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"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."


From the perspective of a person who appreciates balance, I celebrate stupidity from any perspective. It's important that all perspectives match one another in their efforts to appeal to the lowest common denominator, since these are the people that can be influenced by such things as bus advertisements.

So, if the theists are advertising on buses (Jesus wept!) the atheists must also advertise on buses. Otherwise our world is out of balance. I'm only glad Dawkins is doing it so I don't have to.


Out there...
It's a great booster for theism. As word spreads that even atheists can at best say that God "probably does not exist.." many may well start asking: what if he does?


Let's go racing boys !
It's a great booster for theism. As word spreads that even atheists can at best say that God "probably does not exist.." many may well start asking: what if he does?
:rolleyes: hmmmm, Yes, what if He does? ;) Can't we enjoy life either way? :D


Will to love
It's a great booster for theism. As word spreads that even atheists can at best say that God "probably does not exist.." many may well start asking: what if he does?

Good point. :D

I think if Dawkins is a true believer and wants the most impact for his advertising dollar, he'd be better off with "God is dead." It's catchier and more certain. You wouldn't want to plant any doubt in the minds of impressionable young atheists.


The Devil's Advocate
"There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."

My God stands on the side of justice. The things I worry about are whether or not people are suffering needlessly due to unjust social practices and institutions. And the only hell that I'm worried about is the one we create by injustice.

I don't care one way or the other about: "There's probably no God."

It's the "Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." part that bugs me. What a condescending and myopic statement.


Well-Known Member
There's probably no God. (its sad he has to say it like this to avoid hate mail)

Now stop worrying and enjoy your life. wait wait what my worrys came from wheter there was a god or not? why didn't anyone tell me .
ps what makes them think i wasn't enjoying life regardless of it?

but i must admit it takes balls to take on religion knowing that he has no chance for victory, only a draw


I think it's marvelous. I'm proud to see advertisement used for displaying personal messages. I think we all should put aside a bit of our income and get our opinions plastered on the sides of public transportation vehicles and billboards (if we're too good for the spray-paint, that is).


How about a generic one that says...

"Believe or Not Whatever You Want WITH PRIDE!"

Then people could wear ribbons in their own favorite color.

Mine would be purple of course.


Godless Skeptic
There's probably no God.

Repent and turn to God or you will burn in hell.

God is watching you.

It seems we have a lack of a common definition here. What I want to know is--Who?


Active Member
I don't like this kind of approach. Sounds like a big waste of money to me. Here in Texas we had these "God Billboards" popping up everywhere which I, along with many of my Christian friends thought they were ridiculous and in some cases downright awful:

YouTube - Conversations With God....

Haven't seen any recently thank goodness.


The Devil's Advocate
I don't like this kind of approach. Sounds like a big waste of money to me. Here in Texas we had these "God Billboards" popping up everywhere which I, along with many of my Christian friends thought they were ridiculous and in some cases downright awful:

YouTube - Conversations With God....

Haven't seen any recently thank goodness.
lol! I love those, they're funny! :p

Us UUs have terrible ads. For example:

"When in prayer, doubt." :cover: :areyoucra :cover:


Active Member
Interesting. One of the first things I picture Jesus saying at the Second Coming is something along the lines of "stop worrying and enjoy your life." That's kind of how the Mormon scriptures portray him.

Where God is not
anything is permitted
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

the term "atheist bus" makes me laugh for some reason, hehe. :D
Ha! It makes me think of The Who. Threepence and sixpence each day!


Great idea , if it makes people think then great ,

when my son keeps asking why, why, why over just about everything ,i repeat a line from the film Higlander which goes "Why does the sun come up" yesterday he responded with God makes it, i said how do you know that ? he said they told us at school.i have yet to make some discreet enquiries.

so yes i am all for it


Well-Known Member
It is a pointless waste of money. The atheists are going to look at the sign and agree, while the believers will be offended and probably stage a bus boycott. I have learned, as an agnostic, that no amount of debate or statements are going to change anyone's belief system. One has to take the reign of one's own life...I have wasted part of my life away trying to convince people of what I perceive to be truth, which may not really be the truth to begin with.

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
It is a pointless waste of money. The atheists are going to look at the sign and agree, while the believers will be offended and probably stage a bus boycott.

I don't think it's a waste of money for an idea like this, but I do think they could have made the phrase a little less...harsh? I say harsh because, from some religious people's perspective, I think they'd be really offended just by "there's probably no god." I don't think that's a good way to offer an alternative viewpoint, by starting out like that. I don't know what but there are probably some better words that could have been picked for the whole thing. At least something thought-provoking?