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Theists: What would a godless universe look like?

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
What you have given is NOT an explanation of matter/anti-matter asymmetry!
I was distinctly puzzled by the claims made in that post, thank you for pointing out some fundamental issues with what was posted. I hope the poster reads them and re examines some of their understanding of the nature of particle physics and it's processes.
I lazily decided to just post a curt response, that hopefully, shows the poster, the essential unreasonableness of applying Gods to any temporary gaps in understanding.


Well-Known Member
There are various hypothesis for why this is so. The anti matter/matter asymmetry problem.
A challenge to physicists certainly, but the God of the gaps (in knowledge) will not explain anything.
Despite the fact that symmetry breaking is not completely understood, atheists are completely confused about the fact that reality must simulate itself into existence in order to exist first and foremost. And quantum theory does state that each universe must interfere with neighboring universes. Or that sting theory posits 11 dimensions in our universe. This is all far from "magical thinking".

Consider what I wrote when I was in my "great genius" prime, The "Universal Simulation" as I call it:

There is apparently no distinction between physical matter and information at the most basic level of reality (time processes information), of which reality consists primarily of information and cognition or the union by the process of collective consciousness. The universe is running a simulation of it's own contents, think Matrices within Matrices. Reality evolves through time or syntax the way a language would, where the general elements contain the specific. I think of the Spirit of God as a common language collective or whole consciousness which processes and configures itself automatically takes place through all spatial dimensions from 1 to 10, with the ligament of time totaling 11. While nothing is unreal, nothing can be said to be real. Thus we eliminate the untruth of an "external reality" acting outside the mind. Where the universe can be thought of as the mind of God, nothing is not existing on it's own outside the universe. Nothing is defined as unbound telesis or UBT acting freely of information onstraint.


Or this:

There is a language of languages called SCSPL. It stands for Self Configuring, self-processing language. Think of a miniaturized and personalized frame of reality that is a copy of what you capture in perception, whichever concepts you create is interfered by other forces. These we can think of as having a relationship in our minds where psychology is merely the playing field, where psychology and psychiatry are merely the playing fields. There is a balance between each dimension where point becomes circle becomes sphere and trickery acts within reality but tries to appear separately, as information is meaningless without matter we are given already everything we need and any and every extraneous piece of :information becomes as meaningful as nothing.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Despite the fact that symmetry breaking is not completely understood, atheists are completely confused about the fact that reality must simulate itself into existence in order to exist first and foremost. And quantum theory does state that each universe must interfere with neighboring universes. Or that sting theory posits 11 dimensions in our universe. This is all far from "magical thinking".

Consider what I wrote when I was in my "great genius" prime, The "Universal Simulation" as I call it:

There is apparently no distinction between physical matter and information at the most basic level of reality (time processes information), of which reality consists primarily of information and cognition or the union by the process of collective consciousness. The universe is running a simulation of it's own contents, think Matrices within Matrices. Reality evolves through time or syntax the way a language would, where the general elements contain the specific. I think of the Spirit of God as a common language collective or whole consciousness which processes and configures itself automatically takes place through all spatial dimensions from 1 to 10, with the ligament of time totaling 11. While nothing is unreal, nothing can be said to be real. Thus we eliminate the untruth of an "external reality" acting outside the mind. Where the universe can be thought of as the mind of God, nothing is not existing on it's own outside the universe. Nothing is defined as unbound telesis or UBT acting freely of information onstraint.


Or this:

There is a language of languages called SCSPL. It stands for Self Configuring, self-processing language. Think of a miniaturized and personalized frame of reality that is a copy of what you capture in perception, whichever concepts you create is interfered by other forces. These we can think of as having a relationship in our minds where psychology is merely the playing field, where psychology and psychiatry are merely the playing fields. There is a balance between each dimension where point becomes circle becomes sphere and trickery acts within reality but tries to appear separately, as information is meaningless without matter we are given already everything we need and any and every extraneous piece of :information becomes as meaningful as nothing.
The general theory of information states that “knowledge is related to information as matter is related to energy”. So while I disagree with your God addition, I do believe you are fundamentally correct, in that information/knowledge have equivalency to mass/energy, that the universe may be an information processing system.

"As it is possible to see from the discussion above, information is not physical by itself but has a physical representation and, naturally, this physical representation complies with physical laws. This is in good agreement with what Landauer actually wrote and not with his more far-reaching claims. Thus, the physical properties that Landauer and other researchers conjectured, ascribing them to information [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19], are actually the properties of the physical representation of information."



Most likely it evolved within groups of our ancestors - so as to enhance their survival value - given that we can detect the basis for such in other species that similarly tend to live in social groupings. And this then evolving into rules that then were passed on to aid survival. The fact that many species also punish others for infringements of their particular 'morality' also seems to indicate that morality is an evolved system of values.
No non humans punish one another out of principle - it's based on selfish self-existence


And another slur -- at a whole group, yet! Congratulations! Maybe one day you'll get all the way up to slagging the entire human race excepting only yourself. Won't that feel good, eh?

