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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
Explain to me how you got to the conclusion that:

IN THOSE DAYS BEFORE MICROSCOPES atheists probably believed that atoms and bacteria didnt exist.

Since you include microscopes in your assertion, you are saying that atheists only believe if they can see something.

I've never seen an electron or a quark, yet I believe in them. Therefore your assertion is a blatant lie, a complete distortion, an intellectual fraud.

BTW that the universe exists is no proof that God exists. That road has been explored since Plato.

Yet, Yet, you dont believe in a God/Creator. An intellectual fraud? You and most atheist dont believe in God/Creator because you dont see Him. Am i wrong? Is that a blatant lie?

You say there is no evidence for Him because You dont directly see Him working everything in everything so you say He dont exist. And if the universe isnt proof well, then theres nothing i can tell ya then
Yet, Yet, you dont believe in a God/Creator. An intellectual fraud? You and most atheist dont believe in God/Creator because you dont see Him. Am i wrong? Is that a blatant lie?

You say there is no evidence for Him because You dont directly see Him working everything in everything so you say He dont exist. And if the universe isnt proof well, then theres nothing i can tell ya then

I believe in God but we must all look at the facts.

Modern Science has put all people of faith in to a corner. This has been done by creating a viable paradigm that can explain the universe without any notions of faith or metaphysics. They dont need to prove that God is real they have their viable world view. They dont need God to explain anything.

How can people of faith prove the existence of God.

By quoting scripture at them? No! They dont need to believe our books they have their own scriptures of truth called science text books.

By coming up with new scientific theories that incluled God? No! Their paradigm is simple and ours is complex. Victory in science goes to the Simplest idea.(ie.In mathematics You can prove that the sun revolves around the earth its just a very complex equation. The proof that the earth goes around the sun is simple, so that one is seen as true.

There is only one way to prove your faith. That is to have an outstanding life. Yet who bothers to do this. Very very few. In till this happens for you christians. You have lost the battle.


Well-Known Member
A man once told Gandhi that that He was an Atheist and asked if He could could become a member of his ashram. Gandhi asked him if he believed in truth. When he said yes Gandhi commented that let Truth be your God.I believe if a man makes an real try to find the TRUTH. Gives his all to his fellow man. God will show it to him.

I think that you are a Christian.( I could be wrong.) In the book of James it says that "Faith with out works is dead."


Well yes, you are wrong, I am not Christian. I am a sinner in dire need of his God, and I have not progressed beyond that. I hold no intrest in Christianity, or Gandhi or anyother religion on earth, I think they all are man manufactored, and I have been grew tired of the ways of Men.

I am done with the thoughts of religious men.

Yet, Yet, you dont believe in a God/Creator. An intellectual fraud? You and most atheist dont believe in God/Creator because you dont see Him. Am i wrong?

Yes, you are wrong. I don't believe in God because there is no evidence that can be objectively verified.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you are wrong. I don't believe in God because there is no evidence that can be objectively verified.

So you dont believe in miracles and that stuff either? Man i just cant grasp the feeling of absolutely no hope because without a God, this life is all you got and thats it. You might as well eat and drink for tomorrow you die. Gee where did i get that saying from.....

Isa 22: - 12 And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth: 13 And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die. 14 And it was revealed in mine ears by the LORD of hosts, Surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till ye die, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.
1Co 15:32 -If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.
No God, no after(next)life or better stated no God, no life. :(
So you dont believe in miracles and that stuff either? Man i just cant grasp the feeling of absolutely no hope because without a God, this life is all you got and thats it.

That is exactly it. The life you have is all that you have. Period.

Now make the best of it.
Hitting some one on there head with your scripture is of no help in an argument. If that person sees your text as not a valued form of knowledge.

You should read about that great Christians of the past they used the Philosophy of there day and logical thinking.

Clement of Alexandria said the christian should have both the "wings of faith and reason that they might reach intimate knowledge of the Truth which is Jesus Christ, the Word of God."

If all you can do is quote the bible you will make christianity look foolish. The early christians were able to use both logic and reason to convert the roman empire to christianity.


Miss Independent
Hitting some one on there head with your scripture is of no help in an argument. If that person sees your text as not a valued form of knowledge.

You should read about that great Christians of the past they used the Philosophy of there day and logical thinking.

Clement of Alexandria said the christian should have both the "wings of faith and reason that they might reach intimate knowledge of the Truth which is Jesus Christ, the Word of God."

If all you can do is quote the bible you will make christianity look foolish. The early christians were able to use both logic and reason to convert the roman empire to christianity.

Nobody can convert anyone...that is the work of god alone.


Well-Known Member
When big monkey gets here.............

I know a little monkey who stared into the dark water.......he then used me to outsmart big bully monkey who was going to kill him.

He self educated just staring into me.....

*waits for cheeky monkey abuse*


Where in the bible does it state that a certain group of people will burn forever in hell as punishment for there sins on earth? What sins are considered justifiable to receive this punishment?


Well-Known Member
Many wyas are used to chastise,eternal hell not one.......neither is purgatory either,another invention which was very real & I did profit handsomely from..


Worshipper of Athe.
AK4 said:
Oh boy, Did i translate it? NO i looked up the definitions of them. Good grief.

And then you presented what you believed to be the meaning. That's translating.

But this begs the question; why do you trust the out-of-context translations of the dictionary over the teams of translators who worked on the NIV or the NRSV?

AK4 said:
Imagist said:
The "I could prove you wrong" argument doesn't work. I could equally say "I could prove that my translation is correct, but I'm not going to do the work for you. Do it yourself."

And no you couldnt if you go to the original hebrew and greek.

Please stop making statements without any evidence.

