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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Freak of Nature
What a complete sicko your version of the deity must be!:eek:
So are you going to go prosecute all the judges in the world? Since they sent all these people to be butt raped in prison THEY are to blame for this evil in man's free will to do so in prison? Do you know how many judges would be prosectued?!?! my goodness ALL of them!! How evil our justice system for making man endure himself when they have wronged the people of good will. HOW DARE US!!


Well-Known Member
So are you going to go prosecute all the judges in the world? Since they sent all these people to be butt raped in prison THEY are to blame for this evil in man's free will to do so in prison? Do you know how many judges would be prosectued?!?! my goodness ALL of them!! How evil our justice system for making man endure himself when they have wronged the people of good will. HOW DARE US!!

I don't know much about the American justice system, although enough to know I am glad I live in the UK!


Freak of Nature
Oh I see nobody gets butt raped in the UK huh? WOW! Exactly how are you under this realization? Have you personaly been to these systems and seen for yourself? The people in those prisons are there for a reason do you say people never get shanked in your prison systems? The UK prison system is so tip-top it is sinless?


Well-Known Member
Oh I see nobody gets butt raped in the UK huh? WOW! Exactly how are you under this realization? Have you personaly been to these systems and seen for yourself? The people in those prisons are there for a reason do you say people never get shanked in your prison systems? The UK prison system is so tip-top it is sinless?

Your posts get more and more silly. I am putting you on my ignore list!


Freak of Nature
BTW whatever happened to mickiel in this thread so long ago? 2500 posts is quite impressive I wonder his thoughts on it now.


Well-Known Member
BTW whatever happened to mickiel in this thread so long ago? 2500 posts is quite impressive I wonder his thoughts on it now.

Well they are basically the same as when I started it. I do believe God will punish humanity, ( I think he already is), but I do not believe he would punish them for a long extended time like eternity. I think were in a " Type of Hell now", where we all suffer to one degree or another.

Why should we live in suffering all of our lives, only to die, be ressurected, and then go through a far worse form of punishment, because we were not " Righteous Enough?"

I believe in God, but what I read about his Characther and nature, just does not add up to useless punishments of his creations.



Rogue Theologian
Well they are basically the same as when I started it. I do believe God will punish humanity, ( I think he already is), but I do not believe he would punish them for a long extended time like eternity. I think were in a " Type of Hell now", where we all suffer to one degree or another.

Why should we live in suffering all of our lives, only to die, be ressurected, and then go through a far worse form of punishment, because we were not " Righteous Enough?"

I believe in God, but what I read about his Characther and nature, just does not add up to useless punishments of his creations.


Still having problems with judgment calls?
Apparently you have not considered that your place in heaven maybe influenced by what you allow.

Want to spend eternity with evil doers?

Or perhaps you think death will wipe your slate clean....
along with everyone else's.

That effect would render this life useless.
If we all turn out the same in our last hour....
If who and what we become has no effect...
Then why were you even born?

Without your distinct personality... you might as well be dust.

Perhaps that is why you have this thread going on.
Your hoping someone can take away....
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

It is fair warning....
It will be done unto you, as you have done unto others.


Well-Known Member
Want to spend eternity with evil doers?

Or perhaps you think death will wipe your slate clean....
along with everyone else's.

What I think is that Jesus death has wiped humanitys slate of sin clean before God, thats why he came to earth- to take our sins away, as John 1:29 plainly reads to me.

As far as this belief of yours that evil will be around for an eternity, I simply do not see God as co-existing with evil in eternity. You don't seem to believe its in Christ power to totally change the very nature of 20 billion evil doers at the same time in mere seconds. You don't seem to be able to accept that God has the heart that can forgive 50 billion evil doers of all their sins in seconds, having no second thoughts about it. You don't think that God and Jesus have that kind of incredible grace and goal in their minds.

But I do.



