Liberals always complain about other groups marginalizing them, but the reality is the systemic discrimination, that gets carved into US law, always comes from the Left. The system racism of the past came from the Democrat South, using legal means within US government to legally allow segregation. The systemic quota system, now in affect, also used legal pressure to discriminate against white, straight, males.
The Conservatives do not operate that way. It is more connected to non legally binding peer pressure, due to free market competition; play to win, but do not cheat. A white male who becomes valedictorian is due to merit and competition, but not due to a legal quota. Which is worse, legally binding discrimination under the guise of shallow equity, or non binding peer pressure and competition like in sports?
The transgender movement in schools used the power of the Government; public schools and tax payer funded education, to discriminate against normal children, in favor of a Lefty fad; Fascism. The Left projects it own underhanded methods; dual justice system, to hid under it own smoke screen. Now the Right has learned to beat them at their own game. Trump is victimized by the Swamp and called the predator. Trump and Biden both have classified information, but only Trump is wrong. This is Lefty in a nutshell. Their worse is ignores, and the less is amplified as worse.
What would happen if the Right decided to use plays out of the Lefty playbook and dissociate itself into dozens of fringe groups, each expecting special legal considerations and reparations; tax payer ripoff. The Catholics and Protestants used to be against each other, so we want Catholic pride month and also Protestant pride month. Religion is protected by the, Constitution, but Lefty law discriminates. Their pain and suffering needs to be compensated.
We also want anyone legally discriminated by the quota system, based on ignoring merit, to be paid reparations. Unlike slavery these victims are still alive, and only direct victims can collect reparation to make this honorable, and not an ambiguous Lefty scam.
We also want National natural male month and National natural female month so we can share their stories; nationally, which date back to the start of civilization. We can have flags made that will be displayed in public places. We also want national military forces month, with a week of celebration for each branch of the military.
You can see the political problems this Lefty tactic of dividing needs, being used by the Right. could cause the Left. One will get to see the bright side and not just the propaganda. We can also go real fringe Right, with groups that represent less than 1% of the population and force schools to place them first in line. Instead of pronouns we can force feed adjectives and adverbs to celebrate their successes; magnificent and sublime, etc. If you say anything negative, you will be called a hater. Sound familiar?
The Right is less about dependency, but more about rugged self reliance which should be celebrated and taught, since this is better than staying a spoiled child with constant temper tantrums.