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Those who believe there is no God live by faith

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Well-Known Member
What do you think that atheism promotes? The only thing that I can think of is rational thought. And from reading your posts you do appear to oppose that. If you could reason rationally you would understand that no faith is needed to be an atheist.

If your not sure I suggest you visit these sites for an explanation of what Athiesm promotes...

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,

Encyclopedia Britannica,

Merriam Webster dictionary,

Dictionary.com ,

Encyclopedia of Philisophy,

International Stantard Bible Encyclopedia,

Cambridge Dictionary,

Your Dictionary,


Someone who believes in Atheism?

Merriam Webster dictionary

Hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
3rdAngel said: Either way a belief that is not supported by evidence is based on faith.
Your response...
You made a jump here. Before, you wanted *conclusive* evidence, not just 'beyond a reasonable doubt' or even 'majority of the evidence'. There is certainly evidence against the existence of a God given the *lack* of evidence when such evidence *should* exist.

There is no jump as both are beliefs one in God and one that God does not exist. I would argue that there is evidence for the existence of God. The lack of evidence is simply that a lack of evidence nothing more and nothing less and does not prove anything.

Proof only exists in mathematics and alcohol. But you can have high degrees of confidence based on evidence or lack thereof.

"DITTO" The lack of evidence is simply that a lack of evidence nothing more and nothing less and does not prove anything except something cannot be proven of not proven.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Sure I would love an honest discussion. You haven't provided one. Your also the one that said in your own words that you do not believe there is a God and you do not believe in the existence of God not me. Then claimed you said no such thing. Then when your own words were posted back to you saying you do not believe in God or the existence of God word for word you back step and part apologize. It seems to me you do not know what you believe or what you post IMO. Nothing personal. It is just that your sending out mixed messages.
Please both you and I knwo that you have been the dishonest one. Try again.


Well-Known Member
1. If one does have no evidence that there is no Thor, does that mean that Thor does not exist?
2. I believe there is no planet closer to the sun than Mercury...is that a religion also? No.
3. Not having a belief in a god is not the same as believing there is no god.
4. Faith should have absolutely nothing to do with knowing what is true.

Sorry Milton heard it all before. I do not know anyone that has made a religion of Thor and has claimed that Thor has revealed himself to them. This is simply not a comparison to those all through time that claim that God has revealed himself to them and to 1/3 of the worlds population today that believe God has revealed himself to them. To all these people the evidence is in God's revelation to them. For those who do not believe in God or god's this is simply a belief that is based on faith that has no evidence just as religion IMO. Having no belief is also simply a belief that does not prove that there is no God or that God does not exist. It is as it is no belief one way of the other. Thanks for sharing. :)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I am sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about or how what you have posted here addresses what you are quoting from. :)
Of course you have no idea. You do not understand or ignore corrections. Until you start paying attention you will merely repeat errors.


Well-Known Member
One third of Irish people believe leprechauns exist
In any case, are you seriously suggesting that the more people believe in something, the more likely it is to be true?

Well obviously a joke after reading your link quite funny. Maybe explained perhaps ny 1/3 of the Irish population getting drunk :).

But to your question no. Simply stating that sometimes what people believe is based on what they experience in their lives. As a Christian I believe that God reveals himself to us if we call on him, although this cannot be proven to those who do not believe in God or His Word so it is a belief by faith just the same as those who do not believe in God base their belief.


Well-Known Member
I believe in the Flying Squirrel that brings me happiness each day when I leave a steak out overnight for him.

I do not know of any religions or people that believe in flying squirrels or any groups of people that have seen them. I would suggest you visit your doctor as soon as possible :). (joking).

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No, let's hear some of your claims. You rarely understand the sources that you link to at any rate.

Besides promoting rational thought what do you think that atheism promotes?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There is no jump as both are beliefs one in God and one that God does not exist. I would argue that there is evidence for the existence of God. The lack of evidence is simply that a lack of evidence nothing more and nothing less and does not prove anything.
Nope, sorry that is wrong. You did not understand your own sources again.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Ok if that is the case we are best off hearing them from you :)
Like I said, you do not pay attention. Twice I told you the only thing that I know of that atheists promote. You are once again caught with your pants down. You made a claim that you know that you cannot support so you are trying to shift the burden of proof.


Well-Known Member
No, I have repeatedly demonstrated that you have no clue. Tell me what sect of Christianity allows one to break the Ninth Commandment?
Perhaps you should look up the meaning of what it means to lie before accusing others of it? It seems you do not know what it means. Your the one who claims you do not believe in God or the existence of God not me :)


Well-Known Member
Like I said, you do not pay attention. Twice I told you the only thing that I know of that atheists promote. You are once again caught with your pants down. You made a claim that you know that you cannot support so you are trying to shift the burden of proof.

I pay attention very well thanks. I see you need to pull your pants up. You were the one who said you do not believe in God or the existance of God not me. Then you called me a liar for calling you out. I just simply provided the links to what you said :)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Perhaps you should look up the meaning what it means to lie? It seems you do not know what it means. Your the one who claims you do not believe in God or the existence of God not me :)

And I already explained to you that the Ninth Commandment is not a ban on lying. Please read it. It is a ban bearing false witness against your neighbor. That does not necessarily mean lying. If you say something against your neighbor that is false, even if you believe it, that is bearing false witness. Perhaps we need to break it down for you?
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