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The Trinity


then the Fossil record (just getting started at his time) would make or break his theory?

I do know.

one fossil out of place out of the millions found would prove evolution false.

to this day every fossil found is in its perfect place in the evolutionary tree.

There are more then you think. you are just arrogant and believe faithfully otherwise.


all the evidence pointing towards creation would not make a complete sentance and is outlawed in public schools as we dont poison our childrens minds with pseudoscience.

Evolution on the other hand has a mountain of evidence in many science departments and is taught in EVERY major university around the world as higher learning.


when you youtself dont have a clue about the science involved and have no education on the topic. You have a stance from theology and you dont have a clue about that either.


Jesus in me
there is no such thing.

any attempt to connect dots is pure imagination.

you cannot explain elohim/yahwey/ghost/spirit, properly let alone put weight on Constantine's ruling on how divine jesus was to even begin to define the christian deity.

Here it is: John 14:20 In that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

The evidence is that Jesus teaches us to connect the dots with reason not imagination. Jesus says "I and my Father are one." He has connected the dots.

That is besides the point. Identification is all that is necessary not definition. Constantine did not make the ruling; the leaders of the church arrived at an agreement of what the Bible said. The Bible is quite clear; oneness with God is 100% divinty.


Jesus in me
Trinity crudely speaking is a corporation of three persons of Deity. Father, Son, Spirit (thought, word, action). The minimum required social group which functions at impersonal level (Laws of existence) to maintain the actuality. Three persons of Deity are infinite personalities.

From finite personality perspective, it is not possible to generate infinite from a single number 1. All number system must have at least two basic symbols. However, when there are two, the union of the two implies a third reality. Well there are even more complicated explanations.

It is impossible to prove in any way that these are three persons except in imagination. You could imagine or perceive them as three persons but in each case you would be wrong in doing so.

This is impossible. God only has one personality.


It is impossible to prove in any way that these are three persons except in imagination. You could imagine or perceive them as three persons but in each case you would be wrong in doing so.

This is impossible. God only has one personality.

which god has one personality?.

because Elohim has a very disticnt personality over Yahwey


Here it is: John 14:20 In that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

You know your taiking that out of context. It also in no way can be tied to the trinity as the comcept at that time didnt exist.

14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

here in a verse just before yours the contex becomes very clear, so now all men are one with godand the spirit is in them.

key word is "IN YOU" not am you


The evidence is that Jesus teaches us to connect the dots with reason not imagination. Jesus says "I and my Father are one." He has connected the dots.

sources please, because you failed with the last one


That is besides the point. Identification is all that is necessary not definition.

when it comes to the council of nicea definition is everything, it is what was debated

Constantine did not make the ruling;

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Council declared that the Father and the Son are of the same substance and are co-eternal, basing the declaration in the claim that this was a formulation of traditional Christian belief handed down from the Apostles. Under Constantine's influence

The Emperor carried out his earlier statement: everybody who refused to endorse the Creed would be exiled.

Oh and posssession of non trinity material was punishable by death

Constantine stopped the debate and wanted a unfied church, and he got just that.


Jehovah our God is One
Oh and posssession of non trinity material was punishable by death

Constantine stopped the debate and wanted a unfied church, and he got just that.

and just to add, one way they went about solidifying the trinity doctrine was that they destroyed a lot of earlier christian writings which described Jesus as a son of God... christian teachers such as Arius had their writings gathered up and destroyed. The only way we know about such writings today is because of the trinitarian christians who wrote counter arguments to the writings of such ones.

Once the trinitarians got their way, it was a very long time before anyone had the courage to stand up and say 'no' to the trinity doctrine.


and just to add, one way they went about solidifying the trinity doctrine was that they destroyed a lot of earlier christian writings which described Jesus as a son of God... christian teachers such as Arius had their writings gathered up and destroyed. The only way we know about such writings today is because of the trinitarian christians who wrote counter arguments to the writings of such ones.

Once the trinitarians got their way, it was a very long time before anyone had the courage to stand up and say 'no' to the trinity doctrine.

Yes, allot of valid history burned up.

Wish we had that material and more


Yes, allot of valid history burned up.

Wish we had that material and more

On a side note, It's pretty (too) coincidental that Van Tischendorf found the Sinaiticus right when the Monks were preparing to burn it "For heat" at that exact time, and they weren't very happy at first with his exposition of them.


Jehovah our God is One
In the writings of the NT...which they could not destroy...we have plenty of evidence of what the apostles taught regarding Christ and how they viewed him

Here is a really good clear example from the Apostle Paul
Galatians 3:19 Why, then, the Law? It was added to make transgressions manifest, until the seed should arrive to whom the promise had been made; and it was transmitted through angels by the hand of a mediator. 20 Now there is no mediator where only one person is concerned, but God is only one

there is God and there is Christ who is a mediator of the covenant. Paul is saying that God is not his own mediator because if he were, then there would be no need of a mediator... .but God uses Jesus as his mediator and therefore it is proof that the apostles viewed Christ as a separate individual from God.


