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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
There is no god, heaven or hell, all made-made concepts.

There is no God in your belief, there is perhaps nothing there for you. The nothing has nothing to offer me, so I believe in something. There is no hell, there is a heaven, and we all are destined to be with God. Thats truth in a nutshell, we all will make it into a far better existance than we now know.



Well-Known Member
There is no God in your belief, there is perhaps nothing there for you. The nothing has nothing to offer me, so I believe in something. There is no hell, there is a heaven, and we all are destined to be with God. Thats truth in a nutshell, we all will make it into a far better existance than we now know.


To look to the sky and see nothing beyond it, is truly shortsighteness. There must be a God somewhere, it must be.

There must be MORE out there, more Love, more Hope, more longsuffering, more kindness.

And I believe God IS all those things and has been holding that power back for quite sometime.



Just me
Premium Member
To look to the sky and see nothing beyond it, is truly shortsighteness. There must be a God somewhere, it must be.

There must be MORE out there, more Love, more Hope, more longsuffering, more kindness.

And I believe God IS all those things and has been holding that power back for quite sometime.

I think this a noble imagining.

(With no negative connotation on imagining.)

Zaphod Beeblebrox

Zarking Fardwarks!
no eternal hell?

Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
Well it's not necessarily talking about eternal hellfire. I'm not even sure whether you can say the person is necessarily going to remain alive for all eternity. Someone like Hitler for instance, although dead now has everlasting shame and contempt attached to his name.

Also notice that the scripture says "many of them". Not all. Why would the verse say that I wonder? Who are the ones that do not get resurrected? Something doesn't quite add up here. Mistranslation perhaps? Perhaps a metaphor of some kind?

Mark 3:29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:
When I see the term "eternal damnation" I don't see why this should be taken as eternal suffering. It could just as easily apply to a dead person in a grave (or after being burnt to death by fire). You're going to remain dead with no chance of reversing it.
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Veteran Member
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.


hi :)
there are more than 200 replies, please forgive me i am not willing to read them all.

Dear Mickiel,
entire creation is based on opposites. without one the other can't exist. both sides in duality make each other real. heaven and hell are also opposites. heaven would not exist without existence of hell. hell, eternal suffering, is not a sick concept. because you know about it. if God did not let people know about hell, then it would be a sick concept. since we know about hell, at least as an option for future, not asking help to be saved is even more sick than not being warned about it. look at this life. everything ends but there is suffering. more or less we all suffered in our lives. why did we suffer? there is only one reason for suffering in this world. being away from God. eternal suffering is not different. what you establish in this world continues after you die for eternity. heaven is not going to be given. if you earn heaven, you're going to start living heaven, right here, on earth.

thank you for your time :)



Well-Known Member
There is no God in your belief, there is perhaps nothing there for you. The nothing has nothing to offer me, so I believe in something. There is no hell, there is a heaven, and we all are destined to be with God. Thats truth in a nutshell, we all will make it into a far better existance than we now know.


If were all destined for heaven the why does God wants us to choose? And why even mention hell? Even if hell is just sepration from God? Again the bible says that God already knows whos going to heaven & who is not.


Well-Known Member
May add one small thing to this conversation?

There is only ONE eternal, that is Y H V H God, only he has no beginning and no end.
The heaven and the earth all had a begining and will end.
The "Eternal Mountains" had a begining and will have an end.

Back to the one and only "eternal" God, when a word eternal is outside of God, refers to something that belongs only to God.

Would you believe it if I said that the word eternity in not in the NT-AV, ever?
In the Tanack once and it is a description of the Holy One God.
Then we come to "eternal life" Not in Tanack, but is in many places in the NT, this eternal is (anious) without beginning and without end, so it has to come as a gift from the only eternal God Y H V H.



Well-Known Member
There is no God in your belief, there is perhaps nothing there for you. The nothing has nothing to offer me, so I believe in something. There is no hell, there is a heaven, and we all are destined to be with God. Thats truth in a nutshell, we all will make it into a far better existance than we now know.


Please provide proof beyond wishful thinking.


Well-Known Member
One of the most popular christian teachings is that Jesus spoke of hell more than he did heaven. That is a blatant lie. Jesus spoke of heaven over 100 times, he spoke of hell 4 times.