That aside, it truly is a pity that you suppose that anybody who doesn't imagine the things you imagine must -- by definition -- be inferior to you. I suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, they might be better at discernment.
Demons exist - can you perceive that much?


You and other atheists on this forum are not above spouting slurs at theists. But unlike you I don't point fingers. If a theist uses a slur, it is because it is well-deserved. He is defending the righteous whereas atheism, like evil, is blind and beneath the level of anything remotely righteous.
well said


I have read it in its entirety. It is morally appalling, repetitive, and full of propaganda. It is mostly fiction with a smattering of history and a lot of bad poetry.

Have you actually read it from cover to cover? Or have you only jumped around selecting versus you like?
I've read it back-to-back countless times
Maybe you don't appreciate Adam's sin, or why the flood was executed on mankind, or why God wanted to destroy the Israelites in the desert, or why God killed King David's child from Bathsheba, or why the Israeli Monarchy was split in two, or why the Northern tribes were sent into exile, or why the Judean kingdom also went into captivity, etc....

No one loves their neighbour as themselves, including you and I, and worse, no one loves God with all their hearts, mind and soul - man deserves what punitive measures God exacts on his creation


Of course I have. Usually it means that they either spend way to much time praying and do not doing anything useful OR it means that they are following some pleasant fantasy and ignoring reality.
since the majority of the earth's population has always been spiritual, how do you explain such an absurdity coming from stardust and protoplasm - what other creatures are so irrational?


And basing beliefs on evidence as opposed to vague desires seems a good method.

I prefer to not make a conclusion until the evidence is conclusive. For the most part, that is why I don’t believe in deities. I’m sure Abraham’s religion is wrong. Some version of pantheism might be right. Some type of multiverse might be right.
All men do not share the same abilities of perception and wisdom - how do you fare?


if that is your idea of love, then I want no part of it. Compassion on the part of the Biblical God? Show me one place.

God has the morals of a spoiled 2 year old throughout the Bible. Any time people question anything, He goes off the deep end an smites everyone.
Grace and Salvation through Jesus Christ!
...it's a shame that you don't recognize your own sins enough, in order to perceive God's mercy


Well, my verbose friend, haven't heard from you for a while until now, ...not sure whether to rejoice or lament....

That wasn't claimed. His words were, "My beliefs are bolstered by empirical evidence and extensive evidence." Nevertheless, it seems imminently sensible to NOT believe insufficiently evidenced claims, and treat that which cannot be detected the same as the nonexistent.
All men are not equal as far as perception and wisdom is concerned - many detect things that others don't, and can interpret a situation better than others. You atheists keep appealing to evidence, when the irony is that the spiritual realm is right in front of your face, and you blatantly state that you can't see it
if intelligence is knowing how to get what you want, wisdom is knowing what to want to be happy. Are you happy? You don't seem happy. You seem agitated. And you seem to spend a lot of time thinking about things that aren't real. When I was a believer, thousands of hours and dollars were consumed supporting that belief. That ended up being wasted time and wasted money.
Time will tell...
Are you a typical example of that humility? I also consider worship, which is also a childlike mental state, something we can outgrow, and as a free, autonomous moral agent and citizen with guaranteed personal freedoms, beneath my dignity. My spiritual connection is directly with nature and involves no spirits and no worshiping - just respect and a warm sense of connection, belonging, mystery, awe, and gratitude for nature. That might have been over YOUR head. Can you conceive of spirituality without spirits?
Well, there you have it - the man who demands evidence, based on his perception, of course, has induced that the plants, rocks, and jellyfish hold the key to contentment, edification and serenity.

Ever seen a tornado or hurricane, or its effect? Ever been bitten by a scorpion or man-of-war? Ever tried explaining your girlfriend/wife issues to a mosquito? Ever been sick or unhealthy? You believe that symbiosis with the material realm will end the wars, hate crimes, rape, deceit and abuse, and all the wickedness in the world?
Or do the words 'morality', 'righteousness', 'justice' or 'love' even exist in a pantheist's dictionary?

No, there is no spirituality without a spiritual source to endow men with such a comprehension, obviously - speaking of childish....


I’m pointing out how to read any book. The Bible is, of course, several books put together. At the very least, each book should be read in its entirety before starting another.

It would also be instructive to read the books in the Bible in chronological order of when they were written, but often that isn’t known in detail.
You're preaching to the choir - what's your point?


Veteran Member
And, in my mind, it isn't evidence at all. If it wouldn't be good evidence if used for Bigfoot or for a subatomic particle, it isn't good evidence.

Are you saying that it is not evidence or that it is not good evidence?

It might be personal opinion, but that isn't a good reason for *other* people to believe.

My personal opinion is not a good reason for other people to believe and your personal opinion on what constitutes evidence or good evidence for God and what does not, isn't a good reason for others to believe you.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Evidence? ...your perception and interpretation is in question
Then give your evidence. I can test my lack of perception by looking at whether those who believe in a supernatural are consistent about details. They are not, which shows they are not actually perceiving things.

This, by the way, is the same way Dalton figured out he was color blind. He saw others make color distinctions he did not perceive and they were consistent between themselves.

No such consistency is found among theists.