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the right religion

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
I do not think smiley faces are the determining factor for what's truth. By the way Hi, straw Dog.

Hello again. I see you're still getting your daily debate rush. I suppose that may contribute to happiness when it results in a state of engagement.

I agree the truth is not necessarily what makes us happy. It's more a matter of our attitudes and perceptions toward that which is true that determines mental well-being and peace.

That will not always be the case and the pleasentness or misery of a subject have nothing to do with it's reality or truth. Only in a world where truth can be contended is this a reality. That world exists because God desires love. Love can only be given by free will. Free will means truth can be rejected for comfort, happiness, sinfullnes etc..

Don't get me wrong. I certainly am a seeker of truth. I haven't rejected anything that I discover to be true, unless new evidence comes along that contradicts my initial impression. I consider 'truth' to be tentative so that I can maintain an open mind to new information and experiences. Unquestionable dogma shackles the mind.

I also believe in the power of love, which is why I could never go to heaven knowing that my fellow human beings were suffering in hell. I would probably want to petition the needless torture and alleviate their suffering before I could be genuinely content in heaven. If I truly loved my neighbor as I love myself then I would have no choice but to plead for the cessation of
such mindless violence. What kind of mental peace could I have knowing that millions of people were burning in hell?

Eventually only the true religion will exist and all the others will be cast into hell and peace wil reign for ever.

Except, of course, for all our loved ones burning forever in hell.

Case closed. Jesus said his truth would cause division and strife. Not because of it but because the world chooses it's own way and resists truth.

Then your mind is also closed so there is nothing further to discuss. Enjoy your rush!


Hello again. I see you're still getting your daily debate rush. I suppose that may contribute to happiness when it results in a state of engagement.
Very close. I use it to fill down time in my lab.

I agree the truth is not necessarily what makes us happy. It's more a matter of our attitudes and perceptions toward that which is true that determines mental well-being and peace.
Correct in the most part.

Don't get me wrong. I certainly am a seeker of truth. I haven't rejected anything that I discover to be true, unless new evidence comes along that contradicts my initial impression. I consider 'truth' to be tentative so that I can maintain an open mind to new information and experiences. Unquestionable dogma shackles the mind.
I agree so far. What is going on?

I also believe in the power of love, which is why I could never go to heaven knowing that my fellow human beings were suffering in hell.
I do not believe hell is suffering. I believe it is anihilation. Regardless heaven is inconsistent with unpleasent knowledge. I do not know how that is resolved but if heaven exists then thoughts won't bother us.

I would probably want to petition the needless torture and alleviate their suffering before I could be genuinely content in heaven. If I truly loved my neighbor as I love myself then I would have no choice but to plead for the cessation of such mindless violence. What kind of mental peace could I have knowing that millions of people were burning in hell?
See above. The fire and brimstone is a Catholic tradition designed to scare people into mass. The bible says hell is absence from God. God is every where but non existance. The bible says to fear not man but God who can destroy the soul in hell. I believe hell is the anihilation of the soul that he gave us that we used to reject him. If we do not want God he gives us exactly what we chose. There is nothing unjust about that.

Except, of course, for all our loved ones burning forever in hell
See above.

Then your mind is also closed so there is nothing further to discuss. Enjoy your rush!
The case is closed but the perception of that is still necessary and so I am here.
I meant I don't have to defend my position, the bible doesn't speak for me and it won't convince me to change my mind. There should be no reason why an adult would find any validity in it, you won't see me praying to your immoral monster of a god anytime soon. I don't fear your god and won't bend to his dictatorial needs either. Your god is a narcissistic jerk and has no respect for his creators.


Well-Known Member
I meant I don't have to defend my position, the bible doesn't speak for me and it won't convince me to change my mind. There should be no reason why an adult would find any validity in it, you won't see me praying to your immoral monster of a god anytime soon. I don't fear your god and won't bend to his dictatorial needs either. Your god is a narcissistic jerk and has no respect for his creators.
Not everyone shares the same concepts in all of which you speak. The Bible if viewed from a Aesop Farytale perspective can be helpful, or maybe have something pretty much anyone can relate to (even if it is not more than one simple tale). Any idea, no matter where that idea originated, if turned radical to the point it infinges on other's rights or safety, IMO is wrong. Praying is not always even seen as to be to an immoral monster or god as much as it is meditation to some(they have the same effect on the brain). It seems to me that maybe your concept, or the concept you were taught of God may be corrupt; I say this not to insult you, but to maybe give pause to let you think. To me Knowledge is God, not so much as being created by me, but maybe at times illusive of me; The Knowledge I seek Is not the same Knowledge so much that I have created as opposed to prexisting Knowledge.
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Helpful in creating the illusion of importance. The bible promotes a sense of entitlement, in which the followers of it's passages think they can change the world to their liking. Do you remember when they fought so hard to eliminate stripper bars? Or how about when they protested at gay funerals? I'm not gay myself but common, can they be any more self righteous?


