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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Miss Independent
You mean join the crazy club, right?

Of course not...god wont call you crazy if you join monkey. Are you worried you'll be considered 'weak'?

Your math skill must be atrocious. 95% of the people are following your path!!!!

Thanks for the compliment, but i seriously doubt that most people are following MY path. But i understand the need for you to feel different...to be unique...to be acknowledged...to be somebody special, and following the 95% would make you 'just another' person. No distinction. No edge.

Of course not...god wont call you crazy if you join monkey. Are you worried you'll be considered 'weak'?

The only time I worry is when the religious freaks get into government and try to pass their superstition as public policy. Otherwise, I don't give a hoot.


Well-Known Member
The concept of eternal hell suffering, is a belief that God himself believes in issueing out pain on a continual basics, with it never ending. There are said to be Seven wonders of the World, I think it should be changed to Eight. Its a Wonder that there are people who believe this insanity about God. Its simply dumfounding that so many believe that God would do such a thing. Simply a wonder within itself to believe a Holy being like God, would do such an unholy thing.

So the concept within itself is sick.



Worshipper of Athe.
Heneni said:
You say that you have the ability to believe in god and did for many years, but then you turned atheist? Why? Was it easier to make god dissapear? I know that you think that you are lucky that god does not exist. But i consider myself lucky that he does. I guess you have to lump in your support somewhere.

It wasn't easier to "make god disappear" - in fact, becoming an agnostic and then an atheist has been by far the most difficult set of decisions in my life. My family and a good portion of my friends are strongly religious. Under that kind of pressure, it's amazing to me that I was able to do it. To me that demostrates the compelling logic of atheism.

The reason I turned atheist was a combination of factors. One factor relevant to this thread is that I could not reconcile the vastly different concepts of god that the bible describes. On one hand you have a loving god who protects the weak, feeds the hungry, and heals the sick. On the other hand, you have the wrathful god who burned Sodom and Gomorrah, ordered the genocide of Canaan, and will torture his flawed creations forever in fire.

Heneni said:
And this is my ACTUAL response..if god couldnt please you, i doubt i can. I dont even think you are sure about being an atheist. To be offended by god is no news to us...many people are...but to love him transcends all offense.

I am very sure about being an atheist. And I am not offended by god; how could I be offended by something/someone who I don't believe exists?

Heneni said:
Why could you not love him when you did believe he existed?

I did love him. But that love faded, obviously, as I stopped believing he existed.

AK4 said:
These two verses ARE WAY OVER YOUR HEAD for understanding so you will have no idea what it means

The argument "You can't possibly understand what would make me right, so I'm not going to say it", isn't valid. Explain how you think those verses support your argument, and I'll be happy to shoot it down.

AK4 said:
Like i said before, one of the many proofs that there is a God is the fufilled prophecies...Even the fall of the Twin Towers is in there. I could direct you to a paper where it proves that these two towers are the only towers that the Word of God could be talking about!

Okay, point me to it. Just because it's a paper doesn't mean it can't be disproven. And if you want me to explain how any of the other prophecies in the bible are either so vague that they could apply to anything, written after the events they predict, or just plain wrong, I'll be happy to do so.

AK4 said:
Right and you would also be able see the biasedness in many of the interpretations of most theologians who wanted to protect a doctrine that they believe in. It doesnt take a specialist to notice some one errors. Come on now.

True. However, I don't think there can be much argument that the translations of a diverse group of translation experts are less biased than the literalist translations of an unqualified person pushing his own ideas on a message board. The whole point of having a large group of translators is to minimize the bias that's allowed in.

AK4 said:
I will agree in some of that and you are guilty of it too going by some of the stuff you posted (See your replies in this post). You and most people dont investigate further and just accept that the bible translation they are reading is correct because it was done by specialists "who wouldnt have any biased opinion" when translating. As for you, you just accept any specialists in whatever to be the authority. Its naive to do such.

It isn't naive, it's reality. I realize that translators have some biases. However, those biases cause LESS inaccuracies than an amateurish word-by-word literalist translation out of a dictionary. The only way to get more accuracy than a group of translators is to learn the language well enough to understand the nuances of the original text. That would take years, and frankly, I don't have the time. You haven't done this either, so your point is hypocritical and moot.

AK4 said:
Imagist said:
Obviously, god is not energy. I believe in energy; I do not believe in god.

Well since you put it that way.....oh brother!