In the writings of the NT...which they could not destroy...we have plenty of evidence of what the apostles taught regarding Christ and how they viewed him

Here is a really good clear example from the Apostle Paul
Galatians 3:19 Why, then, the Law? It was added to make transgressions manifest, until the seed should arrive to whom the promise had been made; and it was transmitted through angels by the hand of a mediator. 20 Now there is no mediator where only one person is concerned, but God is only one

there is God and there is Christ who is a mediator of the covenant. Paul is saying that God is not his own mediator because if he were, then there would be no need of a mediator... .but God uses Jesus as his mediator and therefore it is proof that the apostles viewed Christ as a separate individual from God.

What the trinity boils down to in my opinion is, it is the lessor of two evils.

one hand you have a concept not supported by scripture nor taught at all by any author of the NT or OT


You have a polytheistic religion that goes against the whole of judaism, christianity wouldnt just be a branch on the tree of judaism, it would have to loose all of the OT alltogether.

So what are you going to do with a existing religion you want to keep as your foundation yet we want to add and define a new deity to it??? you get creative as possible


Does the devil lift Jesus up?
I do know.
to this day every fossil found is in its perfect place in the evolutionary tree.

because of the fossil Index. They place the fossils they find based upon the Fossil index which is baised upon their model. They place the fossils exactly where they want. How do you think they place fossils?

Evolution on the other hand has a mountain of evidence in many science departments and is taught in EVERY major university around the world as higher learning.

Mountain of Evidence? Talk Talk Talk.... Maybe if you say it enough, it will happen...


If you where taught 2+2=5 from an infant, you would believe 2+2=5, but does that make it right? They are learning a theory that all the evidence shows otherwise.

when you youtself dont have a clue about the science involved and have no education on the topic. You have a stance from theology and you dont have a clue about that either

The Evolution Model doesnt Fit with their own information

Did you know the Sun's life span is about 10 Billion years. The Sun as it ages, gets hotter and Hotter until its total life span. (A measurable and predictable rate)
If the Sun is 4.5 Billion years old as told to us, its half way through its life span.
If we go back 3.5 Billion years when so-called life emerged, the Sun would have been 25% cooler and the average temp below freezing. (Science numbers, not creationists) how did life start without Heat? (These are based upon their own numbers and theories, not creationists)

There are many upon many things that dont agree with Evolution and ages generated by dating systems today. For example the Moon moves away from the earth at a steady meaureable rate. Go back 3.5-4.5 Billion years and dinos would have to duck every time the moon comes around. So then Evolutionist say the earth captured the Moon at some later point in time, but that then kills their life model that began in the ocean.

What Im trying to express is that you will say God is a myth or a fantasy for adults, but why is it when Evolution Scientist make a guess or a statement like, "it must have been" or "We Believe" its a fact? just as I pointed out the mythical oort Cloud that Evolution driven sience had to make up in order to explain Commets.

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Does the devil lift Jesus up?
Good luck with outhouse. he is neither a scientist nor has a religious history degree. he gets all his information from his bias sources and slaps 100% truth across them. He is only interested in tear down not building up people.

in Love,


Good luck with outhouse. he is neither a scientist nor has a religious history degree. he gets all his information from his bias sources and slaps 100% truth across them. He is only interested in tear down not building up people.

in Love,

I am not anti-theist at all my friend.

its very valuable, when it does not place its dogma before valid known science and history.


because of the fossil Index. They place the fossils they find based upon the Fossil index which is baised upon their model. They place the fossils exactly where they want. How do you think they place fossils?

Mountain of Evidence? Talk Talk Talk.... Maybe if you say it enough, it will happen...

If you where taught 2+2=5 from an infant, you would believe 2+2=5, but does that make it right? They are learning a theory that all the evidence shows otherwise.

The Evolution Model doesnt Fit with their own information

Did you know the Sun's life span is about 10 Billion years. The Sun as it ages, gets hotter and Hotter until its total life span. (A measurable and predictable rate)
If the Sun is 4.5 Billion years old as told to us, its half way through its life span.
If we go back 3.5 Billion years when so-called life emerged, the Sun would have been 25% cooler and the average temp below freezing. (Science numbers, not creationists) how did life start without Heat? (These are based upon their own numbers and theories, not creationists)

There are many upon many things that dont agree with Evolution and ages generated by dating systems today. For example the Moon moves away from the earth at a steady meaureable rate. Go back 3.5-4.5 Billion years and dinos would have to duck every time the moon comes around. So then Evolutionist say the earth captured the Moon at some later point in time, but that then kills their life model that began in the ocean.

What Im trying to express is that you will say God is a myth or a fantasy for adults, but why is it when Evolution Scientist make a guess or a statement like, "it must have been" or "We Believe" its a fact? just as I pointed out the mythical oort Cloud that Evolution driven sience had to make up in order to explain Commets.


My friend Tom.

there is no debate in teh scientific community surrounding ToE and dating methods.

Only theist holding on to ancient dogma have a issue with this.

You should not discount science when you know so little about it.


Well-Known Member
I believe Jesus is God, a member of the Holy Trinity. One sin is infinitely offensive to an infinitely holy God, so one small sin is enough to eternally separate one from God. Only an infinite being (God) could pay for our infinitely offensive sins. No angel could get the job done. We, being finite could suffer an infinite amount of time to pay our sin debt or we could accept the free gift of God, being infinite, only needing to suffer a finite amount of time for our sins. Our own filthy rags righteousness won't do either. Its like washing your face with a dirty, oily rag, just makes things that much worse. We must trust alone in Christ alone, who is the infinite, eternal God.