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The undeniable power in Jesus words.


Well-Known Member
Why is there so much attraction to Jesus words, while yet being so much misunderstanding of them?

And I want to examine that dynamic.



Well-Known Member
Why is there so much attraction to Jesus words, while yet being so much misunderstanding of them?

And I want to examine that dynamic.


When people flock towards someone they don't even understand, theres a power there which is real. I mean, I wouldnot do that, but I see so many who do. Once Jesus started his public ministry, he drew crowds everywhere he went. And even to this day, its as if he demands blind obedience from these crowds, because they cannot see him, but gather in droves to worship him. They give their money, their time, their minds and hearts to this man.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
When people flock towards someone they don't even understand, theres a power there which is real. I mean, I wouldnot do that, but I see so many who do. Once Jesus started his public ministry, he drew crowds everywhere he went. And even to this day, its as if he demands blind obedience from these crowds, because they cannot see him, but gather in droves to worship him. They give their money, their time, their minds and hearts to this man.

And I want to go into that.


The sheer numbers of believers in Jesus, is I think sheer evidence of the undeniable Power in his words. Imagine what itis like to hold such Power, I really don't think a normal human could do it without some kind of perversion eventually happening in their mind.

And let me go into why I say that.



Well-Known Member
The sheer numbers of believers in Jesus, is I think sheer evidence of the undeniable Power in his words. Imagine what itis like to hold such Power, I really don't think a normal human could do it without some kind of perversion eventually happening in their mind.

And let me go into why I say that.


The sheer numbers of believers in Hitler, is I think sheer evidence of the undeniable power in his words.


Your argument boils down to because something is really popular it is true.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
When people flock towards someone they don't even understand, theres a power there which is real. I mean, I wouldnot do that, but I see so many who do. Once Jesus started his public ministry, he drew crowds everywhere he went. And even to this day, its as if he demands blind obedience from these crowds, because they cannot see him, but gather in droves to worship him. They give their money, their time, their minds and hearts to this man.

And I want to go into that.

What a delusion. Besides the fact there is not one 'word' written by this Yeshua the Nazarene person, there is little to no evidence of His existence.

The myth of the Dying and Resurrecting god/man is as old as Mankind itself.
Springing from the bewilderment of the Sun (son) conquering the Moon, this myth/legend has morphed throughout the centuries into many Belief Systems.

For me, the best explanation of what is going on here is that of Jung's Archetype.
All the demons, angels, gods, God, Djinn etc. are ancient Archetypes that have nested within our Collective Consciousness. They are personified symbols of the Cycles of the Universe / World.



Well-Known Member
The sheer numbers of believers in Jesus, is I think sheer evidence of the undeniable Power in his words. Imagine what itis like to hold such Power, I really don't think a normal human could do it without some kind of perversion eventually happening in their mind.

And let me go into why I say that.


I mean this man has got a crowd, hes got some followers, no doubt there. Hes got the numbers, and you don't get those, if your not real, if your not relevant;

If your not powerful.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Jesus has got the influence, he has the Power of words and followers, he has the best " Worship Ratio in humans"- as compared to anyonelse, He has the most numerical number of human followers than anyonelse, He has had more books written about him than anyonelse, he has more churchs in his name than anyonelse, he has had more songs written about him than anyonelse, he is the most drawn person by artist than anyonelse, and I could continue this list for pages, but I think you get my drift.

Its undeniable.



I Fly Space.
Jesus has got the influence, he has the Power of words and followers, he has the best " Worship Ratio in humans"- as compared to anyonelse, He has the most numerical number of human followers than anyonelse, He has had more books written about him than anyonelse, he has more churchs in his name than anyonelse, he has had more songs written about him than anyonelse, he is the most drawn person by artist than anyonelse, and I could continue this list for pages, but I think you get my drift.

Its undeniable.

So Jesus wins a popularity contest? Look at your words carefully, he has the "influence". You say this in your very first post as well. Any person today can be influential in one way or the other. So to you, Influence = power?


I Fly Space.
Jesus in Matt. 4:19 tells two brothers to " Follow him and I will make you Fishers of men." They were seamen, fishers. Jesus was telling them that he would make them the kind of individuals who could bring other individuals into a belief.

Listen, the historical ramifications of just that, is undeniable in human history.

And I want to go into that.


When I was in school we played this game where we would whisper something to the other student. When it reached the end of the class the message was always completley different than the original. In fact, stories I hear from friends that happened a week ago sometimes sound a bit off. So we should take something that was said 2,000 years ago to be relevant? Who was alive today 2,000 years ago that can verify he really said this?


Well-Known Member
When I was in school we played this game ;quote

The Power in Jesus words is no game.

Who was alive today 2,000 years ago that can verify he really said this?

Verify? Why not try to verify how many people Jesus words have " Helped?" One way to guage the greatness of any man or woman, is by the number of people they have helped. This way is undeniable. The more they have helped, the greater they were.

Man, Jesus has helped so many people, its impossible to count them.

Go and verify that. And start in your own neighborhood, he's helped people there.



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Verify? Why not try to verify how many people Jesus words have " Helped?" One way to guage the greatness of any man or woman, is by the number of people they have helped. This way is undeniable. The more they have helped, the greater they were.

Man, Jesus has helped so many people, its impossible to count them.

