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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


New Member
We sure do need him, espically those of us who do not believe in him. I just don't like doctrines that " Exclude people from their need for God." God needs to show this world how to Love and forgive. How to be merciful and Kind, because we have forgotten that in our religions. Religion should be something that will teach and show Love, instead it has morphed into a judgemental condemning organism.

Anyhow, Peace to you.
Mickiel, it starts with you! you are accountable for your actions and how you treat others! peace be with you! It's what comes from the heart ,and then everything falls into place with god and people you love! Its what in you.


Well-Known Member
Mickiel, it starts with you! you are accountable for your actions and how you treat others! peace be with you! It's what comes from the heart ,and then everything falls into place with god and people you love! Its what in you.

Well I think it starts with God, if he wants us to understand, hes just going to have to intervene in our minds and hearts. Religion is mans effort to reach God, I think it falls to God to move first. And the bible hints at that, such as in verses like John 6:44, no human can come to God, ( Or make the first move) unless the Father who sent Jesus first draws them to him." God is called the alpha and omega, meaning he is the first and last in all things, so he is the complette cycle of our belief.

Jesus said that in him we Live, and Move and Have our Being. This means all things, including our mere ability to believe in God, is inititated by God, not our human will.

So I think everything falls into place according to God, not the human.



New Member
Well I think it starts with God, if he wants us to understand, hes just going to have to intervene in our minds and hearts. Religion is mans effort to reach God, I think it falls to God to move first. And the bible hints at that, such as in verses like John 6:44, no human can come to God, ( Or make the first move) unless the Father who sent Jesus first draws them to him." God is called the alpha and omega, meaning he is the first and last in all things, so he is the complette cycle of our belief.

Jesus said that in him we Live, and Move and Have our Being. This means all things, including our mere ability to believe in God, is inititated by God, not our human will.

So I think everything falls into place according to God, not the human.

Mickiel, It says No man can come to me,except the Father which hath sent me to draw him: and i will raise him up at the last day.Yes God should come first ,in are lifes.I'm saying he works through us, and how we what to except him ,and to understand are need to know him!Alot of people believe sin saparates us from god.

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Oh the doctrine of eternal punishing is essential to many christian religions

Hi Mickiel,

Maybe you should look into Unversalism, they believe there is no Hell and everyone gets to Heaven at some point.

From Wikipedia Universalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Christianity, Universalism refers to the belief that all humans can be saved through Jesus Christ and eventually come to a harmony in God's kingdom. A related doctrine, apokatastasis, is the belief that all mortal beings will be reconciled to God, including Satan and his fallen angels. Universalism was a fairly commonly held view among theologians in early Christianity: In the first five or six centuries of Christianity there were six known theological schools, of which four (Alexandria, Antioch, Cesarea, and Edessa or Nisibis) were Universalist, one (Ephesus) accepted conditional immortality, and one (Carthage or Rome) taught the endless punishment of the lost. The two major theologians opposing it were Tertullian and Augustine. In later centuries, Universalism has become very much a minority position in the major branches of Christianity, though it has a long history of prominent adherents.

Sorry if someone has already mentioned this, I haven't read the entire thread yet.


Well-Known Member
Very few people know that Universalism was very common in Christianity for the first few 100 years.

Well thats true, and I believe it to be the original gospel truth, just lost or distorted down through the traditional generations of human history.

It all figures to me, a God of great power, great plans, and a great result will come from it. He will forgive all, and save all.

And all of that makes sense to me, if there is a God, I expect him to be great. And it would be a great thing to see all of created humanity to be given life eternal, from no prior conditions. Just given freely by this awesome being of Love.



Miss Independent
Well thats true, and I believe it to be the original gospel truth, just lost or distorted down through the traditional generations of human history.

It all figures to me, a God of great power, great plans, and a great result will come from it. He will forgive all, and save all.

And all of that makes sense to me, if there is a God, I expect him to be great. And it would be a great thing to see all of created humanity to be given life eternal, from no prior conditions. Just given freely by this awesome being of Love.


Id love it if everybody went to heaven, but i'll be pretty P*ed off, if someone starts trouble there again. I dont want earth all over again. There would also be no point to transfer the entire human race from one place (earth) into heaven. It wont be long before heaven is hell.
Id love it if everybody went to heaven, but i'll be pretty P*ed off, if someone starts trouble there again. I dont want earth all over again. There would also be no point to transfer the entire human race from one place (earth) into heaven. It wont be long before heaven is hell.

And you think that spending eternity praising the Lord is heaven? I'd rather be in hell...

