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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Rogue Theologian
So your condeming people to hell because of YOUR belief? YOU believe it exist, because you NEED it to exist, in YOUR belief. Its YOUR waste disposal plan for those who YOU deem not as righteous as yourself. You believe God created human waste and needs to herd that waste into an eternal pain amliphier and continually punish them for being waste, and then make an eternal monument to that waste by creating this hell.

You then use this pitiful pathology to threaten others with this hell. Its YOUR trump card of judgement.

And YOU think God endorses this pathology.



But I do strongly suspect....
Someone is greatest of all.....He has His chosen crowd around Him.

The rest of us are somewhere else.
For now...6billion on this earth.

Where we end up...later on....is determined by....
Doing unto others as we would have it done unto ourselves.

Hanging around good deed doers would be a good thing ...no?
Getting stuck with a crowd that cares not at all, would be bad....yes?

But of course...God chooses.


Well-Known Member

But I do strongly suspect....
Someone is greatest of all.....He has His chosen crowd around Him.

The rest of us are somewhere else.
For now...6billion on this earth.

Where we end end up...later on....is determined by....
Doing unto others as we would have it done unto ourselves.

Hanging around good deed doers would be a good thing ...no?
Getting stuck with a crowd that cares not at all, would be bad....yes?

But of course...God chooses.

You think humans fate is self determinate, that God then created us to determine our own fate. Jesus death and ressurection determined the fate of humanity, yet you think God has given fate to human will. You undermine the sheer power of Jesus mission to save all of humanity himself, by distorting his crucifixion and suffering for ALL of humanity, now YOU think he suffered so that all unbelievers must suffer forever.

Smallminded view of the actual PURPOSE of his sacrifice.



Rogue Theologian
You think humans fate is self determinate, that God then created us to determine our own fate. Jesus death and ressurection determined the fate of humanity, yet you think God has given fate to human will. You undermine the sheer power of Jesus mission to save all of humanity himself, by distorting his crucifixion and suffering for ALL of humanity, now YOU think he suffered so that all unbelievers must suffer forever.

Smallminded view of the actual PURPOSE of his sacrifice.


Jesus performed two efforts only.....
He did miracles....
He told parables....

His death saved no one.
His teachings...the parables....tell all.
What you do about them is up to you.


Well-Known Member
His death saved no one.

Man, your so far off from the truth.

So far off.

Thats the worst example of deception that I have ever read. Jesus death saved no one.

Your minds grasp of truth is seared, its totally gone.

Peace to you.


Rogue Theologian
Man, your so far off from the truth.

So far off.

Thats the worst example of deception that I have ever read. Jesus death saved no one.

Your minds grasp of truth is seared, its totally gone.

Peace to you.

No really....everyone dies....

What carries over is your soul.
The soul is part what you think and part what feel.

The parables are stories designed to refocus and redirect the manner
of thought and feeling you act upon.

Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.....
puts you in control.

Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
You think humans fate is self determinate, that God then created us to determine our own fate. Jesus death and ressurection determined the fate of humanity, yet you think God has given fate to human will. You undermine the sheer power of Jesus mission to save all of humanity himself, by distorting his crucifixion and suffering for ALL of humanity, now YOU think he suffered so that all unbelievers must suffer forever.

Smallminded view of the actual PURPOSE of his sacrifice.


That's some pretty big talk from a guy who doesn't need religion.


Well-Known Member
You can't be a church of one any more than you could be a baseball-team of one. I don't understand why someone would even try.

I hold absolutely no intrest in religion, or the churchs of men, none. And I don't need either. I walk alone.

I understand others need for it, but I am not like others, my destiny has a life of its own, and I want nothing to be between me and God when I meet him one day and get to know him.


Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
I hold absolutely no intrest in religion, or the churchs of men, none. And I don't need either. I walk alone.

I understand others need for it, but I am not like others, my destiny has a life of its own, and I want nothing to be between me and God when I meet him one day and get to know him.


Okay, I can respect that. I am not your judge.


Veteran Member
I hold absolutely no intrest in religion, or the churchs of men, none. And I don't need either. I walk alone.
I understand others need for it, but I am not like others, my destiny has a life of its own, and I want nothing to be between me and God when I meet him one day and get to know him.

When hikers or climbers have 'walked alone' haven't news reports shown because of no one there to assist, they ended with a tragic outcome?

Does God want us to walk alone? When hikers are lost they see the value of following the tracks of others in order to get out of harm's way.

