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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


I'm very sorry, but I do not agree with this notion. People are sent to hell if they have rebuked the name of God. If everyone would praise the name of God, and believe in Him and His Word, then God would accept them all into Heaven.

I do not believe that it is God that "sends" people to hell. I believe that if they are not true and pure to His name, then they will eventually be consusmed by Satan and the evil, foulness that he seems to impart in his followers.

It is not the fault of God that people have turned their backs on faith and religion. I also believe that if you do not have faith in God, but you have no allegience with Satan either, then you may go into a Middle realm. A realm between Heaven and Hell where you can go if you have no faith in any religion.

Just a thought.


P.S. God is merciful. He is forgiving to all those who praise in His name, and He will reward them in Heaven. Do you honestly believe that God likes to see people suffering. He brings death to those that are suffering to ease their pain, and if they believe in Him, then they will be accepted into Heaven.

Let me ask you a question, When do you believe these people will go to hell? immediately after they die?


Well-Known Member
You cannot say that. You cannot talk for other people. I believe in Hell, I also believe in Heaven, so what does that make me. I do not believe that God likes to see people suffer, but if they still do not believe in His strength and His justice after all that has been placed before them, then they are but fools, and have but forsaken themselves.

There are people out there who do not believe the lies, who do not go with the flow, but you seem to be insinuating that all Christians do. I do not, and I am a very fierce believer in the Lord God, Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit is within all who have allowed it entrance.


Does God Love the Fools you would have him place in this hell? Does he hold the power to save these fools who are not as righteous as you? Or is God ignorant and heartless, powerless to help us fools who have not reached YOUR level of Goodness?



Well-Known Member
Like I said above a merciful God would not send people to hell for making thier own choices. Parents here do not which is why humans have more compassion then your God does.
Where are these more compassionate parents when their child overdoses, hangs
himself or plays Chicken with the family auto? Why did they foot the bill for the drugs, hand hin the keys to the car and $50.00 to have a good time with?
Most of them gave good instructions to the child and had high expections of him, but they knew of the temtpations and the possibility their son just might break all their rules, so why did a loving parent allow them to go to hell?


Well-Known Member
Where are these more compassionate parents when their child overdoses, hangs
himself or plays Chicken with the family auto? Why did they foot the bill for the drugs, hand hin the keys to the car and $50.00 to have a good time with?
Most of them gave good instructions to the child and had high expections of him, but they knew of the temtpations and the possibility their son just might break all their rules, so why did a loving parent allow them to go to hell?

Thats called being a parent while there is no such thing as a perfect parent we all make mistakes.The only thing you can do is raise your childen right & hope for the best It's called being human. Parents can't foresee the future so they do the best they can. It's not parents that send thier children to hell but your God that does that. You don't think a parent suffers when thier child does one of these things? You only to see the bad that kids do have you no faith in anyone? I feel sorry for you that you can not see good in people how sad.
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Well-Known Member
Thats called being a parent while there is no such thing as a perfect parent we all make mistakes.The only thing you can do is raise your childen right & hope for the best It's called being human. Parents can't foresee the future so they do the best they can. It's not parents that send thier children to hell but your God that does that. You don't think a parent suffers when thier child does one of these things? You only to see the bad that kids do have you no faith in anyone? I feel sorry for you that you can not see good in people how sad.
Just where do you get such an idea that I only see the bad that kids do?
No use trying to convince one who is convinced, but God sends NO ONE to an everburning hell! God contends with man for a long, long time before he gives them up to their dishonorable passions.
Contrary to you beliefs, every creature is not a child of God, yes he created the prototype, gave it the ability to procreate.
You are just dead wrong. There is no immortal soul, no everburning hell.
You want to choose your own path and denegrate God for not saving you from the second death. How quaint.

You may blame everyone for your misfortunes, but you will be lieing. Your fault!

Live a civilized life and search for truth and you will find a kind and merciful God and he will save you from the second death.


Active Member
Does God Love the Fools you would have him place in this hell? Does he hold the power to save these fools who are not as righteous as you? Or is God ignorant and heartless, powerless to help us fools who have not reached YOUR level of Goodness?


God loves all who He has created. It is not the fault of god that they have desserted Him for so long.

Say there was a child, and he was being naughty. Would you expect him to be let off with it punishment free.

I believe that if you do not hold God's name in the holiness that it deserves, then the Devil shall overrun your soul with all that he holds most dear.

If God could take all into his realm, then I'm sure he would.



Miss Independent
Hi Christian, hows the tree coming along?

This earth is not 21 degrees away from god. Its the furthest away from god that we can get. That is punishment, at least for me. The journey back to god starts here. Hell wont be 30 degrees further. There is no fall furhter than this earth, we have all fallen and we ended up here.

This is your punishment hun. If you like it here, then there will certainly be reason for you to stay here. But thats not going to happen to us is it?

Hell isnt a sick concept, hell is sickness, death and seperation from god. Hell is here and there is a 'hell' of a lot of suffering going on here.

This place is darkness. That is why you are called the 'light'. Make it shine.



Active Member
A supposed benevolent god would not let anyone suffer eternally.

I've argued my case, and I believe that there are that many different people in this world.

It is up to the individual person to make their own interpretation about God, Heaven and Hell. I have my own opinions, mickiel has his, and they may be the world apart, but I'm sure that there are things that me and mickiel would agree on also.

It is up to the individual to make his/her own mind up about God and the different realms within.


P.S. I am very sorry if I have come across to people as being agressive. I tend to get a bit annoyed when I don't agree with something, and I know it's wrong, but it's being worked on. My apologies go to mickiel in particular.
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Christian Brother-

Let me ask you a question, When do you believe these people will go to hell? immediately after they die?


