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The undeniable power in Jesus words.


I'm denying the power in Jesus' words.

First of all. In order to know Jesus' words, I would have to read them.

So my power over Jesus' words is much greater than the power Jesus' words might have on their own.


Well-Known Member
Which words of jesus (specifically) for example,mickiel ?

And in what way (specifically) are they powerful?

And in what way is that power undeniable?


Well I personally think all the words he spoke were powerful, its been centuries since he walked and talked on this earth, and you and I are still talking about him. Do I have to explain how powerful this is? How can just that be denied? I would dare say that everyday, since he left this earth, for over 2,000 years people talk about him. His sermon on the mount, called " The Beatitudes", is still lengendary. Very inspirational, but that was the kind of man he was. In vs.6, he spoke;" Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied", this verse keeps me going after I have come near to giving up. And I get like this every year.

So often I want to be a Righteous man, but I know that I am not. I lie, I lust, and get arrogant. I manipulate people and struggle with the wrong desires , and I know IF these words of Jesus be true, then one day I will no longer have to be like this. I am not an example of how Jesus words have changed lives, but I know others who are.

With me, his words have changed my Consciousness, just not my living. But changing my Consciousness, is very impressive to me. And Jesus inspires me, this whole sermon on the mound is him trying to inspire others.

But I will be going into more.



Well-Known Member

Bonus questions...
Are the WORDS themselves powerful?...
or Are they only powerful because jesus said them?
Are the words powerful if we say them?.)

Interesting questions, I think its a combination of the person and their words. I can repeat Jesus words, but my personage holds no power like his, but the words would still be powerful. Someone just recently posted that they deny Jesus and his power, his words are then meaningless to certain people and hold no power. Thats just how it is.

Jesus had a way with even the " Magnification of the meaning in words", such as in Matt. 5:27-28. It had been taught that adultery was something we shouldnot do when married. Jesus magnified that and said that if a man just looks at the married woman and desires her in his heart, well hes already committed Adultery.



Well-Known Member
Are the words still powerful when taken out of some larger context/construct?quote
When taken out of context, that confusion effects the power, I think.

quotes ;it what he did by his words?...
or Is it what he meant by his words?
(that makes them powerful)quote
I think both.

How do you, or anyone, know what he meant by his words?
How do we know he was properly quoted?
How do we know he wasn't quoted out of context?quote

Well we don't know. And I only understand his words so much, and he has not always been properly quoted. And he has defintely been quoted out of context.

Does it matter if jesus is just a fictional character?
And if he is, does it matter?....
or are "his" words still just as powerful?


I think they are still powerful no matter if he was fictional or not. But he was not fictional, we continue to get proof of his life every year, and this proof is increasing, the incomming evidence is not decreasing.



Well-Known Member
Actually mickiel. I think you are mistaken, it is not Jesus the one with the influence and power. Rather it is the Apostle Paul. He basically made Christianity what it is today. He was the one who claimed Jesus was the son of god. He wrote many of the passages that claim Jesus as god.


Well-Known Member
Actually mickiel. I think you are mistaken, it is not Jesus the one with the influence and power. Rather it is the Apostle Paul. He basically made Christianity what it is today. He was the one who claimed Jesus was the son of god. He wrote many of the passages that claim Jesus as god.

I hold little intrest in Christianity, and I think Paul was a powerful biblical characther. But Pauls influence is not in the catagory of Christ, yet I think he made a great impact.



Well-Known Member
Jesus gave some heavy advice to those ( whoever they are or will be) who will spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, in Matt. 10:16, " I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be Shrewd as Serpents, and innocent as Doves." Stunning wisdom and discription in my view. He showed the contrast that will exist between believer and unbeliever, and told them to be shrewd as a Snake, but Innocent as Doves.

Can you imagine being like that? Cunning and quick in your mind, and able to bite with your words. And at the same time, be a Peaceful person, law abiding. This is powerful advice to give. And many believers use Jesus actual words to teach and Preach other people who believe.

And I want to go into that.

I think a lot of what was attributed to Jesus is very powerful. My personal favorite is how coolly and rationally Jesus dealt with the crowd who wanted to stone the woman for adultery, I think it was.

If I remember the story correctly, the whole time Jesus is just kneeling on the ground drawing in the dirt, or something like that. And some jerk with the Pharisees tries to punk Jesus, asking him what he commands they do with the woman since the Jewish Law evidently required that she be stoned to death.

Jesus just calmly looks around, probably doing his best James Dean, being all cool and remote. Then he simply tells the crowd, "Whoever among you is without sin, let him cast the first stone." BAM!!! IN YOUR FACE!! BAM!!!

Did that really happen? I honestly don't know. But it is one heckuva cool story.

