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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Rogue Theologian
Well can Christ close that devide? Does he have the power to close it? Well yes he does. Phil. 3:21;" Who will transform the body of our humble state ( of sin) into conformity with the body of his glory, by the EXERTION of the power that HE HAS to SUBJECT ALL THINGS to HIMSELF!"

Jesus has the sheer power to transform unbelieving sinners into conformity (or agreement and submission) to himself. The problem with many believers is that they think Jesus willnot use this against the human will, thus they are basing Salvation on human will, when it is based totally on Gods will.

If God put salvation in the hands of human will, then he effectively is dooming much of humanity,

And he would do no such thing.


But He did.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.....
puts everything in your hands.

If you want generosity dealt unto you...you first unto others.
If you want a blind eye to your misdeeds....you first.

You're in control....you are responsible.


Well-Known Member
You're in control....you are responsible.

This above is mainstream Christianitys basic view of Salvation, " Your in control... you are responsible." And they teach Salvation based on these human centered principles. The humans personage is heavily involved, what THEY do, what THEY think, what THEY decide, what THEY have done and will do. In this manner Christ is not glorified, the human is. Its what the human did, not what Christ has done, thus the real power of Salvation is in the humans hands. And this is where satan wants it, as long as he can get control out of Jesus hands, he feels he has a chance , because he knows he can deceive humans heads.

So Christians really are teaching a " Self improvement program", Salvation based on self. The responsibility for sin is placed in human hands.

And I want to go into the serious ramifications of that.



Rogue Theologian
This above is mainstream Christianitys basic view of Salvation, " Your in control... you are responsible." And they teach Salvation based on these human centered principles. The humans personage is heavily involved, what THEY do, what THEY think, what THEY decide, what THEY have done and will do. In this manner Christ is not glorified, the human is. Its what the human did, not what Christ has done, thus the real power of Salvation is in the humans hands. And this is where satan wants it, as long as he can get control out of Jesus hands, he feels he has a chance , because he knows he can deceive humans heads.

So Christians really are teaching a " Self improvement program", Salvation based on self. The responsibility for sin is placed in human hands.

And I want to go into the serious ramifications of that.


How about...
'From His mouth proceeds a double edged sword'.

This would be a visual representation of....
'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'.

Because it will be done unto you as you did unto others.


Well-Known Member
This whole thing of Life, is really all about God, he is the center of it all. But when you try to place humanity there, thinking its all about us, thats really a selfish distortion. Its all about God and Christ, its those two beings who run this whole thing. Everything is up to them, based on them, maintained by them; simply put, were in their hands. Our salvation is in their hands.

The trouble and confusion starts, when you convince yourself its in your hands.



Rogue Theologian
This whole thing of Life, is really all about God, he is the center of it all. But when you try to place humanity there, thinking its all about us, thats really a selfish distortion. Its all about God and Christ, its those two beings who run this whole thing. Everything is up to them, based on them, maintained by them; simply put, were in their hands. Our salvation is in their hands.

The trouble and confusion starts, when you convince yourself its in your hands.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you .....
doesn't apply to you?


would one think that on judgement day the sentence would be, understanding, of the word of God?
do we realy need judgement day if their is no punishment such as hell?

may you all find yourselves, in a blessed thought


Well-Known Member
would one think that on judgement day the sentence would be, understanding, of the word of God?
do we realy need judgement day if their is no punishment such as hell?

may you all find yourselves, in a blessed thought

Why are you associating judgement with punishment? Judgement has nothing to do with punishment, to judge only means to decide with wisdom.

God is going to decide things, of which he really has already decided. Jesus said in John 12:31 that judgement is right " Now on this world." He didnot mean God is now punishing this world, he meant that the decision has already been made as to the fate of this world.



Well-Known Member
Don't you believe these rouge Christians who would have you think that God is homocidal and insane. To consciously punish someone for eternity, is worst than insanity, and for anyone to believe that, is worst than foolishness.

Do you know what it feels like to be burnt? Ask anyone who has experienced being burned how it feels. I have had flame on my skin for seconds and feel the searing pain, just from a few seconds of exposure. Imagine being continually exposed, for every second, for all of eternity, and yet never burning up. The incredible insane pain and agony, and this forever!


