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THERE Is no super being i will tell you why


Well-Known Member
then logically you can't conclude that you can know absolutely that one does not exist.

I find that most atheists are simply disbelievers in the god concepts they are aware of. Generally this is the big religions that get "press coverage"... god concepts like the one I hold are often so alien that they can't grasp that what I believe in is ... god/Creator.
Hence all the whinging about "why would god let bad things happen"....

Would you mind starting a thread focused on your view of God? I think you are selling your atheist bretheren a little short here. :)


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Imagine for a moment that someone precious in your life has cancer and is going to die a slow painful death. Also imagine that you find out that a doctor has developed a cure for that cancer. Finally, imagine that this doctor has decided to come and watch your loved one die and will NOT give you the cure no matter how you beg and plead. Please come up with 3 or more words that describe this doctor.

Only need one:


Death is a part of life. We all gotta go sometime.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps this "love" is not a love that we can readily appreciate. Unknowable God and all.
Kind of like liver pate'? An acquired taste?
"You know Bill, the first 4 times God did not prevent one of my children from stepping on a landmine, I really didn't care for his "love". But NOW, I've grown to like it! In fact, I'm moving the family soccer field to the mine field. There's no love like God's love!!!"


Well-Known Member
Just a thought but . . .maybe reasons for what we see as suffering in the world are beyond/outside our human understanding, in other words we can't see the big picture.
I see. So there may be a larger plan where allowing children to be crippled by landmines is actually a good thing.... Possible I suppose.

Of course a simpler explanation would be that this all-powerful, all-loving God concept is pure nonsense. I don't know. Let me pull up some more pictures of 8 year old amputees and get back to you.


Well-Known Member
"When God created us He wished to create a true covenant and create a true bondage of love. Love is not true love if it is forced. For that reason we were given free will, to choose to do what was right and love God, or to choose to do what wasn't right. From there arises the possiblity of evil."

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen said something kind of like that.
Yet the vast majority of pain and suffering are not caused by man's actions. Natural disasters....disease...famine....flood.. God could prevent these occurences, yes?


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
I see. So there may be a larger plan where allowing children to be crippled by landmines is actually a good thing.... Possible I suppose.

Yes. The infants who die of AIDS learn a valuable lesson. They learn...uhhh...well they learn.....someone help me out here.

Why are you blaming God for man's mistakes? God did not give the kids aids. The promiscuous parents did. If they got it from blood transfusion than the promiscuous blood donor is at fault. God did not plant the land mines nor make the children walk over said land mine. Man (I am guessing army, drug dealers, etc) planted the land mines, therefore any loss of life or limb they are responsible for. You have the right to be angry, but it is at your fellow man you should be pointing the finger at, not God.
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It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Really? You think such a doctor would be an OK guy? Are you being honest here?

Not saying he would be an Ok guy. But if there is nothing I can do to convince him otherwise, then what else can I do? Other than make my relative's passing comfortable as I can while spending as much time with them as I could.


Well-Known Member
Why are you blaming God for man's mistakes? God did not give the kids aids. The promiscuous parents did. If they got it from blood transfusion than the promiscuous blood donor is at fault. God did not plant the land mines nor make the children walk over said land mine. Man (I am guessing army, drug dealers, etc) planted the land mines, therefore any loss of life or limb they are responsible for. You have the right to be angry, but it is at your fellow man you should be pointing the finger, not God.
The argument is not that God "DID" these things (although a strong one could be made in that direction). The argument is that He COULD HAVE PREVENTED THEM AND DID NOT.

The physician analogy earlier in the thread illustrates this.
  • Someone discovers a compound that would cure all forms of cancer with no side effects
  • That person lets everyone know he/she has discovered it
  • That person also declares he/she will NOT share this discovery with the world.
  • That person also decides to go to as many cancer wards as he/she can, including pediatric cancer wards, to watch patients die of the disease he/she has a cure for.
Such a person would be pilloried by the public. What could be more evil than this?


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
The argument is not that God "DID" these things (although a strong one could be made in that direction). The argument is that He COULD HAVE PREVENTED THEM AND DID NOT.