AK4 said:
Imagist said:
So unless you have some basis for your argument that the translation is wrong, your argument is invalid.

I already gave them to you. Look at the posts.

If you will highlight what piece of "evidence" I haven't refuted thoroughly enough, I will happily repeat or explain my refutation.

AK4 said:
Imagist said:
Neither one of us is qualified to say whether or not the translation is accurate. Nor can I become qualified without abandoning my career to become a translator. But this is why specialization exists in our society; I can only trust the translations most trusted by translators, just as a translator can only trust the computer programs most trusted by people of my profession (I'm a computer scientist).

Trust that the catholic church added and omitted things in the bible. Trust those politicians to do right in government with your money because afterall they are "the specialists" on the law and constitution. For a cpu scientist, you are being real naive.

No, I simply can tell the difference between things that require specialization and things that don't. It doesn't take years of research to discover that the Catholic church added and omitted things. It doesn't take years of study to understand most political issues. It DOES take years of study to understand the subtle differences between two meanings of a word in different contexts.

AK4 said:
In verse 23 we have the word "torments" In verses 24 and 25 we have the word "tormented." These three words are not translated from the same Greek word, however. And there is a great reason why. This one point alone will demolish any such theory that this Rich man is actually and literally having his flesh burned by real fire.
Let us now see if Jesus gives us any indication whether or not this Rich man will ever come out of this place of torments and what these torments really are:
The Greek word translated "torments" in verse 23 is basanos.
From Friberg’s Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament, we are told that basanois which is a form of the noun basanos, means, "strictly, a touchstone for testing the genuineness of metals by rubbing against it..."
In secular Greek literature this word (basanois) was used figuratively to extract information from a person by torture or punishment.
From the Greek-English Keyword Concordance we read this, torment, literally a touchstone, used to test metals for alloys, [and] then the examination of persons by torture (Page 307).
Though the Rich man may, indeed, be suffering discomfort or pain, it is not from fire burning his flesh, but rather from being tested and proved through chastisement. .
It is an interesting fact of Scripture that except for Paul "punishing" the church, there is only ONE SCRIPTURE in the whole new testament that uses the word "punishment." All others use the word "chastisement" which always carries the connotation of correction and bringing things back to what is right again. Chastisement by it’s very definition CANNOT be eternal. There is always a purpose and goal in mind with the use of the word chastise.

Did you read my post about context or did you just choose to ignore it? Or, are you claiming that you have enough expertise to tell from the context the subtle difference between the meanings?

AK4 said:
Yeah but im smart enough to know not to just trust what one person says, I DO MY HOMEWORK TOO.

You look up a few words and think that you're more qualified to translate than teams of translators who have devoted their lives to understanding a language. That's not homework; it's tantamount to a first grader learning addition and subtraction, then disagreeing with a professor on the Rhiemann hypothesis.

ChristianBrother said:
If God came and slapped you on the face, then would you believe?

Yes. But he hasn't. If the truth came and slapped you in the face, would you stop believing in God?

AK4 said:
I guess the atheists back in the days before microscropes thought that atoms and bacteria was nonentities too.

What's your point? Without evidence it is illogical to believe in things.

The difference is that atheists investigate further and (in the case of atoms and bacteria) produce evidence, while theists often just assume it is god and stop investigating. If presented with evidence, they often ignore it in favor of their previously held, unbased beliefs about god.

Heneni said:
God is energy.. cannot be created and cannot be destroyed, and has absolutely no matter(though he could)...but still...the evidence that energy exists is overwhelming.

So you know that god exists. And no i'm not joking.

Obviously, god is not energy. I believe in energy; I do not believe in god.

AK4 said:
Can you read? (in all due respect) IN THOSE DAYS BEFORE MICROSCOPES atheists probably believed that atoms and bacteria didnt exist because they couldnt see them, If they could have time travelled to our current era and then see atoms and bacteria, how foolish would they look?

Not foolish at all. They did the best they could given the evidence they had. On the other hand, religion, given an immense body of evidence, have chosen to ignore it in favor of their unbased beliefs (see evolution).

AK4 said:
Exactly---so it will be with you atheists.

I can deal with that. "He did the best he could given the evidence he had" is fine with me. "He actively ignored an immense body of evidence that was contrary to his beliefs" is not okay with me.

What your argument is, essentially, is "I have seen the future and you will be wrong", which you haven't. Therefore your argument again lacks basis.

AK4 said:
Evidence is every you look. Even your finger tips touching on that keyboard is evidence.

Ah, great argument. "Your fingers are touching a keyboard. Therefore, God exists."

AK4 said:
You know it takes a bigger leap of faith to believe everything in this universe just came from nothing than to believe that it has a Creator.

No, it takes two leaps of faith to believe that the universe has a creator: 1) Everything in this universe came from a creator, and 2) The creator just came out of nothing.

Heneni said:
You have to believe that god exists before he will take the time to prove you right.

That's pointless. Why would you try to prove something to someone who already believes it? Is this god that you believe in mentally challenged?

AK4 said:
So you dont believe in miracles and that stuff either? Man i just cant grasp the feeling of absolutely no hope because without a God, this life is all you got and thats it. You might as well eat and drink for tomorrow you die. Gee where did i get that saying from.....

Ah, so you're saying "It's sad if god doesn't exist. Therefore, god exists."

What exactly gives you less hope just because god doesn't exist? Furthermore, what's so good about false hopes?

I would rather enjoy my life and make a difference in the world than waste large chunks of it doing the work of a figment of somebody's imagination.


Miss Independent
That's pointless. Why would you try to prove something to someone who already believes it? Is this god that you believe in mentally challenged?

Have you ever wondered WHY you dont have the ability to believe that god exists but others do?