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the right religion

islam abduallah

Active Member
From what I understand, Sikhism is kind of a combination of Islam and Hinduism.

Paramahamsa Yogananda's school of Yoga is sort of a mix of Vedic Yoga and Christianity.

I think there are three methods of mixing religions:

1. Somehow reconcile through unorthodox interpretation the apparent contradictions between the two,
2. Discard any conflicts, leaving only the things which agree with each other, or
3. Cherry pick your favorite aspects of each religion and mold them together.

i don't know much about hinduism nor sikhism, could you tell me how skhism made that combination?
surly i'm not agreed with your definition of how to mix between 2 religions, you know why?, the core or the basic of each religion is totally different, i can say that islam and judhism appeared as 2 close religions but if you think for a while about the prophecy of Mohamed, you will find that you can't gather between the 2 religions as muslims consider denying the prophecy of mohamed is destroying the religion itself., so you can't gather between both


Active Member
hmm, my friend, i'm muslim, do you think if i found an error in the quran i'll still as a muslim? No, so that really i don't find any errors, contradictions or mistakes in the quran, if you really have one please show it to me?
but i just want to add something, putting science as a judge for an holy book is wrong why?, because the science's opinion is changed frequently, sometimes the scientifics said that the man who is the responsible to identify the gender of the baby and after that they said it's the women, me and u can't check that by ourselves
regarding to the discovering of the oldest copy of quran, i don't know any information about it honestly, but if you have please post it to me, may it add value, but take in your concern who discover it and identify it's age? who made the comparison between it and the quran? i'll appreciate your answers :)
regarding to the matched between quran and some greek texts, i'm not sure about the credibility of that claim, excuse me, but why i should believe that, what's the evidence, also if that was right, do you forget that mohamed was Illiterate, he didn't know how to read or write arabic, so what about greek?!!, do you think it would logical? do you know exactly why Muslims consider quran is the greatest miracle of Islam although that there was many other miracles of the prophet of islam? do you know why quran exactly?

That a man cant read or write does not make him ignorant or stupid, Mohammed could have been and judgeing by his military successes was very clever, if a man cant write he must remember, he was a merchent correct?, he came into contact with all sorts of people, he never read any greek, I agree on that but then nor do I, ideas travel in many forms.

The list of great people in history who could not read or write is very long.

On the Greek medical knowledge, not say he stole just that his descriptions match

Islam Watch - "Science in Quran: Ambiguity of Human Embryology" by Syed Kamran Mirza

on the Yemen texts

YouTube - ‪Evidence disproves the Qur'an authenticity.‬‏

Yes Science does change when new information arises but it at the same time throws away the old information that was wrong and the Quran gets it wrong, and there is no doubt, if you think your sperm comes from your spine or there abouts, please demonstrate that theory.

That is one error, im not going to list lots as I feel you are not able to see any objections to the Quran just as certain Christians can see no fault with the Bible, you can see those faults but they cant or refuse too right?, this is the same situation.

It is right to use Science and any other means to test a claim, the claims made by the Quran and the people who preach its message deserve to be tested,

And evidence for those claims asked for as a claim without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, and all evidence is open to scrutiny, including mine.

eg, if i claimed i had an invisible unicorn, would you take my word for it or would you require evidence?

If i said I had no evidence but insisted my claim was true until you prove other wise, how would you do that?

A claim without solid reliable evidence, requires no evidence to dispute.

And the reason I feel none of the Worlds religions are right is because none have any solid reliable evidence, faith is a trick when between two people.

God will speak to me directly or he does not exist, look at the 200,000 plus Gods worshipped through human history, you would say 199 999 of them were false right?

look at all the cults that are started, moonies, heavens gato, WACO etc etc,

When another man tells me to have faith, he needs to provide reason.
tricksters, conmen and snake oil salesmen feed off faith.

