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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Rogue Theologian
Still clinging to Gods word. 1Pet. 1:4, clinging to that which cannot be denied, a Salvation that is imperishable and undefiled, an inheritance that cannot fade away. Still clinging to the promise of God.


I bet...thousands of preachers, priests, ministers, and pastors, are making sermons, right now, about receiving salvation...on the condition...
that you must accept it.

Without acceptance...what can be done?

Will the angels draw word...put the edge to your throat....and say?...
You WILL follow me into heaven...and you WILL like it!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I bet...thousands of preachers, priests, ministers, and pastors, are making sermons, right now, about receiving salvation...on the condition...
that you must accept it.

Without acceptance...what can be done?

Will the angels draw word...put the edge to your throat....and say?...
You WILL follow me into heaven...and you WILL like it!!!!!!!

Well I can show you exactly what will happen according to scripture;

Isaiah 45:23;" I have sworn by myself, the word has gone out from my mouth in righteousness and willnot turn back, that to me every knee will bow, every tounge will swear allegiance to me."

This is God himself swearing a Holy vow in his own name that all of humanity will bow and confess to him and swear allegiance to him. Bowing and confessing and swearing allegiance to him means conversion. Now you may not believe this, but that does not matter, God said he has already done this and nothing can stop it!

All of humanity is destined to swear allegiance to God wether they accept it or not.

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Well-Known Member
In Titus 2:11;" For the grace of God appeared, bringing Salvation to ALL men." The simplicity in this verse is highly overlooked, Salvation is for all of humanity, all of us! Its not a group thing, its not an individual thing, its not a belief thing, its a destiny thing, a complettely freely given destiny.

And I want to go into that.


I don't want it!


Rogue Theologian
Well I can show you exactly what will happen according to scripture;

Isaiah 45:23;" I have sworn by myself, the word has gone out from my mouth in righteousness and willnot turn back, that to me every knee will bow, every tounge will swear allegiance to me."

This is God himself swearing a Holy vow in his own name that all of humanity will bow and confess to him and swear allegiance to him. Bowing and confessing and swearing allegiance to him means conversion. Now you may not believe this, but that does not matter, God said he has already done this and nothing can stop it!

All of humanity is destined to swear allegiance to God wether they accept it or not.


Then you would be willing to agree with the atheist....who are reluctant to believe in a god that is a tyrant.

You are professing mind control...you do realize it...don't you?


Well-Known Member
Then you would be willing to agree with the atheist....who are reluctant to believe in a god that is a tyrant.

You are professing mind control...you do realize it...don't you?

God will always maintain absolute control over all things.



Well-Known Member
That is a statement for which there is not one shred of evidence!

You are part of the evidence, where did your Conscious life come from, if not from a Conscious creator? Still, allow me to construct a short list of evidence for Gods complette control;

Horizontal variation: God controls all species and their range of differences.

Cambrian Explosion: Even the rocks reveal that God controls all fossils in all time periods.

Carbon-14: We can date things that were once alive. 75% of the earths surface is sedimentary rock which forms underneath moving water, lack of fossilized soil layers in the rock strata indicate no long time gaps, evidence for a young earth. God controls even the rudimentary levels of our own planet.

The Laws of Conservation: these laws have the broadest possible application of all laws in physics, and they have remained unchanged, evidence of Gods complette control.

The Law of Bio-genesis: living things can only come from living things. God created and controls all that he created. He is the master of DNA and RNA, and can manipulate these at any level, at any time.

Consciousness: Oh, a big one. God created human Consciousness, and none of us can avoid his influence on our Consciousness, its impossible! To have free will means nothing outside of you affects your Consciousness, such a thing simply is not possible.

The Law of Entrophy: All closed systems are moving from a state of order to disorder, and are disintergrating over time as they decay. Oh, astute evidence of Gods control over our Universe.

Females: Oh, definte evidence of Gods absolute control. In Genesis God cursed Eve and said she would be desire her husband and he would rule over her,( obviously she was not before this curse). Men have ruled over women ever since. That control came from God's curse.

I can continue the list as you wish.



Well-Known Member
Still clinging to the idea that salvation cannot be denied?

Still showing scripture that supports everything I am saying. In Isaiah 65: 1-2, God himself speaking;"I permitted myself to be sought by those who didnot ask for me; I permitted myself to be found by those who didnot seek me. I said here I am to a nation which didnot call on my name. I have spread out my hands all day long to a rebellious people."

And God never changes! He's still this way, still doing this to whole nations of people who deny him. He still will permit himself to be found by those who deny him. This is what God says, but its not what certain believers are saying.

Listen to God.

Believe him.



