I wonder whether atheists are saddened by the fact that certain truths will never be revealed. In life, I mean.
This one isn't. One benefit of atheism is the opportunity to eventually accept and be content with ideas such as that many questions have no answer and others will not be answered until we are gone, that consciousness might end with death and that death is not to be feared, that there is no unseen protector or judge watching over us or giving us commands to obey, and the like.
It is interesting to me, generally speaking, that the theists say they don't know the whole truth now, but will know it eventually, while the atheists think they already know the whole truth because there is no whole truth to be known. One is ignorant, but hopeful, while the other is arrogant, and hopeless.
When a theist tells me that I am hopeless or purposeless because I am an atheist, that is understood to me as he has nothing in his life that that gives him either of these things but his god belief.
It's you who is being arrogant presuming to know what the atheist's inner life is like when they tell you otherwise. You disregard what you read from them, then call them liars when they disagree with you. For example, you wrote, "until you ask any of them to present their evidence for that belief. Then, suddenly, they don't believe that no gods exist, anymore, they DISBELIEVE that any gods do exist. And they all magically become agnostics who don't know what to believe." Here you are telling agnostic atheists that they claim no gods exist despite denying that, then say they change their story when you ask.
you are blindly and illogically assuming that if such evidence exists, you would know of it, and be able to judge it's validity. Convincing you, then, is in fact the criteria that you are holding onto for establishing the existence of God/gods. If you are not convinced, then it must be assumed that no gods exist. Every atheist knows in his heart that this is completely illogical, which is why they try very hard not to actually say it out loud in this way. Yet they do say it all the time in one way or another.
And here you go again claiming that agnostic atheists are lying when they tell you that they do NOT claim that gods have been ruled out.
I think most theists understand that theism is about faith, not evidence and not blind, egotistical proclamations of belief.
Most theists claim to have evidential support for their beliefs probably because they're uncomfortable saying otherwise. Faith is always blind. That's what distinguishes justified belies from faith-based belief. One is evidence based, the other not, that is one depends on the evidence of the senses, and the other bypasses that, hence is blind.
theists CAN logically defend their FAITH (not belief) if they are intelligent enough.
They can say that their faith-beliefs feel right to them or are useful to them as yours has been useful to you, but they cannot defend their god belief according to scientific and legal standards for interpreting evidence and deciding truth.
The other side is lying by omission.
Here you go again. According to you, they're lying because they won't say what you insist they believe.
This is what happens when atheists fall into the constant habit of presuming themselves to be the 'me-judge' of what is and is not "evidence". They become so habitualized to dismissing any evidence that doesn't support their beliefs that they can't see anything else at all, anymore.
You're projecting. It's you that dismisses what you are told when it doesn't conform with your caricature of atheistic thinking.
Very few of us are actually searching for truth. We are searching for more control.
I think you're projecting again. I'm not looking for more control or power. I couldn't use more, whereas your faith is a lifeline for you as you've explained. A great existential threat to you was related to a lack of self-control which you fortunately recovered from with the help of a god-belief. That is what allows you to control destructive impulses, and it's understandable why you value that control and will do whatever it takes to maintain control over those impulses.
Pursuing truth was the path to control of my life. Forming an accurate map of the world with which to navigate it guided me to this time and place. And it was painful at times. Emancipating myself from religion was like quitting cigarettes was. But my new commitment to empiricism over faith as the path to truth demanded it and I was repaid for the effort.
Can you see why I have such a low opinion of this brand of phony atheism?
I understand what motivates your contempt for atheists, which is irrational, but very human. Atheism is a threat to you. Not atheists, but atheism - just like it is to a preacher experiencing doubt - and so you misdirect your insecurity and demean atheists.