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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Miss Independent
Satan can never disappointed...

LOL...well then...im sure he'll turn up the heat just for you! We wouldnt want you feeling left out in the cold. I think the fact that you fancy the devil a bit odd, but hey, different strokes for different folks.:D
LOL...well then...im sure he'll turn up the heat just for you! We wouldnt want you feeling left out in the cold. I think the fact that you fancy the devil a bit odd, but hey, different strokes for different folks.:D

Between praising Satan, and praising the Lord, I choose the former. Me thinks it will be a lot, lot more fun...:D


Miss Independent
Maybe satan will throw in a few sharks too...you know up the suffering level a little. This was fun little monkey, but maybe you'd rather want to impress somebody else by your funky rebel without a cause 'thing' you've got going here. I'm not the girl to be entertained by this sort of thing for too long.:slap: Now smile and say cheese. :angel2:
Satan's bad, but not that bad. OTOH, the Lord gets easily offended. He might throw in, as you suggested, a few sharks. But I'll be watching my back.

I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.


Careful how you word this, it sounds like you are generalising religion, forgetting that Christianity is not the only religion to exist... Find me eternal hell in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism.


Well-Known Member
Careful how you word this, it sounds like you are generalising religion, forgetting that Christianity is not the only religion to exist... Find me eternal hell in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism.

Your point is well taken. I salute the religions that have no eternal hell concept.

In my belief, a God sent his son here to be beaten and killed. I cannot therefore accept the belief that Jesus was beaten , only so that much of humanity stands a chance to be beaten for all of eternity.

That makes absolutely no sense at all, and I know that a Great God has much more sense than that.

And much more Love.



Eclectic Intelectual
In my humble oppinion, Hell is an incomprehensibly excruciating torment that eventually consumes and annihilates. In the Bible, Satan and his demonic horde are indeed spoken as being "tormented day and night forever and ever." (Revelation 20:10). However, the eternal fate of unrepentent humans isn't spelled out like that. The fire is unquenchable, but that doesn't require its inhabitants to perpetually exist. In the words of Jesus himself, the wicked "will be as chaff".


Miss Independent
Your point is well taken. I salute the religions that have no eternal hell concept.

Would temporary hell do?

In my humble oppinion, Hell is an incomprehensibly excruciating torment that eventually consumes and annihilates. In the Bible, Satan and his demonic horde are indeed spoken as being "tormented day and night forever and ever." (Revelation 20:10). However, the eternal fate of unrepentent humans isn't spelled out like that. The fire is unquenchable, but that doesn't require its inhabitants to perpetually exist. In the words of Jesus himself, the wicked "will be as chaff".

Hi There! If satan is undergoing or is going to undergo excruciating torment, what would satan consider to be torment? A fire?

And if satan is going to be tortured or is tortured, who is/will be doing the torturing?


Well-Known Member
Heaven and hell are man-made concepts to use the carrot and stick approach to gain believers for the church. THeir real existence has no more basis than any other mythology.


Just me
Premium Member
THeir real existence has no more basis than any other mythology.
The "basis" of mythology is a story, and hell is a valid story. All mythology has a valid basis. You're right, though, that the story is not to be taken literally.


Sat Sri Akal
This is all I got to say!
(Guru Granth, p. 6)

The man-assumed heaven and hell are not particular places beyond our earth. The place where we love God and sing His virtues is actually the heaven, the place where one receives the blessings of God. A person who fails to love God actually lives in Hell on this very earth.


Well-Known Member
Consider these interesting facts. In Malachi 4:1 " For behold the day is comming, burning like a furnance, and all the arrogant and every evil doer will be chaff, the day comes that will set them ablaze, says the Lord, and it will leave them neither root or branch." Now Chaff is worthless lightweight matter, or Ashes. From Malachis point of view, their is no eternal suffering, there is only destruction of the flesh. In 1 John 3:15, it says no Murderer has eternal life in him, meaning that there is no eternal suffering for killers, or they would have eternal life given to them.

Phil. 3:19, tells of the end of certain things to be destruction, not continual living in torment.

God is called a consuming fire, not an eternal punishing fire. Consuming means final.

Ezekiel 28:19 appears to state that Evil will " Be no More", it willNOT be allowed continuance.

Revelations 21:4 PROMISES that there will be NO MORE mourning, crying or Pain, all of which would exist in an eternal hell.

Rev. 22:3, PROMISES that there will be NO MORE CURSES! An existence of an eternal hell would be a curse by any definition.

So this sick concept of eternal hell suffering is absurd and stunningly accepted by the masses.



Eclectic Intelectual
Would temporary hell do?

For me,

"Hi There! If satan is undergoing or is going to undergo excruciating torment, what would satan consider to be torment? A fire?
And if satan is going to be tortured or is tortured, who is/will be doing the torturing?"

Utter isolation and everlasting paranoid psychosis (including, but not limited to, visual, audial, olfactory, and "tasting"-sense horriffics)!


Miss Independent
Consider these interesting facts. In Malachi 4:1 " For behold the day is comming, burning like a furnance, and all the arrogant and every evil doer will be chaff, the day comes that will set them ablaze, says the Lord, and it will leave them neither root or branch." Now Chaff is worthless lightweight matter, or Ashes. From Malachis point of view, their is no eternal suffering, there is only destruction of the flesh. In 1 John 3:15, it says no Murderer has eternal life in him, meaning that there is no eternal suffering for killers, or they would have eternal life given to them.

