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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
Ignorance has influenced every religion, and hell and punishment is the evidence of that.

Its a waste of teaching and belief. But we love the waste.



I do not claim to know the bible perfectly I was a Christian
I don't think so! Once you know Jesus Christ you'll want no other! Jesus said unto the twelve, will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, LORD TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? You have the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that you are that Christ, the Son of the living God. (John 6:67-69). Why would you leave such great Love?


Well-Known Member
Christians, or any other religion , that adheres to punishment doctrines, teach and believe in it because they Love it. They agree with the punishment, they desire it to occur.

Why believe in a doctrine that you personally wouldNOT want God to do?

So those who believe in some form of punishment, do so because they agree with it being done, and DESIRE it to be done.

Which I think is perverted.



Christians, or any other religion , that adheres to punishment doctrines, teach and believe in it because they Love it. They agree with the punishment, they desire it to occur.

Why believe in a doctrine that you personally wouldNOT want God to do?

So those who believe in some form of punishment, do so because they agree with it being done, and DESIRE it to be done.
Which I think is perverted.

By the way, the laws that you follow ( here in America ) also agree with punishment. And I'm sure that you agree that most of them are right.
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Mr. Peanut

Active Member
While I abhor the thought of an actual lake of fire, Jesus plainly warned us of Hell fire as well as Isaiah and John and others. I know God is love and also just as well as fair. I know he will judge all men fairly. Jesus came to earth, suffered and died to save us from something. If he had to do all that it must not be good!

The bad news is we all have sinned, the penalty of which is death/Hell. But Jesus paid the penalty of sin in that he died, went to Hell and took the keys of death and Hell, triumphing over them.

Jesus said ANYONE may have eternal life FREELY, simply by trusting Him, that his death paid for ALL the sins comitted by everyone that has or will ever live. When we do that, Jesus makes "the great swap". He takes our sin and gives us His righteousness in place of our own righteousness which is "as filthy rags" as far as salvation is concerned.

Jesus said the very reason he came to earth was to go to Jerusalem, be mocked, scourged and crucified, and on the third day rise again. The apostles all agreed this is what he said and died proclaiming his death, burial and resurrection for the remission of our sins. I believe Jesus and the eye-witness of the apostles. Besides, better safe than sorry, lol!



Well-Known Member
I don't overly rate the guy whp wrote all of the books of the apostles(one guy wrote all *testimony*)..I can perticularly see through Saul/Paul testimony,where it is flawed & grotesquely misrepresented.

I resonate more freely with the Galileans,who heard quite a few of the Apostles & opted for the quite,safer life.

If I read Paul epistle to the Gallileans,I hear a wee Galilean heckler ripping him to shreds throughout.

Maybe read it tonight.Anyone else get this?

Mr Peanut,I salute you.......the same wee hecklar raises his voice when I read any of your stuff.



Active Member
I do not really read the OT. I believe that the Word of God, the true Word, is represented in the NT, as it is spoken through the mouth of Jesus Christ himself. Plus, there are only four Appstles, and they all seem to say basically the same thing, so I believe that the truth is in the NT.

I agree with Mr. Peanut, (while I chuckle at his username), because what he has said is what I've tried to say, but couldn't in the one post due to insufficient brain credits.



Well-Known Member
By the way, the laws that you follow ( here in America ) also agree with punishment. And I'm sure that you agree that most of them are right.

Our laws imprision killers for killing, then we kill them for killing. So why should I believe that killing killers solves the problem of killing?

Punishment is a vicious cycle that needs to be stop, not used to solve the problem.

And I believe God knows what he is doing, he will stop both the crimes, the punishments of the crimes, and the mentality that exist that causes the thing from the get go.



Well-Known Member
If you say you have heard the word of God,I am fine with that....

No reason to disregard the OT,where many great universal truths are contained.

The new testament is bases on Jesus(Horus & hundreds of members of different pantheon),Mary(Hathor),this God guy(Tyr or father sky or Nuit)...It didn't really happen buddy,it was just rehashed & accepted as the new way of controlling peoples thought.Scots famously spread it through mainland europe among the people,right along the rhineland....

Greeks took to it immediately,recognising instantly the pantheon members.Just old knowledge,a reflection of old light.

Back on topic,I step through the fire to Nordic & Hindu Pantheon,same as christian.....best explained in the *harrowing of hell* old knowledge tale applied to Jesus.


