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Theists: What would a godless universe look like?


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
I've already proven that the universe is an information processing system above. Now prove otherwise.
No, you made that claim, but it was based on some basic misunderstandings. In reality, the universe is not even close to being a mind,

That said, the only theism I could see as reasonable is pantheism. But I don’t think the facts support it.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Not even one just like this, but without the flesh-eating bacteria? What does it add to the goodness of the universe that you don't think we'd be better without it?
In this wonderful universe, anything that is possible, is probable, somewhere it will exist, if it can exist.

From our perspective, flesh eating bacteria are bad, however, they are not objectively bad in any way, they are innocent of all wrongdoing or crime.
They are a manifestation of biologic possibility, just like you and me.
In the circle of life, bacteria are foundational to our global ecosystem, without them, the world would be awash with un decayed death for one.
Not all of them are beneficial or harmless. Why would they be?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
"The fool says in his heart there is no God"
Have you seen the rest of that scripture? "The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good." This is scripture, and very foolish - equating unbelief with corruption and the inability to do good. It's pure bigotry. This is the kind of comment that can be used against the religion that promotes it. Imaging reading that about any other class of law-abiding citizens. Christians are corrupt and not one does good.
I've already proven that the universe is an information processing system above.
You don't seem to know what proof is. Proof is that which convinces, not whatever words one chooses to write and call proof. You've convinced nobody. Others will tell YOU when you have proved something to their satisfaction.
Evil, and the embodiment of such, is real. Just look at yourself.
The evil I see is an ideology that teaches people to think like that. Polymath is a kind, gentle, benevolent person trying to educate you and others. Somebody taught you that because he disagrees with your theology, he's evil, you've accepted that, and now write defamatory comments about his character. THAT'S the evil here. You've become a vector for a malicious ideology. And where did you learn that? Look at the scripture above. You've been taught that and believed it. Let's look at a few more pearls from the "good book":

[1] "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good" - Psalm 14:1

[2] "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." - Revelation 21:8

[3]"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"- 2 Corinthians 6:14

[4] Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ." - 1 John 2:22

[5] "Whoever is not with me is against me" - Luke 11:23

So what does this book teach people about unbelievers? Altogether, these "holy" words (they call the book that contains those words holy) depict unbelievers as corrupt, vile, wicked, abominable, godless vessels of darkness in the service of evil, not one of which does any good, to be shunned, fit to be burned alive forever as enemies of a good god, and the moral equivalent of murderers and whoremongers.


Then give your evidence. I can test my lack of perception by looking at whether those who believe in a supernatural are consistent about details. They are not, which shows they are not actually perceiving things.

This, by the way, is the same way Dalton figured out he was color blind. He saw others make color distinctions he did not perceive and they were consistent between themselves.

No such consistency is found among theists.
God exists, and He is holy - that's unanimous amongst theists.
They all recognize the spiritual warfare that takes place in every human's mind.
They all agree that something cannot come from nothing.
Each theist asserts that man is created in the image of God - spiritual endowment
They all accept both the teleological and cosmological arguments

Therefore, i have no idea what you're talking about in regard to lack of consistency?
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"Imagine days filled with beauty, love, self-respect, the respect of others, and leisure while remaining free from anxiety, fear, shame guilt, boredom, loneliness, and physical suffering. Imagine a day filled with nice things to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel, and with stimulating things to think about and things to smile and laugh about. Those are good days."

To make that happen, assuming that there is a path to that or toward that, you must begin by examining the "plants, rocks, and jellyfish" and everything else out there you encounter. Learn which plants are spices and which are poison ivy, and use that information to build a savory, welt-free world for oneself.
Is the below statement a contradiction of the above?
No. I don't expect any of that to end until man evolves sufficiently or goes extinct. I believe that humanism with its utilitarian ethics and rejection of faith for reason is the best answer to mitigating those things that we have or will ever have.
Either way, the top paragraph is the quintessence of naiveté and ignorance - demons exist in this world, and they will never let two people get along with one another. One of those demons is Donald Trump, for the sake of argument - an absolute trouble maker.
In other words, go up to any gang-banger, drug dealer, or porn start, and cite to them your top paragraph - they'll either laugh you out of town, or punch you in the face.

You're dreaming, a childish and foolish dream.

God is real, and will come down like a hammer upon all of us. Only those who repent will receive mercy - just barely making it out unscathed from God's wrath.
I haven't got a clue as to how the such flaky nonsense that you're espousing, has any semblance to life .


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
The earth's a cesspool ...which makes you part of the problem, if everything seems hunky dory to you.\
I was responding to your comment that "demons exist." Whether they do or do not, you can't make a case that whatever cesspool you're wallowing in is the work of demons. And since I've never, ever said "everything seems hunky dory" to me, the rest of your commentary is just gratuitous insult. In fact, I'm beginning to see that as something of a favourite with you, so perhaps we're beginning to discover the origins of that cesspool after all.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Is the below statement a contradiction of the above?

Either way, the top paragraph is the quintessence of naiveté and ignorance - demons exist in this world, and they will never let two people get along with one another. One of those demons is Donald Trump, for the sake of argument - an absolute trouble maker.
In other words, go up to any gang-banger, drug dealer, or porn start, and cite to them your top paragraph - they'll either laugh you out of town, or punch you in the face.

You're dreaming, a childish and foolish dream.

God is real, and will come down like a hammer upon all of us. Only those who repent will receive mercy - just barely making it out unscathed from God's wrath.
I haven't got a clue as to how the such flaky nonsense that you're espousing, has any semblance to life .
Given how you appear to perceive the world -- and your God -- it's really, really hard to fathom why on earth you'd think yourself religious.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The earth's a cesspool
Did your religion teach you that as well? I only ever read words like that from Abrahamic theists. How unfortunate to be burdened by so much negativity.
the top paragraph is the quintessence of naiveté and ignorance - demons exist in this world, and they will never let two people get along with one another.
I described a good day and described the path to arranging one's world to maximize their number, and that's ignorance to you.

There are no demons in my world, which is not a cesspool. Those last comments are yet another of the unfortunate beliefs your religion saddles those adherents who will believe it with. Remember Pascal's Wager - that there's no cost to believing in his god if you're wrong? Pascal was wrong. You experience your world as a cesspool filled with demons in which nobody gets along and the happiness I described seems like "flaky nonsense" to you. My world is very different.
God is real, and will come down like a hammer upon all of us. Only those who repent will receive mercy - just barely making it out unscathed from God's wrath.
That's for believers to worry about, as well as towing the line on sin, avoiding hellfire and demons, and not offending your god. In the meantime, I'm anticipating a very nice day. I know. How naive and ignorant, right?
I haven't got a clue as to how the such flaky nonsense that you're espousing, has any semblance to life .
Yes, I know, and as I indicated, that's unfortunate.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Is the below statement a contradiction of the above?

Either way, the top paragraph is the quintessence of naiveté and ignorance - demons exist in this world, and they will never let two people get along with one another. One of those demons is Donald Trump, for the sake of argument - an absolute trouble maker.
In other words, go up to any gang-banger, drug dealer, or porn start, and cite to them your top paragraph - they'll either laugh you out of town, or punch you in the face.

You're dreaming, a childish and foolish dream.

God is real, and will come down like a hammer upon all of us. Only those who repent will receive mercy - just barely making it out unscathed from God's wrath.
I haven't got a clue as to how the such flaky nonsense that you're espousing, has any semblance to life .
Given how you appear to perceive the world -- and your God -- it's really, really hard to fathom why on earth you'd think yourself religious.