Do you worship the sun's rays? Do you pray to motion? Do you believe that heat will take you to heaven? The proof that the concepts of god and energy are not the same is self-evident. I shouldn't need to explain this.

AK4 said:
Leaps for atheists to believe in no Creator: 1) Energy just came out of nowhere or without start 2) This energy has an order to it without any randomness that is somehow with out a Creator. 3) This order somehow has been maintained for billions of years and the evolution of things just happen to turn out right.

1) I don't pretend to know where energy or matter came from, and neither do most scientists. We have theories which are based tentatively in physics, but none of these are sure.

Just because we don't know doesn't mean that we should stop investigating and assume god did it.

2) Randomness is a fundamental concept of science. To say that I believe that energy has no randomness in it fundamentally misunderstands my beliefs.

Order is maintained by physical laws which can be demonstrated mathematically. Just because we don't know what causes all of them to work doesn't mean that we should stop investigating and assume that god did it.

3) Evolution as a concept depends on disorder more than it depends on order.

Please, keep going. I'll be happy to further correct your misconceptions about my beliefs.

AK4 said:
I would rather believe in a false god who says they will give me life again than believe that this is the only life we have and thats all we have to look forward to

There's the rub. That's your choice and your loss. Personally, I would rather have happiness in this life than hope for happiness in the next and never get it.

But even given your preference, can you tolerate that kind of duplicity in yourself? Doesn't the truth matter to you?

Heneni said:
monkey... EVOLVE... tripe...

What you are saying only makes sense if you assume that your belief in the (Christian?) god is correct.

If you assume that your belief is not correct, your statements seem like unjustified smugness.

If anything, belief in god crushes the wonder of discovery and exploration. If you believe in god, you've already discovered the easy answer to everything, and there's no reason to continue exploring. If you don't know the reason for something, all you have to do is just assume it's god and move on.

Heneni said:
Thanks for the compliment, but i seriously doubt that most people are following MY path. But i understand the need for you to feel different...to be unique...to be acknowledged...to be somebody special, and following the 95% would make you 'just another' person. No distinction. No edge.

Thanks for the compliment, but I can statistically prove that most people are not following my path. But I understand the need for you to feel different, to be unique, to be acknowledged, and to be somebody special. Following the 95% makes you 'just another' person with no distinction and no edge.

Now, if we're done bandying rhetoric, can you present any evidence for your beliefs or are you just going to act smug?

mickiel said:
The concept of eternal hell suffering, is a belief that God himself believes in issueing out pain on a continual basics, with it never ending. There are said to be Seven wonders of the World, I think it should be changed to Eight. Its a Wonder that there are people who believe this insanity about God. Its simply dumfounding that so many believe that God would do such a thing. Simply a wonder within itself to believe a Holy being like God, would do such an unholy thing.

I agree, it's a wonder that people believe in a god that causes eternal suffering. It's also a wonder that you believe most of the things in the same book that tells us about this god who causes eternal suffering. Do you really not see the inconsistency in your beliefs?


Revelation 20 -15

If anyones's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

It does not say a "certain group of people". There is no sin too small or too great.

All men are sinners. We all fall short. What everyone misses is, it is not about sin, it is about forgiveness. It is about belief. It is about grace. Most of all it is about having your name written in the lamb's book of life. If your name is not there, you suffer the consequences.

The previous verses though discuss the dead being judged according to there deads ..."and death and the world were thrown into the lake of fire; this is the second death"

So this is not discussing hell but everlasting destruction...otherwise you are saying "death goes to hell"


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by AK4
Like i said before, one of the many proofs that there is a God is the fufilled prophecies...Even the fall of the Twin Towers is in there. I could direct you to a paper where it proves that these two towers are the only towers that the Word of God could be talking about!

Okay, point me to it. Just because it's a paper doesn't mean it can't be disproven. And if you want me to explain how any of the other prophecies in the bible are either so vague that they could apply to anything, written after the events they predict, or just plain wrong, I'll be happy to do so.

L. Ray Smith - IN THE DAY OF THE GREAT SLAUGHTER And this paper will prove to you how unvague this prophecy was in Isa 30:25


Well-Known Member

Heres something for you. Even those 2000yrs ago knew this about God...

Heb 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible

What does that say about you. If they knew these things back then and you cant see that now well....



Worshipper of Athe.
You look to this guy for information?

