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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Rogue Theologian
You either serve him, or your going to be at serious risk of not existing anymore.

Now that stupid threat makes me angry, you have no evidence to back it up, it is a ludicrous thing to say! I would much sooner not exist than serve the evil Biblical God character if it exists, which I don't believe it does.

And now you are more worthy of post#2357, than Mickiel.

Denial has it's place...of course it does.
How...and toward Whom you use it...is all the difference.


Rogue Theologian
I don't understand the point you are making?

Mickiel has a fixation.
You can tell by the length of this thread.
He wants to deny hell.
He wants to be sure the use of the name...Jesus...is a trump card.

Throw the name 'Jesus' around and everything will be alright?
Probably not.
But Mickiel is willing to take the risk.

I see...by his persistence...and in spite of what the angels might say....
He doesn't want to go to hell....
and will make denial.

But the atheist argument cannot crossover into the next life.
You don't believe.
Do bottomless pits exist?....of course they do.


Freak of Nature
Hey mickiel id give up everyone else did a long time ago. They listen or they dont and if their not there at the end we know why.


Well-Known Member
You either serve him, or your going to be at serious risk of not existing anymore.

Now that stupid threat makes me angry, you have no evidence to back it up, it is a ludicrous thing to say! I would much sooner not exist than serve the evil Biblical God character if it exists, which I don't believe it does.

The God characther in the bible that most people see does not exist.

Anyway, my view of God is this; He can change the nature of any being, and give them a mindset towards him. Now if there is a being that exist, which willnot submit to God, God can simply will it out of existence. I do not believe in eternal punishment of anything or being. I believe all humans are destined to be with God, but those who I run into now who call God evil, and I think I do need to clarify this, THAT " Aittitude" is at risk of not existing anymore, God will extinguish that " Way of thinking- not the person themselves."

I don't like Mistys aittitude, and her aittitude is at risk of not existing anymore. This ugly aittitude that certain people have toward God NEEDS to be extinguished.



Well-Known Member
Mickiel has a fixation.
You can tell by the length of this thread.

My fixation is on the Salvation of all of humanity.

And most of my threads are long at most sites I vist. Thats because of intrest, I don't do it by myself.



Well-Known Member
The God characther in the bible that most people see does not exist.

Anyway, my view of God is this; He can change the nature of any being, and give them a mindset towards him. Now if there is a being that exist, which willnot submit to God, God can simply will it out of existence. I do not believe in eternal punishment of anything or being. I believe all humans are destined to be with God, but those who I run into now who call God evil, and I think I do need to clarify this, THAT " Aittitude" is at risk of not existing anymore, God will extinguish that " Way of thinking- not the person themselves."

I don't like Mistys aittitude, and her aittitude is at risk of not existing anymore. This ugly aittitude that certain people have toward God NEEDS to be extinguished.


I don't like your attitude either. What is so bad about ceasing to exist? Oblivion would certainly be preferable to being in heaven with your idea of a deity!


Rogue Theologian
My fixation is on the Salvation of all of humanity.

And most of my threads are long at most sites I vist. Thats because of intrest, I don't do it by myself.


So you wish to save your fellow man....that's fine.

Perhaps you should use parables, as did your Lord.
The technique was used on purpose...to sort out those who understand....
they, who have ears that hear....eyes that see.

Then all this word play would be greatly reduced...less argument.


Well-Known Member
I don't like your attitude either. What is so bad about ceasing to exist? Oblivion would certainly be preferable to being in heaven with your idea of a deity!

Your idea of oblivion is the posion that runs through the veins of unbelief, and its the beginning of the evolutionist doctrine, we came from the nothing and to the nothing we will return, I don't like that aittitude- never have. I don't like the storyline, nor its ending, and I do not need to pick on Atheism in order to feed my dislike, but you need to pick on God in order to feed yours.

My idea of a deity is eternal Love, Joy, Peace, Unity,production, and fulfillment for EVERYONE-- and I have posted this here for years. You think that idea is evil. I think something is seriously wrong with that.



Well-Known Member
So you wish to save your fellow man....that's fine.


I didNOT say that! Thats what YOU say. I said my fixation is on Salvation, I didNOT say I wish to save my fellowman. I cannot save anyone, including myself. The power of Salvation lays SOLEY in the hands of Christ and God.

