sigh either Gods mercies are forever or not. You have assumed Gods nature is conditional. You are incorrect. It is humans who are conditional not God.
Now what the church doesnt know 100%
Exactly when the 100 year reign is
How God is going to do the judgments.
Can God save after someone has died.
What we do know is Christ will separate the church from the unrighteous?
then what happens after this and why are people judge in the second resurrection.?
I do know that people will be punished as this is the first judgement . What the church has been confused with is if we take revelations literally Christ will come to earth and after 1000 years satan will tempt the world again. I ask how can this be as all are made perfect. Also who is going to die if thier is no sin.All are question we dont know. Before you start creating inhuman doctrines about what you think mankind should be suffering make sure all you know what the sequences in the book of revelations mean. reading all these replies this is what is clear.
Christ will eventually save everyone
some will be his people
some will be punished.
Now lets get deeper is this punishment forever - The word aoin has been argued over for centuries and we don't know if it means forever it also could mean for a period of time. Use you sense folks if their is a possibility it just mean for a period of time than it suddenly makes sence. Christ will seperate his household and put mankind away for thier crimes for a period of time. When death and hell are literally destroyed then those who are trapped will not die. Through the grace of God they will be reborn into the kingdom. As we have no choice how sin came into the world we have no chioce on the matter we are saved. The ransom was for all not a few. Anything else is really inhuman and to believe this is absolutely disgusting. I doubt god would punish one who believes Christ ransom was for all mankind a worthy payment for such a divine wonder. That all mankind will be rehibilitated. My God has a rehabilitation program what has your got.
Yes it is humans who are conditional. If they do not repent doesn't Hebrews (10:26) show the limit? Didn't Jesus sacrifice cover 'many' at Matthew 20:28?
and isn't destruction at the end of the road for those of Matthew (7:13)?
Daniel gave us the knowledge about the 7 times would first have to end before the thousand-year day would come. Jesus said no one knows the day or hour except his Father (Matt 24:36) but he did tell us we would know the 'season' in verse 32,33. Daniel along with all the composite features of Jesus 'sign' of Matthew 24 puts things in our time frame.
According to John (5:22) all judgment has been placed in Jesus hands by his Father. Jesus does not judge by the mere appearance of the eyes but judges the heart. All just or righteous mankind can be rehabilitated.
Since there will be a resurrection of the just and unjust (Acts 24:15) then there will be judging starting after the resurrection. Revelation 20:13,14 puts that time frame during the thousand-year reign over earth when all in hell will be delivered up. Then emptied-out hell and death will die a symbolic second death or no more existence for them.
When Adam was tempted he was perfect. Satan too at first was a perfect spirit creation. By the end of the thousand years all of mankind will have reached the human perfection Adam originally had and Satan being released to perfected mankind will show all in creation that there are perfect humans who will not fail as Adam did but will succeed as Jesus did.
It is then that Satan, according to Hebrews (2:14 B) that Satan will be destroyed. Just as 2nd Thess 1:9 says: destruction. Destruction is not just death. Destruction is non-existence as a living creation. Adam from dust returned to dust. Adam does not exist anymore or anywhere. Those executed by God will be destroyed. Punishment of Matthew (25:46) is equated at 2nd Thess (1:9) with: destruction.
Punishment is then destruction for those of Hebrews (10:26) because they are beyond reform and considered not unjust (Acts 24:15) but willfully wicked.
The first resurrection is for those that Jesus takes to heaven to rule with him (Rev 20:6) They are firstfruits (1st Cor 15:20,23) so that is why they are said to have a first resurrection in that it is: first in time, and first in importance. Then the ones on earth that they are ruling over will be resurrected (second) after them. Those to be part of the meek to inherit the earth.
What did Jesus say at: Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10; Matthew 12:32 ?