Phil. 3:19, tells of the end of certain things to be destruction, not continual living in torment.

God is called a consuming fire, not an eternal punishing fire. Consuming means final.

Ezekiel 28:19 appears to state that Evil will " Be no More", it willNOT be allowed continuance.

Revelations 21:4 PROMISES that there will be NO MORE mourning, crying or Pain, all of which would exist in an eternal hell.

Rev. 22:3, PROMISES that there will be NO MORE CURSES! An existence of an eternal hell would be a curse by any definition.

So this sick concept of eternal hell suffering is absurd and stunningly accepted by the masses.


If the body alone will be destroyed then the spirit will remain. How does god then destroy a spirit? Do you think that the end of evil, means the complete and utter destruction of satan and his followers? Are you saying that hell is not forever but a sudden and complete destruction of it will eventually happen?

So many questions so little time.



Well-Known Member
If the body alone will be destroyed then the spirit will remain. How does god then destroy a spirit? Do you think that the end of evil, means the complete and utter destruction of satan and his followers? Are you saying that hell is not forever but a sudden and complete destruction of it will eventually happen?

So many questions so little time.


Why would God destroy a Spirit? He created Spirit to endure forever, like himself. I think satan will be brought to a complette end, as well as demons, they are not life, as we know life. They were created to destroy, so they are destruction themselves. THEM, NOT humans. When God destroys satan and his demons, he is in essence eliminating destruction.

As far as hell is concerned, hell is simply the grave, or death. People are confusing the Lake of Fire, to be some kind of hell. So they have morphed the two together within their belief. The Lake of Fire is NOT hell! It has a totally different purpose than hell, or death, or the grave. One of the physical interpitations of the word hell, is a burning pit, because humans use to burn dead bodies to dispose of them. And that is what people think God is going to do with humans, just burn them as if they are useless dead weight.

This is not the kind of mentality God has.

In Matt. 3: 11-12, John the Baptist says that Jesus will baptise people with the Holy Spirit and Fire. And that he will CLEAN his threshing floor and burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire! Notice that Gods Fire is used to BAPTISE humans in, and to clean, or sterilize useless chaff, or things already dead or meaningless. This is what Gods Fire does, it brings about a new Life, a whole new baptism, a whole new being, the old being is what is destroyed by it. The old body, the old nature, those are burnt away forever.

And it makes sense to me that God would do this. He will burn up the chaff with eternal fire. The fire itself is eternal, as God is eternal, and there is a relation there. But the chaff, or the useless body of sin, will be destroyed, it willnot exist forever in a sinful state of being. God wouldnot do such a thing. Because it would be a stupid thing to do.



Miss Independent
Why would God destroy a Spirit? He created Spirit to endure forever, like himself. I think satan will be brought to a complette end, as well as demons, they are not life, as we know life. They were created to destroy, so they are destruction themselves. THEM, NOT humans. When God destroys satan and his demons, he is in essence eliminating destruction.

As far as hell is concerned, hell is simply the grave, or death. People are confusing the Lake of Fire, to be some kind of hell. So they have morphed the two together within their belief. The Lake of Fire is NOT hell! It has a totally different purpose than hell, or death, or the grave. One of the physical interpitations of the word hell, is a burning pit, because humans use to burn dead bodies to dispose of them. And that is what people think God is going to do with humans, just burn them as if they are useless dead weight.

This is not the kind of mentality God has.

In Matt. 3: 11-12, John the Baptist says that Jesus will baptise people with the Holy Spirit and Fire. And that he will CLEAN his threshing floor and burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire! Notice that Gods Fire is used to BAPTISE humans in, and to clean, or sterilize useless chaff, or things already dead or meaningless. This is what Gods Fire does, it brings about a new Life, a whole new baptism, a whole new being, the old being is what is destroyed by it. The old body, the old nature, those are burnt away forever.

And it makes sense to me that God would do this. He will burn up the chaff with eternal fire. The fire itself is eternal, as God is eternal, and there is a relation there. But the chaff, or the useless body of sin, will be destroyed, it willnot exist forever in a sinful state of being. God wouldnot do such a thing. Because it would be a stupid thing to do.


Thanks, but I still dont understand completely.

Are you saying, that satan, an evil spirit will be destroyed, completely off the map? If so, how does god destroy a spirit?

If god is an all consuming fire, and what he burns, is the chaff, then the chaff is not destroyed because what will remain is something like burnt chaff. For another example, fire does not turn wood into nothing, fire turns wood into ashes.

FIRE - does and cannot destroy metal. Christians are like metal - melted in fire and the impurities that are stuck in the metal can be syphoned away.

FIRE - does not destroy chaff or wood, it changes it into something else.
When wood is burnt it changes to ashes, it does not completely destroy it.

If god sends fire for the christian, they become purer as a result. Their spirit is therefore purified and can be moulded like a metal, into the image of christ.

If god sends fire for a non-christian, they are not destroyed, but changed into something else. Perhaps dust/ashes. Their spirit is therefore scattered.

Fire is therefore a place where bad people 'end' and good people get better.

Will this 'fire' be necessary for ever and ever? No. Where is this fire? Here.