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the right religion


Shalom Meow Mix in order for you to know if the Hebrew Scriptures is correct is for you to read the Scriptures and follow what it says only then you will know that its contents are true.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Shalom Meow Mix in order for you to know if the Hebrew Scriptures is correct is for you to read the Scriptures and follow what it says only then you will know that its contents are true.

But there's 80 other guys telling me I have to read their scriptures and follow what they say in order to know their contents are true.

How do I know who to believe without evidence?


Okay let us put it this way Meow Mix. If we are after for evidence for the Hebrew Scriptures to be true, its recorded events are supported by other history books. It tells where man came from and where he is going and teaches man how to live.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Shalom Meow Mix in order for you to know if the Hebrew Scriptures is correct is for you to read the Scriptures and follow what it says only then you will know that its contents are true.

I've read them and rejected them.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Okay let us put it this way Meow Mix. If we are after for evidence for the Hebrew Scriptures to be true, its recorded events are supported by other history books. It tells where man came from and where he is going and teaches man how to live.

So what? The bible might be historically accurate but that doesn't mean it's correct about the supernatural etc.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
Okay let us put it this way Meow Mix. If we are after for evidence for the Hebrew Scriptures to be true, its recorded events are supported by other history books. It tells where man came from and where he is going and teaches man how to live.

Interesting that you say that garrydons. I happen to have read the Illiad and the Odyssey; and it turns out other history books have supported the existence of Troy -- and in fact, archaeologists have found the city of Troy.

Does that mean the Greek gods exist, and that Achilles was really killed by a giant scorpion?

Do you maybe see the flaw in your reasoning now?

Just because myths contain real places and real people doesn't mean that their more fantastic claims are true.


Well-Known Member
garrydons said:
Okay let us put it this way Meow Mix. If we are after for evidence for the Hebrew Scriptures to be true, its recorded events are supported by other history books. It tells where man came from and where he is going and teaches man how to live.

What history books support a global flood, and closely resemble the biblical stories of the flood?

How does geoloogy support the global flood theory?
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Well-Known Member
But there's 80 other guys telling me I have to read their scriptures and follow what they say in order to know their contents are true.

How do I know who to believe without evidence?

Well, I guess you'll never know... :(

Just kidding ;)

You know what's cool? Those 80 other guys teach a lot of the same things. So you don't have to necessarily pick just one. Try this one out for size:

There is a God/Creator type being. A just and merciful one. This being cares about you. It wants the best for you, and for everyone else. This being is intelligent, powerful, and has a plan under way. Seek to do good with your life. Seek to be loving. Seek to help and bless those around you. Take care of your closest relationships. As you do this, 'God' will bless you and everything will work out in the end.

That's my version of "the 80 other guys." And I believe it is true with all my heart.


Shalom Agnostic75 try to open and read "Ancient Days.... The Flood, Noah's Flood" they may help explain regarding the subject at hand.


Shalom Meow Mix, Am I right to say that you agree that the Greek gods dont really exist. Why? what is your basis? if I am not mistaken. Maybe there is not really much proof to prove this claim. But to say easily that the Bible is a myth needs a lot of evidence to prove.


there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)

Shalom! I personally believe that whatever our religion is as of now, if we are really sincere in seeking the true religion, the great Creator of Heaven and earth will lead us to find it. The Bible says: "Seek and you shall find. . ." With due respect to other various religions, if you dont find complete peace of mind and still in doubt with your religion, try the religion of the Jewish people.


Jesus in me
Of course not. My proof that I am speaking for God is exactly the same as your proof that you are speaking for God.

Well, OK... that was a nutty thing for me to say. Obviously my proof is a much finer thing than anyone else's proof.

But it is the same type of proof, I guess we could say. It lives in the same general neighborhood as your proof. But let's face it. My proof dwells in the biggest house, on the highest hill, in the neighborhood.

If anyone speaks for God, clearly it is me.

I doubt that you are even in the same neigborhood but we are equal in terms of the fact that we are making claims that totally depend on our honesty.

This is the first proof (by your own statement) that you are not hearing from God. You say that you seak for God but that is not what God does. He has people speak His words. In my case God speaks through me not just to me. Now a preacher can be said to be speaking for God but it is not God's word that he speaks but his own and often his own ideas of God's word.


Jesus in me
Shalom! As we notice, every group of religion claim to be that they right or the true one. The Three Major religions in the world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam maybe I am right to say that all these will claim that they are the true one. Of course aside from these three there many, many more religions in the world. So, what is now our parameter? How do we know which one is true? Let me quickly state that a true religion certainly would not preach or promote hatred, violence, wars, chaos and other practices which are beyond what is acceptable with the society in general. If a certain religion promotes or practice terrorism, violates human rights and other evil acts then surely it is not true religion or faith. Now, these three Major religions in the world are all called Abrahamic because they all believe Abraham as the Father of Faith. I stand corrected if I am wrong. Judaism use the Tanakh, the so called Old Testament by Christians. While Christians both use the Old Testament and the New Testament. Muslims use the koran. Personally I would suggest since they are also belivers of Abraham that they also use the Bible. But it is up to them. Now, if we believe the Bible or the Scriptures as manual of God given to man, then the Scriptures says that God of Israel choose Israel as the bearer of Light meaning the preacher of the Good News to all the nations of the world. To the Jewish people were given the Oracles of God (Elohim). How to live a life of true Godliness were revealed to them. In other words they possess the true religion. So, with the premises, Judaism will come out as the true religion. But for the information of still who are not aware there are Jews who already accepted Jesus (Yeshua) as the prophesied Messiah and these are the Messianic Jews. And their religion is called Messianic Judaism.

Therein lies the problem. You are not qualified to define the characteristics of a right religion.

These are no the same. Islam and Judaism may be true religions but that does not make them the right religion. Science is often tue but it is not a right religion.

No doubt Judaism contains many good things but it is lacking the Paraclete.


Jesus in me
Well, present away, sunshine.

The best evidence in my estimation is that of the drug addict who has been saved from it by accepting Jesus. Usually an attempt to escape by sheer will power is lacking (most religions say you have to save yourself by getting off the drugs by sheer willpower). Christianity gets a person's will out of the way so that God's will prevails and He never fails to deliver a person.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The best evidence in my estimation is that of the drug addict who has been saved from it by accepting Jesus.

Replacing one coping mechanism with another...amazing. And that could be done with *any* religion.

So that's honestly the best out of your pile of "most evidence"?
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