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the right religion

Right, we are approaching the time that the new Adam for the new Creation soon to be born is going to undergo the councils of the Eloheim. These are people just like you and me who will participate in putting the entire Abrahamic program under convention. The platform shall be subject to modification and then they will use what some will think of as magic/priesthood/etc. and they will seal and bind all those who are their posterity to follow the Father's Will (think last will and testament) until the Father is revived again, lives out his life and another convention is held and a new Creation takes place.

Now, this only pertains to the posterity of those involved and it only pertains to the specific parts of the planet's surface that they hold title to, so to speak.

You won't make sense of the Abrahamic religions unless you come to see it as both lineage based and local in scope. That's why it seems racist and territorial. It is.

But, where most people miss the boat is it is just like a normal father does with his will. He leaves his own children in charge of his assets and holdings, not because they are superior to others, but because they are his own children.
You speak as if the story is fact... If you can lend any credence to such ideals, then surely the iliad must be treated in the same fashion.


I meant I don't have to defend my position, the bible doesn't speak for me and it won't convince me to change my mind. There should be no reason why an adult would find any validity in it, you won't see me praying to your immoral monster of a god anytime soon. I don't fear your god and won't bend to his dictatorial needs either. Your god is a narcissistic jerk and has no respect for his creators.

1. Whether you like something or not has nothing to do with whether it exists or not.
2. Whether you even understand something, or whether you make up something based on bias and without justification has nothing to say about it's reality.
3. The fact that you call what 1/3 of the people on earth refer to as the most meaningfull, profound, and loving influence in their lives, evil has no power to make it so.

"The character of Jesus has not only been the highest pattern of virtue, but the strongest incentive to its practice, and has exerted so deep an influence, that it may be truly said, that the simple record of three short years of active life has done more to regenerate and to soften mankind, than all the disquisitions of philosophers and than all the exhortations of moralists."
William Lecky One of Britain’s greatest secular historians.

He was the meekest and lowliest of all the sons of men, yet he spoke of coming on the clouds of heaven with the glory of God. He was so austere that evil spirits and demons cried out in terror at his coming, yet he was so genial and winsome and approachable that the children loved to play with him, and the little ones nestled in his arms. His presence at the innocent gaiety of a village wedding was like the presence of sunshine.
No one was half so compassionate to sinners, yet no one ever spoke such red hot scorching words about sin. A bruised reed he would not break, his whole life was love, yet on one occasion he demanded of the Pharisees how they ever expected to escape the damnation of hell. He was a dreamer of dreams and a seer of visions, yet for sheer stark realism He has all of our stark realists soundly beaten. He was a servant of all, washing the disciples feet, yet masterfully He strode into the temple, and the hucksters and moneychangers fell over one another to get away from the mad rush and the fire they saw blazing in His eyes.
He saved others, yet at the last Himself He did not save. There is nothing in history like the union of contrasts which confronts us in the gospels. The mystery of Jesus is the mystery of divine personality.
Scottish Theologian James Stuart

Even non believers recognize the inherent worth and unique character combined in the greatest example of human conduct in history. Your emotional commitment to a preconcieved perspective is distorting everything you see. This subject deserves far better debate than unfounded, unjustifiable rhetoric.
Being willing to be humiliated, beaten, spit on, and hung on cross for people who hate him is about as opposite to narcissism as it is possible to get, and is more than any other God or human ever did for you. You are free to hate that God if you want you are not free to claim it is based on evidence.


Tell me about it!! Here is a link in how wonderful the Christian community can be: Religious Fanatics: Kenyan Christians Burn 'Witches' Alive (Video) Oh and let us not forget the love shown by the Catholic Church during the Crusades; and was it not a Religion behind the slaying of a now accepted God Head of Christianity (of course I am referring to Christ) and must I even mention the main reasoning behind 9/11/11. Self-righteous would IMO be complimenting these people. Sorry I honestly see it as an unrecognized personality disorder of some kind:eek:
Every one of these acts are forbidden by clear teachings in the bible. Therefore their actions have nothing what so ever to do with God or the bible. If I went out and killed a bunch of people and claimed it was in the name of "horizon_mj" would you accept guilt? Double standards are necessary for an indefencable position. Atheist actions are far more diabolical than any religions have produced even counting what all these false confessors of Christ did. Stalin killed 15 million, Hitler killed 20 million. It was hatred of religion and the absence of any justification for the sanctity of life found in atheism in the first, and evolution was used to justify the actions of the second. What is more damning is that within neither atheism or evolution can any actions be shown as truly wrong wrong and so their actions would have been consistent with their world views unlike the false Christian's. Bin Laden on his best day never dreamt of the destruction caused by atheistic tryrants.
Bin Laden was a Muslim and the extremes in their group are the most hatefully motivated. Extremist religious individuals are the most extreme among religious groups and they hate stuff they don't care to hear. "If you don't believe as I do"... That sort of logic is outdated and crazy.


Bin Laden was a Muslim and the extremes in their group are the most hatefully motivated. Extremist religious individuals are the most extreme among religious groups and they hate stuff they don't care to hear. "If you don't believe as I do"... That sort of logic is outdated and crazy.
Please quote the statement you are addressing. If you do not know how I will be happy to tell you. If this was meant for me I do not defend Islam, as I believe it is a Satanic religion, but either way it has nothing to do with Christianity which is what I defend.
Please quote the statement you are addressing. If you do not know how I will be happy to tell you. If this was meant for me I do not defend Islam, as I believe it is a Satanic religion, but either way it has nothing to do with Christianity which is what I defend.
I sometimes forget to quote things but it shouldn't be too hard to find. How can you defend one type of reasoning over another, especially when they both contain fantastic claims?


