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The Supreme Court will decide if Donald Trump can be kept off 2024 presidential ballots


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yet each one is a criminal by default by entering the country illegally.

Those who look at what's happening there now and proclaims, "The border is secure" is spewing disinformation.

Democrap disinformation right there!
Trump-haters now think Trump can scuttle legislative measures as a private citizen. Next, you'll claim he's passing laws.

All three of the above are easily provable to be false, but you obviously are not interested in facts or truth.


Veteran Member


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You beat me to it.

Here's an article on it for others who might be curious:

Kind of both a win and a loss for Trump, eh?

The Supreme Court basically ruled that state governments don't have the power to disqualify federal candidates under the 14th Amendment, but was pretty clear that Congress does... and didn't say anything to dispute the idea that Trump could be disqualified for engaging in insurrection.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Kind of both a win and a loss for Trump, eh?

The Supreme Court basically ruled that state governments don't have the power to disqualify federal candidates under the 14th Amendment, but was pretty clear that Congress does... and didn't say anything to dispute the idea that Trump could be disqualified for engaging in insurrection.
This only applies in the fantasy world where Congress can actually do anything.

Maybe the next insurrection.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
This only applies in the fantasy world where Congress can actually do anything.

Maybe the next insurrection.

That's the thing: they already did something. The ruling mentions that Section 5 of the 14th Amendment gives Congress the power to enforce the rest of the Amendment by legislation, and then notes that Congress did this with the 1870 Enforcement Act. Well... here's what the Enforcement Act has to say on the issue:

Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That whenever any person shall hold office, except as a member of Congress or of some State legislature, contrary to the provisions of the third section of the fourteenth article of amendment of the Constitution of the United States, it shall be the duty of the district attorney of the United States for the district in which such person shall hold office, as aforesaid, to proceed against such person, by writ of quo warranto, returnable to the circuit or district court of the United States in such district, and to prosecute the same to the removal of such person from office; and any writ of quo warranto so brought, as aforesaid, shall take precedence of all other cases on the docket of the court to which it is made returnable, and shall not be continued unless for cause proved to the satisfaction of the court.

What this says to me is that:

- nothing happens unless Trump actually holds the office of President.

- if that happens, when it happens, the US District Attorney is required to start proceedings to remove Trump from office. No discretion is allowed (other parts of the Act go into penalties for federal officers who fail to perform the duties required under the Act).

So depending what happens in November, January may get interesting.


Well-Known Member
Kind of both a win and a loss for Trump, eh?

The Supreme Court basically ruled that state governments don't have the power to disqualify federal candidates under the 14th Amendment, but was pretty clear that Congress does... and didn't say anything to dispute the idea that Trump could be disqualified for engaging in insurrection.
What it means is Congress will need to take a formal vote for insurrection. If that vote reaches the standard of the needed votes, Congress will declared that Trump engaged in an insurrection. At that point, the 14th Amendment may apply.

The Democrats have not been able to get the votes in Congress needed to reach a formal insurrection charge, so Trump is still on the ballot, since he was never formally charged by Congress. Now it is the cart before the horse, with no formal vote or declaration of insurrection to do part two; 14th Amendment.

This is similar to an impeachment. We can go through a false process of impeachment, and even say Trump was impeached twice, but unless there are enough votes in the Senate, to make the impeachment stick, it is only an asterisk. It carries nothing legal, but can have some political weight for propaganda.

You can game the impeachment and the insurrection clauses, to get a fake news and propaganda boosts, as the DNC has demonstrated. The RNC is going slower with Biden Impeachment, dotting the i's, since this is not just for a quickly propaganda boost by doing damage to Biden. fThey take this very serious, since it is not a dirty game, for the RNC.

