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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
No one is threatened with eternal punishment in the old testement, nor was it explained to anyone back then that eternal suffering was to be the consequences of sinning. Christians stuck that concept into the new covenant, not God.



Active Member
Look, Mickiel, whatever thing you've got against Christians, pelase stop going on by saying that Christians are putting things into the Bible.

That is your belief, and Hell is mine. I am not going to change that because someone on a forum, that I don't even know, has said that it's a load pf poppycock. I, along with millions of others, believe that there is a Hell, and I've already stated what my belief is about it.

I think that this thread has been going on for rathr a long time, and I'll be taking no more to do with the negative posts being posted here.

This is the last time I will be posting in this thread.

Peace out.



Well-Known Member
Look, Mickiel, whatever thing you've got against Christians, pelase stop going on by saying that Christians are putting things into the Bible.

That is your belief, and Hell is mine. I am not going to change that because someone on a forum, that I don't even know, has said that it's a load pf poppycock. I, along with millions of others, believe that there is a Hell, and I've already stated what my belief is about it.

I think that this thread has been going on for rathr a long time, and I'll be taking no more to do with the negative posts being posted here.

This is the last time I will be posting in this thread.

Peace out.


Good, one less knat to kill. One less peice of the pizzle of humanity, the blind leading the blind. Why don't you take a few more of your christian brothers with you off into the sunset. The real Son of God has set his will onto humanity and the open gates of hell in your mind, cannot prevail against the total wave of salvation comming upon this world of Gods creative mind.


The Joy of one less christian to deal with.


Our laws imprision killers for killing, then we kill them for killing. So why should I believe that killing killers solves the problem of killing?

Punishment is a vicious cycle that needs to be stop, not used to solve the problem..

If you had a loved one taken away from you ( God forbid ) what you recommend for the crime? A 10 minute Time-out maybe?
I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

It has been a long time since I have been a christian. I remember being told in bible college that Hell is only talked about in parables and apocalyptic literature.Now I would think that both types of literature make a poor theological argument.

Origen (d.254) the the great Father of the early Church. He believed that by Christ's death on the cross he made it possable by a gradual process of purification would end in the universal restoration of all (ie mankind and Devil) to God.

Origen was well thought of in his day by many Importent church fathers. He was not called a gnostic till 200 years after his death.:bow:


Well-Known Member
Lol. You seem to know what you're talking about. I believe that everyone is on a journey through life. And that we should embrace God and His Word to help guide us along the path that has been laid out before us.

I read the NT and try to interpret in the way that I read it. I find it comforting and helpful. And yes, I affiliate myself with Saint Christopher, and I believe that he helps and guides me like an angel watching over me.

I was brought up with Saint Christopher with me Great Gran and my Gran, so I feel a special conection with him.


Well Christian Brother,It seems a long time ago but I used to *idolise*(if you know what I mean,ahem) John the Lightbringer from the new testament....he was the only one my subconscious never *heckled*,marvelled at rather..illuminum,illuminate,lighten,enlighten...light is mentioned more time on one page of st John than in the whole holy bible put together.

As the Holy Bible begins & ends in *light* I always found this even more remarkable.

St John is from my father's line,goes way way back to when the tradition dictated that the Grandmaster of Scottish Freemasonry of St John would change his name to John,the most famous & celebrated of my line to do so being in the 14th Century Strathclyde before moving up to Aberdeen.

MA-SONIC=Mother Light.

I was thinking about you last night,I would very like for you to describe Saint Christopher to us.It would be a very cool thread,I've been thinking on him after the Madrid air crash as I fly quite a bit.(kisses ground):thud:

eh,I for one greatly admire your tenacity & the way you will punch someones nose if you perceive that they are sticking it up at you,or politely withdraw when you ready to go super-ballistic(ahem-no swearing here of course)
Be careful that the right reasons guide your sword.

Maybe do a seperate St Christopher thread & the nautical star if you have heard of it or want to hear?




Well-Known Member
No one is threatened with eternal punishment in the old testement, nor was it explained to anyone back then that eternal suffering was to be the consequences of sinning. Christians stuck that concept into the new covenant, not God.


True, and Catholicism greatly expanded on the notion of hell, adding levels etc., mainly to add to their coffers by having people donate money to have priests pray for their loved ones to get out of purgatory.


Well-Known Member
If you had a loved one taken away from you ( God forbid ) what you recommend for the crime? A 10 minute Time-out maybe?

The Perp would have created a hell on earth for themselves by damaging one of mine,whether by misguided actions,lifestyle decision or acting in any form of ignorance.

Then I become a danger unto myself :D


Well-Known Member
Christians have gummed up the world of religion with their righteousness, and damning doctrines. I think this is one of the top three problems with this worlds conception of God. And such a sad reality this is.

