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"The Top 10 Claims Made by Creationists to Counter Scientific Theories"


Well-Known Member
And how did these shells get deep inside the mountains? You do realise people find fossils in coal mines, do you?

So explain exactly how the sea shells got into those coal mines. From the ocean seas.
The sea shells got there the same way the sea shells got into the desert mountains 300 miles from the ocean sea.

Seeing the sea shells are only found in and around the oceans seas.

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
The sea shells got there the same way the sea shells got into the desert mountains 300 miles from the ocean sea.

Right. They got there from being covered by the ocean for millions of years, slowly building up limestone deposits. They were then uplifted slowly by tectonic forces over millions of years. It has nothing to do with a meteor impact.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
North Antarctica!!?? Antarctica? No fossil mammals have ever been found there. No frozen ones either, unless you count lost sled dogs or the occasional seal. No mammoths, great giant big or small.

Caribou live on Baffin Island year round. So do muskoxen.
Check your map. See Baffin Island up there, by Greenland?
See Ellesmere? Both have year round resident populations
of both caribou and muskoxen. So does Greenland.

The arctic is a lot different from your imaginings.

There was no "Giant Mammoth".
He is confused as usual. He probably means the Columbian Mammoth:

Columbian mammoth - Wikipedia

Its range was not limited to the far north by any means. In fact its name should tell you that it is not an Arctic species. The Columbia river flows through my state and is eventually the southern border between Washington and Oregon. Its range:


ETA: The blue is the Columbian Mammoth range, the red is the range of the Wooly Mammoth.
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Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
The Columbia river flows through my state and is eventually the southern border between Washington and Oregon.

The Snake runs through my state, so you get our leftovers. ;)

ETA: The blue is the Columbian Mammoth range, the red is the range of the Wooly Mammoth.

And just in case anyone is interested, there is plenty of green grass on the north slope of Alaska during summer which is northern most part of their range.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The Snake runs through my state, so you get our leftovers. ;)

And just in case anyone is interested, there is plenty of green grass on the north slope of Alaska during summer which is northern most part of their range.
No Mammoth for you!! (an homage to the Soup Nazi).

Yes, but we are the first stop, after Alaska, for Copper River Salmon. That season should start very very soon.


Veteran Member
The Snake runs through my state, so you get our leftovers. ;)

And just in case anyone is interested, there is plenty of green grass on the north slope of Alaska during summer which is northern most part of their range.

Tundra has mostly replaced the grasslands, but when tundra is
disturbed as by human activity or large animals, tall grasses
quickly replaceit


Veteran Member
Never had the pleasure. But I have had both King and Sockeye salmon from that stream.

Sockeye is an alternate name for red.

What they tty to sell as "keta" salmon is in Alaska called "dog salmon".

I like to eat salmon and halibut. Super expensive in Manhattan of course.

The Copper river is a terrifying torrent. I'd not call it a stream! I did not
want to get anywhere near! It even hisses at you!

NY harbour used to be the finest oyster beds in the world. Not so much, now.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Sockeye is an alternate name for red.

What they tty to sell as "keta" salmon is in Alaska called "dog salmon".

I like to eat salmon and halibut. Super expensive in Manhattan of course.

The Copper river is a terrifying torrent. I'd not call it a stream! I did not
want to get anywhere near! It even hisses at you!

NY harbour used to be the finest oyster beds in the world. Not so much, now.
I know. Sockeye is the reddest of all the salmon species. And King is the local name for Chinook.

I can believe you when it comes to the Copper River. Salmon have to have extra body fat to get up those rough waters and as a result taste better than other salmon.


Veteran Member
I know. Sockeye is the reddest of all the salmon species. And King is the local name for Chinook.

I can believe you when it comes to the Copper River. Salmon have to have extra body fat to get up those rough waters and as a result taste better than other salmon.

Or a long river like the yukon.

I saw pink /humpy salmon spawning in sight of salt water.
Others go up the yukon to Canada. You also get different
quality fish depending on the side of the river! So I am told...
it does make sense.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Or a long river like the yukon.

I saw pink /humpy salmon spawning in sight of salt water.
Others go up the yukon to Canada. You also get different
quality fish depending on the side of the river! So I am told...
it does make sense.
I have had local humpy, pretty bland stuff. That does not mean that it is all tasteless. And it might be like cutthroat trout. I have eaten it fresh caught and immediately cooked and it was amazing. For breakfast the next morning we had a few left over and kept cold and some fresh caught. There was a significant difference. Some fish needs to be eaten very fresh.


Veteran Member
Who exactly said the ocean seas dug up sea shells,
When the ocean seas over flowed the desert mountains, the water carried the sea shells and then the sea shells fossilized inside of the rocks of the mountains, it doesn't take much Common Sense to figure that out.
It sure doesn't take much common sense.


Veteran Member
You do know at the time of the dinosaurs there were no ice caps in the North poll or in the South poll.

So how do you explain how the sea shells getting into the desert mountains rocks 300 miles from the oceans.

Suppose the sea shells just moved 300 miles across desert and climb all the way up into the mountains and buried themselves in the mountain rocks.

Now, it has been my observation that a creationist will never ever admit to being wrong on anything. Perhaps you are an exception. Lets try it.

We have a north pole, and a south pole. Not a north and south poll. That is a different word.

Do you agree that you are incorrect, calling them polls?


Veteran Member
It sure doesn't take much common sense.

Not a whole lot to see that if you dumped a load of mud and shells on top of Everest, the shells would not bury themselves in the rock. I kind of think the whole mess would freeze. On lower mountains, it would wash away.


Veteran Member
Seeing that you made the statement, So by all means, can you put everything together from the beginning to the end, what is to happen.
Now what I am talking about, is from the fall of Satan all the way to the end times, As given in the book of Revelation.
Can you explain exactly what is the last Prophecy that is to happen that brings about the return of Christ Jesus.
What is that last Prophecy.
Are you looking for Bible quotes or my own understanding?


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
What I'm looking for, is for you to start at the beginning and put everything in order.
From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation. Can you do that. Not leaving anything out.

The issue is that 'everything' in the Bible is NOT in order. It is a jumble of contradictions. Instead of reading it as it is, though, people put *their own* order onto it.


Well-Known Member
The issue is that 'everything' in the Bible is NOT in order. It is a jumble of contradictions. Instead of reading it as it is, though, people put *their own* order onto it.

What makes you think, the bible is contradictions,
Everything in the Bible is in order.
If you had any knowledge or understanding about the bible. Unto which you don't.

Had you any idea about the bible, You would haved found in the Bible, Prophecy that was given 2000 years ago are now being fulfilled about people like yourself.
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