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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Active Member
Why? because the political world is going to turn on the religious world.
With backing the UN can be strengthened to turn on the religious sector.
We want to be classed as one of the sheep-like ones of Matthew [25v32] who will be able to gain everlasting life during Jesus 1000-year reign over earth.

In the past God used the political 'ax', so to speak, to be used on those that disobeyed God. So to escape this coming 'ax' or being destroyed as an enemy of God we need to keep separate from being involved in what is going to be destroyed. Once God uses the political world to turn against the false religious world, then as Revelation describes the words from Jesus mouth will be as sharp as a two-edged sword, or an executioner's sword, to get rid of all the wickedness on earth including the destroying of Satan.
[Isaiah 11v4; Rev 19vs11,14,15;18v4; Hebrews 2v14 B; Jeremiah 25vs31-33]

James [1v27] says to keep unspotted from the world. Or do not be stained by the world's ways that are contrary or opposite God's ways either politically or religiously. Moral integrity is essential in God's eyes, and not having a false tongue like Satan with telling lies. Jesus needs to be our example or model to follow. -John 13vs34,35.

Also, why care is because as 1st Peter 5v7 says: God cares for You.
-James 4v8; 2nd Peter 3v9.

Yeah maybe I'll care about Illuminati conspiracy theories and mythology another day.


Veteran Member
Yeah maybe I'll care about Illuminati conspiracy theories and mythology another day.

If mankind's religious family tree is traced back to its roots in Mesopotamia we see the people migrated from ancient Babylon and took with them their pagan religious concepts and ideas and spread them world wide into a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great.

There is no myth or conspiracy theory in Jesus straightforward teachings.

As in ancient Babylon the waters of the river Euphrates were diverted.
That allowed for the waters to be dried up, so to speak, so invaders could go into Babylon and capture it. So too today the religious waters [people] of the world's religious sector are drying up spiritually.

The Pew Research Center survey mentions lack of religious knowledge and I think it was mentioned there will be PBS specials about the survey this week.

What we are seeing is leading to the fulfillment of Jesus teachings and the happy climax of Revelation that there will be healing or curing of the nations in fulfillment of the promise God made to Abraham that all families of the earth will be blessed and all nations of the earth will be blessed.
[Rev 22v2; Gen 12v3; 22vs17,18]


Rogue Theologian
There is no hell. Its a dead concept.


And you somehow succeeded in negotiating the return of the angels that were thrown out of heaven?
The Fallen have regained their positions?...and the devil no longer follows us at our heels?



I do believe there is a hell. Picture this

The Sun.

It is a boiling hot, ever burning, ball of torture.

The sun is 500,000 times the size of the earth.

That will fit all the dead souls of the past 6,000 years,

like an ocean of torture with no land or pasture to rest.

Treading eternal damnation.


Veteran Member
No I certainly do not, just do not prefer the Christian view of it.
Nor most Christian views of anything spiritual.

And what is the 'Christian' view of heaven?

What do the churches teach and what does the Bible really teach?
Isn't there a difference?

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
As a former Catholic I could not help myself from thinking God was a sadistic narcissist who had pleasure in making us suffer for all eternity in pain that infinitely exceeded any pain that could be suffered on earth like slowly torn to pieces by lions or being slowly lowered into a river full of piranhas. All this for just at the moment of death you uttered His name with an expletory as you stubbed your toe or did not see fit to trudge 10 miles in heavy rain to attend a Mass on Sundays and could not make it the confessional on time.


Veteran Member
As a former Catholic I could not help myself from thinking God was a sadistic narcissist who had pleasure in making us suffer for all eternity in pain that infinitely exceeded any pain that could be suffered on earth like slowly torn to pieces by lions or being slowly lowered into a river full of piranhas. All this for just at the moment of death you uttered His name with an expletory as you stubbed your toe or did not see fit to trudge 10 miles in heavy rain to attend a Mass on Sundays and could not make it the confessional on time.

Wow! I do so hope you realize that the ^above^ is not what the Bible really teaches?


Well-Known Member
As a former Catholic I could not help myself from thinking God was a sadistic narcissist who had pleasure in making us suffer for all eternity in pain that infinitely exceeded any pain that could be suffered on earth like slowly torn to pieces by lions or being slowly lowered into a river full of piranhas. All this for just at the moment of death you uttered His name with an expletory as you stubbed your toe or did not see fit to trudge 10 miles in heavy rain to attend a Mass on Sundays and could not make it the confessional on time.
This is church-teaching and not what the Bible says. I too am a 'former RC' and thanks be to God now know the truth of repentance and forgiveness :).


Rogue Theologian
And still the concept of hell won't go away.....ever....

No lines drawn?

Will you walk where fallen angels once did?
Will their Brothers...still living in heaven.... object?

If the story is true....that one third of heaven lost posistion...
over an argument concerning something that looks like ....you...

Then indeed...lines have been drawn.

The Fallen are insulted and grieved that you go, where they are now forbidden.
And their Brothers are grieved that the likes of you, would take their place.

The Fallen want you dead.

Their Brothers are bound by obedience that you stub not your toe, or dash your head.
But that maybe as far as their commitment might go.


Well-Known Member
In Matt. 24:21, Jesus himself talking the absolute truth, " For then there will be a great tribulation, such has not occured since the beginning of the world until now, " Nor shall ever occur again." Now Jesus is teaching here that these events in the end time will be horrific, terrible, and that nothing like this has ever fallen on humanity nor ever shall fall on us again. Mark 13:9 hints on these times. Revelation tells of them, but Jesus is NOT refering to eternal hell suffering here.

IF eternal hell suffering were true, then it, by demand, would be a FAR greater suffering than Jesus said would NEVER occur again to humans! This totally defaults ANY belief in eternal hell suffering, PERIOD! Because common sense tells us that NO suffering we must endure during the great tribulation, could even compare to the eternal terror of what everlasting punishment would be.



Rogue Theologian
In Matt. 24:21, Jesus himself talking the absolute truth, " For then there will be a great tribulation, such has not occured since the beginning of the world until now, " Nor shall ever occur again." Now Jesus is teaching here that these events in the end time will be horrific, terrible, and that nothing like this has ever fallen on humanity nor ever shall fall on us again. Mark 13:9 hints on these times. Revelation tells of them, but Jesus is NOT refering to eternal hell suffering here.

This refers to events here on earth.

IF eternal hell suffering were true, then it, by demand, would be a FAR greater suffering than Jesus said would NEVER occur again to humans! This totally defaults ANY belief in eternal hell suffering, PERIOD! Because common sense tells us that NO suffering we must endure during the great tribulation, could even compare to the eternal terror of what everlasting punishment would be.

Eternal suffering in the spiritual life would be different.


So you're hoping to not go to hell.... by making a denial of it?


Well-Known Member
So you're hoping to not go to hell.... by making a denial of it?

So your condeming people to hell because of YOUR belief? YOU believe it exist, because you NEED it to exist, in YOUR belief. Its YOUR waste disposal plan for those who YOU deem not as righteous as yourself. You believe God created human waste and needs to herd that waste into an eternal pain amliphier and continually punish them for being waste, and then make an eternal monument to that waste by creating this hell.

You then use this pitiful pathology to threaten others with this hell. Its YOUR trump card of judgement.

And YOU think God endorses this pathology.
