him, it would be harteful
what do you mean by looking down? do you mean i'm despising them?
I think the language barrier is rearing its ugly head again... but I'm not sure whether it's on your side, mine or both.....

Anyway, when you said "worship a cow," it sounded like you were dismissing Hinduism as silly at best. Was that not what you meant?

islam abduallah

Active Member
Well if we take a look around the worlds religions,which one stands out as being beneficial to its followers?,really there isn't a single one,indeed some of the most desperate places on Earth are populated by followers of the major religions of the world,doesn't seem that many,if any get blessed.

:no:, there is only one religion beneficial to it's followers, it's islam, surly you will reply how, look to the muslims community how it's in the tail of nations? i'm totally agreed with you about that, but let's see deeply are really muslims acting as right muslims like our prophet and his first followers? far away we are, this is the reason that we left the islam's teaching behind our backs and take others teachingto make it as our guidance, this is the reasion, if we return back to our religion we will back the ideal community in every field as we were


Active Member
It is always possible that no religion is right, they could all be wrong, every single one.

Maybe the true religion will be started after we dies, as the rest of the religions we have are only a few thousand years old or less, everbody before that time would have had no right religion to follow, perhaps we are still waiting.

I just feel that if God or Gods did send one right religion, there would be no debate, every human who is inclined to faith would know it when they seen it.

Ive seen such devoted followers of all faiths, if there is one right path, God is not very good at communicating it to the World.

islam abduallah

Active Member
I think the language barrier is rearing its ugly head again... but I'm not sure whether it's on your side, mine or both.....

Anyway, when you said "worship a cow," it sounded like you were dismissing Hinduism as silly at best. Was that not what you meant?

not silly, i meant illogical to worship cow surly it's not thecreator of the universe, this is whati meant