Well-Known Member
Just where do you get such an idea that I only see the bad that kids do?
No use trying to convince one who is convinced, but God sends NO ONE to an everburning hell! God contends with man for a long, long time before he gives them up to their dishonorable passions.

Your God created hell to send those souls there because they didn't worship him.

Contrary to you beliefs, every creature is not a child of God, yes he created the prototype, gave it the ability to procreate.
You are just dead wrong. There is no immortal soul, no everburning hell.
You want to choose your own path and denegrate God for not saving you from the second death. How quaint.

Many Christians would aruge with you about being the child of God. That does not make them wrong they just see things differently then you do, & there is nothing wrong with that. I do not not care for your God is not mine I don't see the point of being saved from sin which your God created.

You may blame everyone for your misfortunes, but you will be lieing. Your fault!

I blame no one for anything I might do good or bad.

Live a civilized life and search for truth and you will find a kind and merciful God and he will save you from the second death.

If your God was truly loving & merciful then he would not judge humans so harshly, for what he created. What makes you think my life is not civilized?


Active Member
I think that people are misunderstood here. It was not God that created sin, but a fallen angel. It was Satan, disguised as a snake, that persuaded Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit, not God.



Well-Known Member
I think that people are misunderstood here. It was not God that created sin, but a fallen angel. It was Satan, disguised as a snake, that persuaded Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit, not God.


You might care to check your bible there Isaiah 45:7 states otherwise

I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things.

That's God saying he created those things.


Active Member
Yes, true, God created all that currently exists, but does it not also say that God told Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit. So this then lends to the idea that God was protecting Adam and Eve from the sin that He knew would befall them.


P.S. For a Druid, you seem to be able to come up with quite a few quotes from the Bible. No offence meant if that's the way that you've perceived this statement.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, true, God created all that currently exists, but does it not also say that God told Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit. So this then lends to the idea that God was protecting Adam and Eve from the sin that He lnew would befall them.

Yes, he did tell him that after he pointed it out to them & placed where they could get to it. I personally believe that Adam & Eve were like children & that God wanted them to stay that way.

P.S. For a Druid, you seem to be able to come up with quite a few quotes from the Bible. No offence meant if that's the way that you've perceived this statement.

I do not claim to know the bible perfectly I was a Christian some ten years ago & remember some things.
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P.S. For a Druid, you seem to be able to come up with quite a few quotes from the Bible. No offence meant if that's the way that you've perceived this statement.

Do you feel it wrong for a chrisitan to read the Tanakh or the Quran? or the Apocrypha? or the Flying Spaghetti monster handbook?


Well-Known Member
If your God was truly loving & merciful then he would not judge humans so harshly, for what he created. What makes you think my life is not civilized?
Whatever do you call judging people harshly?
If he were harsh, you would see a whole lot of Krispy Critters lying around!

I too wish he would not allow people to sin! Every time someone tried to do wrong he would restrain them as long as they had the notion to sin, but that is not his way, he wishes for people to willingly obey his good and holy Torah.
As for your life, I made no comment! Only a suggestion as how to be saved from the second death.
This is called free will, He wont make you obey.


Well-Known Member
Whatever do you call judging people harshly?
If he were harsh, you would see a whole lot of Krispy Critters lying around!

Sending people to hell just because they choose thier own path is what I would call being to harsh.

I too wish he would not allow people to sin! Every time someone tried to do wrong he would restrain them as long as they had the notion to sin, but that is not his way, he wishes for people to willingly obey his good and holy Torah.
As for your life, I made no comment! Only a suggestion as how to be saved from the second death.
This is called free will, He wont make you obey.

Maybe it's because Satan/Lucifer is too powerful for him to do away with. And if he did then people would have no need from him.


Active Member
Yes, perhaps God has just enough power to keep Lucifer at bay for a while. Perhaps He has let evil take its course for so long now, that it has gotten a bit strong. But if you have faith in the power of God, then you shall have the strength to keep evil at bay also, for He said that if you have faith in His power, then you shall have strength to fight the on-going war against Lucifer and evil.

I've already posted this in another thread, but I'll say it again. If God kept getting involved in Mans affairs all the time, then we would never develop. Maybe Hes just let us make our own concepts out of His Word.

We'll never know for sure what is true and what is not, I mean, other stuff could have been added on very early in the Bibles creation, but it's the belief of so many people that keeps it alive. There are literally millions of people, and probably more, that believe in hell in one form or another. Whether it's in the form of rebirth/karma, or in the form of a realm of flame and fire.

It cannot just be coincidence that Hell, or some form of punishment, is mentioned in nearly all of the major religions of the world.



Well-Known Member
Maybe it's because Satan/Lucifer is too powerful for him to do away with. And if he did then people would have no need from him.
Yeshua has already over come satan. (And his people power over him.)
Your stance about you former religion is much like a reformed smoker.
Man left to his own devises would create hell, a horrible firey hell, many times as bad as Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But before that happens Y H V H will step in and stop this destruction, will save His people and then renew the heavens and the earth and place his people in this new earth and the Elect will enter the New Jerusalem by it's gates.

This is the Eternity hoped for by believers.

And in your case I would fear; Lu 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. It seems that you've bitten the hand that feeds you. A heartless God like you seem to believe would have flung you into that "Ever Burning Hell"! For sure! But alas, you seem to have allied yourself to a defeated satan, promoting all his lies, hoping to persuade the fragile mind to join you. Misery loves company.
Joh 6:39 and this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up at the last day.
You'll not convince anyone who belongs to the Father. So rave on, Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them