Nope if thats the best God can do he is no greater than I am.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
to read the quran in arabic surly is better than any translation, not only because to avoid the translation errors but also because of the beautty and spiritually of the words of quran in arabic, but surly if you can't learn arabic you can read it as translation, i don't know where are you form, but surly there is an islamic center in your country, you can ask them for a trusted copy or go to the electronic copy of www.huda.tv i think it's good,
OK, I will.

i agree with you, that nobody imagines or understands how's the god, how he's? what's his shape but we can understand his words, his commands what he really wills us to do?
god said in quran
Gonna stop you right there. God didn't say anything, Muhammad did.

but i just have a comment about your belief about the god that he's the universe and we are cells of him, do you beliee that ***** and dirts are cells of the god? all the murders are cells of the god? tell me how do you understand that, i hope that you don'tfeel offensive really i don't mean that

islam abduallah

Active Member
OK, I will.

Gonna stop you right there. God didn't say anything, Muhammad did.


well that you will read the translation of the quran, even if it's translation but i think you will feel that it's the word of god

how's the god could contains unclean things?,


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
i don't know much about hinduism nor sikhism, could you tell me how skhism made that combination?

The answer is not all that simple, but in a nutshell it involves an emphasis on monotheism (which, contrary to some common misunderstandings, is quite compatible with Hinduism) and on the more direct and personal approach to religious teaching that the Dharmic religions attempt to have.

surly i'm not agreed with your definition of how to mix between 2 religions, you know why?, the core or the basic of each religion is totally different,

The core of any religion is the desire of attaining useful answers to the anxieties involving the enormity of existence entire and the limitations of human existence.

That many people choose to address those matters by using the concept of God and even specifically the Quran is noteworthy, but hardly enough to make those concepts the true core of those religions.

i can say that islam and judhism appeared as 2 close religions but if you think for a while about the prophecy of Mohamed, you will find that you can't gather between the 2 religions as muslims consider denying the prophecy of mohamed is destroying the religion itself., so you can't gather between both

And yet the Quran itself takes pains to declare that Judaism is a legitimate religion, or at least was when it first took shape. So I don't really know what you mean by denial of the prophecy.


Well-Known Member
sorry for using r instead of are, but u know it's common in chat and forums but i'll try to avoid that, and yes english isn't my native language

but could u explain how we could have more than one right religion? although that each religion has contradicts with other religions? how contradictions could be all right?

Well, it is possible to have no right religion. I mean they all could be wrong.


there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)
Similar problem was with " Hazrat baba farid " (Sufi Saint) , As farid was in search of true religion.

Once in his dream, one man camed and said, O farid, you just go see the fun-fair in your village there you will meet a spiritual teacher.

And next when he went to the fun-fair, there he met the same man which came in his dream, and he becamed the disciple.

After enlightenment baba farid wrote in one of his "quotes"

" Uth farida sutiya chal mela dekhan ja, koi bakshia hoia milve si, tu bhi bakshia ja " - # GGS (The quote is also rigestred in GGS, Holy books of sikhs)

English:" O Farida, just wake up and visit the fun-fair in your village, there you will be get blessed by the person who is further blessed "

Shortly mean to say: True religion will be introduced by "God" himself, through any supernaturel way, :) yes ... this thing is not easy to digest, but this is iss.


islam abduallah

Active Member
Similar problem was with " Hazrat baba farid " (Sufi Saint) , As farid was in search of true religion.

Once in his dream, one man camed and said, O farid, you just go see the fun-fair in your village there you will meet a spiritual teacher.

And next when he went to the fun-fair, there he met the same man which came in his dream, and he becamed the disciple.

After enlightenment baba farid wrote in one of his "quotes"

English:" O Farida, just wake up and visit the fun-fair in your village, there you will be get blessed by the person who is further blessed "

Shortly mean to say: True religion will be introduced by "God" himself, through any supernaturel way, :) yes ... this thing is not easy to digest, but this is iss.


thanks for the story, the god already did that, he provides the prophets with miracles to show it to the human there but also the people there said it's magic, not all people believe by physical miracles


There is no right religion, unless you want to get really really flimsy. Cubby-holing the entire world into a single moral code hasn't worked so far. It may work with better examination of morality and neuroscience, but until then "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will".


Active Member
There is no right religion, unless you want to get really really flimsy. Cubby-holing the entire world into a single moral code hasn't worked so far. It may work with better examination of morality and neuroscience, but until then "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will".