The physician analogy earlier in the thread illustrates this.
  • Someone discovers a compound that would cure all forms of cancer with no side effects
  • That person lets everyone know he/she has discovered it
  • That person also declares he/she will NOT share this discovery with the world.
  • That person also decides to go to as many cancer wards as he/she can, including pediatric cancer wards, to watch patients die of the disease he/she has a cure for.
Such a person would be pilloried by the public. What could be more evil than this?

So in your opinion God should walk around holding our hands making sure we do not get hurt at all? Even if we hurt ourselves because of our own ineptitude's? Does not work that way. God is not a vending machine, and He certainly is not our baby sitter. As for the physician, if I ask for his help, offered to pay for his services and he still refused, then I have done all I can do. I cannot make him save my loved one. Luckily I am the nice one in my family. My younger brother ....... well ....... he would give the doctor a new meaning of the word pain.


Well-Known Member
As for the physician, if I ask for his help, offered to pay for his services and he still refused, then I have done all I can do. I cannot make him save my loved one. Luckily I am the nice one in my family. My younger brother ....... well ....... he would give the doctor a new meaning of the word pain.
Why would your brother do such a thing? Has the physician done something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Why are you blaming God for man's mistakes? God did not give the kids aids. The promiscuous parents did. If they got it from blood transfusion than the promiscuous blood donor is at fault. God did not plant the land mines nor make the children walk over said land mine. Man (I am guessing army, drug dealers, etc) planted the land mines, therefore any loss of life or limb they are responsible for. You have the right to be angry, but it is at your fellow man you should be pointing the finger at, not God.
Why do you suppose God created the AIDS virus to begin with?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Would you mind starting a thread focused on your view of God? I think you are selling your atheist bretheren a little short here.
I dunno'... you'll likely say I don't believe in god at all... or that my view of god is "so thin as to be meaningless".... but I suppose if you like.



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Says who? The God of the Bible says, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay", the Islamic God goes further and permits humans to take proper retaliation. In Christianity, vengeance is God's privilege.

I don't care. I propose that any religious text that has God taking vengeance or telling his people to take vengeance is the product of mankind alone.

Especially since Biblically speaking, vengeance is contradictory to turning the other cheek and loving your enemy as your neighbor.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
This comparison is flawed. If I dedicated my life to doing nothing but stopping child molestation, I would barely make a dent by the time I died. Meanwhile, God supposedly could stop it all in an instant with a thought. Not exactly the same thing, wouldn't you say? You see, I am not capable of stopping the vast majority of evil things that happen in the world. God is supposedly capable of stopping them all in an instant.

I find it interesting that Christians use the argument "why should God be good if we are not?" They seem completely willing to accept a demonic God and act like it is God who should measure up to OUR standards of behavior and not the other way around.

Why do you think I used the plural "we"? Obviously no one person has the power to stop even a single molester. We'd all have to work as a team. And, of course, humanity doesn't like that. We prefer to not have to worry about things unless it directly affects us. I'm guilty of this, too, by the way.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Really? Is God alive? Will there be death in heaven?

Life is limited to the mortal realm. God may be conscious but it does not live.

I know nothing of the afterlife. BTW, I'm really liking the Vedic idea of reincarnation, anyway.
I see. So there may be a larger plan where allowing children to be crippled by landmines is actually a good thing.... Possible I suppose.

Of course a simpler explanation would be that this all-powerful, all-loving God concept is pure nonsense. I don't know. Let me pull up some more pictures of 8 year old amputees and get back to you.

I'm not saying that it isn't bad from our physical point of view after all we are all wrapped up in it. But our view isn't necessarily the only view maybe there is a wider more complete view.
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Super Universe

Defender of God
If there is a god why was my sisser sexualy mollested at a young age if there is a god why did god make it so i have no breaks in life why dont i have a any friends when i am nicest guy you will meet. If there is a god why do million innocent babys die everyday for no damn reason. Why did god make people not have friends and not be able to get a girlfriend why did god make it so people cant walk what is the point of that give me a good explaination

There is a God.

Your sister was sexually molested because another person made a selfish choice.

You have "breaks" in your life, maybe not the ones you want but then it's not about you.

Why don't you have any friends? Not enough info provide for me to tell you.

Why do millions of babies die everyday? Well, only 150,000 people die each day so your estimate is way off but people die because the body is supposed to fail in order to release the soul.

Again, it's not about what you want, it never was. If you are not happy with the universe then create your own.