I’ve been reading through a couple of threads, and I see that it is said that there is no evidence for a god, it’s an unfalsifiable idea. We all agree on this? If you don’t, care to explain the evidence there is for god?
I’m in agreement. I used to believe my personal experiences to be subjective evidence for god, but I know now that’s not the case. I am not a theist anymore because I recognize I was a Christian thanks almost completely to my environment. That’s why I believed. I was brought up in it. Wasn’t because of any proof or anything,
So, theists, why do you believe? Is it mainly because of your environment and geographical location? There is no proof for god (right?), so what logically keeps you believing? Or is logic not supposed to be a factor when it comes to faith? Is it too jarring, the idea of leaving the comfort that religion and belief in a god brings?
I am curious about personal evaluations on why you believe. It can’t be because of logic, as there is no proof of god, right?
The problem is Atheist uses a more rational observational criteria for proof of God; cause and effect, such as pray and God appears for all to see. But God never shows up. On the other hand, it uses a more empirical approach for things like evolution; lower form of science.
Let me level the playing field. We will put God in a black box. We need to keep the black box shut ,therefore, we may never see God, but rather we will need to infer the nature of God via inputs and outputs. Since we do not open the black box God is real and not real; Schrödinger's cat. The black box science is not about seeing but correlating. We will draw the curve last.
One such output effect, that is classically associated with God are miracles. The Catholic Church, alone, has 10,000 Saints, which to be a Saint one needs to perform two miracles, that have to be confirmed by a panel of experts, which can take years. There is a least 20,000 such data points for the black box approach to God.
Like evolution we can then catalog these past miracles and show occurrences. However, neither black box approach can predict the future; the next miracle or the next species. The Black box has to say closed in this type of science approach.
In terms of fairness, how about we use the rational standard, that is required for proving God, and see if it will prove or disprove evolution. We will assemble a large number of observers in a room, and tell the evolutionary scientists, on stage, who believe in evolution, make it evolution, in front of us, so we can all see and confirm. Nobody has done that yet. The same is true of God. It is not an, on demand, thing.
The fact that Atheism tries to rig the game; rational for God versus black box for Evolution, adds hope since even what is considered science uses the black box and has faith in their black box theory; belief in things not seen alive. Fossils in terms of God, could be an old Egyptian tomb of a Pharaoh, since the Pharaoh was seen as a god. We have evolution and God bones, but lack real time data on demand. The higher rational standard still eludes both God and Evolution. Do we keep both, or get rid of both, since both correlate only empirically.