I have no idea. I just wanted you to not label something you have no real explanation for a "ghost". If you are saying you know it was, then I wanted you to share the evidence you found that convinced you. If it is solid evidence, then others will be convinced as well. f you only labeled it as such because you can't explain it, then "I don't know what it was" is the correct response.
Its not objective evidence. It would be if more people say ghosts on a regular basis. Then thered be more serious study on it. For now, science only knows but so much. Those who know spirits (I rather say) exist wont tell you experience from a scientific perspective.
That is One Big Thing "evidence askers" have to accept. There is no objective evidence. Why ask?
The word ghost makes me think of halloween.
I saw a spirit, tall male, white shirt, blue jeans walk from our top stars to the bedroom and back. It was interesting. No one knew the guy. He never talked. He just walked as you and I do. Nothing special.
My mother talked more about him. It was the house he used to live in, she explained. Her mother bought the house over a cementary. The civil war had been faught where I lived. People are killed daily in the city I had lived. Spirits being in certain homes in my city wasnt a big deal. They were old homes.
Then my father comes in and walks up the stairs. "Whose that guy upstairs" he starts fussing at my mother, thinking she just slept with the guy.
"Oh him. Thats just the ghost upstairs" she said.
Afterawhile of moved beds and cabnets, he finally believes her.
Then the real estate lady comes by. My grandmother wanted to sell the house. The RE lady asked, "is there another resident living with you?"
My mother says "oh. Him Thats the ghost upstairs." (This was awhile ago. Cant remember exact wording.
The RE woman ran from the house and never came back.
My grandmother always had upside down horse shoes over the top door frame. She has the house excercised as well.
We moved to VA from DC. More spirit-stories. I was held down by a spirit. Mother had been to as she says. Rocks thrown at my window where no neighbors and ways of entry under large trees were seen there. Think they were pebbles. Dont know. We used to collect them. It was always the same timing.
What else? Those were my experiences. My mother and aunt tell me theirs. I have no reason to disbelieve them even though I wasnt there for most of the events they relayed. I have no reason to question what I seen. Its like questioning if I have an samsaung phone in my hand Im typing on.
This was years ago, in another state, in another town. What type of evidence do you accept and how would I share objective evidence online?