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The Trinity


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
No I think its a mistake to attribute a deity to anything in nature. this is a mistake made by ancient man and we have grown past it but its sadly still being done.

the sad thing is that you can look to Gods creation and see anything but a miricle. Im going to add you to my Creation Magazine orders. :)

we know the world was not created in a week

No you dont. Even the Big Bang says things happend fast, just not complete as we see today

we know man wasnt made in a day.

forcing the Theory of Evolution upon us is no different then forcing religion upon someone.

we also now everything on the planet evolved.

i agree that Gods creation is so complex that Evolution is true, But only Mico-Evolution. Maco-Evolution has never been seen or proven. The "Theory" of Evolution says that life is becoming more orderly and more complex while a Scientific law stands totaly against it. The 2nd law of thermodynamics says all things go from order to disorder and thats a fact. Evolution says things are going from disorder to order. Hello?

Also, the mecanism that Macro-Evolution uses in order to evolve is positive mutations. Let it be known that not one positive Mutation has ever been seen nor proved, yet you say "WE KNOW". Did you also know that God put inside our cells a program that helps proof read reproduction so cells wont mutate easily. So it would seem Your Macro evolution has evolved a devise that hinders itself from mutating... Wonderful

we also know not one thing can be attributed to a any man made deities in nature

Let me give you a story of what you think you know. This is what Science has done to Gods creation: A school group was doing a study on rock formations and how they evolved. however, the teacher had one rule, you must explain every rock formation using natural process. Their 1st stop was the Grand Canyon... Easy enough, either lots of water and short time or little water with long time...

Then they continue and end up at Black Hills, South Dekota. They get off the buss, look up and find themselves in front of Mount Rusmore. They all explained Mt Rushmore being created with natural processes but all of them where wrong. The science teach then explained to them that this is exacly what could be going on with Evolutuion and creation...

In Love,


the sad thing is that you can look to Gods creation and see anything but a miricle.

but so far creation is a myth that has never made into reality.

No you dont

yes we do know the habitated world was not made in a week, thats a fantasy tothink otherwise

forcing the Theory of Evolution upon us is no different then forcing religion upon someone


Evolution has been observed and is both fact and scientific theory.

religion is just faith in something with no evidence, evolution has a mountain of evidence and is taught in EVERY major university as higher learning.

Maco-Evolution has never been seen or proven

why is it only creatinist use the term micro and macro and always get it wrong based on ignorance.?

first, science doesnt prove anything
second, speciation has been observed

this always throws creationist for a loop that throws them in a tailspin until they crash and burn. Where do you draw the line between micro and macro??

The 2nd law of thermodynamics

please, thats so old school and been busted a thousand times

Did you also know that God put inside our cells a program that helps proof read reproduction so cells wont mutate easily


no deity has ever been linked to anything innature EVER

South Dekota


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
Under Constantine's influence

Constantine did not influence the Bishops, he was a polotition and wanted everyone to agree on something. I also have lecture notes on this as well. If memory serves me correct, all but 2-3 bishops agreed. What is your point...


Does the devil lift Jesus up?


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
but so far creation is a myth that has never made into reality

What exactly is reality to you?

Evolution has been observed and is both fact and scientific theory.

please show me a facts. Evolution is a theory that is forced upon people as fact. Never prooven

religion is just faith in something with no evidence, evolution has a mountain of evidence and is taught in EVERY major university as higher learning.

Mountains of Evidence? You know we are talking about Maco-Evolution at this point, right?

why is it only creatinist use the term micro and macro and always get it wrong based on ignorance?

Because Macro-Evolution has never been seen or reproduced. Might i remind you that science uses the scientific meathod. Why is it that the Theory of Evolution can just bypass the Scientific Meathod and go stright to Fact?

speciation has been observed

Nice Claim

Where do you draw the line between micro and macro??

Micro Evolution are Changes within a species using the DNA that already exist within its Host. No new iformation is added to the genitic Pool that the species doesnt already have.

Maco-Evolution are changes from Species to a New Species that have positive Mutations that suply New Genetic information unlike its original species. All Genetic mutations seen to man are negative and most end in death of the Host.

please, thats so old school and been busted a thousand times

yes I have heard... its never been proven... you can say the world is flat and show pictures of a flat planet, and have everyone believe it, but that doesnt make it true. Please give me one example of your proof of Evolution, from one species to another. And you say belief in a God sounds mythical...

no deity has ever been linked to anything innature EVER

What Caused the Big Bang? how did Space, Time, and matter come from "Nothing"?



Outhouse is full of 1/2 truths with mixed in beliefs

carefull how you quote me

because 1/2 truth can me half lies, dont go there. That would be a whole lie in that context.

I guarantee you I post historical and scientific facts you only ignore, in doing so you lack lack the education to debate the subject properly


Constantine did not influence the Bishops, he was a polotition and wanted everyone to agree on something. I also have lecture notes on this as well. If memory serves me correct, all but 2-3 bishops agreed. What is your point...

Lets see, Constantine threatened anyone who apposed with banishment and strip them of their power. Even then a few would still not give in under Constantines unfluence.

My point is Constantine influenced and settled the debate, had he not done so the bishops would still be arguing to this day.


What exactly is reality to you?

A place creation will never make it to.

creation is outlawed from poisoning our childrens minds in public schools.

Evolution is taught in every major university around the world as higher education

please show me a facts

why ???? you wont accept the material.

Mountains of Evidence?

Yes from DNA to fossil evidence, its not debated by science in any shape or form.

ONLY religious people who cannot accept the facts that their theology is not a science or history book have a issue with evolution

All Genetic mutations seen to man are negative and most end in death of the Host.

you migt want to do PROPER research, speciation has been observed.

