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The undeniable power in Jesus words.

You want to argue, I am just not in the mood for that right now.


This is the General Religious Debates section of the forum, is it not?

Yes, you are correct, sir. I wanna argue. To argue is to debate and to debate is to argue. Figure it out. If you're not in the mood or don't have the stomach for it, stay the hell off this sub-forum.

It appears to me, and I'm sure to many outsiders reading this thread, that you simply don't want to address the questions that'll potentially erode your "god did it" position. You have no desire for new knowledge. You're comfortable in your fantasy. You're happy in your own little world and don't wanna be bothered by any of "that reality stuff".

Are you blissful, mickiel? If the adage is true, I'd surmise that you most certainly are.

Earlier you stated:
Monster asked me a very good question; If there was no reward, would I still honor God? Oh what a question we all should realize, are we in this for reward? A stunning question, and I think it needs to be considered, because human lust seeks after reward, and Jesus most defintely has something to do with this pathology.

And I want to get into that.

No you don't. Your answer to this question and many more that I'd have for you would put you on the path to naturalism. But that just can't happen can it, mickiel? It's too blissful in Ignoranceville and you have no intention, (although I hope I'm wrong) on moving.

Man up and grow a pair, mickiel. When you're ready, (if ever) get back to me with a PM and I'd be more than happy to talk with you further and maybe the two of us can get to the bottom of your fixation with the supernatural.

I don't like your spirit, I have no desire to engage you. I don't want to speak with you any longer, I grow tired of spirits like yours.

I will no longer respond to you.

Peace on your journey.

You don't like being challenged. That's plainly obvious.



Ironic Idealist
I agree, Jesus has been quite the influencial figure, but I'd argue Muhammad and Guatama Buddha have been close to equally influencial.

Agreed. I am reading a book about Buddha's teachings, and to be honest, find some of them more appealing than Jesus'.


Well-Known Member
Jesus in Matt. 4:19 tells two brothers to " Follow him and I will make you Fishers of men." They were seamen, fishers. Jesus was telling them that he would make them the kind of individuals who could bring other individuals into a belief.

Listen, the historical ramifications of just that, is undeniable in human history.

And I want to go into that.

mickiel and other believers of his ilk come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid answering the tough questions. In this particular case, mickiel is claiming he dislikes the way I converse. A convenient tactic that gets him off the hook. He has no logical answers that will appease anyone with half a brain so he sticks his fingers in his ears and hopes the seed of reason doesn't germinate. Pitiful.

I wish "believers" like mickiel could open their eyes some more: ask themselves whether it matters that what they believe is true or not. And if it does matter to them, they should be questioning their most basic supernatural assumptions...whether it's even reasonable to hold them.

Question whether it's actually reasonable to take the tale of one ancient desert tribe - among all the religious, superstitious delusions of human history - as somehow veridical. Try REALLY reading your holy book, asking "Is it actually the most reasonable inference from the description of what this god character says and does, that he would actually be the moral standard? Does the Bible actually READ like this god is the wisest being one could possibly imagine?

Not when you realise how many things god says that sound as limited and non-omniscient as any other person...and not when god seems to share pretty much the same limited moral horizon as the ancient people who wrote the stories. Not, when you are reading what is purportedly the message of the most wise being of all, you secretly find yourself wondering if what he just said was really all that wise...and find yourself looking for excuses to either ignore certain portions concerning this all wise being...or looking for how other followers of the faith excuse them.

IMO, there shouldn't even BE an apologetics industry - if the Bible really did represent the best we have on morality. Wouldn't the wisest of all books stand the test of time, rather than create a flourishing industry of people making excuses for what it says.

Certainly supernaturalism has it's compensations: the social network, and some of the stories can fit some emotional desires or needs. But it's often when someone de-converts that the other side of the coin - the negatives - of having been a follower of invisible deities comes into relief: Living a life believing, worrying, about an entire supernatural realm, in which your fate lies, that doesn't even exist. Grappling with all those vexing theological conundrums, "Why would god do X?..." Trying to constantly juggle the supernatural beliefs you've been handed against the constant oppression of real-world facts.

Jesus in Matt. 4:19 tells two brothers to " Follow him and I will make you Fishers of men." They were seamen, fishers. Jesus was telling them that he would make them the kind of individuals who could bring other individuals into a belief.

Listen, the historical ramifications of just that, is undeniable in human history.

And I want to go into that.


You don't want to go into anything. All you want is to spread the virus you've been infected by.



Well-Known Member
Jesus in Matt. 4:19 tells two brothers to " Follow him and I will make you Fishers of men." They were seamen, fishers. Jesus was telling them that he would make them the kind of individuals who could bring other individuals into a belief.

Listen, the historical ramifications of just that, is undeniable in human history.

And I want to go into that.


The concept of Jesus making other men, fishers of other men, has been misunderstood. The evangelistic movement in religion has used this to their advantage, but I want to show you what Jesus really meant.

The concept of Jesus making other men, fishers of other men, has been misunderstood. The evangelistic movement in religion has used this to their advantage, but I want to show you what Jesus really meant.


All you're showing us is your overwhelming lack of rationality.



Well-Known Member
The concept of Jesus making other men, fishers of other men, has been misunderstood. The evangelistic movement in religion has used this to their advantage, but I want to show you what Jesus really meant.


Jesus wanted to establish a base of confusion, something religion simply willnot agree with. Jesus knew that only God himself could fish men in.

And I want to get into that.

Jesus wanted to establish a base of confusion, something religion simply willnot agree with. Jesus knew that only God himself could fish men in.

And I want to get into that.


I want to go into what makes a deluded mind tick. mickiel, will you offer yourself up as a test subject?



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
There are few ways to prove Jesus existed that are direct and personal, but there are ways. That aside, one thing that can be proven about Jesus, which is totally undeniable, is the Power in his words, his message. This man had, and still does, a unique Power in his words that no other human recorded has had before, or since.

And I will take great pleasure in proving this most easy thing to prove.

Let me start with the gigantic effect he has had on the pure hopes of humanity. Ohh, how great this mans influence has been.

And I want to go into that.

Right, and as soon as you show me ONE word actually written by this Jesus person I'll sit up and take notice.

Right, and as soon as you show me ONE word actually written by this Jesus person I'll sit up and take notice.


mickiel won't want to go into that EtuMalku. You see, he's not here to discuss. He's here to spew his virus-infected vomit all over the place. Watch where you step.



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
I feel no need to show you anything, I could careless what you see.

It's care less, not careless and the reason you will never show me anything is because there isn't one iota of a word that this supposed son of an imaginary god wrote.
