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the right religion

It's impossible to verify it's authenticity and not that the bible doesn't have a few good points, most of it is crazy mumbo jumbo. If the mainstream christian were to look at the entire text and not just what pastors told them to read, there would be no christianity.


Veteran Member
It's impossible to verify it's authenticity and not that the bible doesn't have a few good points, most of it is crazy mumbo jumbo. If the mainstream christian were to look at the entire text and not just what pastors told them to read, there would be no christianity.

There would be Christianity, but there would be No Christendom [so-called Christianity]

Jesus often prefaced his statement with the words, "it is written" [ verified ] as found in the Hebrew OT Scriptures. Jesus based his beliefs and teachings on logical reasoning on Scripture thus showing the internal harmony among the many Bible writers over centuries of time.
If it weren't edited, one could say the bible was pure. But the fact that god/God would kill children with bears and wipe out civilizations, leads me to believe that all of it was inspired by man. There is no validity to the rantings of 2000 year dead savages. If anything, people were illiterate and brutal in nature. This is the only reason I see any credence in Jesus's "message". But even so, the bible is not responsible for the age of reason, being that Siddhartha Gautama predates Jesus by 300 years or more and he never claimed to be something he was not.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
All right, Ura, your religion gives you endless excuses to call people fakes. We get it, Jesus Christ stop belaboring the point.


Veteran Member
What did Jesus claim that he was not?_________

God IS love and God has justice.
God only 'wipes out' when the situation is beyond reform.
God again will bring to ruin those ruining the earth. -[Rev. 11 v 18 B]
That is for justice for the righteous. -[Proverbs 2 vs 21,22]

Those 'children' were mocking God's prophet not just harmless joking.

What is the rantings of dead savages of Leviticus chapter 19 ?____________
Any church we walk into has the same thing to say "Don't go to that church, they preach a false doctrine". Indoctrination means forceful brainwashing, as stated in the Marion Webster's dictionary.


Veteran Member
All right, Ura, your religion gives you endless excuses to call people fakes. We get it, Jesus Christ stop belaboring the point.

Doesn't Scripture explain those religious fakes?
Matthew chapter 7
Matthew chapter 23

If the religious leaders were not fakes, then how do you explain the reasons for the many 'woes' that Jesus pronounced against them in Matthew chapter 23 ?

We are forewarned that false clergy would seat themselves in the temple [houses of worship] as if they are God when they are really anti-God.- 2nd Thess. 2 vs 2-8

If 'you got it' then you would realize Jesus' teachings are not wrong, but clergy teachings are out of harmony with Jesus teachings, and it is worth while to examine Jesus' teachings as to what the Bible really teaches because life is at stake.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Real love doesn't keep track of wrongs, so justice is not a component of real love.
Mocking somebody is harmless.
But sickos can come up with any excuse to justify killing.

Go go loving God, kill children for saying nyah to your prophet.

Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
Doesn't Scripture explain those religious fakes?
Matthew chapter 7
Matthew chapter 23

If the religious leaders were not fakes, then how do you explain the reasons for the many 'woes' that Jesus pronounced against them in Matthew chapter 23 ?

We are forewarned that false clergy would seat themselves in the temple [houses of worship] as if they are God when they are really anti-God.- 2nd Thess. 2 vs 2-8

If 'you got it' then you would realize Jesus' teachings are not wrong, but clergy teachings are out of harmony with Jesus teachings, and it is worth while to examine Jesus' teachings as to what the Bible really teaches because life is at stake.
I did get it, Jesus' teachings in this subject are completely wrong, and you get them wronger* still.

*heh, I made up a word
The reasoning of christards is baffling to say the least. It's not totally their fault though, I blame childhood indoctrination, which I believe should be made illegal or deemed as child abuse.


The reasoning of christards is baffling to say the least. It's not totally their fault though, I blame childhood indoctrination, which I believe should be made illegal or deemed as child abuse.
What is this datribe about? Would you care to actually make specific points that can be examined instead of sarcastic rhetoric.
I would be more inclined to agree with the zen buddhist patriarch Dogen when he said "Any gods or demons in which you identify, are ultimately your own". I believe any god is but wishful thinking and that any happiness or escape one seeks, can only be found by releasing one's desires and their attachments to them.


Well-Known Member
I would be more inclined to agree with the zen buddhist patriarch Dogen when he said "Any gods or demons in which you identify, are ultimately your own". I believe any god is but wishful thinking and that any happiness or escape one seeks, can only be found by releasing one's desires and their attachments to them.
Good quote:yes:, but do remember that if you release your desires and your attachments to them, you are no longer allowing yourself the proper control. You can argue any Religion is learned behavior from childhood, but I disagree to a point. If you choose to remain content in your beliefs without seeking if there is truth or not to them, you are being deceived. By disallowing for the impossibilities into your realm of belief IMO is also a limitation; Science would not have found so many miraculous things in this Universe if it was not for seeking what was once deemed impossible.:angel2:


I would be more inclined to agree with the zen buddhist patriarch Dogen when he said "Any gods or demons in which you identify, are ultimately your own". I believe any god is but wishful thinking and that any happiness or escape one seeks, can only be found by releasing one's desires and their attachments to them.
That did not prove a single thing. Let me try a different way. The cosmological argument makes God likely. The bible is the most textually reliable book by many many times over than any other single ancient text. There is more textual evidence for Christ than any other figure in ancient history. The witness testimony contained in the bible meet every requirement of modern law as attested by Simon Greenleaf (the greatest expert on evidence in human history) and who literally wrote the book on evidence and testimony. Now have you got anything that actually counters this or backs up your claims implying faith is stupid?

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member

It doesn't seem like debating the right religion produces the smiley face promised in the title. What's the point of a "right religion" if it always disturbs one's peace of mind to prove it to others? Maybe there are more important things than always being right, like being happy.

What's the happiest religion? That's the one I'm interested in. :)



It doesn't seem like debating the right religion produces the smiley face promised in the title.
I do not think smiley faces are the determining factor for what's truth. By the way Hi, straw Dog.

What's the point of a "right religion" if it always disturbs one's peace of mind to prove it to others?
That will not always be the case and the pleasentness or misery of a subject have nothing to do with it's reality or truth. Only in a world where truth can be contended is this a reality. That world exists because God desires love. Love can only be given by free will. Free will means truth can be rejected for comfort, happiness, sinfullnes etc.. Eventually only the true religion will exist and all the others will be cast into hell and peace wil reign for ever. Not hardly useless as suggested.

Maybe there are more important things than always being right, like being happy.
Many people choose happiness over truth until they die and and the ones that stood for what was right are made eternally happy and the ones who chose happiness over truth are eternally unhappy. That would apply to most religions by the way and certainly to the correct one.

What's the happiest religion? That's the one I'm interested in. :)
Case closed. Jesus said his truth would cause division and strife. Not because of it but because the world chooses it's own way and resists truth.