Active Member
I'm sorry, but I take offence to what you've just stated. I believe that the NT is the Word of God spoken through Christ.

I do not think for a second that you are in any kind of position to talk about the NT not being true. Are you God? Were you there when it was written? What solid, clear proof do you have that the NT is not real.

You are not God, and if people want to believe in the NT truth, then it is their right to do so.

I believe in the NT, so what are you saying about me. I did not say that I disregarded the OT, but I merely said that I read the NT more.

I take offence at your last comment. You are saying that the NT did not really happen, and by extension, are questioning the beliefs of millions of people around the world, saying that they are not real.



Well-Known Member
I don't think so! Once you know Jesus Christ you'll want no other! Jesus said unto the twelve, will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, LORD TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? You have the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that you are that Christ, the Son of the living God. (John 6:67-69). Why would you leave such great Love?

So your saying that once your a Christian you can never be anything else? Sorry I never felt that love your talking of.

How naive. :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
I take offence at your last comment. You are saying that the NT did not really happen, and by extension, are questioning the beliefs of millions of people around the world, saying that they are not real.
Ummm... do you believe in the BOM or the Koran? Don't you then question the beliefs of over a BILLION people?

See what I'm getting at?

No need to take offense... there are a multitude of beliefs here at RF.


Well-Known Member
I like to question things,compare them & try to see what can hold water.

Fraud & falsehood dread examination,the truth invites it.

SO you agree with the concept of eternal hell suffering?anything you don't believe?


Active Member
Yes, I do believe in Hell, but I also believe that God will do everything in His power to save the person.

I believe that once a person has turned from God, they shut out all of the help the He can give them, and that they will then be consumed very slowly by Satan. And that is what makes it so hard for God to save them.

If you trust in any relifion, be it Buddhism, Druidism, Christianity, then your immortal soul will be saved by whoever it is that you've put your faith in.

That's what I believe.


P.S. Are you insinuatuing that the Bible is a fraud. I am only 15, so I get rather annoyed when people say things that they cannot give hard solid evidence to.


Well-Known Member
I identified myself some time ago,know myself very well & love myself.

If you don't know where you are coming from,it dosen't matter where you are going too...Could be you are going on a journey,given your affiliation to the patron saint of travellers?

What do you mean by *a fraud*?It is holy & should be treated as holy,95% trash & 5% nuggets of divinity.

These are the laws of ecstatic self love over 3 & more dimensions which govern holy documnets.Nobody & nothing being perfect,although some strive to perfect.

Know thyself.


Active Member
Ummm... do you believe in the BOM or the Koran? Don't you then question the beliefs of over a BILLION people?

See what I'm getting at?

No need to take offense... there are a multitude of beliefs here at RF.

can you please explain what you mean, as I do not quite understand. Do you mean that because I am a Christian and I believe in the NT, I am then questioning other Holy Scriptures.

I believe that other peoples religion is their own choice. I do not try and convert anyone, as they have their own right to whatever religion they wish to practice.

I do not question the beliefs of others, as in their mind their religion is right.



Active Member
I identified myself some time ago,know myself very well & love myself.

If you don't know where you are coming from,it dosen't matter where you are going too...Could be you are going on a journey,given your affiliation to the patron saint of travellers?

What do you mean by *a fraud*?It is holy & should be treated as holy,95% trash & 5% nuggets of divinity.

These are the laws of ecstatic self love over 3 & more dimensions which govern holy documnets.Nobody & nothing being perfect,although some strive to perfect.

Know thyself.

Lol. You seem to know what you're talking about. I believe that everyone is on a journey through life. And that we should embrace God and His Word to help guide us along the path that has been laid out before us.

I read the NT and try to interpret in the way that I read it. I find it comforting and helpful. And yes, I affiliate myself with Saint Christopher, and I believe that he helps and guides me like an angel watching over me.

I was brought up with Saint Christopher with me Great Gran and my Gran, so I feel a special conection with him.



Well-Known Member
If you trust in any relifion, be it Buddhism, Druidism, Christianity, then your immortal soul will be saved by whoever it is that you've put your faith in.
That's what I believe.

Like I said before hell is a Judeo-Christian concept Pagans do not believe in sin that too is a Christian concept. There is nothing to be saved from people make thier own minds up to do good or bad. It's a choice there is no Satan making you do things that you know better. PLEASE read up on what Pagans believe. :D