Hahaha. He'd be a thousand times more interesting if he actually said BAM! IN YOUR FACE!


Well-Known Member
There is no human in history whos words has inpacted humanity, like Jesus has. That within itself is definte proof of many things. Influence is proof, its evidence, its real power.


Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

So now the Holy Bible is the all time best selling book.

Acts 13:47
For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."

So now Christianity is the most widespreaded religion of the world with 1/3 humans as its followers.

No another book nor another religion can ever foresaw its own future like this.

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
Which words of jesus (specifically) for example,mickiel ?

And in what way (specifically) are they powerful?

And in what way is that power undeniable?

Bonus questions...
Are the WORDS themselves powerful?...
or Are they only powerful because jesus said them?
Are the words powerful if we say them?
Are the words still powerful when taken out of some larger context/construct?
Is it what he did by his words?...
or Is it what he meant by his words?
(that makes them powerful)
How do you, or anyone, know what he meant by his words?
How do we know he was properly quoted?
How do we know he wasn't quoted out of context?
Does it matter if jesus is just a fictional character?
And if he is, does it matter?....
or are "his" words still just as powerful?

(maybe just answer a couple at a time. I know there are many questions here.)

Ultraviolet brings up some good questions. Personally, as I wrote earlier, I find a lot of that which is attributed to Jesus to be "powerful" because I assume certain aspects of context, tone, implication, etc.

For example, I assume Jesus was quite the serious philosopher and teacher. But what if he was actually being sarcastic most of the time.

If we change our perspective a bit and assume Jesus took mostly a sarcastic and comedic tone when teaching the masses then maybe Jesus said something more like, "Suuuuuuure, the meek will inherit the earth. Sure they will. Yeah, whatever."



Well-Known Member
Most of what the unknown writers of the gospels were trying to accomplish was to keep the poor satisfied with their lot, in exchange for the riches to come in the hereafter, to gain a large base of believers for the literalist branch of Christianity.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Most of what the unknown writers of the gospels were trying to accomplish was to keep the poor satisfied with their lot, in exchange for the riches to come in the hereafter, to gain a large base of believers for the literalist branch of Christianity.
Is this just your supposition or do you have any scholarship as back up?


Well-Known Member
So now Christianity is the most widespreaded religion of the world with 1/3 humans as its followers.

No another book nor another religion can ever foresaw its own future like this.

Jesus or God have never endorsed Christianity, and neither do I. This post is not about Christians, its about Jesus powerful influence in his words.



Well-Known Member
Jesus or God have never endorsed Christianity, and neither do I. This post is not about Christians, its about Jesus powerful influence in his words.


Whatever and how ever you categorize Christianity and Christians. This remains the same,

Luke 21:33
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

So now the Holy Bible is the all time best selling book.

Acts 13:47
For this is what the Lord has commanded us: "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."

So now Christianity is the most widespreaded religion of the world with 1/3 humans as its followers.

No another book nor another religion can ever foresaw its own future like this.


Well-Known Member
Whatever and how ever you categorize Christianity and Christians. This remains the same,

Interesting how you would glorify the religion of Christianity and place it on the level of the bible and its glory. Thats something Christians do that I have never liked, they treat the bible as if it was written exclusively for them. As if they wrote it, or its all about them. As if the message in it is just for them.

Its a weird " Spiritual Napolean Complex." And to think that 1/3 of the people on this planet may have it. And just think what it would be like if 1/3 of the people on this planet, or even more, just had the wrong complex about themselves and God.



Well-Known Member
Jesus taught that we should " Love our neighbor as we Love ourselves." This was a stunning teaching during his time, and still stunning today. There are many people who Love themselves, unfortunately I am not one of them. I dislike many things about myself. But many people are in Love with themselves, literally crazy about themselves, and Jesus understood this. He taught that they can apply that same self zeal to others, and Love them like they Love themselves.

An incredible teaching that is very powerful.

And I want to go into more.



Well-Known Member
Jesus once said something about his own knowledge in his teachings in Matt. 19:11;" Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given." He knew only certain people will understand certain things, but hints that understanding is a " Given thing." Like a gift, not self generated, not self manufactored, not self earned. And I see this most interesting theme all throuhout Jesus short ministry, and in the bible itself. Espically concerning salvation itself, its like a gift, not self generated, not self earned, not self ininitated.

And these are very powerful things in the mind of Christ.

And I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Jesus was constantly asked questions all throughout his ministry. In Matt. 15:16 he reacts;" Are you still lacking in in Understanding also?" He was constantly surrounded by people who didnot understand him, but yet he gave them hope inspite of this.

And interesting dynamic that was constantly going on back then, and is still constantly going on now.

And I want to go into that.