I sometimes forget to quote things but it shouldn't be too hard to find. How can you defend one type of reasoning over another, especially when they both contain fantastic claims?
Are you suggesting that if I believe in a religion I must there fore accept them all? Strange position. That is philisophically impossible. If two or more religions make contrdictory claims to absolute truth then by philisophy we know that not more than 1 can be true. Since all religions make these contradictory claims then not more than one is true. So we need to find the one that is. That is what I did. I found that in every meaningfull category used in historical, Jurice Prudence, Theological, Textual criticism, etc.... to evaluate historical claims that the Bible exceeds every other religion in every one. I then concentrated on it exclusively and came to actually believe what the bible said concerning Christ and one night accepted him as savior in an unmistakable experience which validated my choice of religion and that meant all competing claims must be false and so I have investigated them and found out the specific reasons that they can be dismissed. If you wish to know why one or two of the major ones are false and the bible correct then I can provide that but I can't go through every other religion one by one and many of the insignificant ones I didn't bother with since I had already found the path to God.
So if I get a book about world history from a book store and a Harry Potter book too, I have to take them both seriously?
One was written from world experience, the other is listed as fiction. If the distinctions of fiction and non-fiction would have existed then, what would the bible have been listed under?


So if I get a book about world history from a book store and a Harry Potter book too, I have to take them both seriously?
What is it with Harry Potter and you critics? The only analogy that is ever drawn involves Potter for some reason. Are there seminars for this stuff? Find me even 10% of textual scholars that will support the conclusion that the Harry Potter story is a realiable document that accurately reflect history. Then maybe a comparison would simply be silly instead of just plain meaningless. These techniques I have listed are the exact same as are used to establish the reliability of any historical text or confidence in witness testimony. I am sorry if the implications are inconvenient but the double standards just don't help.


Well-Known Member
Every one of these acts are forbidden by clear teachings in the bible. Therefore their actions have nothing what so ever to do with God or the bible. If I went out and killed a bunch of people and claimed it was in the name of "horizon_mj" would you accept guilt?
I would not, and the point I am trying to make is exactly what you sad.
Double standards are necessary for an indefinable position. Atheist actions are far more diabolical than any religions have produced even counting what all these false confessors of Christ did. Stalin killed 15 million, Hitler killed 20 million. It was hatred of religion and the absence of any justification for the sanctity of life found in atheism in the first, and evolution was used to justify the actions of the second. What is more damning is that within neither atheism or evolution can any actions be shown as truly wrong wrong and so their actions would have been consistent with their world views unlike the false Christian's. Bin Laden on his best day never dreamt of the destruction caused by atheistic tryrants.
I honestly do not know where it is that you got your information; Hitler was a Bible fanatic. Maybe if you want to take the time and see how many people have been slaughtered due to false God/Gods/or Religious concepts, be my guest; I will stay quite content with the Knowledge that far more have died from these prejudice natures than Atheism or Evolution-ism.


Well-Known Member
What is it with Harry Potter and you critics? The only analogy that is ever drawn involves Potter for some reason. Are there seminars for this stuff? Find me even 10% of textual scholars that will support the conclusion that the Harry Potter story is a realiable document that accurately reflect history. Then maybe a comparison would simply be silly instead of just plain meaningless. These techniques I have listed are the exact same as are used to establish the reliability of any historical text or confidence in witness testimony. I am sorry if the implications are inconvenient but the double standards just don't help.
Huh? I think you are reading something in here that was not intended.

Harry Potter is well known as fiction. Don't read anything in beyond that please.
If an aborigine came across an alchemist's document explaining things like menstruous fluids, planets, being made wet, dry, etc. and they were going to determine which category that book belonged in, what would they say?
Aborigines with or without an education? Most of them are educated now...
Huh? I think you are reading something in here that was not intended.

Harry Potter is well known as fiction. Don't read anything in beyond that please.
I didn't bring potter into it, you did. I just said that if one fantastic idea could be seen as true, so then all must be considered equally, in not so many words.


I would not, and the point I am trying to make is exactly what you sad.
What? You seem to make the opposite claim before and below.

I honestly do not know where it is that you got your information; Hitler was a Bible fanatic.
I know a lot about Hitler , he was no bible fanatic and he was no Christian. He affiliated with the Catholic church on and off until he needed their support during WW2 and so he acted Catholic for a while. When the Church leadership rejected his requests he denounced the whole idea. He did always as even satanists do have a fascination with the cryptic language of the bible and used it sometimes. I would not matter any way. His actions were contradictory to the religion but consistent with evolution which he used to justify his racial garbage.

Maybe if you want to take the time and see how many people have been slaughtered due to false God/Gods/or Religious concepts, be my guest; I will stay quite content with the Knowledge that far more have died from these prejudice natures than Atheism or Evolution-ism.
I do not believe all religions are true. I believe Christianity is true but hate it when people give inaccurate numbers. I do not defend what IMO the satanic Islamic religion does. The truth is false religion, atheism, and evolution are all guilty of massive slaughter. Christianity has bee wrongfully used as justification for slaughter but the bible does not support it and so it is not an indictment of the faith just the way some idiots practice it or claim to. There is plenty of killing to go around so don't cherry pick. Your last claim is just false.


Well-Known Member
Aborigines with or without an education? Most of them are educated now...
The point here is if a person doesn't know how to decipher the language to get the real meanings that would enable someone to understand things in plain and literal terms sufficient to allow them to be acted upon, they would be inclined to not take it seriously.

An alchemist would say these are clear and simple instructions for things that I understand.

A non-alchemist would say they were an obscure tangled up mess of non-sense not to be taken seriously.