THATS WHY I believe in Universal Salvation because THEIR hands and Hearts can achieve it.



Rogue Theologian
My fixation is on the Salvation of all of humanity.

And most of my threads are long at most sites I vist. Thats because of intrest, I don't do it by myself.


And then you say you're not interested in saving your fellow man?.....
Are you sure you're not interested?

Seems that you go to great length...including this thread....


Well-Known Member
And then you say you're not interested in saving your fellow man?.....

I didnot say I was not interested in saving my fellowman, I didnot say I could save anyone. Your just misconscrewing everything I say and have not said.

I grow tired of that, I am done with you today.



Rogue Theologian
I didnot say I was not interested in saving my fellowman, I didnot say I could save anyone. Your just misconscrewing everything I say and have not said.

I grow tired of that, I am done with you today.


Hurry back.


Well-Known Member
Hurry back.

Oh I am not leaving the site, I am just not talking with you anymore today. I am in no mood to be continually misquoted or have words placed in my mouth, two common tactics that some Christians like using.

Its just useless. And I will not be in a hurry to speak with you again.



Well-Known Member
Your idea of oblivion is the posion that runs through the veins of unbelief, and its the beginning of the evolutionist doctrine, we came from the nothing and to the nothing we will return, I don't like that aittitude- never have. I don't like the storyline, nor its ending, and I do not need to pick on Atheism in order to feed my dislike, but you need to pick on God in order to feed yours.

My idea of a deity is eternal Love, Joy, Peace, Unity,production, and fulfillment for EVERYONE-- and I have posted this here for years. You think that idea is evil. I think something is seriously wrong with that.


Why is the idea of oblivion poison? The idea that only the so called 'saved' will inhabit heaven is poison. In theory the worst of people could make a deathbed conversion and go to heaven, whilst good unbelievers go to hell, there is nothing loving or joyful about that and I doubt it has any basis in fact.


Well-Known Member
Why is the idea of oblivion poison? The idea that only the so called 'saved' will inhabit heaven is poison. In theory the worst of people could make a deathbed conversion and go to heaven, whilst good unbelievers go to hell, there is nothing loving or joyful about that and I doubt it has any basis in fact.

It does not have any basics in fact, and none in scripture. You have allowed traditional conventional religious understanding to highly negatively influence your look at the bible and what its message is. And that negative comes out of you everyday here, as you rant and rave on religion. Religion has nothing to do with the Universal Salvation the bible teachs, it does not teach that humans are going to be doomed.

Oblivion is posion because our destiny is to live forever and be conscious, but this oblivion mess distorts and perverts our true destiny, in that it teachs we will be dead forever, and the perversion of embracing such an oppisite of your destiny, is a sickening alternitive to me.



Well-Known Member
Mickiel said:
Yes, basically I am saying that whatever God does is okay. For many reasons too. One, its nothing nobody can do about it anyway, what he wants, he gets, its just as simple as that. Secondly, God is Righteous, and all that he does will end up being Righteous. Thirdly, and perhaps the most important; There is really only one way to deal with God, and that is to serve him. People , like yourself, are just out of ignorance, temporarily getting by with their rebellion, but in the final outcome of reality, anything that God brings into reality must serve him, there are no other choices.

You either serve him, or your going to be at serious risk of not existing anymore.


So it is okay because he is stronger than you. So hitler was justified in what he did because he had more power than the average peasant? This is a pretty hideous outlook I must say.

Why is God righteous? If God was responsible for the Holocaust he would be righteous in your eyes. This is completely and utterly screwed. The only reason you believe he is righteous, from what I have read from you, is because he is stronger than you. Your like a scared animal willing to do anything to please the big bully at school just because he can beat you up.

People , like yourself, are just out of ignorance, temporarily getting by with their rebellion, but in the final outcome of reality, anything that God brings into reality must serve him, there are no other choices.

You either serve him, or your going to be at serious risk of not existing anymore.

Mmm, threats. From the guy that made a post about how he hates how Christians hang hellfire over people and threaten them and then you go and do the exact same thing except you didn't use the word hellfire. However it is just as cruel and disgusting.

How exactly do you feel about our "rebellion" being snuffed out? Of course what is this "rebellion" in your eyes? We don't believe exactly as you say so were rebels? You sound like the spokesman for a dictator. A very wicked dictator.