Well-Known Member
What I think is that Jesus death has wiped humanitys slate of sin clean before God, thats why he came to earth- to take our sins away, as John 1:29 plainly reads to me.

As far as this belief of yours that evil will be around for an eternity, I simply do not see God as co-existing with evil in eternity. You don't seem to believe its in Christ power to totally change the very nature of 20 billion evil doers at the same time in mere seconds. You don't seem to be able to accept that God has the heart that can forgive 50 billion evil doers of all their sins in seconds, having no second thoughts about it. You don't think that God and Jesus have that kind of incredible grace and goal in their minds.

But I do.


Jesus wants to change the ways of his evil daddy first!:D


Well-Known Member
Jesus wants to change the ways of his evil daddy first!:D

I do not accept the inference that God is evil, nor do I believe any human is evil, its the things we do and say that are evil. For example, there are many believers who would consider your statement as evil, but that is not to say that you are evil.

Now, God created evil, and he defintely uses it. But God himself is not evil. He allows evil to be done, will turn away from the evil he could stop, but just not stop it, but yet he still is not evil himself. Not what I know about him.

And he has given evil a predetermined time to exist, then it will exist no more- ever! So knowing the big picture, widens your view of God and how he is.



Well-Known Member
I do not accept the inference that God is evil, nor do I believe any human is evil, its the things we do and say that are evil. For example, there are many believers who would consider your statement as evil, but that is not to say that you are evil.

Now, God created evil, and he defintely uses it. But God himself is not evil. He allows evil to be done, will turn away from the evil he could stop, but just not stop it, but yet he still is not evil himself. Not what I know about him.

And he has given evil a predetermined time to exist, then it will exist no more- ever! So knowing the big picture, widens your view of God and how he is.


So evil came from non evil? So if I create a nuclear missle, oh and I definitely use it and blow the world up. I can still be righteous and stainless in your eyes? Or does this concept only apply to things that are invisible?

The fact is IF God inspired the word of God he knew exactly how it would be interpreted. If he did not want anyone to think he would punish them in hell fire he would have NEVER put or allowed those words in the Bible. We have come to these conclusions because God wanted it to be so.

That's like me setting up a trap that I know will injure someone. Someone comes by and gets injured. I knew this would happen because I set up the trap, but then someone comes along and confesses:

"Let us not focus on the trap that Blackdog placed, but instead let us focus on how nice he is."

This... Makes... No... Sense...


Well-Known Member
So evil came from non evil? So if I create a nuclear missle, oh and I definitely use it and blow the world up. I can still be righteous and stainless in your eyes? Or does this concept only apply to things that are invisible?

The fact is IF God inspired the word of God he knew exactly how it would be interpreted. If he did not want anyone to think he would punish them in hell fire he would have NEVER put or allowed those words in the Bible. We have come to these conclusions because God wanted it to be so.

That's like me setting up a trap that I know will injure someone. Someone comes by and gets injured. I knew this would happen because I set up the trap, but then someone comes along and confesses:

"Let us not focus on the trap that Blackdog placed, but instead let us focus on how nice he is."

This... Makes... No... Sense...

Well Gods ability really does not make sense, its just too much we don't understand. God is nothing like dogs, nothing at all like fish, he is absolutely nothing like a rock or mountian, but he created all those things. He is nothing like evil, but he created it. He created humans, and if God decided to destroy all the things he created, theres nothing any of us can do about it. In my view, the creator of life, is the owner of life, and holds the right to destroy what he created, or to extend it as long as he wishes;

It comes along with being a God.

I think God has a great purpose in all that he does, including the rape and destruction of humanity. But it really does not matter what we think of him, our future is based soley on him anyway. He is our only true Hope that I can see.



Rogue Theologian
What I think is that Jesus death has wiped humanitys slate of sin clean before God, thats why he came to earth- to take our sins away, as John 1:29 plainly reads to me.