Trey of Diamonds

Well-Known Member
Id love it if everybody went to heaven, but i'll be pretty P*ed off, if someone starts trouble there again. I dont want earth all over again. There would also be no point to transfer the entire human race from one place (earth) into heaven. It wont be long before heaven is hell.

You obviously have no idea what Universalism means. I don't subscribe to Universalism either but at least I understand the concept and can discuss it rather than poke fun and call it silly.


Well-Known Member
If not hell then where else?

Listen, I do not subscribe to any view of hell, or any kind of attempt to substain misery forever. Because I do not view God as co-existing with any kind of negative misery forever. Nor do I subscribe to negative thinking that would not want to spend eternity with God or Joy.

Humans do not have a choice in their destiny, we all are going to be with God, what we desire or choose is absolutely nowhere in the reality of Gods mind. We do not factor into our destiny, we were created to live, but for some reason God wanted us to live in the flesh, and in sin influenced by evil, and then die. He wanted that first. BECAUSE of our exposure to these things, we think all kinds of ways that are both wise and ignorant.

So I am never surprised by the things that people say and believe.

God is not going to allow us to be fools forever.

Listen, I do not subscribe to any view of hell, or any kind of attempt to substain misery forever. Because I do not view God as co-existing with any kind of negative misery forever. Nor do I subscribe to negative thinking that would not want to spend eternity with God or Joy.

Humans do not have a choice in their destiny, we all are going to be with God, what we desire or choose is absolutely nowhere in the reality of Gods mind. We do not factor into our destiny, we were created to live, but for some reason God wanted us to live in the flesh, and in sin influenced by evil, and then die. He wanted that first. BECAUSE of our exposure to these things, we think all kinds of ways that are both wise and ignorant.

So I am never surprised by the things that people say and believe.

God is not going to allow us to be fools forever.


Wow, how do you get to read God's mind?


Well-Known Member
Wow, how do you get to read God's mind?

Well it does first start with reading. I can read. And I read the bible,and within it is contained the mind of God.

We have been taught to read, but we have not been taught about God, we just have not. In Galations 5:22-23, a discription of God is given. He is Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, GEntleness and Self Control. These ARE God! This is how God thinks and rules and plans. All of these are the VERY reasons that humanity is NOT doomed! These are the ways and means of God, and any who would understand God, must understand these ways of Life.

And there is NO condemnation in these ways.

Well it does first start with reading. I can read. And I read the bible,and within it is contained the mind of God.

We have been taught to read, but we have not been taught about God, we just have not. In Galations 5:22-23, a discription of God is given. He is Love, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, GEntleness and Self Control. These ARE God! This is how God thinks and rules and plans. All of these are the VERY reasons that humanity is NOT doomed! These are the ways and means of God, and any who would understand God, must understand these ways of Life.

And there is NO condemnation in these ways.


The problem with these books is that they were written by people thousands of years ago, when these writers were much more ignorant than we are, and that they had an agenda that would escape us since they are no longer alive and we can't interrogate them to get to the bottom of it.

So yes, in all indications, it seems that you can read, but you are reading the wrong stuff.



Miss Independent
And you think that spending eternity praising the Lord is heaven? I'd rather be in hell...

LOL!!! Clearly you dont like the idea of liking god for eternity. Praising god in heaven doesnt mean praise and worship meetings. It means having a high regard for him. If you cant manage liking god, please dont apply for entry to heaven will ya. And why is it, that people that dont like god because he apparently wants to shut them out of heaven, wont think it necessary to actually like god when they get there:sarcastic
LOL!!! Clearly you dont like the idea of liking god for eternity. Praising god in heaven doesnt mean praise and worship meetings. It means having a high regard for him. If you cant manage liking god, please dont apply for entry to heaven will ya. And why is it, that people that dont like god because he apparently wants to shut them out of heaven, wont think it necessary to actually like god when they get there:sarcastic

According to your estimation, what else besides praising the Lord, will you be doing for ETERNITY???


Miss Independent
According to your estimation, what else besides praising the Lord, will you be doing for ETERNITY???

Well, perhaps that is food for thought appropriate for another thread. But since I will be a form of godly energy, I will be able to transform that energy into differenty types. For a sneak preview... Have you got your popcorn ready..???

I'll tranform myself into radiation energy and go stand infront of the sun, or zoom through stars and stand in the middle of them. I'll transform myself into wave energy and walk on water, I'll tranform myself into light energy and beam myself to other galaxies. I'll transform myself to sound energy and talk to whoever I want to. I'll make my own planet, my own creatures, rule and reign it. All while i praise god while I do all of this. What will you be doing in hell then?