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the right religion


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Straight from the source itself. I tried to practice Christianity and Islam and I don't think any of them are 100% correct, but I do think that both of them are right about certain things.
Even the thickest dullard will occasionally be "right".


Wonder Woman
i mean by the right path, the religion which the god wills us to follow, do you think the god will order us to follow 2 religions?!

Doesn't your question about what one thinks "god" would "order" them to do entirely depend on what deity that person believes exists? If 2 religions mixed together comes closer to "the truth" than any one religion by itself then it would make sense to follow both wouldn't it? Some religions work quite well together while others do not. However, all paths through the forest eventually lead out the other side, the only difference becomes the scenery and experiences along the path. I like mine, you prefer yours.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
really your read the quran fully? it's nice to meet non muslim who reads the quran, i want to understand the word "chinks" what do you mean by it? (sorry my english isn't perfect)
you are trying to get the faith from the end not from the begining, i mean we as muslims believe in moses and jesus peace upon both because the quran told us that and if the quran didn't mention them we won't believe in them, so first you need the evidence to prove that the quran is the word of the real god the creator of that universe and then you will believe in all what mentioned in quran including moses and jesus peace upon both as you already believe that it's the word of god? am i wrong?

Sorry "chinks" is an old word from when people fought with armour on,you would look for a chink in his armour,chink is a weakness,in this case its a weakness in a book.

Its impossible to prove the Qur'an Bible or any religious book,believe me i've seen the challenge of the Qur'an, the ambiguous verses,the claimed scientific miracles,the foreign words (not Arab),the contradictions etc these are the chinks,thats ok though because its a book of faith and not fact.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Having read several translations of the Qur'an, I am troubled by the thought that any thinking person would assume they were reading the literal word of God and that God had chosen Muhammad as his "messenger".


Wonder Woman
Having read several translations of the Qur'an, I am troubled by the thought that any thinking person would assume they were reading the literal word of God and that God had chosen Muhammad as his "messenger".

I'm troubled by the thought of people not thinking for themselves and even needing a book to tell them what to believe. Books explaining ideas and telling what others believe and different views out there can be helpful in determining what one believes for oneself, but to base their entire thought process and lives on what one old book says...that's just scary to me. If that's how they want to live their lives then, I guess, so be it, but I just personally find it disturbing. I couldn't do it myself. I have to think for myself. I have to explore. I have to be of my own mind.


Active Member
Doesn't your question about what one thinks "god" would "order" them to do entirely depend on what deity that person believes exists? If 2 religions mixed together comes closer to "the truth" than any one religion by itself then it would make sense to follow both wouldn't it? Some religions work quite well together while others do not. However, all paths through the forest eventually lead out the other side, the only difference becomes the scenery and experiences along the path. I like mine, you prefer yours.
I don't think it depends on the deity at all, I think that would depend on the religion that purports to speak for the deity and , of course, all paths do not lead to the other side of the forest. Predators gotta eat too.


Active Member
Did you ever consider that religion should be found in your heart and not within a "community"? This is how there is more than one true religion, because there is more than one person who chooses to seek the truth within all written doctrine (sciences included) and does not place any Deity before True Knowledge.

I'd like to know more about "True Knowledge." How does one attain such a thing?


so, what kind of proofs u need from a certain religion to believe that it's the right one, or you will only believe when u see the god himself?

well I will need more then taking ancient man's word for it

I see you ignored much of my post.

#1 if a deity is true why cant one write his own book if they can created the world and every thing in it.????

#2 If only man writes spiritual words,,, it is the man who is spiritual, not the deity he created.

#3 do you believe in the thousands of deitys man has created????


Active Member
If the religion has a Holy book, thats my first alarm bell that is false.

I mean, a book is a very Human form of trying to communicate to the World.
God could reveal himself to all of us instead of one via a book that Amazonian tribesmen will never know about.

That every Holy book contains errors (yep and I know its everbody elses book that contains errors and not yours and visa versa) is my second alarm its false.

That no Holy books contain anything above and beyond the Human imagination to invent or above and beyond the primative points of view of the author is my third alarm bell.

If there is a right path to a God, it does not come in hard back and paper back form.

To choose one God out of the 200,000 worshipped through Human history seems like a lottery.

Who has that level of time on their hands?

islam abduallah

Active Member
So translations are acceptable? Would you happen to know a good one?

I told myself that I'd learn Arabic and read it as it was written, but that was 4 years ago....

Anyway, while I haven't read the Qur'an yet, I have studied Islam a bit. Would you be interested in hearing what I think of as flaws?



I know 2 things with absolute certainty:
1) God exists.
2) NOBODY understands Him/ Her/ it.