Go and verify that. And start in your own neighborhood, he's helped people there.

Exactly, the Romans as well as the Jews made extremely well documented notes of what went on every day, as well as a number of popular writers of the day. Funny, that there is NOTHING mentioned of this Jesus dude in anything Roman, Judaic, or privately written during or leading up to the crucifixion, much less before that.

May I simply suggest that the Jesus story is but one of many myth/legends created through time? Originating in the Human understanding of the cycles of the Son (Sun) and Moon? The archetypal fight between darkness and light?

C.G. Jung has explained this so clearly and it is most accepted within all non-Abrahamic faiths. The ancient archetypes are embedded in our deep Unconsciousness, this includes the Jesus myth.

I am not suggesting that Belief in the Christian doctrine is wrong, or any other Belief system. I merely point out the origin of these often misunderstood anomalies of Mankind.



Well-Known Member
Exactly, the Romans as well as the Jews made extremely well documented notes of what went on every day, as well as a number of popular writers of the day. Funny, that there is NOTHING mentioned of this Jesus dude in anything Roman, Judaic, or privately written during or leading up to the crucifixion, much less before that.

May I simply suggest that the Jesus story is but one of many myth/legends created through time? Originating in the Human understanding of the cycles of the Son (Sun) and Moon? The archetypal fight between darkness and light?

C.G. Jung has explained this so clearly and it is most accepted within all non-Abrahamic faiths. The ancient archetypes are embedded in our deep Unconsciousness, this includes the Jesus myth.

I am not suggesting that Belief in the Christian doctrine is wrong, or any other Belief system. I merely point out the origin of these often misunderstood anomalies of Mankind.


I hold no intrest in the Christian doctrine, and Jesus public ministry only lasted slightly over 3 years, there was no time for him to impact the writers. He kept a very low profile before his ministry, but we can use the manner in which he died as evidence, Crucifixion. It was a punishment that was only for slaves or malefactors of the worst kind, Roman citizens were exempt from it. The history of crucifixion can be traced back to the Egyptians and Persians.

Jesus was not a slave, so because he was crucified, the Romans felt that he was something terrible.His Crucifixion simply adds to the legend of this man. And this man has more people trying to erase him from history, than ANY other human who has ever lived, which in itself, speaks volumes.



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Popularity and Sheeple-mindedness does not equate to a great Belief system.
Paganism ruled the World in a greater percentage at the time.

Islam is mathematically destined to take over the World's population soon.
There has been a huge decline in Christianity for decades, why do you suppose?


Well-Known Member
Popularity and Sheeple-mindedness does not equate to a great Belief system.
Paganism ruled the World in a greater percentage at the time.

Islam is mathematically destined to take over the World's population soon.
There has been a huge decline in Christianity for decades, why do you suppose?

I think the decline is God ordained, as is the rise in Islam. And Islam will have its day of decline. ANY religion on earth now, if placed in the top position, would eventually decline, because God has not endorsed religion, hes just using it, as he is evil itself. All religions are destined to fall, all Atheism is destined to fall, listen, humanity is destined to fall.

Deception will shine for a minute, but it must fall for truth to be told. And then all of humanity will take its rightful place with the God who created it.



Well-Known Member
When Jesus spoke, people listened, and are still listening, thats incredible, and credible power!

Judas tried to kiss Jesus in order to identify him to be imprisioned. Luke 22:48; " Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a Kiss?" Just a classic statement from Christ, and classic treatment that reveals what we will do to our own friends, betray them with false signs of emotion.

A power packed moment, and I want to show the power in it.



Well-Known Member
Just a classic statement from Christ, and classic treatment that reveals what we will do to our own friends, betray them with false signs of emotion.

A power packed moment, and I want to show the power in it.


Muchless our own friends, we betray the God who made us all, and do so emotionally. Here we have A conscious God who created our consciousness, and we consciously betray him by our unbelief. He gives us life , then we turn around and give that orgin to a bunch of hapless nothings, spit in his face, then turn around and love ourselves, as if we made ourselves!

And then think that what we say has meaning.



Well-Known Member
Jesus was so powerful in his words, they had to kill him.

We killed the door to life, and live our lives as if there is no door to life.

And I want to go into what Jesus had to say about that.



Well-Known Member
In John 6:35 Jesus makes a stunning statement;" I am the Bread of Life, he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst." Here Jesus relates his true power in his words; in that his words themselves ARE the true nourishment that humanity needs. He offers a complette satisfaction and true understanding of Life. He is claiming that he can cover all needs.

Oh what a claim, and it would take great power to back up those claims.

And I want to get into that. Incredible people, making incredible claims.



Well-Known Member
Oh what a claim, and it would take great power to back up those claims.

And I want to get into that. Incredible people, making incredible claims.


Let me show you something personal, about you and me. In fact, lets include everyone in your neighborhood. Lets just say that you or I, or anyone in your city for that matter, stood before a mass of people and made a claim, or claims, what do you think the response would be? Why don't you try it, and after viewing the results, see if you would have done what Jesus did. What effect would YOU have? Can you do what Jesus did? Can you change history? Can you influence a world?

And whatever real answer you come up with in reality, Jesus has already done the incredible, hes already made his mark.

What would your mark be, you who question his power?

Nothing, absolutely Nothing!

And yet you belittle and doubt a man who was obviously something you will never be.