Well-Known Member
Helpful in creating the illusion of importance. The bible promotes a sense of entitlement, in which the followers of it's passages think they can change the world to their liking. Do you remember when they fought so hard to eliminate stripper bars? Or how about when they protested at gay funerals? I'm not gay myself but common, can they be any more self righteous?
Tell me about it!! Here is a link in how wonderful the Christian community can be: Religious Fanatics: Kenyan Christians Burn 'Witches' Alive (Video) Oh and let us not forget the love shown by the Catholic Church during the Crusades; and was it not a Religion behind the slaying of a now accepted God Head of Christianity (of course I am referring to Christ) and must I even mention the main reasoning behind 9/11/11. Self-righteous would IMO be complimenting these people. Sorry I honestly see it as an unrecognized personality disorder of some kind:eek:


Veteran Member
Helpful in creating the illusion of importance. The bible promotes a sense of entitlement, in which the followers of it's passages think they can change the world to their liking. Do you remember when they fought so hard to eliminate stripper bars? Or how about when they protested at gay funerals? I'm not gay myself but common, can they be any more self righteous?

It was Not Scripture that promoted or protested, but often clergy teachings outside of Scripture. As in the first century self-righteous religious leaders, just as Jesus warned, were teaching as Scripture what was not Scripture. [ Mark 7; Matthew 7,15, 23 ]
That does not make the Bible wrong, but makes the religious leaders as wrong.

Jesus never taught changing the world to his liking.
On the contrary he taught MANY would have no interest. - Matthew chapter 7


Veteran Member
Tell me about it!! Here is a link in how wonderful the Christian community can be:

Christian community or 'so-called Christian community' ?

Christendom [so-called Christianity] developed after 1st-century Christianity ended.

Wrong religious leader's teachings do not make the Bible wrong, but makes them wrong.

Luke wrote forewarning false clergy would fleece the flock of God- Acts 20 vs 29,30
Jesus illustration of the fake 'weed/tares' Christians would grow along with the genuine 'wheat' Christians until the harvest time, or the 'time of separation' that is ahead of us.

Jesus and his 1st-century followers were neutral in world affairs. They did not even get involved in the issues of the day between the Jews and the Romans.
So, in that pattern modern-day 'wheat' Christians would also not try to change the world.
I've heard tons of christians tell me that it's the new testament they follow but then they pull little parts out of the old testament to prove their position, especially when their brand of diplomacy fails. It's not limited too a small group of christians, it's the mast majority, which happen to be baptist and evangelical. They believe every word in the book is true, but what is true when all we have is our understanding. We can prove that almost none of it is historically accurate and the 6000 year old earth thing is bupkiss. The fact that the person who worked that out was born in the 1600's. His name was bishop John Usher... How much refined scientific information did he have? He had the understanding accrued by a civilization that just came out of the dark ages.


Well-Known Member
Christian community or 'so-called Christian community' ?

Christendom [so-called Christianity] developed after 1st-century Christianity ended.

Wrong religious leader's teachings do not make the Bible wrong, but makes them wrong.

Luke wrote forewarning false clergy would fleece the flock of God- Acts 20 vs 29,30
Jesus illustration of the fake 'weed/tares' Christians would grow along with the genuine 'wheat' Christians until the harvest time, or the 'time of separation' that is ahead of us.

Jesus and his 1st-century followers were neutral in world affairs. They did not even get involved in the issues of the day between the Jews and the Romans.
So, in that pattern modern-day 'wheat' Christians would also not try to change the world.
And so the point you are trying to reflect to me is that their actions were not wrong? I do not give a crap what you quote me from the Bible, read the Quran, Secrets of Enoch and the Lost Books of Eden, then talk to me. All I see from most Christians is that your right and everyone who does not agree with you is wrong. No matter what you say or what you think, the fact that the Bible was written by man an influenced by the divine shows there are imperfections. The largest imperfection are the bigots who feel they can do God's Job and Judge; the last I checked, omnipotence does not need any kind of help, especially from ones who may be so wrong.