Jesus expressed to those that follow in his tracks a good outcome.
Jesus 'destiny' so to speak, did not have a life of its own.
Jesus did: not his own will, but the will of his Father. -John 5v19

Jesus was not advocating walking in a negative sense or alone,
[Jesus was not advocating churches of men meaning the keeping of man-made traditions outside of Scripture. -Mark 7v7,13; Mt 15v9]
but by keeping his new commandment of John [13vs35.25] to live by brotherly Christ-like love. How can one do that if one walks alone?
Aren't Christian not to forsake the gathering of themselves together?
-Hebrews 10vs24,25


Rogue Theologian
When hikers or climbers have 'walked alone' haven't news reports shown because of no one there to assist, they ended with a tragic outcome?

Does God want us to walk alone? When hikers are lost they see the value of following the tracks of others in order to get out of harm's way.

Jesus expressed to those that follow in his tracks a good outcome.
Jesus 'destiny' so to speak, did not have a life of its own.
Jesus did: not his own will, but the will of his Father. -John 5v19

Jesus was not advocating walking in a negative sense or alone,
[Jesus was not advocating churches of men meaning the keeping of man-made traditions outside of Scripture. -Mark 7v7,13; Mt 15v9]
but by keeping his new commandment of John [13vs35.25] to live by brotherly Christ-like love. How can one do that if one walks alone?
Aren't Christian not to forsake the gathering of themselves together?
-Hebrews 10vs24,25

Let's not forget the value of solitude.

Moses went to the mountain...alone.
Jesus went to the wilderness...alone.

These are dangerous practices.
The possibility of dying is real and eminent.

And there is instruction.....on a smaller scale.
'go to your closet....and close the door.....and He who knows you in secret...
will hear you, as you pray.'


Well-Known Member
When hikers or climbers have 'walked alone' haven't news reports shown because of no one there to assist, they ended with a tragic outcome?

Does God want us to walk alone? When hikers are lost they see the value of following the tracks of others in order to get out of harm's way.

Jesus expressed to those that follow in his tracks a good outcome.
Jesus 'destiny' so to speak, did not have a life of its own.
Jesus did: not his own will, but the will of his Father. -John 5v19

Jesus was not advocating walking in a negative sense or alone,
[Jesus was not advocating churches of men meaning the keeping of man-made traditions outside of Scripture. -Mark 7v7,13; Mt 15v9]
but by keeping his new commandment of John [13vs35.25] to live by brotherly Christ-like love. How can one do that if one walks alone?
Aren't Christian not to forsake the gathering of themselves together?
-Hebrews 10vs24,25

There are people that God wanted to walk alone, I see no need in trying to convince you of this. God cannot be limited in the way he does things from person to person, thats just how he is, he does it his own way, which cannot be cataloged and placed in a box. I am not a Christian, and I am not confined to the Christian way of seeing things, and doing things. No Christian can then confine me or conform me to THEIR way of thinking and biblical interpitation, that will NEVER be!

I walk alone, thats how it is, thats how it will be and remain, until God releases me from it.



Jesus in me
Oh the doctrine of eternal punishing is essential to many christian religions, but not knowing what you are aware of, perhaps those groups you have had exposure to, it may be a small part of their doctrine. But central or not, its insanity, perhaps to some just not a central insanity. I do not claim to hold a 100% accurate view of scripture, I need to learn a lot.

But one thing I have learned, is not to listen to Christianity for the truth, but to listen to Gods word.


This is two funny. With 10,000 denominations having 10,000 different views finding a unanimous Christianity appears to be more a delusion than a reality.

My experience is that you don't do this very well, so you need to hear the opinions of others to get a better perspective.

First of all there is only one Christian religion. Second it appears to me that you have not polled all the Christian denominations on this subject so saying "many" seems to be a subjective opinion.

It isn't insanity. It is an easy mistake to view eteranl as meaning never ending. I view it as meaning that there is no time, a lack of temporality. Eternal life is essentially the same unless one is talking about the spiritual side. A person who doesn't die doesn't bother to count the years. Will I really care if I have reached my 2020th birthday?


Well-Known Member
My experience is that you don't do this very well, so you need to hear the opinions of others to get a better perspective.


Get this, if you never get anythingelse, I will NEVER NEED the opinions of others to get a better perspective, never! All I will ever need to gain wisdom is God himself! Thats the way for me, I don't need to survive on others opinions, I need God, and God alone to feed me.

There is no other way for me, and I will NEVER allow the opinions of others to be a need of mine.

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Midnight Pete

Well-Known Member
There are people that God wanted to walk alone, I see no need in trying to convince you of this. God cannot be limited in the way he does things from person to person, thats just how he is, he does it his own way, which cannot be cataloged and placed in a box. I am not a Christian, and I am not confined to the Christian way of seeing things, and doing things. No Christian can then confine me or conform me to THEIR way of thinking and biblical interpitation, that will NEVER be!

I walk alone, thats how it is, thats how it will be and remain, until God releases me from it.


Then you do that. The church will be there when you're ready.