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The undeniable power in Jesus words.


Well-Known Member
Mickiel. Seriously, what's with the attitude? I notice you talk a LOT. I'm fine with people wanting to get their point across but when people try and engage with you, you patronise them and say you're not interested in their point of view or explaining yours. Do you just really like the sound of your own voice or something? I mean why do you come on here?

I usually deal with the aittitude that approachs me. If they show respect, so will I. If they don't, well you have seen what I do.



Well-Known Member
It is time to cross over to the Dark Side, your god is weak and losing ground . . . at least our God is a horny God!!!

I don't need to cross over, I already live in the darkside.



Well-Known Member
What did Jesus mean when he said "and the meek shall inherit the earth" and also "But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' and "look at the lilies of the field how they neither toil nor spin" and "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"

I see nothing about the power of the ego.


Well-Known Member
At the name of Jesus, every knee is destined to bow. I can't think of another name, just a name, that has that kind of power. The name Jesus, is the greatest name known to humanity, there is no doubt there. This man is greater than anything, hes not even walking this earth, but yet his power is egnigmatic.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
At the name of Jesus, every knee is destined to bow. I can't think of another name, just a name, that has that kind of power. The name Jesus, is the greatest name known to humanity, there is no doubt there. This man is greater than anything, hes not even walking this earth, but yet his power is egnigmatic.

And I want to go into that.


You realize dismissing Jesus words and idolizing him are kind of exactly the opposite of what he taught, right? It's like you believe in some alternate world Jesus that decided to accept Satan's deal.


Well-Known Member
You realize dismissing Jesus words and idolizing him are kind of exactly the opposite of what he taught, right? It's like you believe in some alternate world Jesus that decided to accept Satan's deal.

Well then why don't you explain Jesus words to us?

You do the job. See where that gets us.



Well-Known Member
Well then why don't you explain Jesus words to us?

You do the job. See where that gets us.


Yeah right so I can pour in vast amounts of my time and energy just so you'll dismiss it and say that I'm wrong and you're right no matter what I come up with? Playing a game you can't win is for suckers. If I had more time I might do it just because I like reading Jesus words and giving my point of view, but not today.


I believe Jesus was a great moral teacher. After all, he stopped the mob from stoning a girl who had committed adultery. This was a big, first step in the religion of the surrounding area. It's a shame Muhammad did not follow Jesus' example.


Well-Known Member
I See. So which of his contemporaries recorded these influential words as he spoke them or shortly after at any rate, and where can I read that?

If you don't know by now, its nothing I can tell you. Its the most read thing in the world, but yet you protend that you do not know. So I know your reasons for asking, are transparent, I see through them. You have other intentions in your request of me, and I hold no intrest in your deception.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
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Well-Known Member
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I apoligise for any rules I have broken.

I usually deal with the aittitude that approachs me. If they show respect, so will I. If they don't, well you have seen what I do.


Yeah, not a lot. Just talk some more about how God can't possibly not exist.

So what words of Jesus are so powerful then?

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
Yeah, not a lot. Just talk some more about how God can't possibly not exist.

So what words of Jesus are so powerful then?

I think a lot of what was attributed to Jesus is very powerful. My personal favorite is how coolly and rationally Jesus dealt with the crowd who wanted to stone the woman for adultery, I think it was.

If I remember the story correctly, the whole time Jesus is just kneeling on the ground drawing in the dirt, or something like that. And some jerk with the Pharisees tries to punk Jesus, asking him what he commands they do with the woman since the Jewish Law evidently required that she be stoned to death.

Jesus just calmly looks around, probably doing his best James Dean, being all cool and remote. Then he simply tells the crowd, "Whoever among you is without sin, let him cast the first stone." BAM!!! IN YOUR FACE!! BAM!!!

Did that really happen? I honestly don't know. But it is one heckuva cool story.


Which words of jesus (specifically) for example,mickiel ?

And in what way (specifically) are they powerful?

And in what way is that power undeniable?

Bonus questions...
Are the WORDS themselves powerful?...
or Are they only powerful because jesus said them?
Are the words powerful if we say them?
Are the words still powerful when taken out of some larger context/construct?
Is it what he did by his words?...
or Is it what he meant by his words?
(that makes them powerful)
How do you, or anyone, know what he meant by his words?
How do we know he was properly quoted?
How do we know he wasn't quoted out of context?
Does it matter if jesus is just a fictional character?
And if he is, does it matter?....
or are "his" words still just as powerful?

(maybe just answer a couple at a time. I know there are many questions here.)
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