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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
The mind that invented the doctrine of eternal hell must have been a very ill one. It simply does not occur to a normal person. Unfortunately the main contributer to this belief seems to have been no lessa figure than Jesus himself. He spoke more about hell than anyone else before him.?

Jesus didnot speak about hell as much as you claim, and the hell he spoke of was the grave, not some torture pit. Your understanding of Jesus is accusational, you simply want to accuse him, as did your forefathers. Your mind is devoid of Jesus significance, which is why you insult him. Your thinking is what has blinded humans for years, and years to come.

But your words are not the words of God. Which is why they are meaningless.



Jesus didnot speak about hell as much as you claim, and the hell he spoke of was the grave, not some torture pit. Your understanding of Jesus is accusational, you simply want to accuse him, as did your forefathers. Your mind is devoid of Jesus significance, which is why you insult him. Your thinking is what has blinded humans for years, and years to come.

I said Jesus spoke about hell more than anyone else before him in the Bible, which is a fact. Christianity was by far the greatest exponent of eternal hell and that was directly based upon the authority of the Gospel which is very clear on the subject. Rather it is you who are reinterpreting the Gospel to fit your own beliefs.


The best way I can think to describe my belief is.

You die. If you are considered to have accepted and build a true relationship with God you go to heaven. If you have not done so, you go through a scourging fire(metaphorically) which whipes away the sins of your soul and are sent to earth to try again.

Amusingly enough, I'd prefer never to go to heaven.


Well-Known Member
I said Jesus spoke about hell more than anyone else before him in the Bible, which is a fact. Christianity was by far the greatest exponent of eternal hell and that was directly based upon the authority of the Gospel which is very clear on the subject. Rather it is you who are reinterpreting the Gospel to fit your own beliefs.

The gospel is not clear on hell, hell is a misnomer, it is refered to as the grave, not eternal torture. Jesus spoke on the grave, not torture and continual punishment. Christianity is the greatest exponent of hell, which is why they are the greatest deceived on the subject.



Well-Known Member
Two of the worse views of God I have ever seen, come from Christians and Atheist, neither of these groups should be where you search for understanding of God, but both groups are trying to lead in explaining God, and this has distorted the truth. Its how many false conceptions have been birthed. Its how the doctrine of hell was born.



Well-Known Member
Two of the worse views of God I have ever seen, come from Christians and Atheist, neither of these groups should be where you search for understanding of God, but both groups are trying to lead in explaining God, and this has distorted the truth. Its how many false conceptions have been birthed. Its how the doctrine of hell was born.


Imagine that, Atheist and Christians trying to explain God. Christians trying to dictate the terms of Salvation, Atheist trying to take away from Salvation, both utterly confused and spreading the confusion, as if they are " Experts" in their OWN Right! Both really having absolutely nothing to do with humanitys future, yet both trying to dictate the terms of our future, making themselves " gods."

Only God is God, only he can dictate the terms of our future. And I want to get into just what he really has dictated.



Well-Known Member
Imagine that, Atheist and Christians trying to explain God. Christians trying to dictate the terms of Salvation, Atheist trying to take away from Salvation, both utterly confused and spreading the confusion, as if they are " Experts" in their OWN Right! Both really having absolutely nothing to do with humanitys future, yet both trying to dictate the terms of our future, making themselves " gods."

Only God is God, only he can dictate the terms of our future. And I want to get into just what he really has dictated.


Two things that have severly damaged the truth about God, is Atheist and Christians, the ignorance of both groups has caused some severe damage in the mentality of humanity. I tend to think Christianity has done the most damage between the two. Its an oxymoron at its best, the very believers in God, are actually causing and spreading the confusion that exist in unbelieving humanitys views of God, and the doctrine of eternal hell suffering is just one glaring example of that.

Once a human mind is sucked into either of these two dynamics, Athieism or Christianity, the brain is totally washed and only God himself can bring them out of it. It is a mind soaked in serious deceptions. And many false concepts have been born from these realitys. These false concepts are soaked into the physce of humanity itself.



Imagine that, Atheist and Christians trying to explain God. Christians trying to dictate the terms of Salvation, Atheist trying to take away from Salvation, both utterly confused and spreading the confusion, as if they are " Experts" in their OWN Right! Both really having absolutely nothing to do with humanitys future, yet both trying to dictate the terms of our future, making themselves " gods."

Only God is God, only he can dictate the terms of our future. And I want to get into just what he really has dictated.

