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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
A spirit is never *destroyed*,only transferred into a form of energy,or a frequency,away from our notice.They can be dissolved & turned into a form of energy more useful to us.With the help of the gods which can be acheived by taking the right information,to the right deity who can help you,at the right time........when you get that good,you are noticed & respected throughout all pantheon,of all *time*,for all duration......You do stuff for them,at their request,for pleasure & profit(usually knowledge or cool stuff).......

I had Lady Sehkmet consume purgatory some years ago,which was great & gave me much relief.

Then the by-products were *gifted* to me & most useful to me.all of it was useful & nothing was wasted.

I believe that I was gifted the by-products as I was taking my end of the bargain so seriously.

Even ashes & dust end up back into the void.

The more things change,the more they stay the same.



Well-Known Member
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.


Exodus 34:6-7

The Lord passed before him (Moses) and proclaimed (regarding Himself): Lord, Lord, God, Compassionate and Gracious, Slow to Anger, and Abundant in Kindness and Truth; Preserver of Kindness for thousands of generations, Forgiver of Iniquity, Willfull Sin, and Error, and Who Cleanses - but does not cleanse completely, recalling the iniquity of parents upon children and grandchildren, to the third and fourth generations.

I much prefer the God of exodus than the god that Christianity cooked up.


Well-Known Member
Me too Poisenshady........he resonates with Tyr(old Nordic),Enki(Sumarian) & American Indian Father Sky.....probably an old Chinese/buddhist diety too,though I can't remember his name.



Well-Known Member
I much prefer the God of exodus than the god that Christianity cooked up.[/quote]

Well I prefer my view of God, and willnot mention that group you just have, I have promised to lay off of them. But I don't care for their views either.



Well-Known Member
Jewish Background of Christian Hell

I'm no Christian, and while I certainly would prefer the god of Exodus to the Christian god, the Christians weren't the first to cook up a god who sent people to eternal suffering. Eternal punishment was mentioned in Jewish texts that significantly predate Jesus' birth.

That's a crappy wikipedia entry put together by people who THINK they know about the concept of hell as it pertains to Judaism.

Sheol is merely "the grave". Death. No torture... no hellfire... just simply not being alive anymore.

Gehenna from what I understand is more of a sort of pergatory, which no person spends more than year there before ascending to heaven. I've been a Jew all my life and never heard anyone mention hellfire and eternal suffering.


Worshipper of Athe.
That's a crappy wikipedia entry put together by people who THINK they know about the concept of hell as it pertains to Judaism.

Sheol is merely "the grave". Death. No torture... no hellfire... just simply not being alive anymore.

Gehenna from what I understand is more of a sort of pergatory, which no person spends more than year there before ascending to heaven. I've been a Jew all my life and never heard anyone mention hellfire and eternal suffering.

Relax, nobody said that all or even most Jews believe in eternal suffering. I'm merely pointing out that the place where Christianity got the idea for eternal suffering was from Judaism. Unless you're willing to dispute the dates of Esdras and Enoch, you can't deny this fact.

Not all Jews share the same concept of hell, just as not all Jews share the same view on kosher law or the sabbath. The same is true of Christianity; not all Christians believe in eternal suffering.
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Well-Known Member
I kind of like to see things as they really are, not as people see them. In 1Corinth. 3:6; Paul said that he did his thing by planting, and Apollos did what he could by watering what was planted, but it was God who CAUSED the growth, or the real production, or life growing experience.

I like that. God is the cause and effect of all things, thus he is responsible for all things, which is what him being the Alpha and Omega means, he is the cause of the complette cycle of life, and all of its experiences.

You know, we can work and live as best we can, we can believe and be faithful to the best of our ability, but ultimately our future lays complettely within Gods will. There is no escape from this. Notice vs., " If any mans work is burned up, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved through the Fire." You can either work hard on your salvation, or just not believe at all, but we are destined to be salted with Gods Fire, but its purpose is to save us, not condemn or torture us.

And this is the hidden wisdom of God. Romans 11:26 says that all of Israel will be saved, that is a destiny, NOT based on belief or behavior, because you have just got to have enough sense to understand that not all of Israel even believed in God, muchless were obedient to him. Salvation is not based on belief, its based on God. Romans 3:3;" What then if some didnot believe? Their unbelief WILLNOT nullify the Faithfullness of God!" Unbelief does not anger God or stop his will for humanity.

