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the world sucks and we are all gonna die


Well-Known Member
In the time it has taken to make this topic (one minute), 66.6 children will have just died of starvation, at a rate of 4,000 an hour.

Congratulations world, it could be said that (if you believe him creator) Satan is laughing in the background at how much his creations complain of their lot, not willing to play the game to fight and take what they need to survive. Blood is inevitable to sustain your life.

Hail Satan.
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Well-Known Member
More births than deaths. Hail sex.

Current World Population:

Population growth today
273,865 Births today
116,965 Deaths today
156,900 Net population growth today

World Population Clock: 7 Billion People - Worldometers

But doesn't Satan encourage us to have sex and be lustful? I never said the population is going down, I was just saying that the world is full of suffering and that one day we will all die.

But what do we do with these two realizations? The suffering of life and that one day we will die?


Premium Member
But what do we do with these two realizations? The suffering of life and that one day we will die?

Fact is our cells die by the billions daily, we replicate to survive. Leave life behind, a replication of sorts of yourself and your other half, and you've managed to live on.

To the point of there being more births than deaths tells me that the world doesn't suck that bad, right now anyway. If a third of the earth suddenly got wiped out that would make for a sucky week for sure.


Rogue Theologian
Man is a creature that soils the nest.

We could do better, but if we did there would be more of us...even quicker.
And the chemistry of this planet is near to overrun as is.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Wait. Humans are overpopulated and in no danger of extinction... and some of us are worried about a paltry 4k children dying of starvation? Really? You want to make overpopulation worse? Really? -_-


Well-Known Member
Fact is our cells die by the billions daily, we replicate to survive. Leave life behind, a replication of sorts of yourself and your other half, and you've managed to live on.

To the point of there being more births than deaths tells me that the world doesn't suck that bad, right now anyway. If a third of the earth suddenly got wiped out that would make for a sucky week for sure.

Wait. Humans are overpopulated and in no danger of extinction... and some of us are worried about a paltry 4k children dying of starvation? Really? You want to make overpopulation worse? Really? -_-

Both of you are missing the point that there is suffering... that's the only reason I mentioned it.

Or maybe you are right, we should kill off a whole bunch, that might please Satan very much. Kill two birds with one stone, or rather 1,000,000,000 with one bomb. Less suffering as we are strained less to feed people, and no threat of over population, but we might need to kill off more every once in a while then.

Then again, that still causes mass suffering. Seems that there isn't much of a way to escape our finiteness.

Curious George

Veteran Member
Wait. Humans are overpopulated and in no danger of extinction... and some of us are worried about a paltry 4k children dying of starvation? Really? You want to make overpopulation worse? Really? -_-

I am absolutely worried about 4k children dying. I am also worried about overpopulation and destruction of ecosystems. If we choose to ignore suffering, on what grounds do we then condemn other suffering? The consequence of course is complete apathy. However, to avert complete apathy one might take a weighted approach looking to the larger suffering. If this is done then the apathy toward the 4k children is also eliminated. For, you still must, by nature of the approach, worry about the 4k children as their suffering does count on the scales. I would suggest compassion is greater than apathy.

Curious George

Veteran Member
In the time it has taken to make this topic (one minute), 66.6 children will have just died of starvation, at a rate of 4,000 an hour.

Congratulations world, it could be said that (if you believe him creator) Satan is laughing in the background at how much his creations complain of their lot, not willing to play the game to fight and take what they need to survive. Blood is inevitable to sustain your life.

Hail Satan.

There is a religious philosophy that through suffering we shall find salvation. I am not here advocating for this but one might just as well make your claim and denounce Satan.

There all also cyclical thinking which believes that death is nothing more than part of a journey. These souls are, in this philosophy, just crossing a bridge yet another time. Thus, your claim would be equivalent to announcing the number of births and proclaiming hail Satan.

If we look at this statistic from a perspective of impermanence, you might of just as well told everyone that the oceans beat against the sand X amount of times that it took to write your message, hail Satan.

Or if we look at this statistic from a number of other Christian perspectives, we could say that these children's sufferings have come to an end. This of course is quite contrary to your claim because if Satan desires suffering then the deaths of these children mark an end to their suffering.

Just some points to ponder.