To serve one another.
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.

The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.


Mickiel....every religion talks about hell or their version of it...it is not just a Christian based belief...


Active Member
I really am looking to understand God, but not this God that humans teach, but the real God of Love , Joy and Peace. Not this God of eternal hell punishing, but the God of Patience, forgiveness and Mercy. You know, the real God, not this insane lunatic that many are trying to pass God off as being. You know, this lunatic that will place humans in this eternal Pain amphlipier and punish them for billions upon trillions of untold time and on into infinity. I just can't imagine how out of control this hell fire belief has gotten. And how much these bloodthirsty christians who teach it have ruined Gods reputation.
Hello there, welcome. First of all, how did you come to the conclusion that there must be a good guy in the sky? I mean, your positive approach to a Deity certainly avoids most religious concepts of it - especially the Abrahamic ones - but where did you get this from?

It seems to me the concept of God didn't just come to you one sleepless night, but was derived from the other concepts out there. Would you please clarify this? And don't let those religions you are opposed to tell you otherwise, their God punishes, even though they try to hide it.
The eternal punishing of anything, muchless a human, is a sick concept, yet many believers have swallowed it into their belief, hook, line and sinker. And THAT is evidence of just how much foolishness we will absorb.
It's the good ol' Prejudice and Persecution that's at play, but now it makes people feel like they're doing good instead of the opposite - which it really is.


Well-Known Member
Mickiel....every religion talks about hell or their version of it...it is not just a Christian based belief...

This is part of the proof that every religion is deceived, Rev.12:9. The whole world of religion is decevied, Christianity is just a major part of the deception. Its not just a Christian based belief, but its root came from Christianity, after Christ left the scene, not before. The belief originated within Christianity and took off from there. Belief in hell is not an Old testement belief, it was started in the early churchs that sprang up years after Christ had left, and it began to swell ever since.

The church that Jesus established were universalist, they believed in the Salvation of all.

These other churchs that have embraced this hell doctrine , are not churchs of Christ.

They just think they are.



Well-Known Member
Hello there, welcome. First of all, how did you come to the conclusion that there must be a good guy in the sky? I mean, your positive approach to a Deity certainly avoids most religious concepts of it - especially the Abrahamic ones - but where did you get this from?


I was born with my belief in God, because It has always been inside of me. There was no conscious moment that I can seperate and say," Oh, yes, it happed at this time and for this reason." I was born with sight, when my eyes opened I could see. I was born with legs, eventually I could walk. I was born with a mind, I could think from day one. It just took some time to learn about those things I was born with.

I was born with a predisposition towards belief in God, just like I believe certain homosexuals, ( Not all of them) were born with their predisposition.



Active Member
I was born with my belief in God, because It has always been inside of me. There was no conscious moment that I can seperate and say," Oh, yes, it happed at this time and for this reason." I was born with sight, when my eyes opened I could see. I was born with legs, eventually I could walk. I was born with a mind, I could think from day one. It just took some time to learn about those things I was born with.
Okay, so you weren't raised to be a Theist (by either your parents or your surroundings)?
I was born with a predisposition towards belief in God, just like I believe certain homosexuals, ( Not all of them) were born with their predisposition.

We should not go into this here (homosexuality has already spawned many topics of its own); but just tell me this: You say you believe NOT ALL homosexuals were born as a homosexual (or a "predisposition" to that sexuality). How so? By contamination?:eek:
This is part of the proof that every religion is deceived, Rev.12:9. The whole world of religion is decevied, Christianity is just a major part of the deception. Its not just a Christian based belief, but its root came from Christianity, after Christ left the scene, not before. The belief originated within Christianity and took off from there. Belief in hell is not an Old testement belief, it was started in the early churchs that sprang up years after Christ had left, and it began to swell ever since.

The church that Jesus established were universalist, they believed in the Salvation of all.

These other churchs that have embraced this hell doctrine , are not churchs of Christ.

They just think they are.


So, the WHOLE world with all the different religions are deceived??...and of course you have proof of this??...not just your belief, but links to research, religious scholars etc?


resident hypnotist
Every religion may have it's concept of hell but it seems to be only Christianity and Islam that have a sense of eternal damnation. Although I have heard even some interpretations of Islam that claim Hell isn't forever. Within the other world traditions that have hells (not all of them do) hell isn't eternal. One may go there for some period of time for the karma or sin to be purified and then continues on the spiritual path.