In Job 23:13;" God is unique and who can turn him? What his soul DESIRES, THAT he DOES!" Our sins do not turn God away from our destiny with him. What does God desire? 1Tim. 2:4;" God desires that ALL humans be saved and come into the knowledge of the Truth." Thats our salvation in a nutshell, and why eternal hell does not, willnot exist.

Because God does not DESIRE that. He desires for you and me to be with him forever.

And that is exactly what will occur.



Veteran Member
Because God does not DESIRE that. He desires for you and me to be with him forever.

so true...that is exactly what God wants. this is something to earn in this life. the only way to be with God after life is to wish to reach God before you die. because when you die, you reach him with or without your wanting. free will and time on earth give you a chance to wish to reach God. use it and be with God, don't use it and earn hell which is without God. i don't see anything wrong or sick about it.



Worshipper of Athe.
How do you explain the story that Jesus tells that ends with (I paraphrase because I don't have much time): "then he will throw them into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." How do you explain the lake of fire? I think these images are quite clear, whereas the verses you mentioned are more vague.


Well-Known Member
How do you explain the story that Jesus tells that ends with (I paraphrase because I don't have much time): "then he will throw them into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." How do you explain the lake of fire? I think these images are quite clear, whereas the verses you mentioned are more vague.

I am not here to change how you or anyone thinks. You, like many, think that verses and Images that show the salvation of all, as being vague, and conversely you think the vague verses on hell are quite clear. I view this as heavy contridiction and meaningless backwards interpitation. The verses that show life for all, salvation for all, forgiveness for all, are not vague, and are clear and should be magnified.

But no, what do people do. They magnify hell and judgement and eternal misery. Why? Because they have been influenced to think that way. And I hold no need to change that.



Worshipper of Athe.
I am not here to change how you or anyone thinks. You, like many, think that verses and Images that show the salvation of all, as being vague, and conversely you think the vague verses on hell are quite clear. I view this as heavy contridiction and meaningless backwards interpitation. The verses that show life for all, salvation for all, forgiveness for all, are not vague, and are clear and should be magnified.

But no, what do people do. They magnify hell and judgement and eternal misery. Why? Because they have been influenced to think that way. And I hold no need to change that.


There's no doubt that the bible teaches kindness, love, etc. But it also teaches that those who don't believe will experience eternal suffering. This isn't a matter of magnification, it's merely the facts.


Well-Known Member
There's no doubt that the bible teaches kindness, love, etc. But it also teaches that those who don't believe will experience eternal suffering. This isn't a matter of magnification, it's merely the facts.

It matters not to me how many people are sold on there being eternal suffering, I kind of think that those who die hard believe it, would eat popcorn and watch the suffering, because they really desire it to happen. They crave it, yearn for it, which is why they defend it. Its their view of God, and its a horrible view.

In Romans 5:18, is the key to eternal life for all of humanity. Because of one mans sin, that resulted in the condemnation of all. And that resulted in a growing amount of hell doctrines, birthed from this condemnation of all men. But what men refuse to see is the latter part of verse, through the righteous act of another man, Jesus Christ, that RESULTED in the Justification of that SAME ALL MEN!

Its a done deal, we all make it! That is the Good News.



Miss Independent
It matters not to me how many people are sold on there being eternal suffering, I kind of think that those who die hard believe it, would eat popcorn and watch the suffering, because they really desire it to happen. They crave it, yearn for it, which is why they defend it. Its their view of God, and its a horrible view.

In Romans 5:18, is the key to eternal life for all of humanity. Because of one mans sin, that resulted in the condemnation of all. And that resulted in a growing amount of hell doctrines, birthed from this condemnation of all men. But what men refuse to see is the latter part of verse, through the righteous act of another man, Jesus Christ, that RESULTED in the Justification of that SAME ALL MEN!

Its a done deal, we all make it! That is the Good News.