Well-Known Member
There is a religious philosophy that through suffering we shall find salvation. I am not here advocating for this but one might just as well make your claim and denounce Satan.

There all also cyclical thinking which believes that death is nothing more than part of a journey. These souls are, in this philosophy, just crossing a bridge yet another time. Thus, your claim would be equivalent to announcing the number of births and proclaiming hail Satan.

If we look at this statistic from a perspective of impermanence, you might of just as well told everyone that the oceans beat against the sand X amount of times that it took to write your message, hail Satan.

Or if we look at this statistic from a number of other Christian perspectives, we could say that these children's sufferings have come to an end. This of course is quite contrary to your claim because if Satan desires suffering then the deaths of these children mark an end to their suffering.

Just some points to ponder.

I wasn't asking anyone to accept or denounce anything.

Are you not afraid of the day you are gonna die? And do you not like suffering? What do you do about this?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The problem with starving children is that such societies had no business bringing them into the world in the first place when they were incapable of providing them with food and other necessities.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Problem is, these same places with starving children also tend to have poor access to birth control and marginal (if existing) women's rights that put tremendous pressure on women to be baby making machines.


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should rejoice in the suffering?

"I was born to be broken (Broken) Calling, gagging, spitting, falling, bleeding, begging vermin. I exist without purpose (Purpose). Teach me, tell me, push me, hurt me, hit me harder.

Fists fall like rain
On my knees, but I'm not afraid
Cowards die everyday
I'll face the attack
Pressed to the wall but fighting back"

"I am on the brink of destruction
Pushing, pulling, nagging, feeling sweet seduction"

-Otep, Fist Fall

Seems to me, and this is my morbid opinion, we should accept death, suffering, and destruction as a natural part of the Universe and revel in it and accept it so that the catharsis will make is pass, leading us back to creation.


Well-Known Member
My belief is, actually places where there are large concentrations of folks do better, so overpopulation is a proven myth. That was on Stossel the other night. Places like Singapore do quite well because the more people close together, the more sharing of information and the more productivity. As far as Satan goes, I read the book, he loses. But for now we are in a fallen world because of one man's sin which brought death and so death was passed to all of us. But it will one day soon be restored.

12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. Romans 5

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. Romans 8


Premium Member
Then again, that still causes mass suffering. Seems that there isn't much of a way to escape our finiteness.

Life would be rather boring if it just stayed static. Since there is constant destruction with creation makes for an interesting life. Suffering is rather illusory anyway but then so is any emotion or threshold that our bodies think they can't handle. Suffering physical pain is an indication that your cells are dieing which happens regardless.


Well-Known Member
My belief is, actually places where there are large concentrations of folks do better, so overpopulation is a proven myth. That was on Stossel the other night. Places like Singapore do quite well because the more people close together, the more sharing of information and the more productivity.

I don't think you understand the concept of supply and demand... it's not that simple, the results would...no, WILL be massive death tolls as everyone dies off due to lack of resources and food.

As far as Satan goes, I read the book, he loses.

:biglaugh:Do you seriously think I believe in the Christian version of Satan, or anything resembling him in the least?

But for now we are in a fallen world because of one man's sin which brought death and so death was passed to all of us. But it will one day soon be restored.

12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. Romans 5

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. Romans 8

Why should I believe any of this? No really, I want to know why you think I should believe these words to be truth.


Maybe we should rejoice in the suffering?

"I was born to be broken (Broken) Calling, gagging, spitting, falling, bleeding, begging vermin. I exist without purpose (Purpose). Teach me, tell me, push me, hurt me, hit me harder.

Fists fall like rain
On my knees, but I'm not afraid
Cowards die everyday
I'll face the attack
Pressed to the wall but fighting back"

"I am on the brink of destruction
Pushing, pulling, nagging, feeling sweet seduction"

-Otep, Fist Fall

Seems to me, and this is my morbid opinion, we should accept death, suffering, and destruction as a natural part of the Universe and revel in it and accept it so that the catharsis will make is pass, leading us back to creation.

Those of us who can conceive of solutions to the problem of suffering have no compulsion or incentive to embrace it.

I am, of course, talking about avoidable suffering, like compelling women to bear children they can't feed or allowing those children to starve to death, not denying the inevitability of pain and eventual death.

If needless suffering is avoidable, what is to be gained by celebrating it?