That absolutely includes me. That said, you have to pick a reality and go with it. I picked the one that makes most sense to me.

to read the quran in arabic surly is better than any translation, not only because to avoid the translation errors but also because of the beautty and spiritually of the words of quran in arabic, but surly if you can't learn arabic you can read it as translation, i don't know where are you form, but surly there is an islamic center in your country, you can ask them for a trusted copy or go to the electronic copy of www.huda.tv i think it's good,

i agree with you, that nobody imagines or understands how's the god, how he's? what's his shape but we can understand his words, his commands what he really wills us to do?
god said in quran "Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great"
and said "is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing", do you know what that means, he hears and listens to billions of Creatures and objects at the same moment and he can Distinguishe among all of these sounds and voices, no limits for his hearing, billions voices, billions tongues, languages, and he can understand all and listen to all, nothing like him
but i just have a comment about your belief about the god that he's the universe and we are cells of him, do you beliee that ***** and dirts are cells of the god? all the murders are cells of the god? tell me how do you understand that, i hope that you don'tfeel offensive really i don't mean that
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islam abduallah

Active Member
Straight from the source itself. I tried to practice Christianity and Islam and I don't think any of them are 100% correct, but I do think that both of them are right about certain things.

well, could you give me one example of what you found wrong at islam and christianity, i'll appreciate that :)

islam abduallah

Active Member
Doesn't your question about what one thinks "god" would "order" them to do entirely depend on what deity that person believes exists? If 2 religions mixed together comes closer to "the truth" than any one religion by itself then it would make sense to follow both wouldn't it? Some religions work quite well together while others do not. However, all paths through the forest eventually lead out the other side, the only difference becomes the scenery and experiences along the path. I like mine, you prefer yours.
hmm, how you could mix2 religions, give me an example how to mix islam and christinity or christinity and judhism,


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
hmm, how you could mix2 religions, give me an example how to mix islam and christinity or christinity and judhism,

From what I understand, Sikhism is kind of a combination of Islam and Hinduism.

Paramahamsa Yogananda's school of Yoga is sort of a mix of Vedic Yoga and Christianity.

I think there are three methods of mixing religions:

1. Somehow reconcile through unorthodox interpretation the apparent contradictions between the two,
2. Discard any conflicts, leaving only the things which agree with each other, or
3. Cherry pick your favorite aspects of each religion and mold them together.

islam abduallah

Active Member
well I will need more then taking ancient man's word for it

I see you ignored much of my post.

#1 if a deity is true why cant one write his own book if they can created the world and every thing in it.????

#2 If only man writes spiritual words,,, it is the man who is spiritual, not the deity he created.

#3 do you believe in the thousands of deitys man has created????

really i don't mean to ignore, but anyway i'll answer them

1# the god is right and so he makes the Muslims to write his words in a book, and he promised to keep it away from distortion and errors and that already happened we have only one book, the same arabic quran in egypt is the same in saudi arabia, is the same in india, in usa, allover the world there is no letter different among all the arabic copies, plus that there is millions of muslims memorized it in their breasts, is there any book like that? did i answer yourquestion?

2# if you are authoring a book and you have some writers who write what you said, in you opinion how is the author of the book? you or them? surly you, it's the same the god revealed the quran to prophet mohamed peace up on him and mohamed's followers wrote the quran, so he is the source of the quran the god or not? surly the god
3# no i don't believe there is no right deity but Allah the creatorof that universe
now, it's you role


Active Member
really i don't mean to ignore, but anyway i'll answer them

1# the god is right and so he makes the Muslims to write his words in a book, and he promised to keep it away from distortion and errors and that already happened we have only one book, the same arabic quran in egypt is the same in saudi arabia, is the same in india, in usa, allover the world there is no letter different among all the arabic copies, plus that there is millions of muslims memorized it in their breasts, is there any book like that? did i answer yourquestion?

2# if you are authoring a book and you have some writers who write what you said, in you opinion how is the author of the book? you or them? surly you, it's the same the god revealed the quran to prophet mohamed peace up on him and mohamed's followers wrote the quran, so he is the source of the quran the god or not? surly the god
3# no i don't believe there is no right deity but Allah the creatorof that universe
now, it's you role

What about the evidence that Quran was distorted before Caliph Uthman?

islam abduallah

Active Member
What about the evidence that Quran was distorted before Caliph Uthman?
?, no evidence about that, the quran was the same before uthman and after him, i'll tell you the story exactly, during the life of the prophet mohamed peace to be on him, the people were writtting the quran but it wasn't gathered in one book, why? because the revelation is still continuing duringthe prophet's life, after the death of the prophet, Umar ibn elkhattab had suggested to gather it in one book to keep it specially that the area of the islamic country increased and some of the people who memorized the quran were killed, so that abu bakr (the fisrt caliph) agreed on umar's discussion, and order to gather the quran in one book but it was already written but as seperate verses or chapters not in one book like now, and it was gathered in abu bakr era and he kept the book to umar his caliph and umar kept it to his daughter hafsa and also she was the wife of our prophet, and during uthman era, many non arab converts to islam and they read some verses in the quran in a wrong way, and every one begin to modify in his own copy (in non- arab muslim country), so uthman take a decision to copy some copies of the copy that were gathered during abu bakr era and reviewed it again and bring all the other copies in the people's hand and burn it and distribute that copy which reviewed by all the mohamed's Companions who attend the revealing of quran and memorized it, so no distortion in the quran, i hope i answered you

islam abduallah

Active Member
Perfection is in my heart and in my hand- it is in right doing and right judegement everyday
no set of rituals can give me that so i say, to Hades with religion

your words reveal that you are not christian, just christian by name, but inside your heart you are not, right?