The very best parts of all the Holy books and philosphies say that exact thing, and I agree with it, all the silly outdated rules and regulations and ripping cash out of pockets can be ditched,
the universal golden rule can live forever.

Maybe thats the truth of religion.


The very best parts of all the Holy books and philosphies say that exact thing, and I agree with it, all the silly outdated rules and regulations and ripping cash out of pockets can be ditched,
the universal golden rule can live forever.

Maybe thats the truth of religion.
It's just a matter of how far you can stretch it. I've yet to see a society build solely around the golden rule so...would it work? Does it cover enough moral dilemmas?

This is completely ignoring the need for a universal definition of "harm".


Active Member
It's just a matter of how far you can stretch it. I've yet to see a society build solely around the golden rule so...would it work? Does it cover enough moral dilemmas?

This is completely ignoring the need for a universal definition of "harm".

well first off I would say what we eat, drink, wear, who we sleep with and in what position should be our business alone or in the case of partners ours and thier business, no religious code required.
If we can afford it, its our business.

The UN has a pretty good code where Human rights is concerned, sure they arnt great at most things but on that the wrote it fine, the US constitution when its upheld is a fine document too and I say that as an outsider, I love the US constitution and the 6 UK documents it copied a lot of its contents from, the writers of those have greater moral compass for todays world than bronze age and iron age men imho.

what is required is universal 1st class education and parenting, no set of rules has any chance of working fully without these two things.

The bigotry contained in portions of religious texts is not moral imho, homosexuals, women, men and all people regardless of ethnic origin deserve the same human rights and equal treatment.

I also view the mutilation of childrens genitalia in a bad light too, find it disgusting in truth, would like to see an end to it.

those are just my personal opinions.


well first off I would say what we eat, drink, wear, who we sleep with and in what position should be our business alone or in the case of partners ours and thier business, no religious code required.
If we can afford it, its our business.

The UN has a pretty good code where Human rights is concerned, sure they arnt great at most things but on that the wrote it fine, the US constitution when its upheld is a fine document too and I say that as an outsider, I love the US constitution and the 6 UK documents it copied a lot of its contents from, the writers of those have greater moral compass for todays world than bronze age and iron age men imho.

what is required is universal 1st class education and parenting, no set of rules has any chance of working fully without these two things.

The bigotry contained in portions of religious texts is not moral imho, homosexuals, women, men and all people regardless of ethnic origin deserve the same human rights and equal treatment.

I also view the mutilation of childrens genitalia in a bad light too, find it disgusting in truth, would like to see an end to it.

those are just my personal opinions.
Too bad no one is willing to build from scratch and see for themselves whether this way of governing would work.


Wonder Woman
surly i'm not agreed with your definition of how to mix between 2 religions, you know why?, the core or the basic of each religion is totally different, i can say that islam and judhism appeared as 2 close religions but if you think for a while about the prophecy of Mohamed, you will find that you can't gather between the 2 religions as muslims consider denying the prophecy of mohamed is destroying the religion itself., so you can't gather between both

Actually, if you were to study mythology and archetypes in general you will find that the same archetypes appear throughout all mythologies. Same basic types of stories and characters appear over and over again. Just slapping different names on the characters and different settings and cultural influences. The basic underlying flow of the stories are very much the same though.

Here, if you're honestly curious, are a few archetypes explained: Archetypes, Myths and Characters

You might also benefit from the book those were taken from: Amazon.com: The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Bollingen Series, No. 17) (9780691017846): Joseph Campbell: Books

There are more archetypes than what were listed on the first page. If you really learn what they are you can easily take them and find who those archetypes fit in any mythology/religion you find. Including yours. The experiences vary, but the flow is nearly all the same. that being the case...religions actually have more commonalities than differences. The differences arise from the cultural takes on the same underlying archetypal stories.
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islam abduallah

Active Member
That a man cant read or write does not make him ignorant or stupid, Mohammed could have been and judgeing by his military successes was very clever, if a man cant write he must remember, he was a merchent correct?, he came into contact with all sorts of people, he never read any greek, I agree on that but then nor do I, ideas travel in many forms.