Sick concepts comming from sick doctrines. And all geared toward taking away the salvation of humans, not giving them Life.

God is NOT like Christians, hes just not.



Well-Known Member
If you had a loved one taken away from you ( God forbid ) what you recommend for the crime? A 10 minute Time-out maybe?

I hold no intrest in christian cynicism, nobody has ever died, that God didnot want to die. If my loved ones died, it was because it was once appointed by God for them to die. I maynot like the way in which they had to die, but I know that they cannot die unless God decrees that their life is now forfeit, or has come to its predetermined end.



New Member
I hold no intrest in christian cynicism, nobody has ever died, that God didnot want to die. If my loved ones died, it was because it was once appointed by God for them to die. I maynot like the way in which they had to die, but I know that they cannot die unless God decrees that their life is now forfeit, or has come to its predetermined end.

I do agree with your comment God does decrees when are life is over ! And has come to a end.I so believe that.


Well-Known Member
I do agree with your comment God does decrees when are life is over ! And has come to a end.I so believe that.

Well I think its true.

Also I would like to extend my apoligies to all christians on this forum, I know I have been banging hard on you. I will keep my opinions on Christianity to myself, I think they are well known by now. I do not seek to disrupt a board.



New Member
Well I think its true.

Also I would like to extend my apoligies to all christians on this forum, I know I have been banging hard on you. I will keep my opinions on Christianity to myself, I think they are well known by now. I do not seek to disrupt a board.

Mickiel, everyone is intitled to there opionions, and you have yours! Peace to you .


Depends Upon My Mood..
Just where do you get such an idea that I only see the bad that kids do?
No use trying to convince one who is convinced, but God sends NO ONE to an everburning hell! God contends with man for a long, long time before he gives them up to their dishonorable passions.
Contrary to you beliefs, every creature is not a child of God, yes he created the prototype, gave it the ability to procreate.
You are just dead wrong. There is no immortal soul, no everburning hell.
You want to choose your own path and denegrate God for not saving you from the second death. How quaint.

You may blame everyone for your misfortunes, but you will be lieing. Your fault!

Live a civilized life and search for truth and you will find a kind and merciful God and he will save you from the second death.

I for one dont blame anyone..




Depends Upon My Mood..
Well I think its true.

Also I would like to extend my apoligies to all christians on this forum, I know I have been banging hard on you. I will keep my opinions on Christianity to myself, I think they are well known by now. I do not seek to disrupt a board.


Contrary to your belief...You have disrupted nothing...So you can "rest assured"about that..:)




New Member
Mickiel, these forums are to speak what is on your mind and compare different religions, but always remember there will be people that will be offended with what we have to say!


Well-Known Member
Mickiel, these forums are to speak what is on your mind and compare different religions, but always remember there will be people that will be offended with what we have to say!

Well yes, but we must follow the guidelines of the board, and although I do not chase people around and harass them, I speak only on my own post, but I have spoken too harshly about christians, in my zeal. I know how to get my points accross without attacking a religion. And I don't want to hurt christianity, I just see things different than they do.

Nothing offends me, people can say to me what they please. But I am put together different than most, I have been through a lot, and I know that I need God, as does all of humanity.

When it is brought to our awareness that we have been too harsh, then we should respond to that. And I try to be that way, but I will still express myself, only without the christian bashing.

I quess I just got tired of the way some of them lash out at sinners and unbelievers.



New Member
Well yes, but we must follow the guidelines of the board, and although I do not chase people around and harass them, I speak only on my own post, but I have spoken too harshly about christians, in my zeal. I know how to get my points accross without attacking a religion. And I don't want to hurt christianity, I just see things different than they do.

Nothing offends me, people can say to me what they please. But I am put together different than most, I have been through a lot, and I know that I need God, as does all of humanity.

When it is brought to our awareness that we have been too harsh, then we should respond to that. And I try to be that way, but I will still express myself, only without the christian bashing.

I quess I just got tired of the way some of them lash out at sinners and unbelievers.

Mickiel, sometimes we say things without thinking! Or who's feelings we hurt ,that don,t really deserve it! We all need GOD in are lives!


Well-Known Member
Mickiel, sometimes we say things without thinking! Or who's feelings we hurt ,that don,t really deserve it! We all need GOD in are lives!

We sure do need him, espically those of us who do not believe in him. I just don't like doctrines that " Exclude people from their need for God." God needs to show this world how to Love and forgive. How to be merciful and Kind, because we have forgotten that in our religions. Religion should be something that will teach and show Love, instead it has morphed into a judgemental condemning organism.

Anyhow, Peace to you.