Good post...I just disagree with the last sentence. The good news, is that everyone CAN make it back to god. (whether they want to go back, is entirely a different story, but i love the fact that you have hope for all humanity to wanna be with god)


Well-Known Member
Good post...I just disagree with the last sentence. The good news, is that everyone CAN make it back to god. (whether they want to go back, is entirely a different story, but i love the fact that you have hope for all humanity to wanna be with god)

Well I understand the disagreement, we tend to look for a dark spot, even in the light of Good News. I still Hope for eternal Life for all. In Titus 3:7, it speaks of this Hope for Eternal Life. In Isaiah 38:18, it shows that those whom minds are on this hell, this pit of nothingless, cannot Hope for Gods Faithfullness. Because their view is spiked by this nack of leaving room for failure in their belief. They do not know God, who never fails, so they base their view on themselves and their faith, which is limited.

In Romans 8:24, we are Saved by Hope. We should Hope ALL things, and the Salvation of All is my Hope. My belief, my understanding. So I do not grieve for humanity, because My Hope is in their Salvation, not this invitation to a hell party. 1 Thess. 4:13 speaks about people with no Hope.

Christ is the Hope of Glory for all of humanity.

We need nothingelse, our salvation is already complette. Hell is for doomsayers.



Well-Known Member
You mean the one dimensional God. He doesn't exist.

I understand the meaning of non existance, it is absolute nothing. My mind and belief has surpassed the Nothing, understanding that it is impossible for something to come from nothing. I am not zero minded, I know we exist, ONLY because God exist. And I am content in that understanding. Content enough not to try to convince others, and coach them out of the nothing. If they are content with absolute zero, I already understand that nothing can bring them into something.

Let them stay in the dark, until the great light brings them out of darkness himself.

And that is exactly what he is going to do. And there is nothing, that the great nothing can do about it.


sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
I understand the meaning of non existance, it is absolute nothing. My mind and belief has surpassed the Nothing, understanding that it is impossible for something to come from nothing. I am not zero minded, I know we exist, ONLY because God exist. And I am content in that understanding. Content enough not to try to convince others, and coach them out of the nothing. If they are content with absolute zero, I already understand that nothing can bring them into something.

Let them stay in the dark, until the great light brings them out of darkness himself.

And that is exactly what he is going to do. And there is nothing, that the great nothing can do about it.

I can see why you are having trouble.


Miss Independent
Well I understand the disagreement, we tend to look for a dark spot, even in the light of Good News. I still Hope for eternal Life for all. In Titus 3:7, it speaks of this Hope for Eternal Life. In Isaiah 38:18, it shows that those whom minds are on this hell, this pit of nothingless, cannot Hope for Gods Faithfullness. Because their view is spiked by this nack of leaving room for failure in their belief. They do not know God, who never fails, so they base their view on themselves and their faith, which is limited.

In Romans 8:24, we are Saved by Hope. We should Hope ALL things, and the Salvation of All is my Hope. My belief, my understanding. So I do not grieve for humanity, because My Hope is in their Salvation, not this invitation to a hell party. 1 Thess. 4:13 speaks about people with no Hope.

Christ is the Hope of Glory for all of humanity.

We need nothingelse, our salvation is already complette. Hell is for doomsayers.


I understand how you feel, when you say that people only want others to go to hell, because they too, like to see people suffer. But for me, that is not an issue I struggle with. Because this earth is hell, and so we are ALL equal here. None better than the other. However, this hope that you talk about, is very real, but its a hope that allows god to throw you the lifeline, but if you dont take it, you abandon hope, hoping instead to take your chances.

Our equality as a human race before god is demonstrated by the fact that the sweetest lovelyest christian and the most dispicable and cruel sinner are all here. So we cant judge each other. We were all equally rebellious to have ended up here anyway. So before god, we all have an issue to settle while here.

I love the idea that the whole human race will go to heaven, :beach:but I fear that there will be so many up there that disagree with the way god does things, that we might all just end up back here. :D

Heaven is gods home..among many things. There is no point in saving the entire human race, if they go there and tell god how to run the place (AGAIN).:eek:

The wicked therefore, have an alternative...stay here. Also have you considered the fact that there are truly millions of people who think god is a monster. Theid probably have to be dragged into the pearly gates in order for god to say hello to them.! Dont think he'll wanna resort to violence to get somebody to say howzit, do you?:sad: