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The Trinity


Well-Known Member
I truly appreciate Socrates Scholasticus work, but I wonder if he he left out any details considering he lived 100 years after the fact. Why is that not "far removed"? Why is Socrates not "Far removed"?
Several recent writers, far removed from the event
I guess 1776–88, 2002, 2004 would be closer :D


Can you explain this a bit more. I am very familiar with a good bit of messianic prophecies, as interpretate by both Jews and Christians.

It's an extensive subject but for this particularly, Isaiah 53:10 seems to indicate that Yashua (the Moshiach) will be the Guilt Offering of Guilt Offerings, the replacement for all sacrifices until the Temple comes, but even on this I don't understand the details, just enough to know that he is a Sacrifice himself. That's his significance, besides his teachings. That's why Hebrews 10:26 says "If you continue to sin after receiving knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for your sins". Jesus is clearly referred to as the Sacrifice.


Several recent writers, far removed from the event
I guess 1776–88, 2002, 2004 would be closer :D

I don't see the difference of 100 years or a 1000 when it's coming from someone who was a "Detractor of Arius". How exactly did he die? Sounds like poison. You know anything how Hemlock works?

with the terror a violent relaxation of the bowels
Please find me an example of a person who just randomly craps his guts out to death without involvement of harmful substances. A sudden Violent relaxation of the bowels followed by loss of organs sounds exactly what a paralyzing poisonous something would do. Assuming that's how he actually died.

If his horrible death was Divine retribution, we can say the same thing for lots of Trinitarians too.
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Dr. Greenthumb
It's an extensive subject but for this particularly, Isaiah 53:10 seems to indicate that Yashua (the Moshiach) will be the Guilt Offering of Guilt Offerings, the replacement for all sacrifices until the Temple comes, but even on this I don't understand the details, just enough to know that he is a Sacrifice himself. That's his significance, besides his teachings. That's why Hebrews 10:26 says "If you continue to sin after receiving knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for your sins". Jesus is clearly referred to as the Sacrifice.
So what do you make of the virgin birth alongside Jesus making himself equal to God? Or do you not take his words to mean such?


So what do you make of the virgin birth alongside Jesus making himself equal to God? Or do you not take his words to mean such?

Jesus never actually makes himself equal to G-d, that's an accusation by the Pharisees (who accuse him of other things like using demons to do his will). As for the Virgin Birth, I believe it. I don't buy the arguments that "virgin" means "young woman", because the whole point is: "Behold! A virgin will conceive". The word "Behold!" there wouldn't be fitting if it merely said "A young woman will conceive". What's there to behold about that?


Dr. Greenthumb
Jesus never actually makes himself equal to G-d, that's an accusation by the Pharisees (who accuse him of other things like using demons to do his will). As for the Virgin Birth, I believe it. I don't buy the arguments that "virgin" means "young woman", because the whole point is: "Behold! A virgin will conceive". The word "Behold!" there wouldn't be fitting if it merely said "A young woman will conceive". What's there to behold about that?

I ment, the times Jesus said stuff such as " No one comes to the Father except through me"


Try to read the historical context.
You mean the way Socrates Scholasticus summarized it? And we know his account is 100% correct because? Like I said, I appreciate much of his work, but it's not entirely objective for cases where he's not describing his contemporaries.

How do you know Athanasius didn't die terribly? According to Wikipedia and some 1930 Catholic writer Clifford Cornelius:
He died peacefully in his own bed, surrounded by his clergy and faithful.[8]
Can you please get the source that Athanasius died in peace surrounded by his friends?


Dr. Greenthumb
What he means there is that he is the Guardian of Heaven, the Ultimate Gatekeeper, and also, he is the one who provides the Instruction on how to live so that one may be righteous enough as well to get there.

Just one more question, and thats it.

How much do you practice? In other words. Does your practice resemble the same as the Orthodox Jews, as in you follow the law as well as oral law? Like do you wear teffilim and recite the Shema. Or does what you practice resemble more of the karaites? With personal interpretations of the laws.


Like do you wear teffilim and recite the Shema.
I recite the Shema before I go to bed, as for my Tefelin and Tzitzit, let's just say I'm not entirely consistent every day but I will never say that it's okay. I will at least admit I am wrong for not wearing it every day as I'm supposed to. I recommend purchasing the ones that actually contain Tekhlet Blue snail dye. Most Rabbis who wear the Tzitzit without the snail dye are ultimately failing to obey this commandment.

As far as Orthodox Jews go, many practices such as ritual prayers, I don't do, nor do I have a problem with eating a (Kosher) Cheeseburger, let alone a Chicken Cheesesteak. Many of my views are divergent from Orthodox Judaism. I consider Kairite Judaism, especially its modern version led by that fraud "Nehemiah Gordon" to be a joke, even if the intention is in the right place, they allow shaving for example. I would go down fighting defending my beard.


Well-Known Member


Then you'll have to bring an earlier source that mentions otherwise.

Not necessary. The fact that its 100 years after and written by a "Detractor" should be enough to give credence to the numerous historians and scholars who contend he was poisoned. The way he died sounds very much like early poisons would work.

Anyway, you can read about our 20th pope St. Athanasius the Great in the سنكسار here:

Ah, you're Catholic, I should have figured it out already. Hopefully you realize then that the account of Athanasius's "peaceful" death is not entirely set in stone either.


Jehovah our God is One
Then I guess you think Christ had lied.

I on the other hand rather follow the Church Christ established and believe he didn't lie.

Go on and believe Christ lied. While your at it, remember you follow a made up religion that didn't come until..how many centuries after Christ?

Christ warned that his church would become a church of falsehood...and that is exactly what did happen.
Matthew 7:15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them.

2 Peter 2:1 However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among YOU. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves

I can see the history of christianity and I know that Jesus words certainly came true upon his church.


Dr. Greenthumb
Christ warned that his church would become a church of falsehood...and that is exactly what did happen.
Matthew 7:15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to YOU in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits YOU will recognize them.

2 Peter 2:1 However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among YOU. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves

I can see the history of christianity and I know that Jesus words certainly came true upon his church.

Yeah JWs are full of false prophets who claim to have truth. Lol Whens the world going to end again?

I see you are describing your church, more then describing mine.


Jehovah our God is One
Yeah JWs are full of false prophets who claim to have truth. Lol Whens the world going to end again?

I see you are describing your church, more then describing mine.

well thats for us individually to determine. The Apostle Paul told us to 'keep examining' ourselves and our teachings and testing whether we are 'in the faith'. An honest examination of the facts is always a good place to begin.


Veteran Member
Whens the world going to end again?

When do you think Jesus words of Matthew 24 and Luke 21 will be fulfilled ?

When you say 'end of world' are you talking about the end of earth,
or the end of badness on earth ?

The Scriptures assure that the earth abides forever. [Ecc 1v4 B; Psalm 78v69]
So, what will end is the world of badness. [Proverbs 2vs22; 10v30; 21v18]

Before we see the end come of all badness on earth [Matthew 24v14]
first the good news of God's kingdom will be proclaimed on a global or world wide scale as a witness to all nations.

Rapid Bible translation now possible into many languages has quickly sped up the process of the global spreading of the good news as never before reaching even remote corners of the world.

Please also notice a sort of 'final signal' as to when the world [of evil] will end according to 1st Thess [5vs2,3].
Jesus comes by surprise [like a thief in the night] at the time when 'they' [powers that be] are saying 'peace and security' or 'peace and safety',
then destruction comes upon [Not the humble meek] but upon the ungodly.
[2nd Peter 3vs7 B, 9; Isaiah 11vs3,4; Rev 19vs11,15]

Just because no one knows the day or hour [Matt 24vs36,37],
does not mean we do not know the right 'season'.
Didn't Jesus say to keep on the watch at Mark [13vs32-37]?
So, Christians are to be spiritually alert because as Proverbs [4v18] says Scriptural light [knowledge] will grow even lighter.
As time marches on, so does increased understanding and knowledge.
Daniel too [12v4] in talking about the time of the end [end of badness on earth] said that Scriptural knowledge would be increased.

The progression of biblical knowledge is greater than ever before, and because of that increased understanding we can look forward to Jesus, as Prince of Peace' soon taking the action to usher in global peace on earth toward men of goodwill.
-Isaiah 9v7; 16v5; 2 vs2A, 4.


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
actually he has not ever made it past a myth status.
we know man creates deities, end of story.

Einstien believed in a God, he was one of the smartest men to walk our planet. Are you saying he was wrong to think that a God does exist?

false, blatantly at that.

I found my notes. What I find interesting is that a scientist who studies comets knows that the existance of comets can only last up to 10,000 years for they loose mass every time they go around our sun. So a scientist invented the "Oort Cloud" (Scientist Myth) because of this problem. No one has ever seen this Oort Cloud nor can confirm its existance, but yet science says it must exist. hmmm...

but life none the less

Life Found in a Meteorite? Some Scientists Don't Buy It - TIME



Does the devil lift Jesus up?
that right there is more mythical theology then histoical fact.

history follows that if there was a jesus he was a mortal man who was a baptized traveling teacher of judaism who ticked off the romans and was quickly put to death. His theology grew only after death and written about by men who never knew or heard a single word pass the mans lips.

You have no history background to speak such errors. Enough with your 1/2 truths with 1/2 crap