Rogue Theologian
Still showing scripture that supports everything I am saying. In Isaiah 65: 1-2, God himself speaking;"I permitted myself to be sought by those who didnot ask for me; I permitted myself to be found by those who didnot seek me. I said here I am to a nation which didnot call on my name. I have spread out my hands all day long to a rebellious people."

And God never changes! He's still this way, still doing this to whole nations of people who deny him. He still will permit himself to be found by those who deny him. This is what God says, but its not what certain believers are saying.

Listen to God.

Believe him.


What God permits to Himself is one thing...
What Man is willing to accept is something else.

That God is willing to stretch out His hand doesn't mean all men take hold.

The Carpenter taught in parables...to sort out the ones who will hear....
from those who have ears and hear not.

There will be a parting of the ways.
God and His angels will choose who follows.... and who does not.

It begins with the choices the listener makes.


Well-Known Member
What God permits to Himself is one thing...
What Man is willing to accept is something else.

That God is willing to stretch out His hand doesn't mean all men take hold.

The Carpenter taught in parables...to sort out the ones who will hear....
from those who have ears and hear not.

There will be a parting of the ways.
God and His angels will choose who follows.... and who does not.

It begins with the choices the listener makes.

The above is what " You Say",

This is what God said: " I will permit myself to be found by those who do not seek me." Those who deny God and do not accept him, God says he will permit himself to be found by them. He said " All day long" I will spread out my hands to a rebellious people. All day long;

And you won't do that for one minute.

I am glad Salvation is not in your hands.



Rogue Theologian
The above is what " You Say",

This is what God said: " I will permit myself to be found by those who do not seek me." Those who deny God and do not accept him, God says he will permit himself to be found by them. He said " All day long" I will spread out my hands to a rebellious people. All day long;

And you won't do that for one minute.

I am glad Salvation is not in your hands.


When I stand before the angels....they might ask....

'You heard what Mickiel said.....what then shall we do about him?
Should we let him follow?...he seems willing to allow anyone to follow him.'

I might find it needful to say....

'If all are allowed to follow...then how is there peace in heaven?
Won't the devil be near behind?'


Well-Known Member
When I stand before the angels....they might ask....

'You heard what Mickiel said.....what then shall we do about him?
Should we let him follow?...he seems willing to allow anyone to follow him.'

I might find it needful to say....

'If all are allowed to follow...then how is there peace in heaven?
Won't the devil be near behind?'

The above is what " You say",

This is what the bible says in Romans 9:25-26;"I will call those who were not my people, My people, and those who were not beloved, beloved. To those who it was said, you are not Gods people, They shall be called the " Sons of the Living God."

All those people who you are willing to say because they deny God, and " You say" they willNOT be with God, " God Says" they will be called his people, his Sons.



Rogue Theologian
The above is what " You say",

This is what the bible says in Romans 9:25-26;"I will call those who were not my people, My people, and those who were not beloved, beloved. To those who it was said, you are not Gods people, They shall be called the " Sons of the Living God."

All those people who you are willing to say because they deny God, and " You say" they willNOT be with God, " God Says" they will be called his people, his Sons.


So you would be willing to allow the devil to follow you into heaven?
Did he not make denial?
Was he not God's favored...and was cast out?


Well-Known Member
So you would be willing to allow the devil to follow you into heaven?
Did he not make denial?
Was he not God's favored...and was cast out?

It is not our decision who is allowed in Heaven, its Gods, and God alone. And in my view from study, satan willnot be in heaven. Satan was never Gods favored, and never cast out, he was never in. He was created evil from his creation, fashioned by God to be what he is, evil.

Your misunderstanding guides your thoughts.



Rogue Theologian
It is not our decision who is allowed in Heaven, its Gods, and God alone. And in my view from study, satan willnot be in heaven. Satan was never Gods favored, and never cast out, he was never in. He was created evil from his creation, fashioned by God to be what he is, evil.

Your misunderstanding guides your thoughts.


I haven't made any errors here.

So you don't believe in fallen angels?
And you never heard of wars in heaven?
And you don't believe angels carry swords?
And the devil is not allowed to follow at your heel?



Well-Known Member
I haven't made any errors here.

So you don't believe in fallen angels?
And you never heard of wars in heaven?
And you don't believe angels carry swords?
And the devil is not allowed to follow at your heel?


There is no such thing as a fallen angel, no such creature. That is pure deception, unmerited traditional illusion. There will be a war in Heaven, there has not been one there yet. Some Angels may have swords, or swords may be symbolic of somethingelse, I am not sure. The Devil can follow after humans, yes. But only as a predator stalking his prey.
