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The undeniable power in Jesus words.


Well-Known Member
Let me show you something personal, about you and me. In fact, lets include everyone in your neighborhood. Lets just say that you or I, or anyone in your city for that matter, stood before a mass of people and made a claim, or claims, what do you think the response would be? Why don't you try it, and after viewing the results, see if you would have done what Jesus did. What effect would YOU have? Can you do what Jesus did? Can you change history? Can you influence a world?

And whatever real answer you come up with in reality, Jesus has already done the incredible, hes already made his mark.

What would your mark be, you who question his power?

Nothing, absolutely Nothing!

And yet you belittle and doubt a man who was obviously something you will never be.


Will you dare to be personal, will you think with me?

Will you think with me?

I think that the impression that Jesus made is nothing short of incredible! I mean, good greif, look at reality and stare it in the face. Jesus was an incredible individual, and if you think him a myth, then its an incredible myth which surpasses all known myths. There is simply no doubt about it, no matter how you choose to look at it, it demands to be looked at. Thats power, the demand for attention to its reality or myth.

Its command of the human Consciousness, command of history making, command of the destiny of your own purposre and Jesus had that.

And I want to go into that.



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Will you dare to be personal, will you think with me?

Will you think with me?

I think that the impression that Jesus made is nothing short of incredible! I mean, good greif, look at reality and stare it in the face. Jesus was an incredible individual, and if you think him a myth, then its an incredible myth which surpasses all known myths. There is simply no doubt about it, no matter how you choose to look at it, it demands to be looked at. Thats power, the demand for attention to its reality or myth.

Its command of the human Consciousness, command of history making, command of the destiny of your own purposre and Jesus had that.

And I want to go into that.

No, it's a culmination of centuries of different myths (many much greater than His) and has its origin in the Osirian Dying/Resurrecting god myth. It is herd mentality and is only popular and fascinating to you because it is during your lifetime, it wasn't all the time popular and no doubt will fade away as do all Belief systems.

The only power this myth has is from Us that empower it. It's make-believe :angel2:



Well-Known Member
No, it's a culmination of centuries of different myths (many much greater than His) and has its origin in the Osirian Dying/Resurrecting god myth. It is herd mentality and is only popular and fascinating to you because it is during your lifetime, it wasn't all the time popular and no doubt will fade away as do all Belief systems.

The only power this myth has is from Us that empower it. It's make-believe :angel2:


It is more powerful than you or anything you will ever say.

Whats it feel like, to know something you don't like, is more powerful than you?



Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
It is more powerful than you or anything you will ever say.

Whats it feel like, to know something you don't like, is more powerful than you?

I never said I didn't like 'it', and I never said I was more 'powerful' than 'it'. These are words that you wish to be in effect with any that 'dare' oppose your paradigm. But 'it' being "more powerful than you or anything you will ever say." is merely your subjective reality and has little to no effect on the rest of us.

Being Sheep is easy, being the Shepard is a bit harder. :sheep:



Well-Known Member
I never said I didn't like 'it', and I never said I was more 'powerful' than 'it'. These are words that you wish to be in effect with any that 'dare' oppose your paradigm. But 'it' being "more powerful than you or anything you will ever say." is merely your subjective reality and has little to no effect on the rest of us.

Being Sheep is easy, being the Shepard is a bit harder. :sheep:


It has effect on me, because my mind is interested in those things greater than I. I don't know why God and Jesus have not revealed themselves to me, but I sense they MUST be very Powerful beings! Being a sheep has not been easy for me, not knowing the Sheppard or properly understanding them, or perceiving their existance.

Its as if our thoughts are now meaningless to them. In fact it states exactly that in Isaiah 40:15,17 and 23. It says all the nations of humans are as nothing to him, they are reguarded by him as " Less than Nothing and Meaningless."

A very Powerful aittitude, and I want to go into that.



Well-Known Member
Please describe the undeniable power in the suppposed Jesus' words. I listened to them for a number of years, and really felt it as an effort to convince the poor to be satisfied with their lot.


Well-Known Member
Please describe the undeniable power in the suppposed Jesus' words. I listened to them for a number of years, and really felt it as an effort to convince the poor to be satisfied with their lot.

I have been describing it for 13 pages now, read them.

The fact that you listened to them yourself for a number of years is proof of their power, whoelse have you listened to for a number of years?



Well-Known Member
Please describe the undeniable power in the suppposed Jesus' words. I listened to them for a number of years, and really felt it as an effort to convince the poor to be satisfied with their lot.

When we listen to something for years, thats evidence of some kind of Power, and that Power leads to " Influence of Consciousness."

And I want to go into that.



Angel Of The North
Jesus sowed a seed when he was 30. You wont see this in any book. The truth is not written only words of lies for manipulation, power and greed. There is deeper meanings to Jesus words that got sadly misunderstood.
The Messiah is not Jesus but of Jesus. The eagle didnt land on the moon 2000 yrs ago but this century.

The world cannot be one nation as long as Religion stands.


Well-Known Member
Jesus had the Power to " Influence Human Consciousness", and THAT is a Great Power! Only Great people have it.

Jesus influenced people, citys and governments, and STILL does unto this day.

And I want to go into that Power.



Angel Of The North
The power that I inherited is communication. I cannot speak that well but this communication given (and not stolen!!!) by the father is to do with subconscious communication. It brings the people together.


Well-Known Member
It was obvious that Jesus influenced the ordinary people of his time, and the Sandhedrin and other high priest councils. He heavly influenced the Roman government, and his influence crossed over different cultures.

2,000 years later and this influence has only grown, its undeniable, because its true.

And I want to go into that.



Angel Of The North
Have you heard of Jesus promise to Peter? That he will take him to be reborn with Jesus on earth!
I read a discussion but didnt save the link and cannot find this promise anywhere?
This promise was obviously covered up!


Well-Known Member
Have you heard of Jesus promise to Peter? That he will take him to be reborn with Jesus on earth!
I read a discussion but didnt save the link and cannot find this promise anywhere?
This promise was obviously covered up!

I have no ideal what your talking about, but its obvious you want to talk. I just don't understand you, your world.

Part of Jesus power in his words, is that many understood him and related to what he said.

And I want to go into that.



Angel Of The North
many got it wrong though. He was greatly misunderstood because otherwise the truth would be known.

edit: you dont know me or my world? I wasnt expecting you to!


Well-Known Member
many got it wrong though. He was greatly misunderstood because otherwise the truth would be known.

Well I can agree with that to an extent. I am not into percentages, but I would questimate how much Jesus was understood, versus being misunderstood, at 50-50.

I think about half of what he meant has been understood.

But even that is just speculation.



Well-Known Member
I have been describing it for 13 pages now, read them.

The fact that you listened to them yourself for a number of years is proof of their power, whoelse have you listened to for a number of years?


Not really, I was pushed into Xianity at an early age, and it took a while to realize I was heading down the wrong path.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Not really, I was pushed into Xianity at an early age, and it took a while to realize I was heading down the wrong path.:sleep:

It takes a powerful influence to lead us down wrong paths, there is no way out of it, you were influenced by power.