What Caused the Big Bang? how did Space, Time, and matter come from "Nothing"?

what caused it? good question, but we dont need to put a god in the gaps of our knowledge, that is a primitive mistake man has made countless times.

space, time and matter did not come from nothing, it is a creationist tactic to point out what we dont know completely and then say science doesnt know anything about he topic. We do know there is ZERO evidence a deity of any kind has ever created anything.

There is a mountain of evidence though regarding the errors in the bible and the natural world around us. It is obvious ancient men wrote this because it mirrors ancient mans beliefs not a deities words of wisdom regarding nature


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
carefull how you quote me
because 1/2 truth can me half lies, dont go there. That would be a whole lie in that context.

What i mean to say is 1/2 of your stories contain truth and the other 1/2 contain mixed beliefs. i never said you lied, I believe that you believe this stuff. just like some of my Hockey Friends believe in Evolution on man and that the earth 4.5 Billions years old.

Cool Facts - Humans have over 60 Trillion Cells inside our body today. If the Earth was 4.5 Billion years old as some believe, then given that a single cell did happen on the same exact day as the beginning of earth, it would take 17,000 single cell Positive mutations per year, every year until the year 2011 to get to where we are at today. That doesnt account for negative setback mutations in the so-called mechanism of Evolution. Given this information, we have not seen one new positive Mutation in the human gene pool that adds any new information since we have been looking. Because of this science has come up with different "Theories" from time to time. Take the Quantum Leap theory for example, that says species have many positive genetic monstrosities by mutation. They say this to answer why they cannot find any trasitional stages in our fossil reccord.

I guarantee you I post historical and scientific facts you only ignore, in doing so you lack lack the education to debate the subject properly

Im standing on the side of reason, but you do not see that yet.

In love,


Does the devil lift Jesus up?


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
A place creation will never make it to.

You mind in not reasonable

creation is outlawed from poisoning our childrens minds in public schools.

I remeber studing in school as a "Fact", that when a women was pregnant that the egg went through all the stages of evolution with Gills and fins, until it reached its full term as a human baby. What I have found out over the years is that many Evolutionist will argue on the mechanism that drives evolution(Because they dont know), but they will all agree Evolution is Fact. This is backwards science...

Evolution is taught in every major university around the world as higher education

i thought religion was taken out of schools?

why ???? you wont accept the material.

There is no material. When Evolution was getting started and people where digging for fossils and couldnt find the missing link and their grants where about to run out we found all these so-called missing links. Some of them stood for 50 years while all of Evolution is being based around these finds. However year later we are finding out that these missing links where frauds and/or extinct animals.

Another Fact - If Evolution is true, then we sould be seeing More and More species as we climb up the Evolutionary Ladder. What do we find? Species going extinct and less and less species existing through out time. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics comming true.

Yes from DNA to fossil evidence, its not debated by science in any shape or form.

ignorance is bliss

ONLY religious people who cannot accept the facts that their theology is not a science or history book have a issue with evolution

Hello? There are religious people on our planet today that believe God used Evolution for his creation, but there is no evidence, only models and theories that have been forced down our throughts.

you migt want to do PROPER research, speciation has been observed.

If Speciation where observed, which it cant naturaly because of the time it takes to evolve, it would be very publicly announced. However, BCS has been taught as fact, and everyone thinks there are ample papers, literature, and reports on observed BCS, but there are not.

space, time and matter did not come from nothing

Steven Hawkings would even disagree with you on this. What was before the Big Bang?



You mind in not reasonable

since when is not having faith in a known myth not reasonable?

This is backwards science...

Only to the uneducated

When Evolution was getting started and people where digging for fossils and couldnt find the missing link and their grants where about to run out we found all these so-called missing links. Some of them stood for 50 years while all of Evolution is being based around these finds.

this is ignorance to the science.

fossils are a weak link on the facts surrounding evolution.

There are religious people on our planet today that believe God used Evolution for his creation,

yes religious people do believe in evolution as well as many theist of all different religions.

funny no one agrees on creationbecause you cannot agree on a myth.

only models and theories that have been forced down our throughts

I can see how you would not like evidence logic and reason that backs the scientific theory that has been observed many times over and is supported by every major university around the world


Ah, the "Species problem" again, it would be great for Macro-evolutionists if the Observed "Speciation" involved more than just minor changes within the species itself (who are still capable of reproducing fertile offspring even at small rates).

Lamarck was right all along. Well, mostly at least.


it would be very publicly announced. However

You mean like the 2 hour show on the history channel regarding the formation of the earth and how life evolved thats been on the past few days???

or how about the evolition of mankind by national geographic and or the smithsonian???

It is public knowegde.

Funny though LOL :) not one show ever air's on or about creation. EVER


and that the earth 4.5 Billions years old.

there it is in a nutshell, your YEC

you have no legs to stand on and you have to discount the science that you live with on a daily basis.



Does the devil lift Jesus up?
since when is not having faith in a known myth not reasonable?

Everyone has Faith in something and someone, even you.

fossils are a weak link on the facts surrounding evolution.

I would say that too if I believed in Macro Evolution from one speciese to another. Did You know Darwin said that if his theory were true, then the Fossil record (just getting started at his time) would make or break his theory?

funny no one agrees on creation because you cannot agree on a myth.

There are more then you think. you are just arrogant and believe faithfully otherwise.

I can see how you would not like evidence logic and reason that backs the scientific theory that has been observed many times over and is supported by every major university around the world

Evidence and Logic? There is no Evidence and their Logic is baised only upon Natural resources. Let me ask you a question: If you found a spaceship on Mars, would you credit Evolution or inteligant design for it being there?

In Love,