The list of great people in history who could not read or write is very long.

On the Greek medical knowledge, not say he stole just that his descriptions match

Islam Watch - "Science in Quran: Ambiguity of Human Embryology" by Syed Kamran Mirza

on the Yemen texts

YouTube - ‪Evidence disproves the Qur'an authenticity.‬‏

Yes Science does change when new information arises but it at the same time throws away the old information that was wrong and the Quran gets it wrong, and there is no doubt, if you think your sperm comes from your spine or there abouts, please demonstrate that theory.

That is one error, im not going to list lots as I feel you are not able to see any objections to the Quran just as certain Christians can see no fault with the Bible, you can see those faults but they cant or refuse too right?, this is the same situation.

It is right to use Science and any other means to test a claim, the claims made by the Quran and the people who preach its message deserve to be tested,

And evidence for those claims asked for as a claim without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, and all evidence is open to scrutiny, including mine.

eg, if i claimed i had an invisible unicorn, would you take my word for it or would you require evidence?

If i said I had no evidence but insisted my claim was true until you prove other wise, how would you do that?

A claim without solid reliable evidence, requires no evidence to dispute.

And the reason I feel none of the Worlds religions are right is because none have any solid reliable evidence, faith is a trick when between two people.

God will speak to me directly or he does not exist, look at the 200,000 plus Gods worshipped through human history, you would say 199 999 of them were false right?

look at all the cults that are started, moonies, heavens gato, WACO etc etc,

When another man tells me to have faith, he needs to provide reason.
tricksters, conmen and snake oil salesmen feed off faith.

Nope if thats the best God can do he is no greater than I am.

really it took sometime to read your post and it's attached links, but i like it, it's too interested

yes, agree the man who doesn't read or write can be smart and really i consider Mohamed was a genius, not only for his military victories but also in how he invites people to islam, how he owns their hearts and minds?, how till now 1.5 billions follow his path? surly the god made him as a genius, but that not mean that he was a scientific, economic man, author of the quran, no he had the enough skills that allow him to be the last messenger from the god,

yes, Mohamed worked as merchant for a period but it wasn't only his only profession, but it doesn't matter
:no: mohamed hadn't travelled to more places as you claimed, just to some few places of sham, all of them was before the prophecy

related to the video of Yemen, this video isn't more than a lie, i'll prove that to u, i had told u that quran was writing during the prophet era but it wasn't gathered in one book till abu bakr becomes the caliph, and then uthman distributed it to all of the nations, do u know when uthman had been died? he was killed at 655 while the video said that this copy of quran is the oldest one and it was from after 705 to 715 i.e. after the death of the prophet by 70 years, "this is what the video said", don't u feel lieing now, uthman has died at 655 while this copy was written at 705???? this is the first lie
second lie, it said that the quran was written without dots, and that makes the word has more than 30 meaning?, what a lie!!!, indeed no, that's totally wrong, arab didn't use the dots before the quran, all of their poems and writings before the islam was without dots and they could understand it easily, also without dots the word will not have 30 meanings, never most of the words is uniques in shape, only too little words which could be 2 possible words without dots, it can't be more than 2 and mostly it leads to the same meaning and the prophet had recite the quran by the 2 possible words (if the word have 2 words without dots), and all of these words are known, and we use them normally, it's known even to the child, that u can read this word by 2 forms but it leads to the same meaning and also the prophet recite the quran by both words, so the video doesn't present something new except the 2 lies
i hope that i was clear, i know my english isn't so good, if u don't catch something about it, let me know
:no: not usually the new information is right and the old is wrong, i gave u an example which the world still heisitated about it, who's responsible of the gender of the baby, the man or the woman, at the first they claim it's the women, then it's the man, now they return back to say it's the woman, so what would you trust in?

regarding that link of islam watch i read it already, also it's not more than a misusing and distorting of the quranic verses, but i have to go now, and i'll write my reply to u soon

keep well

i agree with you that i have to give to you the reason to convince you to be a muslim, you are right at that, anyway i wasn't intended to keep replying for a long time, i should show why i'm a Muslim?