Well-Known Member
I've heard tons of christians tell me that it's the new testament they follow but then they pull little parts out of the old testament to prove their position, especially when their brand of diplomacy fails. It's not limited too a small group of christians, it's the mast majority, which happen to be baptist and evangelical. They believe every word in the book is true, but what is true when all we have is our understanding. We can prove that almost none of it is historically accurate and the 6000 year old earth thing is bupkiss. The fact that the person who worked that out was born in the 1600's. His name was bishop John Usher... How much refined scientific information did he have? He had the understanding accrued by a civilization that just came out of the dark ages.
Try to remember some people will leave out pertinent facts associated with relevant subject matter, are just trying to get a moot point across:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Christian community or 'so-called Christian community' ?

Christendom [so-called Christianity] developed after 1st-century Christianity ended.

Wrong religious leader's teachings do not make the Bible wrong, but makes them wrong.

Luke wrote forewarning false clergy would fleece the flock of God- Acts 20 vs 29,30
Jesus illustration of the fake 'weed/tares' Christians would grow along with the genuine 'wheat' Christians until the harvest time, or the 'time of separation' that is ahead of us.

Jesus and his 1st-century followers were neutral in world affairs. They did not even get involved in the issues of the day between the Jews and the Romans.
So, in that pattern modern-day 'wheat' Christians would also not try to change the world.
Adam was given the responsibility to subdue and have dominion.
If you are looking to be a part of the Father's Kingdom, you need to pay very close attention to what Adam's prerogatives were.
Now, the wonderful part is that Adam was to accomplish that through love and truth, not hate and war.
But, indeed He was to seek to change the world, He was to be it's salvation.


Well-Known Member
Adam was given the responsibility to subdue and have dominion.
If you are looking to be a part of the Father's Kingdom, you need to pay very close attention to what Adam's prerogatives were.
Now, the wonderful part is that Adam was to accomplish that through love and truth, not hate and war.
But, indeed He was to seek to change the world, He was to be it's salvation.
What planet are you from? Oh, that's right the planet Religion where fact and relevant simple common sense do not exist. The story you are referring to A) was created only 800yrs/BC and B) if you are referring to the Adam from the King James Bible, you have missed over half of his story; the rest being in The Lost Books of Eden. The people in which are descendants of the fabled Adam and Eve have more credence in what humans now reflect today. Sadly at times this is greed, pride, and envy; one in which most Religions are the worst indulger's.
What planet are you from? Oh, that's right the planet Religion where fact and relevant simple common sense do not exist. The story you are referring to A) was created only 800yrs/BC and B) if you are referring to the Adam from the King James Bible, you have missed over half of his story; the rest being in The Lost Books of Eden. The people in which are descendants of the fabled Adam and Eve have more credence in what humans now reflect today. Sadly at times this is greed, pride, and envy; one in which most Religions are the worst indulger's.
I agree...


Well-Known Member
What planet are you from? Oh, that's right the planet Religion where fact and relevant simple common sense do not exist. The story you are referring to A) was created only 800yrs/BC and B) if you are referring to the Adam from the King James Bible, you have missed over half of his story; the rest being in The Lost Books of Eden. The people in which are descendants of the fabled Adam and Eve have more credence in what humans now reflect today. Sadly at times this is greed, pride, and envy; one in which most Religions are the worst indulger's.
I'm from planet earth, the blue marble, Gaia, etc.

There's a new Adam and a new Garden for each cycle of creation.


Well-Known Member
That makes sense; as time changes, so do the rules; not to accommodate us, but to accommodate all that is around us.;)
Right, we are approaching the time that the new Adam for the new Creation soon to be born is going to undergo the councils of the Eloheim. These are people just like you and me who will participate in putting the entire Abrahamic program under convention. The platform shall be subject to modification and then they will use what some will think of as magic/priesthood/etc. and they will seal and bind all those who are their posterity to follow the Father's Will (think last will and testament) until the Father is revived again, lives out his life and another convention is held and a new Creation takes place.

Now, this only pertains to the posterity of those involved and it only pertains to the specific parts of the planet's surface that they hold title to, so to speak.

You won't make sense of the Abrahamic religions unless you come to see it as both lineage based and local in scope. That's why it seems racist and territorial. It is.

But, where most people miss the boat is it is just like a normal father does with his will. He leaves his own children in charge of his assets and holdings, not because they are superior to others, but because they are his own children.