Reparations is also based on using propaganda hype and hope for free black votes. It has no reality, unless Congress OK's the funds. It is mostly political used car salesmanship. This appears to fool and give hope to various groups within the Democrat party base. They buy into these propaganda and swamp land schemes, too easy. The problem is they are not taught Civics in the DNC controlled Public Schools, where you could learn these simple differences. The DNC knows that such knowledge could mess up is much of the DNC propaganda effectiveness.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
What it means is Congress will need to take a formal vote for insurrection.

No, it won't.

I touched on this a few posts back (though after the one you replied to, so you might not have seen it). Congress did pass legislation on this: the 1870 Enforcement Act.

Under this rule, the trigger for action would be Trump actually holding the office of President. If that happens, the US District Attorney would be required to start court proceedings to have Trump removed.

I suppose Congress could amend or repeal this law if they wanted to (and if they could get enough votes to do it), but I don't see this as likely.


Veteran Member
All of you with TDS can speculate all you want about Congress doing anything about Trump, isn't going to happen.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
All of you with TDS can speculate all you want about Congress doing anything about Trump, isn't going to happen.
As the Supreme Court has just pointed out, Congress doesn't need to.

Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That whenever any person shall hold office, except as a member of Congress or of some State legislature, contrary to the provisions of the third section of the fourteenth article of amendment of the Constitution of the United States, it shall be the duty of the district attorney of the United States for the district in which such person shall hold office, as aforesaid, to proceed against such person, by writ of quo warranto, returnable to the circuit or district court of the United States in such district, and to prosecute the same to the removal of such person from office; and any writ of quo warranto so brought, as aforesaid, shall take precedence of all other cases on the docket of the court to which it is made returnable, and shall not be continued unless for cause proved to the satisfaction of the court.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
All of you with TDS can speculate all you want about Congress doing anything about Trump, isn't going to happen.
Of all the possible scenarios of how this could go, the idea that a President could be elected and then Congress could undo that is the most horrific. I hope that isn't going to happen. That is exactly what Trump and the Republicans tried to do.

No, I don't want Congress to have anything to do with this.


Veteran Member
How about journalists such as Steve Baker, who was one of many journalists who were there to cover the events that occurred on Jan. 6th? He is a conservative, unlike the journalists from NBC, Reuters, CNN, and others who were also there. Steve was shown on camera only doing his job, and not doing any parading, rioting, damaging things, or yelling slogans. Yet, after more than 2 years, they finally decide to arrest him today, even though the Capitol's video shows him not doing anything wrong that day.
That's what trials are for.


Veteran Member
Biden used 94 executive orders on day 1 of his presidency to undo Trump's measures to secure the border. Now he blames the border crisis on Republicans and Trump and lies that he doesn't have the power to secure the border.
If you want to believe biden's lies, go right ahead.
As he should. There is a bipartisan bill sitting there that the Republicans could vote on today, that has pretty much everything they want in it. Biden said he'd sign it immediately after it passed through Congress.
They're not doing it because Trump told them not to, so they have something to run on this election cycle.
That means it's the Republicans who apparently don't care about open borders, so long as they can use it to their own advantage.

The ball's in the Republicans' court. They own this now.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
That's the thing: they already did something. The ruling mentions that Section 5 of the 14th Amendment gives Congress the power to enforce the rest of the Amendment by legislation, and then notes that Congress did this with the 1870 Enforcement Act. Well... here's what the Enforcement Act has to say on the issue:

What this says to me is that:

- nothing happens unless Trump actually holds the office of President.

- if that happens, when it happens, the US District Attorney is required to start proceedings to remove Trump from office. No discretion is allowed (other parts of the Act go into penalties for federal officers who fail to perform the duties required under the Act).

So depending what happens in November, January may get interesting.

I wouldn't hold your breath. If by "US District Attorney" you mean the federal Attorney General, I suppose you could make the case that this law applies analogously to that person for federal office holders. But the AG is appointed by the President. So if Trump becomes President, he'll appoint a MAGA yes-man to that position. Which means likely nothing will happen internally at the US DoJ to threaten Trump's Presidency at that point.