As far as this belief of yours that evil will be around for an eternity, I simply do not see God as co-existing with evil in eternity. You don't seem to believe its in Christ power to totally change the very nature of 20 billion evil doers at the same time in mere seconds. You don't seem to be able to accept that God has the heart that can forgive 50 billion evil doers of all their sins in seconds, having no second thoughts about it. You don't think that God and Jesus have that kind of incredible grace and goal in their minds.

But I do.


I wrote this for a similar thread.
I'm sure you will be able to sort out what you can use.

Why do atheists participate in such discussions?
To wave their own banner...of disbelief?
In the hope no one will ever make them responsible, for who and what they are?
Especially an Almighty, capable of total disregard.

And with no hope ...or belief.... in an after life... why bother?
with a theological discussion?

Why doesn't God kill Satan?

Man was created to form new souls and unique spirits.
Satan would be insulted to have any one of us take his place in heaven.
So Satan follows at our heels, deceiving as many as he can.

And God allows it.

It sorts out the spirits.... like unto Satan.

Then, when the earth has filled it's purpose.....
All those not deceived shall have the presence of God.

The non-believer, and any one else...less than they should be...
Can all go to hell...together.
Once the 'round-up' is complete....hell and all within it, goes to the bottomless pit.

Heaven at peace...once more.

Still hoping there will be no judgment call?
Still hoping there's no hell waiting for you?
Well...maybe you'll make it.
But your denial...thus far...is insufficient.

No one wants to go to hell.
But that choice doesn't belong to you.
And that you call upon any prophet puts you at greater risk.

Using His name? as if it belongs to you?
Won't the angels object?


Well-Known Member
Well Gods ability really does not make sense, its just too much we don't understand. God is nothing like dogs, nothing at all like fish, he is absolutely nothing like a rock or mountian, but he created all those things. He is nothing like evil, but he created it. He created humans, and if God decided to destroy all the things he created, theres nothing any of us can do about it. In my view, the creator of life, is the owner of life, and holds the right to destroy what he created, or to extend it as long as he wishes;

It comes along with being a God.

I think God has a great purpose in all that he does, including the rape and destruction of humanity. But it really does not matter what we think of him, our future is based soley on him anyway. He is our only true Hope that I can see.


So basically you are saying that whatever God does is OK?


Well-Known Member
So basically you are saying that whatever God does is OK?

Well I am surprised, you have made a comment without displaying the obvious anger you have in you. You have asked a question without displaying aittitude, good for you, maybe your calming down some.

Yes, basically I am saying that whatever God does is okay. For many reasons too. One, its nothing nobody can do about it anyway, what he wants, he gets, its just as simple as that. Secondly, God is Righteous, and all that he does will end up being Righteous. Thirdly, and perhaps the most important; There is really only one way to deal with God, and that is to serve him. People , like yourself, are just out of ignorance, temporarily getting by with their rebellion, but in the final outcome of reality, anything that God brings into reality must serve him, there are no other choices.

You either serve him, or your going to be at serious risk of not existing anymore.



Well-Known Member
Well I am surprised, you have made a comment without displaying the obvious anger you have in you. You have asked a question without displaying aittitude, good for you, maybe your calming down some.

Yes, basically I am saying that whatever God does is okay. For many reasons too. One, its nothing nobody can do about it anyway, what he wants, he gets, its just as simple as that. Secondly, God is Righteous, and all that he does will end up being Righteous. Thirdly, and perhaps the most important; There is really only one way to deal with God, and that is to serve him. People , like yourself, are just out of ignorance, temporarily getting by with their rebellion, but in the final outcome of reality, anything that God brings into reality must serve him, there are no other choices.

You either serve him, or your going to be at serious risk of not existing anymore.


You either serve him, or your going to be at serious risk of not existing anymore.

Now that stupid threat makes me angry, you have no evidence to back it up, it is a ludicrous thing to say! I would much sooner not exist than serve the evil Biblical God character if it exists, which I don't believe it does.