Your kind of repeating yourself here without addressing what was posted to you. I think what you have missed here is that the point is that they do agree. This is what I am indeed claiming all these people (reference to christianity) all collectively agree on common basic points in which God has revlealed himself to them personally. Yes there is some variation in regards to scripture doctrines (this is not shift in evidence) and this is not in reference to the overall basic view in common to the collective witness that God has revealed himself to these people.
But restricting to only Christians is unreasonable when a great many other people also claim to have experienced a deity. So, people who are Muslim, or Hindu, or Zoroastrian, ALSO claim to have experienced God and their experiences are counter to those experienced by Christians.
And those differences bring into question the whole category of 'God experiences'. Focusing on just one group is begging the question.
Furthermore, Christians do NOT all agree. From the very earliest times of Christianity, there have been multiple competing doctrines. For example the Nestorians don't accept the Nicene creed.
Once again this is simpy your opinion you cannot prove. You have no evidence that someone has not had an experience with God, you simply do not know. Just because people can train themselves to beleive things does not mean 1/3 of the world's collective witnesses of God have trained themselves to do so or all those those throughout time in every generation since the beginning. Without any evidence you cannot prove your claims. It is simply your opinion. What if your opinion is wrong? For those people that believe God has revealed himself to them it is personal evidence of God that cannot be explained, and then there is the world-wide collective witness, which provides further evidence that this persons experience is not an isolated case.
And once again, given the ways we *know* people can delude themselves and the techniques we *know* work for self-delusion, and the fact that this capability of the human mind universal, we have to ask whether self-hypnosis is a more reasonable explanation that an otherwise un-evienced deity. And, given the metaphysical baggage of a deity, it is clear that almost any natural explanation is preferable to one involving a supernatural.
I am sure you have. As I posted earlier if you cannot test the plausability and assumptions of a mathamatical model it does not mean there is true, but at the same time it does not mean they are not true based on the assumptions that are being used. They are simply a guide nothing more in regards to possible correctness of a hypothesis. Even the multiplication of the numbers within the model not being precise I think is a given but that does not mean the models being used cannot give us an overall view or estimation of probability IMO. It is to this I am refering to.
Perhaps you do and that is your opinion that you have no evidence for therefore a belief that you have faith in. It does not mean your view is true. I would say your view is simply propaganda for somthing you cannot prove because you have no evidence that this is true to the collective. I see a lot of truth in that scripture "the fool says in his heart there is no God" because it is something that cannot be proved by those who believe there is no God despite the evidence of the personal experiences of the collective witness and life.
I'm sure you do. That is your self-training to see such. But, you also have to admit that there is a LOT of foolishness in those who believe in deities.
I am sorry that is not the way to find and know God. According to the scriptures the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God For it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness. There is no way to test for God if God does not want to be known yet he reveals himself to those who seek him. Your statemen is also not true in relation to experimentation why can also start with an hypothesis that is either proven or disproven based on scientific experimentation that provides quatified evidence based on statistics. That said even here the outcomes of each experiement and hypothesis is only as good as the next experiement and which can prove the previous experiment and hypthesis wrong at any time. The point being here, how do you test for God. If this could be done I am sure it would have been long ago. The fact remains though this is something that cannot be explained within science and there is no way to test for God or no god. Therefore all that remains are hypthesis that cannot be porven or not proven (scientifically speaking).
And if there is no test for the existence, then the existence has no effect (otherwise there would be a test) and the difference between existence and non-existence is irrelevant.
Why is it that the non-existence of a God is always at least as good of an explaantion of any phenomenon as the existence?
For me I would disagree and argue that the lack of evidence is simply that. A lack of evidence. It does not prove or disprove God only leaving behind theories and beliefs that cannot be proven - faith hence the OP.
I am only one person that has had my experience with God but I a part of the collective witness of those who have had similar experiences with 1/3 of the current worlds population and those all throughout time in every generation since the begining of time. My personal experience your not able to understand as it was given to me personally as all the others of the colelctive witness. No one will ever find God I believe by trying to ask for evidence of God when it is all around you. In the days of JESUS the JEWS always asked him for a sign (miracle) they they may believe he was the Messiah or Son of God. Yet according to the scriptures he was going miricles and signs all around them that they simply choose to close their eyes to in order not to believe because they had no intention of believing no matter what. Even if definitive evidence of God was provided today people would simply find some way to show it is not evidence at all in order not to believe. So it is today and so it will be tommorrow until God chooses the day he will reveal himself to all mankind. At that time however it will be too late to all those who had the chance to seek him and believe but choose to deny him and his Word.
I think there is some problem with the bottom sections formatting of your post in the bottom section Poly, just letting you know. Anyhow thanks for sharing your view
That those who do not believe cannot see is, for me, sufficient evidence of self-delusion. In every other area of study, the evidence is used to convince those who disbelieve. If it isn't sufficient to do that, then it is considered to be poor evidence.
It is clear you are convinced of the existence and I am convinced of the non-existence of, at least, the Abrahamic God. Because of the lack of evidence, and the extent to which people can fool themselves, I think the conclusion of non-existence is more likely, by far, than the existence.
Scripture were, as I see it, writings of people trying to promote a certain power structure starting around 800BC. Of course they would criticize anyone who disagreed with them. Of course they would condemn anyone outside of their group. So, of course, they would say what they did about atheists (and pagans, and others). It is all a type of propaganda from what I can see.
You can hold your breath for God to reveal himself. For me, that seems as likely as that the king of leprechauns will reveal himself.