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This & That: The Reflections of Allfoak

Eliab ben Benjamin

Active Member
Premium Member
My Eternal Soul :
Job ii. 9:
"And I am a wanderer, changing place after place and house after house."
Fragments of a Faith Forgotten: The Gnosis According to its Foes: The Docetæ

My Eternal Soul Is the offspring of Mother/Father God.

Wonderful pages and insight :)


There is a place from which all things emerge.
This is a place where division has no part.
It is a place where:

1Cor. 6: 9-10
Don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God's kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality,
no thieves, greedy people, drunkards, verbally abusive people, or swindlers will inherit God's kingdom.

Rev. 21: 6-8
He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.
Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

This is the reason (one way of explaining it), that many cannot understand the things i say.

Those that receive higher vibrations are those living at an higher octave.
they are the same words the mystics have been speaking as far back as Adam.
"If you want to know what i know you must do what i do."
It is also the words of Jesus.
Lk. 9: 23-24
And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.…

And many, many others.

I wish to share the things i know but it often angers people.
In the past it was a death sentence.
In the future it may still get me killed.

I apologize to those i offend and thank those who are willing to speak up and say that they know these things as well.
The right to speak the truth is a gift that is quickly passing away and becoming the need to defend the truth.
The understanding of what truth is and where it comes from has been kept from the average person.
Those that do know are manipulated and coerced or killed.

We all have the right to be who we want to be as long as we give everyone else the same right.
This is the dance of life, the sacrament of sex and should not be allowed to be infringed upon.
The Wu Li Master dances with his student. The Wu Li Master does not teach, but the student learns. The Wu Li Master always begins at the center, the heart of the matter...[2]
The Dancing Wu Li Masters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is at issue here is the key of knowledge.
There is more to "mankind" than "science" or "government" would have us believe.
We are not just flesh and bone.
Nor are we just a name or a number.
We are body, soul and spirit.

"Man Know thyself"
is the "key of knowledge,
is the sacrament of sex,
is the dance of life.
It is the natural and inalienable right of man to know and express himself.



What? Me worry?
Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan's Teachings

There is no need for us to say anything about others. There is no need for you or for me to regard other's actions in our thoughts one way or another. The worst thing we can do is to force people to agree with us. I mean that we shouldn't try to impose our will when people don't behave the way we want them to. The worst thing one can do is to confront human beings bluntly. A warrior proceeds strategically. If one wants to stop our fellow men one must always be outside the circle that presses them. That way one can always direct the pressure.


We should all strive for impeccability.


Everyone knows and no one knows.
Some claim to know and others claim it is impossible to know.

This is what i know.
I know when i am in agreement with someone we are one.
I know when i am having a disagreement with someone we are divided.
I know that i feel better when i am not divided.

Unity begins within.
If i don't feel good when i am divided i should strive to be one with my surroundings and i will feel better.
Seems to make sense to me.
When i begin to do this, everything begins to change.

I do mean everything, if everyone began to think this way even a message board like this would have to change its focus or go away.
When one starts to understand who they are the idea of debate becomes foolish.

When I begin to understand that everyone is at a different stage of truth rather than one being right and the other being wrong, my focus changes and I begin to realize how little I really know.
Judgement and criticism of others begins to fall away and empathy becomes the dominant motivator.

When I begin to conquer the division within myself, and actually experience unity, only then do I begin to learn anything of any real value.

Any experience that I have with a human being or anything else in creation is for my benefit and should be approached with humility and thanksgiving, not with the idea of divide and conquer.

What i learn in life is truth, what you learn in life is truth.
I can't teach you what you have to learn for yourself, nor can i learn from you, what i must ultimately learn for myself.
When I can really grasp this, i will begin to listen more and teach less.
Through empathy i will begin to learn the truth of others and use this to change myself.



What? Me worry?
Everyone knows and no one knows.
Some claim to know and others claim it is impossible to know.

This is what i know.
I know when i am in agreement with someone we are one.
I know when i am having a disagreement with someone we are divided.
I know that i feel better when i am not divided.

Unity begins within.
If i don't feel good when i am divided i should strive to be one with my surroundings and i will feel better.
Seems to make sense to me.
When i begin to do this, everything begins to change.

I do mean everything, if everyone began to think this way even a message board like this would have to change its focus or go away.
When one starts to understand who they are the idea of debate becomes foolish.

When I begin to understand that everyone is at a different stage of truth rather than one being right and the other being wrong, my focus changes and I begin to realize how little I really know.
Judgement and criticism of others begins to fall away and empathy becomes the dominant motivator.

When I begin to conquer the division within myself, and actually experience unity, only then do I begin to learn anything of any real value.

Any experience that I have with a human being or anything else in creation is for my benefit and should be approached with humility and thanksgiving, not with the idea of divide and conquer.

What i learn in life is truth, what you learn in life is truth.
I can't teach you what you have to learn for yourself, nor can i learn from you, what i must ultimately learn for myself.
When I can really grasp this, i will begin to listen more and teach less.
Through empathy i will begin to learn the truth of others and use this to change myself.


And everyone has to find their own truth.


Reason and intuition are opposites and should be used together.

Intuition uses emotion as it's guide and reason the physical senses.
It is at our own peril that we let one dominate the other.


It is the space created from the use of the two together that we are after.
Oneness, unity, peace.


There is Me, Myself and I.
Me is my body consciousness.
Myself is Me's source.
I is Spirit, the I Am.

Me is made of a bunch of what amounts to false personalities.
These personalities are forever trying to assert themselves and make the claim that they are authentic and there is nothing other than them.
They are to be tamed and used for the purpose of expanding Myself.

Myself (My Soul) is my true self and only asserts itself when invoked.
It is made of all the lifetimes i have ever lived and knows all and sees all things from the proper perspective.
Myself is always available and desires Me to look to it for everything Me needs.

I, never asserts itself and is the place that all exists.