L. Ray Smith said:
"Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God" (Ecc. 5:19).

"Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all" (I Chron. 29:12).

"But you shall remember the Lord your God for it is HE that gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore unto your fathers, as it is this day" (Deut. 8:18).

1. The prophecies say nothing about becoming the richest, only that god controls the mechanism by which work becomes wealth.
2. These prophecies were spoken to the Israelites, not to the Americans, so if anything, American riches prove the prophecies to be false.
3. If Christianity equals wealth, then why was Mother Theresa so poor? And why is Kevin Federline wealthy? Furthermore, why did Jesus say "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into the kingdom of God."

L. Ray Smith said:
And let’s not forget the Germans. Most Americans don’t realize that German is now and always has been the largest ethnic group in the United States, at 15% following by the Irish at 10%.

This is only true if you discount Hispanics. But sure, it's okay to ignore a few million people (let my sarcasm be noted).

Bible said:
"And you say in your heart MY power and the might of MY hand has gotten me this wealth. But you shall remember the Lord your God: for it is HE that gives you power to get wealth... And it shall be, if you do at all forget the Lord your God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that YOU SHALL SURELY PERISH" (Deut. 8:17-19)

Ah, yes, according to this prophecy a lot of really alive people (including myself) should be dead.

L. Ray Smith said:
Just off Wall Street is the World Trade Center, where the recent Twin Towers symbolized the power and might of America. The Towers were more than just office buildings; they were symbols of the grandest kind. They stood 110 stories each (1,368 ft.), that’s over a quarter mile high. The Towers were seven years in the building, and boasted 10,000,000 sq. ft. (240 acres) of office space where 50,000 people worked. The tenants were diversified, but mostly it was a center for banks, trading companies, manufacturing headquarters, shipping fleets, securities, insurance, financial institutions, and did I mention banks?

The greatest center of financial power in the world is New York City. And the Symbol of Power for that "Great City" was the Twin Towers. Previously it was the Empire State Building: New York is the "Empire State."

When those Twin Tower Symbols fell, it was not just another disaster—it was a symbol of disaster to come of "BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS!"

Let’s see what God’s Word says about this monstrous event of September 11, 2001.

So these buildings were tall. But at the time, they weren't even the second tallest in the world: the Petronas Towers, in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, were the tallest.

L. Ray Smith said:
Isaiah is considered the greatest of all Hebrew writers, and considered a man of refinement and culture, "a truly poetic soul," and a profound observer of creation and of human nature, a true statesman, and called by some, "the Evangelist of the Old Testament."

Isaiah is considered the greatest of all Hebrew writers?

Who is he quoting when he says "a truly poetic soul" and "the Evangelist of the Old Testament"?

In what was was Isaiah a statesman?

L. Ray Smith said:
Is the Israel of all these major prophecies (foretold to happen before the coming of God’s government to this earth), the handful of racially mixed tenants of the State of Israel today? Give me a break.

Wait, what? Why does the fact that they are racially mixed matter? This is just plain racism.

L. Ray Smith said:
Is the Jerusalem in prophecy inside today's Israel? Don’t take my word for it

"And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified" (Rev. 11:8).

This verse actually disproves his point. Note that even though there are dead bodies in the streets, Jerusalem is still referred to as "the great city".

Do I need to continue?

What this article amounts to is an attempt to biblically justify American imperialism which entirely fails due to the fact that the very verses that the author quotes don't even support his points. Even if you take the bible seriously, L. Ray Smith is wrong. If you don't take the bible seriously (as I do not) this article is flat-out ridiculous.


Worshipper of Athe.

Heres something for you. Even those 2000yrs ago knew this about God...

Heb 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible

What does that say about you. If they knew these things back then and you cant see that now well....

It says that I have more information available to me and therefore don't need the crutch of a god to explain the phenomena I observe in the world around me.

What does it say about you that you still believe the same stuff as people who didn't know that germs cause disease, didn't know Newton's laws, and had zero understanding of electricity? If they didn't have the basic knowledge that a modern American middle-schooler has, why would you take them seriously when it comes to religion?

I really don't see how claiming to be 2000 years behind the times helps your position.

Rick Cares

New Member
The Great I Am did not make hell for man it was made for Lucifer and his fallen angels (Demons).
He is Love, Joy, Peace, Patient, Kind, Good, Faithful, and Gentle. Yet He is Just also and His Justice demands a payment for sin.
He condemns no one to hell.