"Oscar the grouch"
so could i understand that you prefer the religion less

I prefer to remain on the fence about God. If God exists, surely there is nothing like it in the entire universe. I would hardly think God would care about the souls of minute dust particles on a small ball of water (Earth). Here is the challenging question for you Abrahamic Followers:

Of all the galaxies that exist, and all the stars, planets and moons in comparison to such tremendous amount of space why does God care about the souls of mankind? Why would God spend so much time creating books and sending them to humans and continually destroying and re-creating the world? Why does this God punish my ethereal essence is I choose to not think he exist? You know why? Because maybe your version of God is as keanu reeves said in the movie Constantine "God is a kid with an ant farm."


Active Member
?, no evidence about that, the quran was the same before uthman and after him, i'll tell you the story exactly, during the life of the prophet mohamed peace to be on him, the people were writtting the quran but it wasn't gathered in one book, why? because the revelation is still continuing duringthe prophet's life, after the death of the prophet, Umar ibn elkhattab had suggested to gather it in one book to keep it specially that the area of the islamic country increased and some of the people who memorized the quran were killed, so that abu bakr (the fisrt caliph) agreed on umar's discussion, and order to gather the quran in one book but it was already written but as seperate verses or chapters not in one book like now, and it was gathered in abu bakr era and he kept the book to umar his caliph and umar kept it to his daughter hafsa and also she was the wife of our prophet, and during uthman era, many non arab converts to islam and they read some verses in the quran in a wrong way, and every one begin to modify in his own copy (in non- arab muslim country), so uthman take a decision to copy some copies of the copy that were gathered during abu bakr era and reviewed it again and bring all the other copies in the people's hand and burn it and distribute that copy which reviewed by all the mohamed's Companions who attend the revealing of quran and memorized it, so no distortion in the quran, i hope i answered you

The discovery of the oldest known texts of the Quran in Yemen (and it was a massive amount of parchment not just a fragment) tells a different story my friend, I think the reasons Muslims are so concerned about corruption of text may be more to do with self persuasion, the physical evidence does not back up the claim, I ofcourse expect you to refute any doubts as with almost all people of faith you will never be as critical of your own as others books,

but without a counter peice of evidence to the oldest texts which are very different to the Quran you know today, the claim of an uncorrupted Quran is a hollow one.

And if we add the many scientific errors that all religious texts contain, it is clear that the authors were not aware of anything other than the knowledge of the world that was open to them in thier day.

For instance the Qurans description of embryo development is either a direct copy of Greek understanding of the subject that proceeded the Quran by centuries or just a coincidence that they say the same thing but the truth is both the Greeks and the Quran got that one wrong, as they both did with the origin of sperm in the body.

Im sorry my friend but I could never view your book as perfect, Im not sure if you do but to test your level of bias, please tell me two mistakes/errors you know of in the Quran?

6666 verses, find 2 errors.
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islam abduallah

Active Member
The discovery of the oldest known texts of the Quran in Yemen (and it was a massive amount of parchment not just a fragment) tells a different story my friend, I think the reasons Muslims are so concerned about corruption of text may be more to do with self persuasion, the physical evidence does not back up the claim, I ofcourse expect you to refute any doubts as with almost all people of faith you will never be as critical of your own as others books,

but without a counter peice of evidence to the oldest texts which are very different to the Quran you know today, the claim of an uncorrupted Quran is a hollow one.

And if we add the many scientific errors that all religious texts contain, it is clear that the authors were not aware of anything other than the knowledge of the world that was open to them in thier day.

For instance the Qurans description of embryo development is either a direct copy of Greek understanding of the subject that proceeded the Quran by centuries or just a coincidence that they say the same thing but the truth is both the Greeks and the Quran got that one wrong, as they both did with the origin of sperm in the body.

Im sorry my friend but I could never view your book as perfect, Im not sure if you do but to test your level of bias, please tell me two mistakes/errors you know of in the Quran?

6666 verses, find 2 errors.

hmm, my friend, i'm muslim, do you think if i found an error in the quran i'll still as a muslim? No, so that really i don't find any errors, contradictions or mistakes in the quran, if you really have one please show it to me?
but i just want to add something, putting science as a judge for an holy book is wrong why?, because the science's opinion is changed frequently, sometimes the scientifics said that the man who is the responsible to identify the gender of the baby and after that they said it's the women, me and u can't check that by ourselves
regarding to the discovering of the oldest copy of quran, i don't know any information about it honestly, but if you have please post it to me, may it add value, but take in your concern who discover it and identify it's age? who made the comparison between it and the quran? i'll appreciate your answers :)
regarding to the matched between quran and some greek texts, i'm not sure about the credibility of that claim, excuse me, but why i should believe that, what's the evidence, also if that was right, do you forget that mohamed was Illiterate, he didn't know how to read or write arabic, so what about greek?!!, do you think it would logical? do you know exactly why Muslims consider quran is the greatest miracle of Islam although that there was many other miracles of the prophet of islam? do you know why quran exactly?
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