And religious zealots have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.



Rogue Theologian
Don't you believe these rouge Christians who would have you think that God is homocidal and insane. To consciously punish someone for eternity, is worst than insanity, and for anyone to believe that, is worst than foolishness.

Do you know what it feels like to be burnt? Ask anyone who has experienced being burned how it feels. I have had flame on my skin for seconds and feel the searing pain, just from a few seconds of exposure. Imagine being continually exposed, for every second, for all of eternity, and yet never burning up. The incredible insane pain and agony, and this forever!


And religious zealots have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.


There's a thread called....Is God Insane?
Almost a year old now.
Maybe you would be interested?


Well-Known Member
There's a thread called....Is God Insane?
Almost a year old now.
Maybe you would be interested?

Perhaps. The point being that such a concept as eternal torture is within itself, insanity! And this insanity is being systematically placed on Gods reputation by overzealous religious believers, they don't know what their believing about God and what he will do. God would in no manner co-exist in eternity with such insanity.

Hes just not like that.



Rogue Theologian
I don't know if the deity is insane, but some of its more extreme followers would appear to be!

And with that in mind.....
How is heaven a place of peace? if crazy people are allowed in?

I still say there is no free pass...and denial can meet you at the door.
I think there's some scripture to that effect.

It's time for lunch......
Well, I've said it tons before, but I just can't see living for an eternity in some place called heaven, even if I get to do all the coolest stuff EVER, it would get old in eternity. As for hell, well, if it exists, at least I'll have some interesting company.

I just can't for the life of me understand how supposedly intelligent and educated people, still fall for the fallacy of religion. Wow..


Rogue Theologian
Well, I've said it tons before, but I just can't see living for an eternity in some place called heaven, even if I get to do all the coolest stuff EVER, it would get old in eternity. As for hell, well, if it exists, at least I'll have some interesting company.

I just can't for the life of me understand how supposedly intelligent and educated people, still fall for the fallacy of religion. Wow..

I don't practice religion.

I post as I do because I found a line of thought that leads to that saying.


Well-Known Member
Well, I've said it tons before, but I just can't see living for an eternity in some place called heaven, even if I get to do all the coolest stuff EVER, it would get old in eternity. As for hell, well, if it exists, at least I'll have some interesting company.

I just can't for the life of me understand how supposedly intelligent and educated people, still fall for the fallacy of religion. Wow..

I can't for the life of me, understand why an Atheist, would accept the possibility of there being a hell before accepting there could be a heaven.

Will wonders never cease.



Veteran Member
Well, I've said it tons before, but I just can't see living for an eternity in some place called heaven, even if I get to do all the coolest stuff EVER, it would get old in eternity. As for hell, well, if it exists, at least I'll have some interesting company.

Think about this: If all on earth lived by the Golden Rule could you see or picture yourself living here for all eternity, or everlasting life on earth, as was originally offered to Adam?

Hell is only temporary according to Revelation [20vs13,14].
All in hell are delivered up. Emptied-out hell is destroyed.
There is a difference between the Bible hell and pagan hell.
After first-century Christianity ended the corrupted church adopted the pagan hell over the Biblical hell. Jesus believed the dead sleep the deep sleep of death until resurrection morning, or Jesus millennial-long day of reigning over earth. [John 11v11-14; Ecc 9v5; Psalm 6v5; 13v3; 115v16; 146v4; Acts 24v15]

Jesus will fulfill the promise to Abraham. Abraham was told that all families of the earth will be blessed and all nations of the earth will be blessed.
So except for those that Jesus takes to heaven to rule with him [Rev 5vs9,10],
the vast majority of mankind will be resurrected to life on earth with the prospect of everlasting life in view in perfect human health of mind and body as Adam originally had. This starts with the people alive at the time of divine intervention into mankind's affairs by Christ. Those favored living ones of Matthew [25v32] can remain alive and keep on living right into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth with the prospect of never having to die at all but remain on earth forever under perfect paradisaic conditions as was in Eden.


Mickiel, thank you for answering your view and understanding, if it ends up being different, than your true belief about it, you would probably faint. I say it with good intention, no sarcasm. I like asking you questions. you are saying it with your true belief, many dont speak with their true belief.
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