That a man cant read or write does not make him ignorant or stupid, Mohammed could have been and judgeing by his military successes was very clever, if a man cant write he must remember, he was a merchent correct?, he came into contact with all sorts of people, he never read any greek, I agree on that but then nor do I, ideas travel in many forms.
The list of great people in history who could not read or write is very long.
On the Greek medical knowledge, not say he stole just that his descriptions match
Islam Watch - "Science in Quran: Ambiguity of Human Embryology" by Syed Kamran Mirza
on the Yemen texts
YouTube - ‪Evidence disproves the Qur'an authenticity.‬‏
Yes Science does change when new information arises but it at the same time throws away the old information that was wrong and the Quran gets it wrong, and there is no doubt, if you think your sperm comes from your spine or there abouts, please demonstrate that theory.
That is one error, im not going to list lots as I feel you are not able to see any objections to the Quran just as certain Christians can see no fault with the Bible, you can see those faults but they cant or refuse too right?, this is the same situation.
It is right to use Science and any other means to test a claim, the claims made by the Quran and the people who preach its message deserve to be tested,
And evidence for those claims asked for as a claim without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, and all evidence is open to scrutiny, including mine.
eg, if i claimed i had an invisible unicorn, would you take my word for it or would you require evidence?
If i said I had no evidence but insisted my claim was true until you prove other wise, how would you do that?
A claim without solid reliable evidence, requires no evidence to dispute.
And the reason I feel none of the Worlds religions are right is because none have any solid reliable evidence, faith is a trick when between two people.
God will speak to me directly or he does not exist, look at the 200,000 plus Gods worshipped through human history, you would say 199 999 of them were false right?
look at all the cults that are started, moonies, heavens gato, WACO etc etc,
When another man tells me to have faith, he needs to provide reason.
tricksters, conmen and snake oil salesmen feed off faith.
Nope if thats the best God can do he is no greater than I am.