Yet people would rather believe lies, than hold to the truth.



Active Member
We can't always have what we want you know. If God is evil then he is evil - there's nothing we can do about it.
But I personally believe that we arn't supposed to know much about him.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I was thinking the same thing logician. If I am wrong, I will never know. Can you say that?

Why are you still trying to use Pascal's wager? Really now..

You think that if there is a god, it guarantees a hell? And even if there is a god, how are you so certain that you're following god the right way or that you're even worshiping the right god? You could find yourself standing before an angry Allah, or Zeus or Thor, or maybe still Jesus but you just weren't in the right denomination and end right up in hell next to me, or we both might end up reincarnated as maggots on the same bloated carcass due to our bad karma. Or we both might end up in Heaven because the real god had no need for eternal damnation. Etc, etc.


Well-Known Member
The largest support for eternal hell torture comes from churchs who have usurped the image of God to be their own. So they naturally believe that their teachings, are the teachings of God, supported and endorsed by God. Such sheer gall and ignorance, to believe that God supports the eternal continuation of pain and misery. As if God would never grow tired of the suffering.

Pain demands relief, and everything about God demands that he be Patient, Merciful, full of Grace and forgiveness, that his judgements be tempered by his Love, his Kindness, his Joy and Peace, his Gentleness and Power! All of which are definte powerful reasons to eliminate ones belief in eternal punishing and continual suffering.

But notice how certain believers just cannot come up off of their belief in eternal damnation. You know the root reason why? Because " THEY WANT IT", they want it to be true, they DESIRE for it to be true. They WANT God to do it to other humans.

And thats a sad state for a human heart to be in.



Active Member
I'm very sorry, but I do not agree with this notion. People are sent to hell if they have rebuked the name of God. If everyone would praise the name of God, and believe in Him and His Word, then God would accept them all into Heaven.

I do not believe that it is God that "sends" people to hell. I believe that if they are not true and pure to His name, then they will eventually be consusmed by Satan and the evil, foulness that he seems to impart in his followers.

It is not the fault of God that people have turned their backs on faith and religion. I also believe that if you do not have faith in God, but you have no allegience with Satan either, then you may go into a Middle realm. A realm between Heaven and Hell where you can go if you have no faith in any religion.

Just a thought.


P.S. God is merciful. He is forgiving to all those who praise in His name, and He will reward them in Heaven. Do you honestly believe that God likes to see people suffering. He brings death to those that are suffering to ease their pain, and if they believe in Him, then they will be accepted into Heaven.
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Active Member
One of the most popular christian teachings is that Jesus spoke of hell more than he did heaven. That is a blatant lie. Jesus spoke of heaven over 100 times, he spoke of hell 4 times.

Yet people would rather believe lies, than hold to the truth.


You cannot say that. You cannot talk for other people. I believe in Hell, I also believe in Heaven, so what does that make me. I do not believe that God likes to see people suffer, but if they still do not believe in His strength and His justice after all that has been placed before them, then they are but fools, and have but forsaken themselves.

There are people out there who do not believe the lies, who do not go with the flow, but you seem to be insinuating that all Christians do. I do not, and I am a very fierce believer in the Lord God, Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit is within all who have allowed it entrance.

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Well-Known Member
I'm very sorry, but I do not agree with this notion. People are sent to hell if they have rebuked the name of God. If everyone would praise the name of God, and believe in Him and His Word, then God would accept them all into Heaven.

No, people are sent to hell for choosing to thier own path why praise a God who created a being & then punishes them for thinking on thier own?

I do not believe that it is God that "sends" people to hell. I believe that if they are not true and pure to His name, then they will eventually be consusmed by Satan and the evil, foulness that he seems to impart in his followers.

I'm confused you said about that God does send people to hell.

P.S. God is merciful. He is forgiving to all those who praise in His name, and He will reward them in Heaven. Do you honestly believe that God likes to see people suffering. He brings death to those that are suffering to ease their pain, and if they believe in Him, then they will be accepted into Heaven.

Like I said above a merciful God would not send people to hell for making thier own choices. Parents here do not which is why humans have more compassion then your God does.