If a guy is homeless and can't feed his family because he gambled away all his money, is that a punishment? If a teenage skateborder attempts a reckless move and breaks his arm, is that a punishment? If a person gets cancer from decades of heavy smoking, is that a punishment?
No, its not. What you're talking about is a punishment however. Here in this part you're talking about consequences not enforced by anyone, unlike what we're talking about.
Consequences are different than punishments. Leaving a man you've injured for dead is a choice deserving of a consequence in my mind.
He's already suffering consequences for that, and according to what Lawerence wants to do he will go through more. You're however talking about whether or not he should suffer certain consequences. Certain consequences enforced by society, which is a punishment. Not saying i object to the idea of punishment, just that its exactly what you're talking about, not consequences.
Even what Lawerence wants to do is punishment, which is fine of course. He is however aiming for a possibly less destructive one.
What that consequence is shouldn't be Lawrence's (the victims) choice, it should a matter for a judge and jury of his peers.
We simply disagree on that entirely then. Not saying it should be totally up to Lawerence, but that the victim most definitely should have a say, and a very important one, in my view. That say isn't limitless or independent of certain factors however.
My mom once hit a cat with her car. She stopped and cried over that cat's body and then went over to the neighbors house and confessed to accidentally hitting that cat. The point is that my mother showed more care for that animal than this fellow did for another human being... I think he deserves to answer for this.
Shoot, a cried over a bird that swooped in front of my car and got hit while I was driving down the highway. I had a dog run right out in front of me once and I hit it and immediately stopped my van and got out to check on it. It had quickly scampered back to its doghouse and I spoke to the owner. I can't even fathom hitting a person and not stopping. Hell, I've stopped to check on a cat that got hit by another driver. How can someone NOT stop when they hit a person?
Whatever emotion that was winning over the guy at the moment, it certainly wasn't compassion. We already know that much, and we already know that what he did was terrible.
However just because a person can't imagine themselves doing that thing doesn't mean that the criminal in question is inhumane. Obviously Lawerence understands, and so do i for example (NOT excuse, just understand).
So again i think its just a matter of the crime committed, the history of the criminal, the law and the victim.
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