I honestly can't wrap my mind around the concept of an all loving and omniscient God allowing eternal hell to exist. It doesn't make sense. Firstly, if you take the popular concept of God, that he is omniscient, all loving, and just, that means when he creates a soul, he knows automatically whether that creature is destined for eternal heaven or hell. This would be regardless of free will because if God is all knowing, he has to know the outcome of the choices the being will make. So knows then if a soul will go to hell. If he still creates that soul and sends it to earth, how can he be called just or loving. Designing a being for 80 some years on earth and then eternity in hell is cruel and evil.

Then comes my other thought because I believe God to be all loving and the source of bliss, why wouldn't God make it possible for beings to reach him? I believe he has, that's why we are reincarnated over and over again. Eventually as the soul evolves and we remember who we really are then we return to God. All of the evil acts that occur in the world are on a material plain. The soul can never be destroyed by a mortal.

As for damnation based on belief or lack of belief. My God is big enough to not mind being called by a number of different names. In fact we say that God has 100 million names. Also how can not believe in a being one doesn't remember and doesn't see in this life result in damnation?

Every soul is evolving at it's own speed and in it's own time.

We will all reach God.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so you weren't raised to be a Theist (by either your parents or your surroundings)?quote

My mother believed in God , my father didnot, and neither one of them forced their views on me.

We should not go into this here (homosexuality has already spawned many topics of its own); but just tell me this: You say you believe NOT ALL homosexuals were born as a homosexual (or a "predisposition" to that sexuality). How so? By contamination?:eek:

I think some were born that way, and others choose to become that way.



Active Member
Seen from God's point of view (I have such connections), it's wrong as well. An all-powerfull and loving God couldn't possibly miss the fault in punishing finite sins with infinite terror. Everything a person does wrong is only so bad, therefore the punishment should be only so much.

Doesn't God have a scale like lady Justicia?


Well-Known Member
So, the WHOLE world with all the different religions are deceived??...and of course you have proof of this??...not just your belief, but links to research, religious scholars etc?

Human nature itself is all the proof that " I Need", I hold no intrest in convincing anyonelse. I need no scholars to show me how deceived humanity is, I need no research to prove to me how utterly foolish humanity is.

And I hold no need to prove my views to anyonelse.



Well-Known Member
Every religion may have it's concept of hell but it seems to be only Christianity and Islam that have a sense of eternal damnation. Although I have heard even some interpretations of Islam that claim Hell isn't forever. Within the other world traditions that have hells (not all of them do) hell isn't eternal. One may go there for some period of time for the karma or sin to be purified and then continues on the spiritual path.

I honestly can't wrap my mind around the concept of an all loving and omniscient God allowing eternal hell to exist. It doesn't make sense. Firstly, if you take the popular concept of God, that he is omniscient, all loving, and just, that means when he creates a soul, he knows automatically whether that creature is destined for eternal heaven or hell. This would be regardless of free will because if God is all knowing, he has to know the outcome of the choices the being will make. So knows then if a soul will go to hell. If he still creates that soul and sends it to earth, how can he be called just or loving. Designing a being for 80 some years on earth and then eternity in hell is cruel and evil.

Then comes my other thought because I believe God to be all loving and the source of bliss, why wouldn't God make it possible for beings to reach him? I believe he has, that's why we are reincarnated over and over again. Eventually as the soul evolves and we remember who we really are then we return to God. All of the evil acts that occur in the world are on a material plain. The soul can never be destroyed by a mortal.

As for damnation based on belief or lack of belief. My God is big enough to not mind being called by a number of different names. In fact we say that God has 100 million names. Also how can not believe in a being one doesn't remember and doesn't see in this life result in damnation?

Every soul is evolving at it's own speed and in it's own time.

We will all reach God.

I share many of your views, very well written. I too believe that we will all reach God.

Human nature itself is all the proof that " I Need", I hold no intrest in convincing anyonelse. I need no scholars to show me how deceived humanity is, I need no research to prove to me how utterly foolish humanity is.

And I hold no need to prove my views to anyonelse.

True Mickiel...you do not need to prove your views, HOWEVER, when you post on a public forum ,it is assumed that you have some basis of FACT to prove your point. Simply saying you don't need to prove your views, shows that their is a shallowness to your belief, otherwise you would take the time to offer those who have an interest in your view with material in which to review and to either agree or disagree with your position.:yes: